Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: Resources and Specialization Ancient Greece Located on the continent of Europe near the Mediterranean Sea on a strip of land called a peninsula. It had many islands. Hills and mountains divided the country. Athens was it’s main city. Mediterranean Sea Ancient Rome Rome is in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea Rome was also the name of its main city. Mediterranean Sea Terrace Farming Greece and Rome Farming on a hillside Producers People who use resources to make goods or provide services (They are also human resources) pottery makers weapons maker fishermen Capital resources Things made by people that many people can use to make goods or to provide services. Roads (Rome) Ships Buildings (Greece & Rome) (Rome & Greece) Human Resources People working to make things or provide services. Soldiers (Rome) Road builders (Rome) Farmers (Rome and Greece) Natural Resources Things people use that come from nature olives grapes fish clay Services Activities or jobs that help or sell things to other people. Clothing maker Specialization Very good at building only ships Spending all time making one type of good or providing one service (an expert at ) Goods Things you can buy or sell that people want or need Pottery clothing food Ancient Greece: many peninsulas, islands, and mountains that separated cities, limited rich soil for farming on hillsides, near Mediterranean Sea so Greeks could fish and trade, focus on arts and academics Natural Resources: Mediterranean Sea, fish, limited rich soil, clay, marble Capital Resources: ships Human Resources: specialized farmers, shipbuilders, traders, pottery makers Ancient Rome: located next to the Tiber River, had many hills and many types of trees, limited rich soil for farming on hillsides, strong army Natural Resources: Tiber River, limited rich soil, olives, grapes, stone Capital Resources: ships, roads, city of Rome Human Resources: specialized farmers, road builders, shipbuilders, fishermen, pottery makers, traders, soldiers