WHI: Roman Republic Prezi Notes Name: …After the Punic Wars Between 230 and 130 BCE… What does Rome control? What is “MARE NOSTRUM”? Why does the size of an empire matter? Political Effects of Expansion 1. 2. a. Example of corruption – Economic Effects of Expansion Where did the rich landowners live? What happened to the small farmers? Describe the relationship between the rich and the poor – Social Effects of Expansion Spartacus Who? What? When? Results? VIDEO NOTES: Slaves – Gladiators – Spartacus – …After the Slave Revolts The Gracchi Brothers – Who were they? What did they want? What happened to them? WHAT WILL REFORM DO TO THE REPUBLIC? …After the Reformers JULIUS CAESAR VIDEO NOTES: Early life – Military life – Political life – Plan for power – 1st Triumvirate: Who will Julius Caesar turn to? What were his successes? The Crossing of the Rubicon What happens to the Triumvirate? What does the Senate decide? What happened to Pompey? …After Caesar defeats Pompey 47BCE – 45BCE – Why is this significant? Reforms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . The good? The bad? Why is Julius Caesar assassinated? VIDEO NOTES: ...After Julius Caesar dies 2nd Triumvirate Who makes up this Triumvirate? Accomplishments: 1. 2. 3. End result? What happened to the 2nd Triumvirate? Who becomes emperor? o Augustus Caesar – Appointed o o o Big Deals Major Result Problem What is his new name?