3. Index Models Chapter 10-11 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Factor Models Reduces the number of inputs for diversification. Easier to map risk sources Easier for security analysts to specialize Single factor model ri = E(Ri) + ßiF + e ßi = sensitivity of a securities’ return to the factor F= unanticipated factor movement (factor is commonly related to security returns) Assumption: a broad market index return is the common factor. 10-2 Single Index Model (ri - rf) = Risk Prem a i + ßi(rm - rf) + ei Market Risk Prem or Index Risk Prem ai = the stock’s expected return if the market’s excess return is zero (rm - rf) = 0 ßi(rm - rf) = the component of return due to movements in the market index ei = firm specific component, not due to market movements 10-3 Risk Premium Format Let: Ri = (ri - rf) Rm = (rm - rf) Risk premium format Ri = ai + ßi(Rm) + ei 10-4 Security Characteristic Line Excess Returns (i) SCL . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excess returns . . . . . . . on market index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ri = a i + ßiRm + ei 10-5 Using the Text Example from Table 10-1 Jan. Feb. . . Dec Mean Std Dev Excess GM Ret. 5.41 -3.44 . . 2.43 -.60 4.97 Excess Mkt. Ret. 7.24 .93 . . 3.90 1.75 3.32 10-6 Regression Results rGM - rf = a + ß(rm - rf) a Estimated coefficient -2.590 Std error of estimate (1.547) Variance of residuals = 12.601 Std dev of residuals = 3.550 R-SQR = 0.575 ß 1.1357 (0.309) 10-7 Components of Risk Market or systematic risk risk related to the factor (market index) Unsystematic or firm specific risk risk not related to the factor Total risk = Systematic + Unsystematic i2 = i2 m2 + 2(ei) where; i2 = total variance i2 m2 = systematic variance 2(ei) = unsystematic variance 10-8 Examining Percentage of Variance Total Risk = Systematic Risk + Unsystematic Risk Systematic Risk/Total Risk = 2 ßi2 m2 / 2 = 2 i2 m2 / i2 m2 + 2(ei) = 2 10-9 Index Model and Diversification RP a P P eP N P 1N P i 1 N a P 1 N a P i 1 eP 1 2 p N N e i 1 P 2 P2 M 2 (e P ) 10-10 Risk Reduction with Diversification St. Deviation Unique Risk 2(eP)=2(e) / n P2M2 Market Risk Number of Securities 10-11 Industry Prediction of Beta Merrill Lynch Example Use returns not risk premiums a has a different interpretation a = a + rf (1-) Forecasting beta as a function of past beta Forecasting beta as a function of firm size, growth, leverage etc. 10-12 Multi Factor Model Returns on a security come from two sources Common macro-economic factor Firm specific events Possible common macro-economic factors Gross Domestic Product Growth Interest Rates Use more than one factor in addition to market return Examples include gross domestic product, expected inflation, interest rates etc. Estimate a beta or factor loading for each factor using multiple regression. 10-13 Multifactor Model Equation Macro factors Ri = αi + BetaGDP (GDP) + BetaIR (IR) + ei Ri = Return for security i BetaGDP= Factor sensitivity for GDP BetaIR = Factor sensitivity for Interest Rate ei = Firm specific events Portfolio return factors (Ri – Rf) = αi + BetaMKT (RM-Rf) + BetaHML(RHML) + BetaSML (RSML) + ei 10-14 Multifactor SML Models E(r) = rf + BGDPRPGDP + BIRRPIR BGDP = Factor sensitivity for GDP RPGDP = Risk premium for GDP BIR = Factor sensitivity for Interest Rate RPIR = Risk premium for GDP 10-15