Equity & Services Council Meeting November 12 2014 Wednesday at 5:00 pm

Equity & Services Council Meeting
November 12th 2014
Wednesday at 5:00 pm
SURC 271
Call To Order: 5:04
Roll Call:
Spencer Biallas
Evelyn Briscoe
Olivia Durham
Cameron Bell- EQuAL
Joanna Neyen – NASA
Robert Zingelman- ABLE
Alex Thiongo- BSU
Denise Granados- MeCha
Daisy Lemus- FGS
Brandon Pangilinan- FASA
Michelle Cyrus- Advisor
Approval of Minutes:
October 29th Minutes
So moved ABLE
Seconded By FASA
November 5th Minutes
So moved by FASA
Seconded by MeCha
Motion passes 5-0-0
Additions or Corrections to Agenda:
Addition to Issues/Concerns/Announcements
Diane Fisher Halls Communication Presentation
Seconded by ABLE
Motion passes 6-0-0
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to Approve Agenda
So moved by MeCha
Seconded by BSU
Motion Passes 6-0-0
Executive Board Report:
Chair: Spencer Biallas: I went to a 7 hour long meeting. If you want any info on the meeting I attended I will be happy to inform you
on any information legislative wise. Also the Student Government Vice Presidents have been going over projects to do on campus. If
you see anything that you would liked changed please let us know.
Executive Assistant: Evelyn Briscoe: I would first like to apologize about not having the forms up on the website for Orgs can get to
them. I realize that is my fault and I am sorry. I have been focusing on how to do my job correctly so that is easier on the Orgs.
Community Programmer: Olivia Durham: I have still been working on the Food Drive. I did not make it to all the meetings like I said I
would and I apologize, but I am only human. The Food Drive will start next week and there will be food boxes all around the SURC
for students and staff to donate. A couple of volunteers and I will be in front of Grocery Outlet and Super One handing flyers to the
costumers entering the store in hopes to get them to donate. The food drive will be from November 17-23 but only Friday through
Sunday will we be standing outside of Grocery Outlet and Super One from 5-8 pm.
Advisor Michelle Cyrus: The Parade of Nations is Thursday, November 13th at 7pm in the SURC ballroom, please come and enjoy.
Laverne Cox is coming November 18th, no matter if you are a student or not you must have a ticket to see Laverne Cox. Language
Matters with Bob Holman will be on November 19th in Dean Hall at 4pm. Central Washington Students and staff will be getting a
preview before it airs on PBS. I also want to remind everyone that Operation Elf is December 13th in Sue Lombard from 3-7 pm. There
will be free gifts that will be handed out to all the kids that are registered. Please spread this information around to your Orgs.
Santa’s workshop will be in Kamola suits same day and same time. To get in it will be $8.75 for adults and $8.25 for kids and all kids
under 5 get in free.
Org Reports:
ROTARACT: We will be hosting project Santa this year, there will be a Santa that gives gifts to all the children. ROTARACT will be
helping wrap up all the gifts for the kids. We are also having our dinner and a movie in the SURC. I am not sure what room but, it is
at 7pm Thursday November 13th, ROTARACT will be meeting at 4:30pm to set up for the dinner and a movie.
BSU: We are still working on the Org potluck. It will be on November 17th in CDSJ from 6-8pm. BSU executives will be bringing plates,
forks, and Napkins along with some food.
FASA: We are in the works of planning for an end of the quarter party. This will probably be our last meeting and it will just be a day
to hang out and play some games. We will also doing a white elephant gift exchange on the day of our party. We are wanting to
have it in either the Multipurpose room or the Wellington event center on December 4th. The time for this event is tentative.
EQuAL: Next week is transgender awareness week. We are having a Trans 101 workshop in SURC 201 on Monday, November 17th.
Tuesday, November 18th is all about Laverne cox she will be in the SURC Ballroom at 7pm. Pride Foundation workshop will be on
Wednesday the 19th at 7pm in SURC 135. Thursday, November 20th is the Candlelight Vigil it will be in the SURC West Patio at 6pm.
Transgender awareness week is all we have planned for the rest of the quarter.
MeCha: Is working on the Parade of Nations which will be on November 13th in the SURC Ballroom. We will also be attending the Org
potluck hosted by BSU. MeCha is planning on going to Chicago on April 12th-19th for a conference. The conference is educational and
they do workshops. There will also be a lot of other MeCha groups there. We are selling Tamales and for a dozen it is $12.00 and for
individual it will be $1.50. I brought a sheet for preordering if anyone wants to buy any.
ABLE: I have brought more information on Goal Ball. Goal ball will be in court D in the Recreational Center. There has been some
ideas thrown around about having an open gym, ABLE will be for sure participating for one day, we are trying to cover the cost for
Able to participate for all 3 days.
Old Business:
EQuAL Wrap-Up Report
We had a Halloween dance at Old Skools on Main Street on Thursday, October 30th. The purpose of the dance was to provide a safe
alcohol free environment for students and community members to celebrate Halloween. We paid $143.57 for food, drinks and
decorations, and we paid our DJ a mutually agreed amount of $150 rather that the $300 that we budgeted for. The dance was a
success, everyone in attendance had a lot of fun.
Org Potluck
ROTARACT mentioned that each Org should have someone at the potluck to represent there Org and talk about their Organization
and what they are all about.
New Business:
Multi-Cultural Club Funds Request Vote
Arthur Manjerez is the Advisor for CWU Multi-Cultural club. We are in the process in getting our Club back into ESC. In terms of the
Students of Color Conference we are looking at registration for 5 students and hotel cost for 2 nights. Our crispy crème sales for gas
and the cost of the rental van went well, we will be able to pay for that portion of the trip.
Motion to Vote in Favor of Multi-Cultural Clubs Funds Request.
SO moved ABLE
Seconded by FASA
Diane Fisher Hall- Communication Plan
Diane Fisher hall works in the Office Enrollment Management of Communications and has been at Central Washington University for 5 years.
During her time here she has tried to engage the student Orgs with the students on campus. She has worked with clubs for a lot of years and
the admissions crew, it is completely different than what it is now. There is a lot more people of color working in admissions. Soon we will have
an opportunity for students of color to talk to future students of color about the University as well as their parents. For an African American
parent it is great to talk to an African American student about the University, it helps the parent feel more comfortable. The conversation will
entail inviting the student and parent to the Org meetings and an overall visit to the campus hosted by your Org. We have recently put
together communications for the Orgs, which means anytime an African American student or any student of color comes into our system we
can show them all of the different types of Orgs we have here on campus. Actually getting out there in front of people and inviting them to
campus and other events that your Orgs may put on. You should also make sure that your Org Facebook cite is up to date so that there is no
confusion when a parent or a student looks up your Org on Social Media. It is important that the Orgs are reaching out and getting connected
to people that are feeling uncomfortable on campus. We have a lot of information about people’s interest in our office, if you are looking for
people to join your Org. If you have an Org that has a graduation attached to it please get help with that as soon as possible. Those individuals
graduation is so important and is also important to the parents. I am here to help please call me or come see me, my number and email is 509963-3020 and Fisherhd@cwu.edu, I am located in Hertz 113.
If you know anyone that want to get involved on campus contact Nick Shuey at ascwuvp@cwu.edu or come see him in the BOD office.
Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Biallas in person or via email ascwucommunity@cwu.edu. Public comments
may also be presented at the time of the meeting
Michelle is going to have John Logwood come next week to talk about the budget.
Motion to Adjourn Meeting
So moved by ROTARACT
Seconded by BSU