Name: _______________________________ USVA History Civil War notes – part 2

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Civil War notes – part 2
Political Problems
o Neither side was completely _______________
o There were Confederate sympathizers in the North and Union sympathizers in the
o Created 2 problems:
o How should they handle the _________________?
o How do they ensure a steady supply of ___________________?
Dealing with dissent
o Lincoln dealt with disloyalty with ______________
o Confederate ______________ in the North were jailed without a
 Lincoln _____________________ the writ of habeas corpus (court order
that requires that a person be brought before the court to determine why
they are being jailed)
o Others were ________________ to the South
o Those arrested included “___________________” or Northern Democrats who wanted
peace with the South
o Lincoln set a _____________________ of expanding the powers of the executive branch
during wartime or for “________________________________________”
Jefferson Davis at first __________________ Lincoln’s suspension of civil liberties but soon
followed in Lincoln’s example
Group in TN burned down a vital railroad bridge and Davis ordered them to be executed
______________ certain people in the army-Became important because of heavy casualties and
deserters among volunteers
Confederate States drafted men 18-35 (later raised in 1864 to 17-50)
Wealthy draftees could hire ___________________ to serve for them
Planters that owned 20+ acres were exempt
“rich man’s ___________, poor man’s ________________”
Almost ________% of able-bodied Southern men served
Union men 20-45 years old were drafted for a 3 year period
Allowed ___________________
Could pay $_________________ to avoid conscription
Bounties were paid to volunteers-92% of the army (many African American)
Draft riots broke out in the North
Poor white workers believed that if they fought to free slaves, the slaves would come
______________ and take their __________- ______________ the draft
African-Americans in War
o Began to fight for the Union after the Emancipation Proclamation
o By the end of the war almost_________% of the Union army was African
o Participated in about ______________battles
o Served in _____________ regiments commanded by ____________ officers
o Couldn’t rise about the rank of ______________________
o Only received $________ /month and no clothing allowance (whites had
$_________ /mo and $3.50 clothing)
o Mortality rate was high because of disease from labor duty and treatment from
Confederate soldiers
 Wounded weren’t ___________ and most were _______________
o Some slaves were forced to fight for the _____________
Slave Resistance in the South
o ______________________ army would __________________ the plantations and slaves
sought safety in the North
o Those that stayed on the plantation had little supervision and didn’t work and even
sabotaged the plantation
o Others would kill the white master’s ___________________
o Led to generalized feeling of ______________
 Many whites began to realize that slavery was ______________
Southern Economy
Faced ______________________ of food and men
Men were fighting and dying
Yankees were occupying food growing areas
Had no slaves to work the fields
o __________________________ to work, fled or been liberated
o Food shortage caused _____________________
o Union _______________ let to shortages of other items and wouldn’t allow
___________________ trade
o __________________________ IS SHATTERED!
Northern Economy
o Woolen mills, steel factories, coal mines and other _________________ experienced
growth b/c supplies needed for war were in high _____________________
o ___________________ couldn’t keep up with the work and white men lost their jobs to
free blacks, immigrants, women, and young boys
o Could be paid _______________
o Congress wanted some of the ___________________ for the US gov’t and collected the
first __________________________ in 1863
Life of a Soldier
o ___________________ was very common
o Lived in filthy camps, ate little food, and didn’t have the
_______________________ technology to fight diseases
o No garbage disposals or __________________
o ________________ soldiers ate beans bacon and hardtack (hard biscuit)
o _________________ ate “cush”- stew of small beef and cornbread mixed with bacon
Civil War Medicine
o US set up the __________________ Commission to teach soldiers how to avoid polluting
the water supply
o Clara Barton worked on the _______________ pulling bullets and dressing wounds
o “_______________ of the Battlefield”- especially courageous in _____________
Prison Conditions
Prison conditions were terrible
o Andersonville, GA was the __________________
o _____________________ prisoners to _____________ acres (34 sq ft/ person)
o No _____________ for shelter
o Drinking water was from a stream that also served as a ______________
o Northern prisons weren’t much better
o Had barracks, some food and more space
o Many southerners died b/c they weren't use to the ________________
Gettysburg- Background
o Dec. 13, 1862- Lee’s troops ___________ a bloody battle at ____________________
o May 1-4, 1863, Rebels _________________ the Yankees at Chancellorsville, VA and the
Union army retreated
o Stonewall Jackson was mistakenly ___________ by his own troops and
_______________ on May 10
o After these 2 victories, the Confederates needed _______________ and desperately
wanted to win at _________________ in Northern territory
o They heard of shoes and supplies at __________________ and went in search of
A.P. Hill led his troops and met up with Lee’s troops
Both Lee and Hill continued towards the town of Gettysburg and ran into the Union Cavalry led
by John Buford
Buford had established defensive positions on the hills and ridges
Gettysburg- Day 1
Hill’s troops approached from the west and fighting began with Buford’s troops on July 1, 1863
Reinforcements arrived with 90,000 Yankee troops and 75,000 Confederates on July 2
Union Armies under Gen. George Meade began to fall back because of the furious Rebel assaultConfeds took control of town
However, Lee knew he wouldn’t be successful unless the Confederate Army forced the Yankees
to yield their position on Cemetery Ridge, the high ground south of Gettysburg
Gettysburg Day 2 (July 2)
Lee ordered Gen. James Longstreet to attack Cemetery Ridge
Longstreet advanced from Seminary Ridge through a peach orchard and wheat field that stood
between them and Union troops
A Brigade from Alabama attacked the hill at Little Round Top but were defeated by Union
troops led by Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain
Union forces lost 1/3 of their brigade and were running out of ammo when Chamberlain ordered
them to charge the Confeds
Confederates surrendered
Gettysburg- Day 3 (July 3)
Lee ordered an attack on the middle of the Union lines
For 2 hours fire rang out and could be heard as far as Pittsburgh
Longstreet thinks he has weakened the Union forces and orders men under Gen. Pickett to march
across the battlefield and attack the center of the Union line (known as Pickett’s Charge)
Union reloaded and decimated the Confeds who fled fearing counter-attack
Lee sent Cavalry led by Gen. James E.B. (Jeb) Stuart to try and surprise Meade and meet up with
Stuart stalled however because of battle with Robert Gregg
Lee gave up hopes of invading the north and returned to VA
Depressed, he resigned but Davis wouldn’t accept it
Gettysburg overview
____day battle left __________________ Union men and _______________ Confeds. killed or
Bodies everywhere!
Lee continued to lead his men for the next 2 years of the war, but the Confederacy was
_______________ able to recover from the losses at __________________
o One of the 2 remaining Confed. _______________ along the Mississippi River
o Spring 1863, Grant sent a _______________ to destroy rail lines in central Mississippi to
draw attention away from Vicksburg
o 18 days later they took the MS capital, Jackson
o On July 3 (same day as Pickett’s Charge) the Confederates __________________ to
o 5 days later the last Confederate holdout on the Mississippi fell and the South was
split in 2
Gettysburg Address
o November, 1863 a ceremony was held to dedicate __________________ as a cemetery
o ______________ gave the famous “Gettysburg Address” which reunited the US
 describes the war as a struggle to __________________ a nation that was
dedicated to the proposition that “_________ men are created equal” and
that gov’t was “of the people by the people and for the people”
The Confederacy wears down
o Lose a lot of __________, _____________ and _____________ at Gettysburg
o Morale and support are being lost in many __________________ states
o Confederacy breaking down
o March 1864, Lincoln appoints ______________________________________________
as commander of all Union armies
o ____________________ appoints William Tecumseh Sherman as the commander
of the __________________ division of the troops
Grant v. Lee
o Grant focuses on weakening the Confederates led by Lee in ________
o North could spare and replace _____________ but the South ____________
 Union lost __________________ men between May 4- June 18, 1864
(7,000 in 1 hr at Spotsylvania)
 Confeds lost ___________________ in same time period
Sherman’s March
o Sherman moves in on ______________________
o He and his troops were able to overtake the city but were quickly surrounded by
___________________. Forces
o Union army fled SE towards the coast leaving a path of
_________________________ along the way
 Wanted to make _________________________ “so sick of war that
generations would pass away before they would again appeal it”
o They took ________________________ right before Christmas and then went north
to help Grant “wipe out ____________________”
o Sherman and troops ___________________ everything in their path on their way through
o Stopped burning in ________________ and gave out food and supplies
Election of 1864
o ________________ (Republican/National Union Party), _________________________former Union Gen. (Pro-southern Copperheads) and John Fremont (Radical Republicans)
o North started __________________________ more battles
o Fremont dropped out
o Lincoln won with ______________________% of popular vote (absentee votes by Union
soldiers led to victory)
o Lincoln tried to bring the ____________________ back together
“with malice towards none, with charity for all…to bind up the nation’s wounds”
Surrender at Appomattox
April 9, 1865
 Grant was closing in on Richmond from west
o Defeated Lee’s army in _________________________ VA
 Sherman is coming to _____________________ from the south
 Davis, feeling the pinch of the Union armies abandoned and set fire to _____________
o Union troops arrived and found Richmond burning
Lee and Grant met at a private home at _____________________________ House, VA
to arrange a Confed _______________________
o Lincoln urges the Union to be ________________________
 Lee’s soldiers were ______________________ and sent home with
personal possessions, horses and 3 days of food