FITT PRINCIPLE APPLIED TO THE COMPONENTS OF FITNESS F FREQUENCY CARDIO RESPIRATORY ENDURANCE I INTENSITY T TIME T TYPE HOW LONG 60 + Minutes HOW HARD HEART RATE: Level 4 Intensity Sweating Breathing Rate Amount of weight # of Reps/ Sets Distance of stretch “Feel” of stretch HOW MANY DAYS A WEEK 5-7 Days a week MUSCULAR STRENGTH OR ENDURANCE 20- 30 Minutes FLEXIBILITY 30-60 Seconds per stretch 2-3 Days a week 2-3 Days a week Stretching There are two types of stretching we use in PE class. The first is, Static Stretching. This is when you stretch your muscles from a stationary position (either seated or standing). Some examples of static stretches we do are below: The second type is, Dynamic Stretching. This is when you are stretching the muscles while in motion. Below are some examples: