Name: Susan Tanski
Date: 9/29/14
Content Area: H. Spanish 2
Length of Lesson: 4-6weeks
Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable):
This week students will be embarking on the beginning of Honor Spanish 2 Content. Health and the Doctor.
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Big Ideas:
How to describe illness.
How to describe feelings.
How to fill a prescription.
How to tell the difference between ser and estar.
How to to tell someone what happens.
Essential Questions:
How to I conjugate ser and estar?
How do I discuss a medical issue or communicate emotions?
What are facilities like in Spain and Latin America?
How do I discuss my emotions.
Understanding Goals (Concepts):
How to communicate about an illness.
How to distinguish between ser and estar usage.
How to tell someone what happens.
Telliing what happens to someone else.
Chapter 8
Body Parts Supplement
Indirect object pronouns
Students will be able to:
Communicate information about a trip to the doctors, pharmacy, their emotions, and personal ailments
Learn about medical practices in other countries
How to distinguish the differences between ser and estar and their uses.
Performance Task: To be able to discuss and communicate the previously stated objectives, through readings, writing and oral production
Formative Assessments: See daily plan, Chapter tests , projectsand quizzes
Materials and Resources:
Power Point
Workbook pages
Reading guide
Paper copies can be highlighted.
Chunck vocabulary
Minimize question number.
Think Pair Share.
Instructional Procedures*:
9/29 B
Do now: Write word of the day. Complete
Collin’s writing. Voc review
ML:Information on exceptions to the rules for ser and estar.
GP: comparison sheet of meeing.
I.P : Translation sheet.
S/F: Quiz.
Assignment: study for quiz
9/30 A
Do now: Write word of the day. Complete
Collin’s writing. Practice ser and estar
ML: Quiz ser and estar
GP: Vocabulary bingo PD
2 only. Word of the day activity
IP: Quiz
S/F: Quiz.
Assignment: Pd 7 reading questions.
10/1 B
Do now: Write word of the day. Complete
Collin’s writing vocabulary:
ML: Glencoe PPT Los pronombres, me, te, nos.
GP: Supplemental exercises 13
IP: 14-15 pg 209
S/F: execise completion.
Practice sheet indirect object pronouns.
Do now: Write word of the day. Complete
Collin’s writing. Chapter
Me, Te, Nos.
ML: Cntinuation
GP: Activity A pg 243.
IP: A y B pg 242
S/F: Matching
Assignment: Finish A and
B pg 242 if not completed.
10/3 B
Do now: Write word of the day. Complete
Collin’s writing.
ML: Uses of Le and Les
GP: ex 16, 17 pg. 210
IP ex 19 pg 211
S/F completion of exercises
Read pronunciation of c,g.
*Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections