America in 1800: Society & Economy Spain controlled the most territory In 1800, the USA was a new & in North North America in 1800 America with valuable cities like Mexico City, weak nation sharing North America New St Louis, & Los Angeles with Orleans, other European powers But, Spain’s hold on these territories was slipping British wasthe sparsely populated, but Russia Canada dominated itsfur control over the fur trade & Great Lakes trade in Alaska France ruled Haiti & gained Louisiana from frustrated westward-bound Americans Spain in 1801 during the Napoleonic Wars From 1800 to 1810, the 1800 U.S. had major Intense migration to the The United States in …and cities, like Cincinnati population growth; Grew by 2 million people trans-Appalachian West (after1790 Fallen which after ledTimbers) to new states used the Mississippi & Ohio Ohio Rivers (1803) for trade Kentucky (1792) Many western settlers were concerned that Spain Tennessee (1796) controlled New Orleans Cotton quickly became the dominant The U.S. Economy in 1800 Southern crop of the 19th century By 1810, 84% of Americans were directly entrenched the Cotton production involvedSouth’s in agriculture “need” for slaves & expedited Northern industrialism The Southern economy was dominated by rice & tobacco cultivation Eli Whitney’s cotton gin in 1793 allowed for a cotton boom in the South ByEconomy 1800,economy TheThe U.S. inwas 1800 Northern more diverse industrialization than the South,was butjust most Americans were beginning in cultivating America livestock & grains involved in By 1810, 84% of Americans were directly involved in agriculture Boston, NY, Philadelphia relied on international trade, otherwise cities played a marginal role (only 5% of Samuel Slaterlived designed cotton-spinning factories Americans in cities) in NE; but most textiles were homemade Jefferson as President Jefferson as President Jefferson entered office after the “revolution of 1800” with a clear political ideology & goals: To reduce size & cost of gov’t & However, Jefferson would have to promote republican agrarianism compromise many of his ideological principles To repeal to key policies beFederalist an effective president (Alien & Sedition Acts & John Adams’ midnight appointments of key Federalist judges) To maintain international peace Jeffersonian Reforms All federal revenue was generated Jefferson’s priority was to reduce the exclusively by shipping taxes role of the national gov’t & return key But…Jefferson decisions to theapproved states of the creation of the Army Corps of Engineers & the Jefferson worked with Congress to U.S. Military Academy at West Point Repeal all excise taxes Reduced the army by 50% & retired most naval ships Eliminate all national debt Did not renew the charter of the BUS (The bank will die in 1811) Adams’ Midnight Appointments Before leaving office, John Adams signed the Judiciary Act of 1801 creating new federal courts which Adams filled with loyal Federalists Who will become one of the most influential Supreme These “midnight appointments” were Court to chief ever! an obvious attempt filljustice the courts with partisan judges The most important Adams’ appointee was John Marshall as Chief Justice of Supreme Court Adams’ Midnight Appointments Federalists claim that Marbury’s denial of his In 1802, Republicans repealed the appointment was a violation Constitution Judiciary Act of 1801 & abolished these new federal courts William Marbury sued to the Marshall & the Court Supreme Court he established Supreme because was thedenied precedent of Judicial Review: the his appointment Supreme Court has the authority to determine In Marbury v.of Madison (1803),actions the constitutionality Congressional Marshall & the court ruled against Marbury that Congress could deny this appointment The Louisiana Purchase In 1801, France gained Louisiana Spain & seemed ready Thefrom Constitution was vague on whichtobranch create an empire in Northnew America had the authority to purchase lands But, the Haitian revolution & cost of European wars led Napoleon to lose interest in America Jefferson In 1803, Jefferson negotiated with abandoned “strict France to buy New Orleans, but construction” to buyNapoleon Louisiana offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15 million The Louisiana Purchase & Lewis & Clark The report from the Lewis & William Clark were expedition reaffirmed faith in the future the Meriwether Lewis & Clark Expedition commissioned to explore the Louisiana territory economic prosperity of the U.S. Left St. Louis in May 1804 & reached the Pacific in Nov 1805 Goal #1: Determine if the Missouri River flowed to the Pacific Ocean Goal #2: Collect data on flora & fauna Native American Resistance The Louisiana Purchase increased tensions with Indians: Americans rejected coexistence with Indians Tecumseh swayed the Shawnee & other tribes to stop selling land & to avoid contact with whites Jefferson hoped to “civilize” Indians into yeoman farmers & planned for a vast reservation west of the Mississippi River TheInBarbary War (1801-1805) 1801, Jefferson dispatched the U.S. fleet toAfrican “negotiate cannon” The North “Barbarythrough…a states” demanded tribute from trade ships sailing in the Mediterranean Sea A successful naval blockade led to peace treaty & gained America international respect Jefferson’s Second Term Jefferson’s Reelection Jefferson ended his 1st term as a very popular president: He maintained internat’l peace with England & France despite continued denial of neutrality Reduced taxes for Americans Doubled the size of the U.S. In 1804, Jefferson was re-elected as president & the Republicans took the majority in Congress Despite his electoral victory, serious divisions divided Jefferson’s second term as president Division in the Republican Party The decline of the Federalists The Jeffersonian & Quid factions suspended the two-party system: became separate parties by 1824 Led to Republican dominance in National Republicans Jacksonians became nationalParty politicswere fromabsorbed 1800-1820 into the Democratic the party Whig Party But…without a clear to oppose, many Republicans began attacking Jefferson’s policies The “Virginia Dynasty” Republicans (Jefferson, Madison, The Tertium (“nothings”), controlled both Quids Monroe) dominated the houses of Congress criticized Jefferson’s betrayal of executive branch strict construction & sacrifice of virtue to get results as president The Yazoo Controversy Jefferson endured heavy criticism due to the Yazoo Together with Marbury v Madison, Land Fraud: the Supreme Court defined itself as a Corrupt GA politicians sold 35 million acres of land to legitimate 3rdlow branch insiders at ridiculously prices of gov’t Quids attacked Jefferson for allowing defrauded individuals to keepThe landscase they bought established an Again, Init’s the v. Peck (1810), Fletcher the Supreme Court allowed important precedent: Marshall Court to keep these lands purchasers Supreme Court can nullify any unconstitutional state laws The Slave Trade At the Philadelphia Convention, slavery was tabled until 1808 In Dec 1806, Jefferson urged Congress to prepare a slave law: Southerners furiously argued against any slavery legislation Congress passed a law that ended the slave trade in 1808, but smugglers were to be turned over to local authorities A war would be too expensive & Renewed Conflict Overseas destroy his plans for a small gov’t In 1803, England & France resumed The embargo hurt The embargo did not their war & violated U.S. neutrality the NE economy hurt England or France rights by seizing ships & impressing Exports fell from $108 million in 1807 American to justsailors: $22 million in 1808 Jefferson declare & war Required refused huge gov’ttooversight an on either England Francesmuggling expensive army toor suppress In 1807, Jefferson approved a very unpopular embargo that prohibited U.S. merchants from trading with England or France Conclusions During Jefferson’s two terms: The U.S. doubled in size, saw huge population growth, & experienced western expansion The role of government shrank The Jefferson presidency led to a divisive, politically partisan era The U.S. grew closer to internat’l war due to failed attempts at reconciliation with Europe