Civil Rights Movement Let’s Review Jim Crow Laws!

Civil Rights Movement
A movement for racial and gender ______________________ between the _________ and
Let’s Review
STOP!!! Write down two things you remember about Jim Crow Laws!
Plessy vs. Ferguson
 Supreme Court case in __________
 Decided that ______________________________________________________ was
During the Civil Rights Movement people fought to get rid of _____________________ and
Early Attempts to Fight Segregation
 Great Migration – During the 1920s, African Americans moved to the _____________ in
search of better ______________ (in the South jobs were scarce and low paying)
 WEB DuBois created the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
o This group fought against ____________________________
 1948 President Truman _____________________________ the military
Major Events from the 1950s
1. Brown vs. the Board of Education (1954) – Supreme Court case that decided “_________
_____________________________________________” was NOT constitutional
 This required schools to ______________________________________
 However it took years for some schools to desegregate.
“We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place.
Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
2. Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) – Montgomery, Alabama
 Boycott – to __________ buying a product or using a _______________
 African Americans were not allowed to _________ in the ______________ of the bus
 __________ ____________ started this movement – she refused to give up her seat to a
white man
 African Americans ______________________ the city’s bus company, which caused the bus
company to lose money
Martin Luther King Jr.
 _______________ Rights _____________________
 Encouraged _______________________ _________________________ against segregation
(____________________ actions against segregation)
 Organized boycotts and marches
Leader of the ____________________ _________ _____________
Major Events of the 1960s
1. Sit – Ins: a type of _______________________ _______________________
 1960 – Woolworth’s Drug Store (North Carolina) 4 African American college students sat in the
“______________ ____________” section of the diner and refused to move
 This started the “________ _______” movement in the South to desegregate
2. Freedom Rides (1961) – blacks and ________________ rode busses protesting bus segregation
 Freedom Rides were peaceful until South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi – here the riders
were __________________ and ______________________
How do you think people reacted to the news?
3. March on Washington (1963) – Thousands protested in ___________________________ for
equal rights in ________________ and ________________________ for all
Martin Luther King Jr.
 Gave his famous “_____________________________________________” speech in D.C.
during this protest (1963)
 Martin Luther King Jr. was _______________________________ in TN in 1968
VICTORY at Last!
 Civil Rights Act 1964 – ended __________________________ practices in all areas of
____________________, hiring, _______________________, and public places
 Voting Rights Act 1965 – Ended discriminatory _____________________ practices
STOP! What were the two discriminatory voting practices we talked about?
Many argue that the movement is not over and still continues today