Study Guide for Addition October 27, 2014 Students should be able to solve problems involving these skills: 1. Addition Properties: Commutative (order) Property: 5+3=3+5 Identity (zero) Property: 5+0=5 2. Fact Families: 5+7=12 12-5=7 7+5=12 12-7=5 3. Find a Rule: Each number in the top row is related to the number in the bottom row by a rule. The rule for this table is add 3. In Out 4 7 3 6 1 4 5 8 ? ? 4. Estimating sums : Round to the hundreds: Round to the tens: 152 200 42 40 +138 100 +98 100 300 140 5. Adding two and three-digit numbers: 13 235 54 352 +28 +457 +38 +194 Remember to regroup from the ones place to the tens place, and from the tens place to the hundreds place.