WHO AM I? 1. Use the Husky Paw Print as your template. Create a collage of words (phrases, quotes, lyrics, mottos, sentences, etc.) to represent all of the personal interests, traits, beliefs, values, strengths, weaknesses, etc., that you gathered from the personal interest inventory. 2. Put your name and/or a picture in the largest part of the Husky Paw Print in a creative way. Use this as another way to show off your personality and what makes you unique! 3. Add colors, graphics, or other 3D items that represent who you are! Use colored pens or markers, different types of fonts or prints, etc. Be creative! 4. Write a paragraph explaining how the paw print represents who you are and what is important to you. Be specific! Rubric: Assessment Category Content Appearance Grammar & Mechanics 5 The written content is personalized, very specific, well-developed, and demonstrates self-reflection from the interest inventory. The paw print is a complete, finished product, is easy to read, and fully demonstrates evidence of revision & editing. There are 0-2 errors in capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling. Total: _____/ 30 points 4 The written content is mostly personalized, well-developed, and demonstrates some selfreflection from the interest inventory. The paw print is a complete, finished product, is fairly easy to read, and mostly demonstrates evidence of revision & editing. There are 3-5 errors in capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling. 3 The written content is personalized and creative in some places, and demonstrates an attempt at selfreflection; lacks variety of categories. The paw print is complete, but demonstrates a lack of revision & editing; it fairly easy to read. There are 6-8 errors in capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling. 2 The written content is mostly generalized and lacks original, personalized concepts; the ideas are offtopic for the assignment. The paw print is complete, but appears to be a first draft; doesn’t demonstrate any revision or editing; very messy and difficult to read in most places. There are 9-10 errors in capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling. 1 The written content is unoriginal; the ideas are offtopic or incomplete; no attempts were made to incorporate the interest inventory. The paw print is sloppy or incomplete; doesn’t demonstrate any revision or editing; is illegible. There are 11 or more errors in capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________