20 & 21 Century Study Guide

Name: __________________ #:____
20th & 21st Century Study Guide
1. During the 20th century, VA changed from a ____________, agricultural society into a
more _______________, industrialized society.
2. The reason for these changes were:
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
3. What was wrong with the old fashioned ways of farming? ___________________________
4. Improvements in ___________________________ (as well as people leaving the farms)
caused Virginia’s cities to grow.
5. What area of VA has experienced much growth due to the large number of
government jobs nearby? _______________________________
6. Woodrow Wilson helped create the _________________________________, which helped
inspire the ___________________________. The purpose was to maintain ________________
______________________ .
7. George C. Marshall developed the __________________________________, which offered
8. Out of Wilson and Marshall, which man was president? ______________________________
9. Out of Wilson and Marshall, which man lived in Leesburg? ___________________________
10. Out of Wilson and Marshall, which man helped after WWI? _________________________
11. Out of Wilson and Marshall, which man helped after WWII? _________________________
12. When African Americans began to demand equal treatment and their rights as
American citizens, we called this the ___________________________________ Movement.
13. What were some things African Americans were forced to do (how were they
segregated)? _____________________________________________________________________
14. What was the “Brown v. Board of Education” court case, and WHY is it so very
important? ________________________________________________________________________
(hmm… that seems like it might be a good short answer question…)
15. Did everyone agree with the laws to end segregation? __________
16. What was “Massive Resistance” (and what were they resisting?!) ____________________
17. What law did Harry F. Byrd Sr have passed? ________________________________________
18. What did Maggie L. Walker do? ___________________________________________________
19. What (positive thing) did Harry F. Byrd Sr do? _______________________________________
20. Who was Oliver Hill, Sr? ____________________________________________________________
21. Who was Arthur R. Ashe, Jr? _______________________________________________________
22. What did Linwood Holton Jr do? ___________________________________________________
23. Who is L. Douglas Wilder? _________________________________________________________
Segregation: ___________________________________________________________________
Desegregation: _________________________________________________________________
Integration: _____________________________________________________________________
Be able to put events like this in order on a timeline … Remember, I’m going to keep
adapting/building on to this timeline on every test! I HIGHLY suggest you use the
flashcards we made in class to help you study. Shuffle them up and lay them out in order.
Make sure you add any new events (marked with a *star*) to those flashcards!!
1. Native Americans lived in Virginia.
2. Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement. (1607)
3. John Smith started a trading relationship with the Powhatan Indians.
4. Africans arrived in Jamestown. (1619)
5. Women arrived in Jamestown. (1620)
6. The French & Indian War began (and ended).
7. The Declaration of Independence was written. (1776)
8. The Revolutionary War ended. (1781)
9. A new government was created at the Constitutional Convention. (1787)
10. George Washington became our first President. (1788)
11. The “Underground Railroad” helps lead slaves to freedom in the North.
12. Abraham Lincoln is elected President/SC leaves the Union
13. The Civil War ends (1861)
14. Congress created the Freedman’s Bureau to help former slaves
15. “Jim Crow” laws were passed in some southern states
16. Woodrow Wilson created the League of Nations after WWI*
17. George C. Marshall created the Marshall Plan & helped Europe after WWII.*
18. Brown v. Board of Education – Separate but equal is NOT equal! (1954)*
19. You were born.