How Do Children Learn?


How Do Children Learn?

Children learn through play.

That’s why we have learning centers.

Children learn by doing.

That’s why we provide multi-sensory activities.

Children learn through language.

That’s why they need to talk.

Children learn through encouragement.

That’s why we cheer and celebrate them.

Children learn through imitation.

That’s why we model what we want them to do.

Children learn through repetition.

That’s why we have songs they will want to sing again and again and routines that we do over and over again.

Children learn by experimenting.

That’s why it is O.K. to make mistakes.

Children learn by interacting with their friends.

That’s why we encourage partner and small group activities.

Children learn in a safe, nurturing environment.

That’s why we strive to create a happy classroom community.

Teachers who love teaching create children who love learning.

We hope you and your child will have a successful year in our preschool classroom!

Miss Jeanette, Miss A,

Miss Janet, and Miss Tracy
