Enterprise Systems Committee Minutes of October 4, 1999

Enterprise Systems Committee
Minutes of October 4, 1999
Heikki Rinne, Dean of the College of Business, was introduced and welcomed as a new
member to the committee representing the college deans.
1. Cabinet Discussion
CMS project issues were discussed at the 9/30/99 Cabinet meeting. Key items that were
discussed included functional issues, funding/financing/ and campus communication.
Many fundamental elements of the CMS project are still unknown at this point meaning
that precise estimates of time and cost are not currently possible. Core unknowns include:
a) level of functionality included, b) meeting Chico requirements, c) when modules will
be ready, d) second wave timelines, e) service center vs. campus responsibilities, and f)
training plans. With regard to funding/financing, quarterly reviews were discussed as
well as financing a line of credit. The need to communicate with the campus regarding
the CMS project will continue with a presentation to the Academic Senate on 10/21.
There is also a PowerPoint presentation being developed for campus-wide use.
2. Budget Planning Update
A "draft" CMS Implementation Schedule and Funding Requirements document was
distributed. We are getting outside reviews of our planning from both GartnerGroup ERP
specialists and some of the first wave campuses. One of GartnerGroup's reactions is that
they feel that our consulting and backfill cost figures are on the low side. It is felt that we
will have to keep backfill positions in place for at least three years. Gartner also felt that
the first wave timeline is probably unrealistic and that it will probably take longer. John
Miller also reported on feedback from Long Beach and Cal Poly, primary first wave
campuses, which basically confirmed the soundness of our planning. One of their key
recommendations is to have a DBA on site at all times. These campuses are also looking
at the way they work with data warehousing, which has been a Chico effort for some time
3. CMS Conceptual Architecture discussion paper
A draft flow chart depicting the CMS Conceptual Architecture was distributed which
uses 4CNet. There is a system-wide RFP going out for technical support.
4. Y2k Update
Beverly Taylor distributed a matrix depicting the Year 2000 Risk Assessment for our
campus. Members were asked to review this and let Beverly know if they notice anything
missing. Our campus report is due to the Chancellor's Office on October 15th.
5. PowerPoint
The PowerPoint presentation, which has been under review for the last few meetings, was
discussed further. We need to focus on the details of what, why and how much. It is
acknowledged that there will be different audiences viewing this material and that some
will want more detail than others will. A more detailed side paper to go along with a
shorter presentation may be one alternative. Work on the presentation will continue.