Robert E. Holtfreter (Dr. H) Ph.D., CFE, CICA, CBA

Robert E. Holtfreter (Dr. H) Ph.D., CFE, CICA, CBA
Distinguished Professor of Accounting & Research
WSCPA “Outstanding Educator” Award 2002
ACFE “Outstanding Contribution to Accounting” Award 2005
ACFE “Instructor of the Year” Award 2006
IMA’s “Lybrand Outstanding Contribution to Accounting Research” Award 2014
Syllabus for Accounting 301
Spring quarter 2016
Course Number Acct. 301.001
Course Title:
Financial Accounting Analysis
Robert Holtfreter, Ph.D., CFE, CICA
Shaw/Smyser 313
Online Class
March 29 – June 3
Office Phone:
963-2144 (use voice mail for messages)
Home Phone:
509-965-0369 (Yakima)
E-mail Address - office:
E-mail address – home:
Web Address:
Teaching method
Accounting 301 will be taught online in the spring quarter through the use of Canvas, the
McGraw-Hill web site, my web site and email.
Canvas web site
I will set up a discussion board on Canvas that students can use to (1) introduce each other
and (2) communicate with others when questions arise about the homework assignments etc.
All of my classes are taught interactively where the role of the student is to ask and answer
questions when you or another student needs help when doing the homework. This has been
a very effective way to teach and for students to learn. Students that are very effective at
active learning normally perform at one grade point better than a class that is taught only via
Therefore, to improve your success, I expect all of you to be actively involved in this online
course. For example, if you are having difficulty solving the homework problems then go to the
discussion board and ask questions. On the flip side of the coin, please provide help to those
who are asking questions. There is a 90% retention rate when you explain something to
someone. The grades in the course are not curved, which provides motivation to work with
I will also post links on Canvas to my web site where you can get a copy of the syllabus and the
homework assignments/test formats/dates etc. document.
McGraw-Hill Connect web site
As explained below, you will be using the McGraw-Hill Connect web site to complete the
online homework assignments and tests, which I am in the process of setting up. Also, the web
site has all kinds of student aids that are very helpful. For example, they have narrated power
point slides that cover the chapter lectures.
To register for the course and pay a small fee to gain access to it on the publisher’s web site
you will need to click on the following Course/Section Key (code), which is
http// (note, the three
spaces between the r and Holtfreter and copy and of and spring and 2016 are underscores.
When the page comes up, provide your email address and a password. Then click on the
“register now” link and follow the instructions on the site and you will be connected and ready
to start the course.
Dr. Holtfreter’s web site
You can access my web site at The web site can also be
accessed through Canvas. On my web site you have access to two links for the course, one for
the syllabus and the other for the weekly homework assignments/test formats & dates, etc.
On the first page of my web site I list the courses that I teach. To view and copy the syllabus
for this course, just click on the course name, e.g. “Acct 301”. To view and copy the homework
assignments document, just scroll over on the same line and click on “Homework” link. The
number on each assigned exercise or problem listed on this link corresponds to the numbers
associated with the exercises and problems listed in your book. For example, as you see on my
homework link for chapter 1, I have assigned exercises 4, 5, 6, etc. They correspond to the
same numbers in the book e.g. exercise 4, 5, 6 etc. On the other hand, on the McGraw-Hill
web site these same assignments are numbered 1 through 10 and so on.
I will be communicating with all the students via email messages throughout the course to
answer questions and give instructions etc.
Description of Course:
Accounting 301 is an overview of the underlying concepts and preparation/use of financial
statements from the point of view of the user.
Course Objectives
This course focuses on how the results of organizational operations are reflected in the
financial statements and on how financial information is used in the decision-making process.
Students learn basic accounting concepts and terminology, as well as how financial
information is recorded and how financial statements are prepared. This course will provide
you with the basic accounting knowledge you will need to communicate with accountants
where you work and in dealing with investment analysts when you invest your hard earned
By the end of the course, the student should
1. Know the terminology and concepts that provide the foundation for understanding
accounting and business. Specifically, students should be able to:
 Provide definitions for key terms
 Distinguish between the major types of business concerns and describe how and
why they use accounting in their daily activities.
 Distinguish between debt and equity financing and describe the rights of creditors
and shareholders.
2. Understand how accounting collects, classifies and communicates information about
business operations to creditors and owners. Specifically:
 Interpret the effects of various business transactions on the financial position of
the organization.
 Describe the concept of internal controls and give examples.
3. Know how various decision-makers (e.g., creditors and owners) use the financial reports
to make decisions. Specifically:
 Explain the primary purposes of and difference between the four basic financial
statements (balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and
statement of changes in owners’ equity).
 Use the footnotes to the financial statements to find supporting information.
 Calculate and interpret key financial ratios using the data in the balance sheet and
income statement.
4. Know how to use computer technologies to assist in the preparation and analysis of
financial statements. Specifically, students should be able to:
Use Excel and/or Word to complete assignments, including preparation of
worksheets and the calculation of ratios and complete an analysis of a financial report.
Use the internet to find and interpret financial information about organizations.
Required Text
Survey of Accounting, 4th edition, by Edmonds, Olds, McNair & Tsay
Student Responsibilities and Requirements
As mentioned above, I fully expect students to take part in the course activities. There is a
very high correlation between working actively, completing the homework on a timely basis
and grades. You are expected to have most of your homework done when it is assigned. You
should read the chapter material assigned each day enough times so that you can do most of
your homework without looking back at the examples in the chapter. You also are highly
encouraged to ask me and fellow student’s questions.
As mentioned, chapter homework assignments are posted on the “homework” link on my web
site and under the “assignments” section of Connect. You are expected to have them
completed online by the due date. You can work ahead and even take the tests and finish the
course early.
Testing and grading policies
Your grade will be determined with (1) three regular required tests (100 points each) and (2) the
completion of the homework assignments (10 points per chapter) by the due date as posted on
my homework document and on the homework assignment/tests link on the publisher’s
website. To receive the points for the homework assignments, you must complete them by the
due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!! This website allows me to determine when you started and
completed the online assignments and tests. To get to the online tests you must use the same
“course/section key” (code) noted above that you used to do your homework. I have already
set up the dates for the completion of the homework assignments and tests. I will allow 120
minutes to take each test. You can take an exam early by notifying me in advance so I can set it
up on time.
Grade Determination
Grades are based on the following preset standards; i.e. a curve will not be used.
A = 91 – 100
A- = 90
B+ = 88 - 89
B = 83 - 87
B- = 80 - 82
C+ = 78 - 79
C = 73 - 77
C - = 70 - 72
D+ = 69
D = 66 - 68
Sequence of chapters and exams
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Exam # 1 – chapters 1, 2, 3, 4.
Chapter 5
D- = 65
F = 0 - 64
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Exam # 2 – chapters 5, 6, 7, 8.
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Exam # 3 – chapters 9, 11, 15.
Class policies for taking tests
You may use your book to take the tests and, as mentioned, they will be given online at
predetermined dates and times. The exams questions will be mainly in multiple-choice format.
Other important information
The homework assignments are subject to change. The professor reserves the right to change
exam scores or the grade for the course at any time if errors are found.
The class begins on Tuesday, March 29 and ends on Friday, June 3.
Monday, April 4 - change of schedule period ends.
Friday, May 13 - uncontested withdrawal period ends.
Friday, June 3 – hardship withdrawal petition and complete university withdrawal period
Students who have special needs or disabilities that may affect their ability to access
information or material presented in this course are encouraged to contact me or the office
of Disability Support Services at (509) 963-2171 for additional disability-related educational
University policies regarding academic dishonesty, sexual harassment, plagiarism, and
diversity will be strictly observed in this course. See Appendices A and B in the CWU
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog.
Please complete the form below. Then scan and email it to me.
Dr. Robert Holtfreter, Ph.D., CFE, CICA
Accounting 301
I have carefully read the course syllabus and completely understand and agree with all of its
Signed _____________________________
Date _____________________________
Also, I give Dr. Holtfreter permission to use the last four numbers of my ID number to post test
scores on a mass email to all the students.
Date ________________________