3 Q. Essential Skills: English Team 10

3rd Q. Essential Skills:
English Team 10
Below is a list of skills that will be the focus of the entire 10th grade English team’s classes; bolded terms are
new for Q3. Each teacher will design and implement assessments to demonstrate and monitor the following
skill sets for every student:
Literary Skills:
 The team will continue to use annotating to
form and support arguments/discourse
o Socratic Seminars
o Fishbowl Discussions
o Other Informal Assessments
Identifying Author’s Purpose & Style
(diction, voice & syntax)
Identify Literary, Poetic, and Dramatic
o Characterization
o Conflict
o Setting
o Theme
o Symbolism & Motif
o Tone & Mood
o Point of View
o Imagery
o Simile
o Metaphor, Extended Metaphor
o Personification
o Alliteration
o Assonance
o Consonance
o Foreshadowing
o Allusion
o Connotation vs. Denotation
o Hyperbole
o Irony (verbal, situational, dramatic)
o Paradox
o Dramatic Terms: Aside, Soliloquy,
Monologue, Catharsis (this will
extend into 4th Q. for some teachers)
Writing Skills
 Plan/Organize Writing
 Thesis Statements
 Proper Paragraph Structure
 TAG (Title. Author. Genre.)
 MLA format and in-text citations
 Commas, Semicolons, and Colons
 Subject/Verb Agreement
 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers