Executive Board Meeting Minutes March 8, 2012 Allyson Mundy, VP for

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2012
Agenda Item
Outcome (motions)
Allyson Mundy, VP for
Academic Affairs
Kelsey Furstenwerth,
Administrative Assistant
for Student Academic
Allyson Mundy
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 8:01PM
Attendance taken from Placards by Kelsey
Allyson Mundy
Approval of agenda
Allyson Mundy
Approval of minutes
Allyson Mundy
New Business:
Report Back
Additions/corrections Move new business A to new business D
to agenda
Went to conference in Seattle to help further
their knowledge in journalism and how to
market themselves as writers
Learned about online programs to increase
their online presence
How to use social media effectively
Biology motions the change,
Douglas Honors College seconds.
All in favor. Motion PASSED.
Mathematics motions to approve
the agenda, Philosophy and
Religious Studies seconds. All in
favor. Motion PASSED.
Biology motions to approve,
Accounting seconds. All in favor.
Motion PASSED.
Kelsey Furstenwerth,
Administrative Assistant
for Student Academic
Budget Report
Micah Parker
Funding Requests:
 Music
 Music II
 Geography
 Political
 Communicati
Chris Fredrickson
Cynthia Hickey
Jeff Bortner
American Choral Direction Association
Original requestor is doing a concert at
Ellensburg High School due to field experience
Micah Parker requesting
Cameron here for Chris.
Trumpet club of seven admitted to national
trumpet competition
Fairfax, VA
$900 for travel
Competing for group bracket
Council for Exceptional Children Conference
Requesting $900 for airfare
Very relevant
Going to NW Scientific Association Conference
in Idaho.
Mathematics moves, Philosophy
and Religious Studies seconds. All
in favor. Music abstains. PASSED.
Biology motions to approve,
Douglas Honors College seconds.
All in favor. Music abstains.
Philosophy and Religious Studies
motions, Geography seconds. All
in favor. LLSE abstains. Motion
Biology motions, Philosophy and
Religious Studies seconds. All in
favor. Geography abstains.
Ben Wagar
Political Science
Aubrey Abbott
Theater Department
 Psychology
 Physics
 Finance
Allyson Mundy
Task Force
Learning about lichen and brushwood
Asking for $894 for registration fees
Part of money for vans, part for hotel
Wheatley International Association
$600 total for registration and hotel
Gets to meet with many Ivy League and US
Government representative
National Assembly for PRSSA
Charlotte, North Carolina
Electing a new PRSSA board
Running for a National Position-VP of Member
Requesting $300 for flight
Motion PASSED.
Finance is not here, so he cannot be reinstated
Biology motions to reinstate all
into good standing. Accounting
seconds. IET, Psychology, and
Physics abstain. Motion PASSED.
The departments in question are
now in good standing.
Task Forces-Senators felt group discussion
went well, wish they would not have been
interrupted as much
Dead day was a huge topic. Many senators
went out to their classes to discuss it, and
found that many students are willing to
petition about bring back dead day back.
Biology motions, Geography
seconds. All in favor. Political
Science and Foreign Languages.
Motion PASSED.
Biology motions, Douglas Honors
College seconds. All in favor.
Communications abstains. Motion
Allyson Mundy
Poster Reprints?
Kelsey Furstenwerth
Faculty Senate
Allyson Mundy
Issues and Concerns
Obviously a concern that we can address.
Most people like the task forces and hope that
senators will choose an idea for a task force
that they are passionate for to work towards.
A taskforce for tuition increases will be
Also hoping to establish a finance committee
Allyson will send out a list of task forces for
senators to sign up for and get going on
Library-Jeremy from Biology has decided to
head the Library committee. Contact him if you
are interested in helping him!
Dean Cutwright from the library has already
taken Jeremy’s ideas into account. The library
will have extended hours, extra rooms for
studying, and a possible café in the library.
Some people need additional posters printed
for their departments. Contact Allyson ASAP if
this needs to be done.
Tuition Waivers now for staff’s dependents up
to 50%
Graduation Cords-Anthony mentioned having
SAS members have a cord at graduation for
graduating seniors
Must be in for one academic year, or reviewed
Motion by Biology to limit
discussion to two minutes.
Philosophy and Religious Studies
seconds. All in favor. Motion
Allyson Mundy
Allyson Mundy
Center for Excellence and Leadership- “Tip of
the Spear Award” goes to two students in the
student academic senate. SAS would have to
cover the cost.
BOD Elections-Would like to see more people
run for positions!
Next executive board meeting is April 2nd at
5:30PM in the BOD Conference room
Next general senate meeting is April 9th at 8pm
in SURC 301
Steve Wagar and Lewis Clark being contacted
to have them come to a meeting in April
April 23rd BOD Election Forum
Wildcat Shop Advisory Board 2pm on March
28th. Please come, students are always
Redbull hosting events in Pavillion at 7pm
Jeremy motions to adjourn, Law
and Justice seconds. All in favor.
Motion PASSED.