Language Arts 2 Honors Summer Assignment

Language Arts 2 Honors Summer Assignment
Congratulations on your decision to take Language Arts 2 Honors next year! For your summer
assignment, please read Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen and complete the two assignments listed
Both assignments will be collected on the first day of school. Further discussion and assessment of the
novel will take place during the first 2-3 weeks of school.
Copies of the novel are available through the school’s textbook room, most bookstores and
Reading notes are encouraged. If you are using a school copy of the novel, post-it notes would be
appropriate. If you are using a personal copy of the novel, highlighting and marginalia is recommended.
Assignment #1: Reading Log
Complete a reading log that tracks evidence that develops ONE of the following themes:
Everyone either lies or is being lied to.
Nonverbal communication can be more powerful than verbal communication.
Human beings have a limitless capacity for foolishness.
Growing up is a matter of mentally and emotionally maturing.
Societal expectations are often based on gender.
The nature of friendship is capricious.
Family is a crucial component of individual identity.
Money makes the world go around.
There is something “romantic” about despair and loneliness.
Assignment #2: Argumentative Essay
Select one of the themes listed above and write a 2-3 page argumentative essay that answers the following
question: To what extent does Northanger Abbey support or refute the theme?
Be sure to use specific examples with page numbers from the text. Your essay must be typed, doublespaced, and in 12 point, Times New Roman font. All evidence must be cited according to MLA format.
Example: “Her escape from being one of the party to Clifton was now an escape indeed; for what
would the Tilneys have thought of her, if she had broken her promise to them in order to do what
was wrong in itself? If she had been guilty of one break of propriety, only to enable her to be
guilty of another?” (Austen 120).
Questions? Please email either Mrs. Maffucci at or Mrs. Pike-Green at
Please note: Late work will not be accepted for credit. Start your work early to avoid the inevitable
problems with computers, printers, etc.
Northanger Abbey Reading Log
Instructions: Complete the following reading log with at least six quotes from the novel that either
support or refute ONE of the themes listed on the previous page. You may type or handwrite your work;
please write neatly in blue or black ink. Be sure to select quotes from throughout the novel. You may use
the quote and analysis from this reading log in your essay.
Theme: (Select one from the previous page)
Page #
Analysis: Explain how the quote supports or
refutes the theme