Enterprise Systems Committee (ESC) February 3, 2003 Present: Bill Post, Brooke Banks, Dennis Graham, Phyllis Weddington, Len Fisk, Bob Hannigan, Charlie Crabb, Arno Rethans, Brenda Aden, Wendi Beane, Kim Williams 1. CMS Implementation Update CMS Fact Sheet #2 was distributed to members. The Fact Sheet included a Rollout Calendar through September 2005, a Phase II Implementation Scope, and Chico’s Student Administration Implementation Strategy. Phyllis Weddington discussed the “good, bad and ugly” facts involving Chico’s implementation. The “good” includes the fact that the Human Resources (HR) and Financials modules were on time and under budget. The “bad” includes the fact that departmental workloads were impacted by two new systems. The “ugly” would include the fact that coordination with CMS Central and 23 campuses for issue resolution is time consuming. CMS Student Administration implementation prep work started earlier than originally planned to allow staff to get trained as soon as possible. Actual implementation will take place the same time as originally planned. For the first six months, consultants will be on campus approximately one week a month. Next year, we might need them here a couple of weeks a month. The HR and Financials teams have done a great job and are taking charge of the systems. We're still working on accessing all the data that we are warehousing. A CMS-HR Status Report was distributed to members. Chico’s HR team is a member of the system-wide user’s group. A lot of progress has been and is being made. When new releases come out, we are obligated to upgrade our systems. There are still a couple of fixes needing attention. Some of the forms are causing confusion in some areas. Phyllis explained some of the specifics. We have some solutions with the data warehouse strategy. We will also be seeking some answers from our peer institutions. One by one the issues are being dealt with. The warehouse is a great advantage and we will eventually be able to do things the way we want to. It was pointed out that when we are dealing with high level issues and systems, we still need to consider the viewpoint from the frontline user. The legislative audit is due out in March. 2. Budget Effect on Enterprise Systems Staffs and budgets are already stretched to the max. We face significant system failures if we stretch our human resources too far. Information Resources (INF) recently held a budget retreat where the INF management identified projects that must continue. CMS and TII must reach a successful conclusion. INF is faced with rising contract costs that must be paid. If these contracts are turned off, we might have failures. At the Information Resources Retreat scope reductions were discussed as well as an aggressive vs. adequate approach to new technology. INF discussed invisible vs. visible technology: The top five projects in terms of criticality are all invisible to the user. If we don't do them, however, they would rapidly become visible to the user. Identity management was high on the list. This is one area where some investment up front can reduce costs over the long run. Some specific examples: The portal—should we do the minimum upgrades and all development will be focused on the CMS environment? Learning Management Systems--we will push a major upgrade back a few years? Wireless deployment--how quickly do we put wireless in more areas? User Support -- What are we going to fix? What are we not going to fix? Other campus scope reviews: ID card services, administrative computing support (only mandatory changes brought on by CMS after real time registration). We need to get communication going involving all those on campus involved in Enterprise Systems. Imaging?--What is adequate? What is optional? Chair and staff will provide a model of principles for consideration by the committee at a future meeting. This model will identify the services or projects that will not or may not be provided. Once this model is finalized, it will be communicated to the campus community. 3. Security Planning Brooke Banks has been appointed Information Security Officer. Brooke is currently working on finishing up GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) Information Security Officer (GISO) certification. Brooke distributed a List of Responsibilities for the Campus Information Security Officer and briefly discussed these responsibilities. In addition, she distributed a document outlining the goal in the B2000 plan that talks about providing information security. The Electronic Security Team has been meeting for a little over a year. They have conducted a very high level risk analysis and have tried to identify our greatest vulnerabilities. Because we don't have the funds to fix them all, we will begin by fixing the highest risk items. We will be capturing information on copy write infringements and addressing those issues as they arise. Some of our biggest issues include: Ensuring that all servers are using the latest patches, that we are installing the latest version of virus protection software, that we address rogue wireless hubs which might not be running the VPN software, and that we address our border firewalls. We have some border firewall protection in place but more is needed. Overall, there is a lot of work ahead. 4. Chico Technology Hype Cycle Due to time constraints, this item was deferred to a future meeting. 5. Updates Due to time constraints, updates were deferred to a future meeting. 6. Adjournment Due to the time, the meeting was adjourned. 2