MRS. SOHN’S CLASS REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESS SUPPLIES: All of the following must be brought to class every day: 1. A binder with loose-leaf paper. The binder must be divided into 3 sections: Classwork, Homework, Tests/Quizzes 2. Pens- black or blue ink only. EXPECTATIONS: 1. Arrive to class on time. Lateness affects class work and may lead to lowered grades or failure. Keep in mind that 3 latenesses are equivalent to one cut. 2. Respect the teacher as well as each other. Disrespectful behavior is inappropriate and unacceptable. 3. No eating or drinking is permitted. 4. No cell phones or electronic devices are permitted. 5. You will only be allowed to get up out of seat when given permission by the teacher. 6. You are responsible for taking care of each novel and textbook you receive. Returning novels and texts in good condition on the day it is collected is a must. Should you lose a novel or text, it must be paid for as soon as possible. Class participation 1. Class participation is a major component of your grade. Please raise your hand when answering or asking a question. Calling out is not permitted. 2. In order to participate in class, texts and/or novels must be brought to class each day. You will receive a zero (0) for class work if you do not bring in your text and/or novel to class. Homework 1. Homework will be given a minimum of four nights per week. Homework will either be checked or collected on a regular basis. 2. No make-up homework assignments will be accepted unless you are legally absent. 3. Missing homework assignments will be reflected in your report card grades. BOOK REQUIREMENTS: I,_____________________________, understand the requirements for English class. I agree to abide by all rules and fulfill all obligations to this course. _______________________ Student’s signature ________________________ Parent’s signature