Equity & Services Council Meeting November 19 2014 Wednesday at 5:00 pm

Equity & Services Council Meeting
November 19th 2014
Wednesday at 5:00 pm
SURC 271
Call To Order: 5:04
Roll Call:
Spencer Biallas
Evelyn Briscoe
Olivia Durham
Daisy Lemus- FGSO
Alex Thiongo- BSU
Robert Zingelman- ABLE
Joanna Neyens- NASA
Thao Thanh Luu- ROTARACT
Denise Granados- MeCha
Jamese Johnson (attended for Michelle Cyrus)
Approval of Minutes:
Nov. 12, 2014
Motion to approve minutes
Seconded by ABLE
Additions or Corrections to Agenda:
Approval of Agenda:
Nov. 19th approval
So moved ABLE
Seconded by BSU
Executive Board Report:
Chair: Spencer Biallas: This week I have gotten a couple funds request in. I also have been working with clubs to be re-recognized
and recognized. So far we have 3 clubs, which are FGSO, NASA, AUAP and MULTI-CULTURAL CLUB that are looking to have some
meetings to see what they can do about getting recognized and re-recognized. I had computer problems this past week so I was
having issues getting back to everyone. As of right now, I called the night manager here on campus, we are in the process of getting
flood lights up over in between the SURC and Black Hall to fix the sidewalk that there is no lighting on.
Executive Assistant: Evelyn Briscoe: I haven’t been working on anything in particular besides office work.
Community Programmer: Olivia Durham: I am continuing to work on the food drive and I was excited to find an overflowing box
downstairs in the SURC. This weekend we will be handing flyers outside of the grocery stores, I hope to see everyone that has
volunteered there and that everyone has received my text that I sent out.
Advisor Michelle Cyrus: One thing that I would like to remind everyone is to, whoever hasn’t done there volunteer hours make sure
you are connecting with your Orgs so that you can get those in.
Org Reports:
ROTARACT: We had the ESC potluck on Monday November 17, it was a lot of fun. We also had the dinner and a movie and Project
Santa this past week and they were a success. At Project Santa we wrapped about 700 presents which we completed in about an
hour or so. Right now as officers we are just looking to finalize our winter quarter events, so we are getting that information turned
in. I also was not aware of volunteer hour reports, so I will get that turned in right away.
BSU: This week we have been working on Showtime at the McConnell, which will be coming up on February 27th in McConnell
Auditorium at 7:00 pm. Also, in the spring we are having an event called the Movement, which we will bringing in dance teams from
around the state to perform it will be pretty much like a Talent Show, but it is not.
FASA: We are having an end of the quarter potluck for our last event, there will be a lot of food, games, and movies. This event will
be held in the multipurpose room on December 4th around 6-7pm, please come join in one this fun event.
EQuAL: Absent
MeCha: We are still working on the tamale sale; November 17-21 is the last week to preorder. On November 24-25 the tamales will
be made and you can pay and pick up your order downstairs in the SURC. Also, Thursday, November 20th at 12:00 pm we are doing a
flash mob in remembrance for the 43 students that died In Mexico. For the people that want to attend you should be dressed in
black. We are planning on doing T-shirts Sweatshirts and possible Sweatpants for MeCha. We are still planning for the Cinco de
Mayo event fundraiser for Latina Graduation. What we know so far is that we are selling tickets for 5.00 to CWU students and 10.00
to the community. The event will be held hopefully in the SURC ballroom.
ABLE: Ware fair will be Friday, December 5th. Items will be juried on November 21, so that we can get approved to sell. I will let ESC
now how the items getting juried went at the next meeting.
Old Business:
Org Events Calendar: When you are having an event send the information about the event to ascwucommunity@cwu.edu so that
Spencer Biallas can post it on the calendar online. This will ensure that everyone can attend each other’s events and that we are not
having different events on the same day or even collaborate them.
Org Potluck was a success, thank you for everyone that attended. We should probably do something like the potluck quarterly.
New Business:
Multi-Cultural Club Wrap-up Report
This weekend we went to the Oregon Student of Color Conference, there was about 300-400 hundred students in attendance. We
had conversations with people about different races that suffer from racism. We also had the opportunity to listen to people’s
stories and struggles with racism, as well as listening to different motivational speakers and attending workshops that were really
interesting. The workshops were culture based, but you got to attend whichever one you wanted to, which was nice. As a group we
learned a lot about our culture and ethnicity. One of the most inspirational things at the conference was the candlelight vigil for the
43 slain students in Mexico. In the middle of the vigil 43 students got up and had a picture of each student who passed away.
BSU Funds Request
For Showtime at the McConnell, February 27th at 7pm
The purpose of this event is to expose black culture and show the talent we have here at Central. It is an event where we bring
faculty, students and community members together to have fun and enjoy good talent. We will be doing fundraisers to raise money
for the grand prize of $500. We will vote on funds for this event on December 3rd which is the next meeting.
Matthew Patti- Assistant to Cassie Debure VP of Legislative Affairs.
Office of legislative affairs will be going to Lobby Day in Olympia, which is on faculty development day February 28th. The goal is to try and get
as many students for Central Washington to go over to Olympia and Lobby Legislatures. Transportation and food is paid for, we will be leaving
Central Washington University at 7:00 am and get back around 6:00 pm the same day. The kind of things we are going to be lobbying for is the
new ROTC building construction, the new Samelson building construction, and Renovations on Lindt hall. We are also lobbying for lower tuition
for all students. If anyone is interested in this event you can sign up by going to the Student Government website, then going to Legislative of
Affairs tab on the left hand side, then clicking on a tab that says get involved. There will be a form where you can sign up, there is no limit to
who can attend this event. When you sign up you will get in email for training days and times. The training will be during the month of January
and it is to help you get prepped on how to speak properly and professionally at this event. This Lobby day is fully focused on Central
Washington University and Central related issues only. The goal is to do better than we did last year. If you have any questions head to the BOD
office in SURC 236, and ask to speak to Legislative Affairs VP Cassie Debure or ask for me Matthew Patti.
Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Biallas in person or via email ascwucommunity@cwu.edu. Public comments
may also be presented at the time of the meeting
Motion to adjourn this meeting
So moved by MeCha
Seconded by ROTARACT