A community outside of but near a larger city Suburb . A sheltered place along a coast where boats can be docked Harbor A city and its suburbs together Metropolitan area AND . The line at which the Piedmont plateau and the Coastal Plain meet and waterfalls form at rivers Fall line Form HERE A cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches on plants or trees Foliage A inland waterway dug across the land that makes it easier for large ships to travel Canal Of a city Urban To travel a distance each day from your home to your work Commute or or A part of an ocean or lake that cuts deeply into the land Bay Trees whose leaves change color in the autumn. Broadleaf Having thin needlelike leaves that do not change color in Autumn Needleleaf A chain of mountains with rounded peaks that run along the eastern coast of the United States. Appalachian Mountains A kind of hard rock used to build monuments and buildings. Granite A place where stone is cut or blasted out Quarry