If you stretched after a long exercise session, the spasms could be due to overuse of your muscles that may not cease even with stretching. If you have been sweating profusely or have not had anything to drink in some time, these can be contributing factors to your muscle spasms, meaning the stretching did not trigger the spasms. However, if your muscle spasms are very severe, do not go away with time or continue for a long time period, you should seek a physician's evaluation. Your muscles typically contract and release as you move them. However, when a muscle spasm occurs, it is due to a muscle contraction that occurs when your muscle tightens without your brain telling it to You shouldn't use the maximum tension of muscles when kicking to prevent tearing the supporting leg You should dynamic stretching instead Such bad overload in stretch very important for for training plan very important for for training plan very important for for training plan get your muscle tensioned when stretching STATIC (isometric) vs PASSIVE Static stretching consists of stretching a muscle (or group of muscles) to its farthest point and then maintaining or holding that position, whereas Passive stretching consists of a relaxed person who is relaxed (passive) while some external force (either a person or an apparatus) brings the joint through its range of motion. very important for for training plan very important for for training plan All joints Included As Straight arm to handstand As straight arm stretches for planche (specificity) After doing static stretches with few seconds to five minutd you can't doing maximum speed of a workout People often confuse ballistic stretching with dynamic stretching. While both techniques involve movement during the stretch, they are different. Dynamic stretching doesn’t push muscles past their normal range of motion and there is no bouncing or jerking involved.