Central Washington University Student Academic Senate General Senate Minutes January 26, 2012

Central Washington University
Student Academic Senate
General Senate Minutes
January 26, 2012
Call to order
a. Meeting called to order at 8:01PM
Additions/corrections to agenda
a. Biology motions to remove Ryla from the Guest Speakers. Mathematics seconds. All in
favor. Motion PASSED.
b. Law and Justice motions to add Political Science under funds requests after Nutrition.
Biology seconds. All in favor, Political Science abstains. Motion PASSED.
c. Biology motions to add introduction of new senators after the funds requests.
Accounting Seconds. Motion PASSED.
d. Music motions to add Jesse Nelson’s CWU Calendar Survey results under
announcements. Philosophy and Religious Studies seconds. All in favor, motion PASSED.
e. Communication motions to limit discussion and presentation by ten minutes.
i. Discussion: We need to categorize what we are limiting.
ii. Friendly amendment that all funds requests we limited to two minutes, and all
following discussion be limited to two minutes. Communication Accepts. Biology
Seconds. All in Favor. Art abstains. Motion PASSED.
Approval of agenda
a. Mathematics motions to approve, Biology seconds. Motion PASSED.
Approval of minutes
a. Biology motions to approve, Accounting seconds. Motion PASSED.
Guest Speaker
a. Provost Levine
New business
a. Funding request(s)
i. Nutrition
1. Nutrition College Bowl Team helps nutrition students demonstrate
knowledge of nutrition.
i. In North Ridge, CA on March 10th .Have gone for 9
years. Brought back $2,500 that goes to the next year’s
teams. Helps them with the registered dietician exam.
b. What is money requested for?
i. Plane ticket to California
c. How many students does it benefit?
i. Four students
2. Biology moves to allot full $900. Foreign Language seconds. All in favor,
Nutrition abstains. Motion PASSED.
ii. Political Sciences
1. Conservative Political Action Conference. Held in Washington D.C. in
2. Funds from other organization?
a. Money from Club Senate, from Richard DeShield’s office, and
will be requesting from S&A. $1,000 request from S&A. $1,000
from Richard DeSheilds’ office. Asking for $1,500 from Club
3. How much is total trip?
a. Over $5,000 for all to go.
4. Mathematics brought up that they should have presented next week.
Political Sciences thought they should have presented this week due to
miscommunication and confusion on when they were departing for
Washington D.C.
a. Music moves to allot full funding. Douglas Honors College
seconds. Philosophy and Religious Studies would like to see it
tabled so they can review the request for review next week.
Music agrees and would like to withdraw his motion.
b. Philosophy and Religious Studies motions to table until next
week, Accounting seconds.
i. Law and Justice-Didn’t we already agree to put them on
the agenda? Mathematics-you can put anyone on the
agenda, doesn’t mean you have to approve it.
1. Micah would like to make a friendly
amendment to table it but not all presenters
need to be here. Phil accepts. Seconded by
a. All in favor, four opposed, Political
Science and Military Science abstain.
Motion PASSED.
b. Introduction for New Senators
i. Noah Anderson-Military Science
ii. Brock Wolitarsky-Douglas Honors College
iii. Leslie Ardon-Biology Alternate
Old business
a. T-shirts
i. Part of S&A request. Will be purchased. Will not have to be taken out of pocket.
b. Tabling
i. Nic made a great tabling display board. Needs one more compartment. Quoted
$30 for parts.
1. Biology motions $30 for addition supplies. Music seconds. All in favor.
Motion PASSED.
Issues & concerns
a. Have we implemented any means to shorten meetings?
i. Executive Board will talk about it first in creating task forces and breaking up
into groups to discuss ideas.
ii. Moving to have all funding requests online (consented agenda).
a. Jesse Nelson’s Survey on Calendar Changes
i. Students had support for Monday-Thursday finals week
ii. Evenly divided for lengthening spring break
iii. Neutral for changes to SOURCE
b. Went to S&A last night and requested money
i. Unhappy with the way S&A responded to students and their attack on SAS.
c. Last year we went to S&A and got supplemental funding. Thought we had to give the
money back, ends up we do not have to. We have an additional $10,000 in our budget.
i. Highly suggest we utilize it.
ii. We have roughly $22,000 in our budget.
d. Chemistry-Since we have a surplus of funding, could we increase how much people can
i. Jeremy-Executive Board is discussing this now for future by-laws.
Public comments
a. Richard DeShields-February 2nd Housing Department Academic Recognition Banquet.
4:00PM in SURC Ballroom all SAS members are invited.
a. Biology motions to adjourn, accounting seconds. All in favor, Motion PASSED.