1. This was the written legal code and the basis for Roman law
a. Twelve Tables
2. This was the official language in Rome
a. Latin
3. Holy book of Christianity
a. Bible
4. This person became dictator for life
a. Julius Caesar
5. Romans adopted the religion from this early group
a. Greeks
6. Series of wars fought between Carthage and Rome
a. Punic Wars
7. Carthage is located on what continent
a. Africa
8. Changed his name when he became emperor and led Rome into a time of peace
a. Octavian Caesar
9. Famous doctor who wrote medical work
a. Galen
10. A place where you would go to worship the gods
a. Pantheon
11. The new capital of the empire named after an emperor
a. Constantinople
12. Body of water surrounding the Italian peninsula
a. Mediterranean
13. Type of government where you elect leaders to represent you
a. Republic OR representative democracy
14. Wealthy, aristocratic landowners who held most of the power
a. Patricians
15. Romans adopted the arch and alphabet from this early group
a. Etruscans
16. This person served during a time of crisis
a. Dictator
17. Eventually became the official religion of the empire
a. Christianity
18. A time of 200 years of peace and prosperity
a. Pax Romana
19. The year in which the Western part of the empire collapsed
a. 476 CE
20. Only the strongest slave would become this – Spartacus was an example
a. Gladiators
21. Who made Christianity the officially religion
a. Theodosius
22. Caesar, Pompey, & Crassus made up this group
a. 1st Triumvirate
23. The Plebeians were parts of this assembly
a. Tribal Assembly
24. This helped to link the empire together – very important for trade
a. Roman Roads
25. The Romans got their language from this early group that settled along the Tiber River
a. Latins
26. These two, according to legend, established Rome – JC claimed to be descendants of them
a. Romulus and Remus
27. Mountains to the north of Italy which served as a natural barrier
a. Alps
28. Romans gathered here to discuss politics and daily events – also served as an open market
a. Forum
29. Two officials who served one year. They commanded the army and directed the government
a. Consuls
30. 90% of the economy was based on this in Rome
a. Agriculture
31. Octavian, Lepidus, & Antony made up this group
a. 2nd Triumvirate
32. Chariot races were held at this location
a. Circus Maximus
33. What was the center of society in Rome
a. Family
34. He wrote the Aeneid, a famous epic poem, similar to Homer and the Odyssey
a. Virgil
35. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam share this same belief – which is one God
a. Monotheism
36. This is where gladiators would fight in a large arena
a. Coliseum
37. The bottom of the social hierarchy – they made up 1/3 of the population and were not citizens
a. Slaves
38. The estates built by wealthy Patricians
a. Latifundias
39. Famous astronomer/mathematician
a. Claudius Ptolemy
40. Eastern part of the empire became known as this
a. Byzantine Empire
41. Transported water throughout the empire
a. Aqueducts
42. Part of society who were the farmers, merchants, and workers
a. Plebeians
43. Form of government under Octavian
a. Empire
44. Huns, Franks, Visigoths are examples of this
a. Invaders
45. Apostle who spread Christianity – never met Jesus
a. Paul
46. Carthaginian soldier who was known as the father of strategy
a. Hanibal