UTAC Friday, March 27, 2009 10:00am MLIB 338 ATTENDING TEAM MEMBERS AND GUESTS Joe Alexander x x Debra Barger x Jeff Bell x x Scott Claverie x x x x x x x x Pedro Douglas Kathy Fernandes Robyn Hafer Ben Juliano Beth Kissinger Jarrett Morgado Bill Post Jerry Ringel Frederica Shockley Phyllis Weddington Joel Zimbelman Jan Costenbader x x x x x x x x Brooke Banks Andi Beach Aaron Bowen Terry Curtis Carolyn Dusenbury Lorraine Gardiner Ryan Jones Meredith Kelley Ben Levitt Jaime Nelson Linda Post Tom Rosenow Mike Spiess Joe Wills Darrell Bartlett Gayle Hutchinson DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Approval of meeting notes from February 20, 2009 Approved; no changes. 2. Additions/Changes to Agenda (Ben Juliano) Postponing item #6 “Planned electrical shutdowns on campus” until April meeting due to Debra Barger’s absence. Postponing item #5 “Data Warehouse update” until April as well. 3. 4. Ben asked about the status of the Forms Subcommittee. Are we ready to form a subcommittee at this time? In another month, we will have more information to discuss the formation of a subcommittee; put on agenda for April 2009. IT Status Sheet Review/Discussion (Ben Juliano) Ben introduced the SS for March. Tom Rosenow asked if there were new quotas on Bay. Jerry Ringel responded that the same quotas have been in place on Bay for quite some time, but there was a small glitch that caused a few departments to not be able to save onto the server for a brief period. The issue was quickly resolved. Bill Post said that Bay quotas bring up a bigger question – in the future, are we going to expand Bay or go toward a different solution (e.g. Sharepoint) for our long-term storage needs? Terry Curtis asked if the recent McAfee rollout caused slower response times on desktop machines. Jerry responded that since it was an even replacement, it shouldn’t have caused any speed issues. However, the new Microsoft Systems Center was also installed around the same time and pushed patches and service pack updates to desktops, temporarily slowing boot time for many machines. We will further discuss this topic at a future meeting. Academic Affairs Computer Refresh Project Update (Jerry Ringel, Bill Post) Bill reviewed the history of the computer refresh program. It began as the Faculty Computer Refresh Program and Academic Affairs staff were included later on. Outside of Academic Affairs, other units have been able to opt in to the program with their own funds. Jerry showed data about all campus Windows desktop machines as reported through MS Systems Center. One chart represented the ages of all the machines from one to eight years old. While the bulk of our machines are now three years old or newer, after July 2009 many machines will be moving into the unsupported category (more than three years old and out of Dell’s warranty coverage). Jerry mentioned that the new machines in the Student Services Center biased the trend in the data since there was a separate equipment budget for folks working in that new building and that budget is independent of the computer refresh program. 5. Our aging computer inventory will likely affect performance and the future ability to install programs, such as Office 2007. The User Services tech shop does RAM upgrades, but campus departments may not know how to go about getting an out-of-warranty machine upgraded or what the cost may be. Bill said that we need to identify funding sources to keep our computers current – one-time money could be a possibility. We will revisit this topic. Smart Classroom Update (Jan Costenbader) Jan shared the Smart Classroom Survey from Fall 2008 (sent via email to committee and presented at the meeting). The survey compared data from Spring 2006. Lighting/window coverings are still issues, but are being addressed and in the meantime projectors with brighter lamps and banked switching have gone far to help the problem. Everyone surveyed wants more Smart Classrooms; there are none being built this summer however. Academic Technologies is getting involved with new construction on campus to result in better design of Smart Classrooms in the future. Taylor II is in the preliminary stages of pre-construction design right now. An SC costs approximately $15,000 to build, with FMS labor/material charges accounting for half of that cost and equipment the other half. Lorraine Gardiner asked about rollout of Office 2007 in SC’s. Jan responded that it will be installed in all SC’s at one time, but there is not a set date at this time. Jan showed the web-based Global Viewer for all the Smart Classroom controllers. He is able to see if a projector is on or off, how much life is left in a bulb, and if there is a problem with any component in the classroom, all from his desk. Additionally, Global Viewer allows one to remotely control the operation of any component connected to a Smart Classroom controller. TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 1. Suggest agenda items for future meetings based on IT Strategic Plan 2. Form sub-committee for Forms focus sessions FUTURE MEETINGS Date: April 17, 2009 Responsible Party Committee Due Date Ongoing Bill Post, Committee Spring 09 Time: 10am Place: MLIB 338 Status