Literacy News Why Literacy is Needed Across the Curriculum What Is It?

Issue 2
Literacy News
Why Literacy is Needed Across the Curriculum
What Is It?
Why is it Important?
Language has a central role in learning.
1. Learning in any subject area
requires language; therefore,
reading and writing are tools for
learning that subject area.
2. Schools and society are
demanding increased levels of
literacy learning.
3. Connecting literacy learning to
other content areas reinforces
learning in all areas.
 Students need to be actively engaged
in meaning-making.
o Active learning involves four key
modes of language: reading,
writing, speaking, and listening.
 Students’ own language should be
the principal tool for working
through curriculum content.
o Allow students to make meaning of
content in language that makes
sense to them.
Bottom Line: literacy across the
curriculum begins with having students
read, and then write, speak, and listen to
others about what they have read.
Bottom Line: students will become
better scholars in your content area if
you help them to become better readers
and writers.
Why This is Great
For More Information
Literacy across the curriculum can lead
 Increased student engagement.
 Fewer students off task.
 Increased student achievement:
o in your courses
o on standardized tests
 A school-wide culture in support
of literacy.
Your Literacy Coaches:
Bottom Line: reading and writing
enhance learning in all classes!
Christyn Coles
Heather Moschetta
Room 132