Assignment: ABSTRACT & BUSINESS PLAN MGT 487: Entrepreneurism and Small Business Management Each student in the class is responsible for creating a written Business Plan. The elements of the Business Plan are enumerated in pages 268-271 and the content of the Business Plan is covered in Chapter 8 of the textbook. So, please make certain you read this chapter carefully. Otherwise, the Business Plan can be based on a suitable format such as the templates for the SCORE “Business Plan for Start-Up Business” and “Financial Projections.” The process of writing the Business Plan begins with the Abstract that provides a brief description (approximately 250 words) of the business idea or concept for a start-up venture. The Abstract should highlight the main features of a product or service, the user need or “problem” that is addressed, and some of the essentials of the market environment. Once the Abstract is submitted and approved by the instructor, students should begin the research needed to develop and complete the Business Plan Report. This research will necessarily encompass the functional areas such as accounting, finance, economics, management and marketing, and includes a Feasibility Analysis germane to the research for the Business Plan. The written Business Plan Report represents the culmination of the material and information in the course. The Business Plan Report should be no more than 25 pages, plus appendices for financial projections. Finally, each student is responsible for an Oral Presentation that focuses on the highlights of the Business Plan. The oral presentation should be designed to make “the pitch” to potential investors and partners – explanation of the new venture and how its product or service solves some problem or meets opportunities, description of anticipated benefits and what makes the company unique. The presentation is no more 15 minutes, covers a maximum of 10 powerpoint slides, with a font size of 40. The presentation slides are due electronically to the professor by 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 21. (Late submissions receive zero (0) points, but must be submitted.) Reading Assignment: Scarborough and Cornwall, Chapter 8 Business Plan: Abstract = 5 points Due: Thursday, April 10 Business Plan: Report = 80 points Due: Tuesday, May 27 Business Plan: Oral Presentation = 15 points Due: as scheduled starting May 22 Note: A Business Plan in this course represents proprietary information and, as such, strict confidentiality will be maintained. However, keep in mind, that the oral presentations are made in a somewhat public forum for MGT 487.