German III Pacing Guide and Curriculum 2014-2015 Perfekt

German III
Pacing Guide and Curriculum 2014-2015
Semester One Content
Theme 1: Alltag (5-6 weeks)
o Reflexive verbs
o Perfekt
Discuss summer events
New Perfekt verbs
Discuss daily routine
Theme 2: Stadt oder Land (5-6 weeks)
o Talk about where you live
o Express preferences and favorites
o Give reasons (weil-clauses)
o The verb gefallen
o Rooms in the house
Comparative forms of adjectives
Advantages and disadvantages of life in the city and country
Express wishes
Justify your answers
The verb sich wünschen
Adjective endings following ein-words – describe the house
Compare and contrast places to live in Germany with the United States
Theme 3: Mode (5-6 weeks)
o Clothing vocabulary
o Commenting on clothes
New clothing („in“ clothing), fabrics, and fasteners
Describe clothes
Adjectives following der and dieser- words
Expressing interest, disinterest, and indifference
Making and accepting compliments
The verbs sich interessieren, tragen
Persuading and dissuading
The conjunction wenn
The verb kaufen with dative reflexive pronouns
Compare and contrast what German and American teens wear
Theme 4: Ferien- Reisen (5-6 weeks)
o Prepositions with location
o Commands
o Saying where you were on vacation
o Asking and giving directions
Places to go on vacation and how to get there
Two-way prepositions
Express indecision, asking for and making suggestions
Express doubt, conviction, and resignation
The conjunction ob
Geography: states, capitals
Theme 5: Essen (5-6 weeks)
o Talk about what you would like to eat
o Talk about quantities
o Give reasons
o Talk about how food tastes
o Express preferences
o Say you want more
Follow a recipe using verbs in the infinitive
Ask for, make, and respond to suggestions
Compare and contrast German food and measurements
Discuss international cuisine
Theme 6: Märchen (5-6 weeks)
Narrative Past
Discuss characters, themes and important events
Write own fairy tale
Compare German fairy tales to American fairy tales