1 Quarter “Essential Student Skills” Set 2015-2016 Team Members: 

Team Members:
1st Quarter “Essential Student Skills” Set 2015-2016
Cynda Douglas (team lead)
Trisha Kwong
Stephanie Lima
Stephanie Smith
Megan Richard
Below is a list of skills that will be the focus of the entire 10th grade English team’s classes. Each
teacher will design and implement assessments to demonstrate and monitor the following skill sets
for every student:
Literary Skills:
 Annotating:
o making personal connections
o predicting
o inferring
o identifying main and supporting ideas
Identifying Author’s Purpose & Style (diction, voice & syntax)
Identify Literary & Poetic Terms:
o Characterization
o Conflict
o Setting
o Theme
o Symbolism & Motifs
o Tone & Mood
o Point of View
o Imagery
o Simile
o Metaphor
o Personification
o Alliteration
o Assonance
o Consonance
o Foreshadowing
o Allusion
o Connotation vs. Denotation
Writing Skills
 Plan/Organize Writing
 Thesis Statements
 Assert. Illustrate. Analyze.
 Commas & Semicolons