Topic 4: Immigration Unit 7: Growth of the Nation, 1865-1916 Name: _____________________________

Unit 7: Growth of the Nation, 1865-1916
Topic 4: Immigration
What do you see in the picture?
Name: _____________________________
Block: _________________
What do you think is the message of the cartoon?
Write a caption for the cartoon:
 Before 1871, most _____________________to America came from
________________ and _________________Europe:
– _____________
- Great Britain
– _____________
- Norway and Sweden
 Between 1871 until 1921, most immigrants to America came from ____________
and _____________________ Europe and ____________
– Greece
- __________
- Present day Hungary & Yugoslavia
– Poland
- Russia
- __________ and Japan
This was a very important difference. Why and how do you think this mattered so much?
The increase in immigration was due to:
– Desire for _________________________________
– Escape from oppressive ____________________________
– Hope for ______________________ opportunities
Immigrants entered the US through ____________________ in New York Harbor
The ___________________________________was often the first view for
immigrants after their voyage across the Atlantic
Picture Completion Test: With your partner, identify the missing item in each picture.
Which ones were easiest for you? Why?
Imagine that you are an immigrant arriving from rural
Slovakia (you’ve been a peasant – a poor country
farmer). Would this test be difficult for you? Why
or why not?
Which ones were most difficult for you? Why?
Could you complete it if you didn’t speak English?
Immigrants were often required to prove they could read and write in their own languages. If not, they
were given picture tests. Why do you think tests like these might have been given to arriving immigrants?
Upon their arrival, immigrants began the process of ________________________
This was called the American ________________________
What do you think the term “melting pot” means? Some people like the term “salad bowl” instead.
What do you think?
Immigrants often settled into _________________ neighborhoods in cities
Immigrant families worked hard to learn English, adopt American customs and
become American citizens
__________________________ played an important role in assimilating immigrants
into American society.
So you think schools still play this role? How or how not? _____________________
Contributions of immigrants:
• _____________ workers helped build Transcontinental __________________
• Eastern Europeans worked in _________________________ in the Northeast
and the _____________________industry in NYC
• Slavs, Italians, Polish worked in ________________________ in the East
All worked at great personal risk in ____________________________ and for
How do you think native-born Americans reacted to the increase of immigrants coming
to the United States? Why?
Despite their hard work and contributions, immigrants often faced discrimination
and hostility
– _____________ and __________________that immigrant workers would
take __________for lower ______________than Americans
– _____________________ based on cultural and religious differences
______________________= prejudice against the “wrong groups” coming to America
Increasing pressure led Congress to limit immigration through new laws.
What do you think the laws will say?
 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882:
o _____________________________________________ (except for students,
teachers, merchants, and tourists)
o Barred Chinese immigrants from ______________________
o Not repealed until __________
 Immigration Restriction Act of 1921:
o Set up a ___________________system limiting who and how many
immigrants could come to the U.S.
o Aimed at people from ____________________________.
Connection to Urbanization:
What problems existed in the cities?
What do you think could be done to solve
those problems?
 ________________ tried to solve the problems of the urban poor –
• ____________________ movement
o Define:
__________________________________ provided services:
o Jane Addams – ___________________ (Chicago) – the most famous
settlement house
Exit Ticket
Write three sentences to describe three changes in American society we talked
about today.
Were these changes good or bad? How so?