The Rise of Christianity Christianity’s Jewish Roots

The Rise of Christianity
Christianity’s Jewish Roots
Rome had conquered the Jewish ______________________ in 63 B.C.E.
– Where is Judea?
Many Jews hated being under Roman rule and sought out ways to secure
___________ from foreign rulers
Sacred Jewish writings promised a _______________ who come and free
Life of Jesus
____________– accounts of Jesus’ life written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
– 1st four books of the _________________________
Born in _________________ and raised in ________________
– Father, Joseph, was a carpenter
– Not much known about life before preaching
– Celebrate birthday as Christmas
Teachings of Jesus
Preached ___________, ______________, coming of God’s kingdom
– Delivered teachings using ________________: stories with morals
__________________________ became most famous
– Asked people to _____________________________
– To live ________________________
– “________________________”
Had 12 ________________ as his followers
Some Jewish leaders angered by his teachings
– Also upset that some called him the Messiah
Review Questions:
What did some Jews believe the Messiah would do?
What form did Jesus’ teachings often take?
Jesus – A Threat to Rome?
Claim that Jesus was Messiah was direct threat to Roman rule
– Power and authority of _____________________ came into question
During Passover, Jesus had criticized the running of a temple
____________________ appointed by Rome arrested Jesus and turned him over to the
Romans for punishment
Death of Jesus
Brought to trial before ____________________
– Called for execution by ____________: hanging on a cross
until suffocated
– Buried in tomb, but on the third day some followers claim
that he had risen from the dead
___________________: return to life
– Account of this proved to some followers that he was
– Followers believed Jesus gave his life to create new world
– In this new world, _________________________
The Early Christians
First disciples were Jews, also known as ______________
– Wanted to _____________________________________
Early church stressed sharing ____________, meals, and practicing _______
– All members were equal including women
– This greatly appealed to women, slaves, and the poor
Romans leaders ignored Christians at first
Spread of Christianity
Christianity becomes separate from Judaism and starts to attract many____________ (nonJews)
One of the first ____________ (a person who spreads faith by converting others) was Paul
– Had _________________________
– _________________ and the Roman ________ aided in his travels
Paul’s Influence
Started many new churches
Wrote ___________ to the churches explaining Christian beliefs
– These letters became part of New Testament as ___________
– Wrote that Christianity removed __________________________
• Jews, Greeks, slaves, man, woman are “all one in Christ Jesus”
– Eventually persecuted (opposed or harassed) by Roman emperor Nero and died in
A Christian Threat to Rome?
Romans did allow other religions in empire
But became alarmed at rate of ____________ becoming _____________
– Some said didn’t have to worship emperor
– Appeal of women, slaves, and the poor also alarming
– Thought God’s kingdom implied an ______________________
Started persecuting Christians
– Some hid in ____________ (underground cemeteries with secret passages)
– Many Christians died at hands of Romans
_________________ became emperor in 306 C.E.
– At first allowed _________________ of Christians
During battle for leadership in 312 C.E., Constantine prayed for
– Said he saw __________ in sky and prediction of win
– Had soldiers put _____________________________
– Constantine won the battle that day
Legalization and Adoption of Christianity
Constantine ended persecutions
_________________ (312 C.E.) made Christianity a ________ religion within the Roman
Constantine had churches built, and made ____________________
Didn’t formally convert to Christianity until he was on his death bed
Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the ________________________________ in 380
Structure of the Church
______________________________ run local parishes
Obeyed ______________: local church leaders
Christian church was all Roman Catholic until the 1500s
Much later, __________ bishop becomes ________: the most important bishop
Created _________________ – religious rites like baptism and communion
Power of the Church
Christianity becomes very wealthy and ______________
The Church became the source of _____________________
Loyalty to the Church became ___________________ than loyalty to empire
– Aides in the decline of the Roman Empire
Essential Questions:
1. How did Christianity build on Jewish beliefs?
2. Who was Jesus and what did he do?
3. What did Jesus’ disciples do after his death?
4. What was Rome’s attitude towards Christianity in its early stages and how did it change?