It is strongly recommended that you try to use some of your time this summer to get ahead
with the reading for the course. Once we return to school in the fall, we will quickly begin
work on our first text. We do not read in class; it is expected that all of the reading will be done
outside of class. The texts for A.P. Literature have been selected because of the rich depth of
experience they provide us. Just as you notice additional elements of movies when viewing them
a second (or third) time, you will need to read beyond a first draft reading of these texts. It is also
important to realize that if you come into class having already read the book, you will then be
able to focus on rereading sections, understanding the themes and appreciating the literary
techniques, a necessary aspect of A.P. level work.
The texts that we would like for you to read are:
1. The Things They Carried – Tim O’Brien (only one edition available)
2. Northanger Abbey – Jane Austen (please buy the Modern Library Classics – Ed by
Robert Kiely)
3. The Loved One – Evelyn Waugh (only one edition available)
The texts are numbered in the order that they will be studied. We would also like for you to try to
purchase your own copies. This is particularly important at the A.P. level because you will need
to annotate the text as we study it. It may be possible to persuade a graduating senior to part with
his or her copies of the novels (for a small fee). Check that they have not “over” annotated the
text before you buy / borrow from them. Don’t forget the public library – they should have copies
of all three texts.
Specific questions we would like you to answer for each text are on the following page.
Other novels we will read:
 Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad – get a version with endnotes)
 The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver)
 Othello (William Shakespeare – it is in your literature textbook that you will be
 The House of the Spirits (Isabel Allende)
 Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller)
For each of the following sets of questions, students should answer in complete
sentences unless otherwise indicated. Please place all answers on a separate sheet of
The Things They Carried
Due Date: class meeting #6
1. Which “chapter” was your favorite episode? Explain your selection and
2. What messages do you think O’Brien might be attempting to communicate?
Provide evidence for your thoughts.
3. Chose a short passage that you consider important and/or moving. Mark it
(annotate) in your text and make notes about 3-5 particular elements in the
passage that you enjoyed/appreciated.
4. What did you notice about the structure of the work?
Northanger Abbey
Due Date: October 1
1. Where is the novel set? What do you learn about the culture, belief system,
manners and values of the society presented in the novel?
2. Which chapter did you enjoy the most? Make observations about that chapter with
textual evidence to support your points.
3. What do you think Austen is saying about social class in the novel? Trace the
references and suggestions she makes as you read.
4. Select a character you liked and select a character you disliked. Explain your
selections and reasoning.
The Loved One
Due Date: October 15
1. What is Waugh saying about British and American ways of life (and death) in the
2. Make notes of moments of humor. Attempt to explain why the moments are
Rubric: To earn full credit, responses must be:
 complete – they answer all parts of the questions
 thorough – they use specific examples from the text for support
 thoughtful – show evidence of mature reading and thinking
 well-presented – complete sentences, neat, typed or handwritten in blue or
black ink
 “Notes”-free – completed without evidence of Sparknotes, Clif Notes, etc.