Crash Course: Christianity

Crash Course: Christianity
1. Jesus was born _______________________ and grew up in the Jewish tradition.
2. Christianity, as well as the other western religions, is _____________________. This
is a belief in only one true god.
3. _____________________________________ was born in the Roman province of
Judea, and spread his message of peace, love, and justice.
4. The ________________ have Jesus crucified because he was a threat to their
authority, and their polytheistic beliefs.
5. People believed that Jesus was the _______________________, or the son of
God. During their time of trouble, the Jewish people believed a savior would
come to them, and that Jesus was that savior.
6. The Romans continued to suppress the Jews and treat them unfairly, so the
message of _______________________ became popular.
7. The Jewish people needed unity, and the Apostles of Jesus decided to open
up their religion to non-Jews, causing Christianity to become a
8. Saul, who later became known as ____________________, sent letters to Jesus’
followers throughout the Mediterranean, causing Christianity to spread.
9. Roman religion did not offer any sort of ________________, while Christianity did.