Definition Word Picture/Illustration

Salinity is the saltiness of the
ocean. Salt is heavy so it sinks
and the deep ocean is much
saltier than the shallow parts.
The weight of the water above.
Pressure goes up as you get
deeper. That means there is low
pressure in the shallow areas.
Energy that moves through the
water or on top of the water. As
a wave gets near the shore it gets
taller depending on the amount
of energy it has and the slope of
the bottom.
Currents run like rivers in the
ocean because warm water rises
and cold water falls. As the
waters change temperatures and
positions they create currents of
moving water.
Water Pressure
The position of the earth and
moon effects the tides. The
moon’s gravity pulls on the
water and changes the tides
according to the distance the
moon is away from earth.
The shore is where the land
meets the water. It is often
sandy from the constant
weathering of rock. Sand is
tiny bits of rock.
A part of the land that sticks
out into the water. It is often
made of rock that is much
harder than the surrounding
land so it is not weathered and
eroded as fast.
When the tide goes out, pools
of water are left behind and
many sea creatures can be
found in them.
A man made structure that
helps prevent erosion at the
shore by stopping or slowing
the waves.
S Contained
Underwater Breathing
This stands for elf
A man made machine that is
able to go to great depths to
study the ocean. Some carry
people in them and some do
Tide Pool
Uses sound waves under the
water to locate items or map
the ocean floor. It sends a
signal out and the time it takes
the reflected sound to come
back determines the distance.
A process that takes the salt
OUT of salt water. Humans can
not drink salt water so this is
useful if there is no fresh water
The continental shelf is the flat,
shelf like area near the
The Continental slope is where
the land goes steeply down
from the shelf to meet the rise.
It’s the steepest part.
Continental Shelf
Continental Slope
This is where the Abyssal plain
starts to rise up- its no longer
flat as you head towards the
shore from the middle of the
The very large and flat area at
the bottom of the ocean. It is
very deep.
Continental Rise
Abyssal Plain
This is a deep groove or cut in
the ocean floor usually where
two plates meet or are
Mid-Ocean Ridge
This is where two divergent
plates are moving away from
each other and many volcanoes
erupt creating a line of huge
underwater mountains.