Comprehensive Plan Report

Comprehensive Plan Report
A detailed report showing activity of the school team’s work on the improvement plan including assessments, plans,
tasks, monitoring, and implementation for selected time periods.
Loudoun County High School
Loudoun County Public Schools
High School Improvement Indicators
High School Rapid Improvement
Principal's Role
HS2.02 - The principal keeps a focus on instructional improvement and student learning
Level of Development:
Limited Development 08/17/2015
Describe current level of
The leadership team has set expectations for implementation of
OTTW/BYOT/Loudoun Creates and has planned professional
development to take place in August and regularly throughout the
year. The leadership team regularly conducts walkthroughs and
provides written feedback, reviews lesson plans as necessary, and
attends multiple instructional meetings but feedback is not yet aligned
with the above initiatives because they are not yet in place.
Assigned to:
Michelle Luttrell
How it will look when fully
The leadership team aligns professional development to the needs of
staff for OTTW/PBL/Loudoun Creates/BYOT as determined by review of
lesson plans, walkthrough and assessment data.
The leadership team provides ongoing explicit feedback and support to
teachers on lesson planning and the development of
OTTW/PBL/Loudoun Creates projects and exhibitions.
The leadership team provides ongoing explicit feedback and support to
teachers on the implementation of OTTW/PBL/Loudoun Creates based
on observation and walkthrough data.
The leadership team supports the CLTs and the use of data to evaluate
the effectiveness of instructional delivery to meet the needs of all
students for OTTW/PBL/Loudoun Creates.
Target Date:
1. The leadership team aligns PD, reviews lesson plans, and provides ongoing feedback and support
on the implementation of OTTW/PBL/Loudoun Creates.
Assigned to:
Target Completion Date:
HS2.04 - The principal spends at least 50% of his/her time working directly with
teachers to improve instruction, including classroom observations.(2535)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/02/2013
Describe current level of
The principal spends 26-50% of his/her time working directly with
teachers. The principal spends most of his/her time with teachers on
non-instructional matters (discipline, building management, etc.).
Assigned to:
Michelle Luttrell
How it will look when fully
The principal spends 50%+ of his/her time working directly with
teachers. The principal focuses staff development activities on the
entire staff and on the specific academic goals and curriculum
programs of the school. The principal provides both direct aid (e.g.,
concrete technical assistance and materials) and indirect support (e.g.,
encouragement) to teachers as they attempt to integrate skills learned
during staff development programs into their repertoire of instructional
Target Date:
1. The administrative leadership team will conduct formal and informal observations and provide
instructional feedback.
Assigned to:
Target Completion Date:
High School Rapid Improvement
Opportunity to Learn
HS3.04 - The school provides all students with academic supports (e.g., tutoring, cocurricular activities, tiered interventions) to keep them on track for graduation.(2361)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 08/26/2014
Describe current level of
The school has identified indicators that are predictors of students who
are at-risk of failure or dropping out. The school has identified
interventions that are general in nature and not aligned with the needs
of students.
Assigned to:
Jon Signorelli
How it will look when fully
LCHS will offer a flexible early warning system includes accurate
information on attendance and academic performance and also
includes up-to-date information on the programs provided to individual
students. This information will allow
school staff to target specifically appropriate interventions to students
who need them and to monitor their progress in response to those
Target Date:
1. Staff will identify, intervene, and monitor students at risk of not graduating based on various data
Assigned to:
All Staff
Target Completion Date:
REQUIRED for Targeted Interventions
Targeted Intervention Indicators
TA01 - REQUIRED - The school uses an identification process (including ongoing
conversations with instructional leadership teams and data points to be used) for all
students at risk of failing or in need of targeted interventions. (2931)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/09/2013
Describe current level of
The process for identifying students for interventions includes data
points on assessments and other indicators that are determined by
staff based on student behavior or perceptions by teachers.
Assigned to:
Mark Patterson
How it will look when fully
The process for identifying students for interventions includes data
points on assessments and other indicators that are aligned to
research. The process for identifying at-risk students involves
discussion and decision-making that includes school leadership and
teachers and other relevant staff.
Target Date:
1. All staff will collaborate to identify students in need of targeted interventions.
Assigned to:
All Staff
Target Completion Date:
Percent Task Complete:
TA02 - REQUIRED - The school uses a tiered, differentiated intervention process to
assign research-based interventions aligned with the individual needs of identified
students (the process includes a description of how interventions are selected and
assigned to students as well as the frequency and duration of interventions for Tier 2
and Tier 3 students). (2932)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/09/2013
Describe current level of
The intervention system assigns students to general interventions that
do not appear to be aligned to student needs. The interventions
include descriptions of the strategies but not frequency and duration
Assigned to:
Daniel Croyle
How it will look when fully
The intervention system provides guidance for selecting interventions
that are aligned to students’ individual level of need for Tiers 2 and 3
as instructional needs and determined by assessment data. The
interventions include descriptions of the strategies and references to
the research base supporting the intervention. The description also
provides guidance for the frequency and duration of the intervention.
Target Date:
Tasks completed: 0 of 1 (0%)
1. All staff will collaborate to assign interventions for the identified students.
Assigned to:
All Staff
Target Completion Date:
TA03 - REQUIRED - The school uses a monitoring process (including a multidisciplinary
team that meets regularly to review student intervention outcome data and identifies
“triggers” and next steps for unsuccessful interventions) for targeted intervention
students to ensure fidelity and effectiveness. (2933)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/21/2013
Describe current level of
The school implements a process that determines the assessment data
that will be used to monitor students’ progress in the intervention
program. The team that monitors the interventions consists of math
and reading teachers. The monitoring process does not identify next
steps when interventions have not been successful.
Assigned to:
Mark Patterson
How it will look when fully
The school implements a process that determines the assessment data
that will be used to monitor students’ progress in the intervention
program. The monitoring identifies specific skills that may be in need
of being reviewed and retaught. The team that monitors the
interventions consists of math, reading, social studies, science, ELL,
SPED and other teachers/staff to ensure that the needs of all students
are being met. The process also includes guidance for determining
next steps when students should receive a different intervention or
level of service or exit the program.
1. All staff will monitor intervention effectiveness on identified students.
Assigned to:
All Staff
Target Completion Date: