Level 4 Writing and Grammar Course Mississippi College: Intensive English Program

Level 4 Writing and Grammar Course
Mississippi College: Intensive English Program
Instructor: Mrs. Rebecca Brill
Office: Intensive English Program Building
E-mail: RMBrill@mc.edu
Office hours: by appointment only
Course Description and Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to prepare each student for Writing and Grammar in an
English Academic College-level Program. Objectives for the course are:
 Students will use pre-writing strategies such as graphic organizers, outlines,
rough drafts, and final drafts to improve their writing. They will understand the
steps of the academic writing process
 Students will write various essay styles including compare/contrast, narrative,
argumentative, and cause-effect.
 Students will strengthen their use of English grammar.
Course Topics:
1. Formal and Informal Classroom Writing
2. Standard English Grammar
Textbooks: Students must bring textbooks to class to be marked present.
1. Folse, K., Muchmore-Vokoun, A., & Solomon, E. V. Great Writing 4. National
Geographic. 978-1-285-19494-3
2. Fuchs, M. & Bonner, M. Focus on Grammar 4. Pearson. 978-0132546492.
Materials Needed for Class:
 USB drive for saving class work
 College Ruled Notebook paper (no small notebooks)
 Access to Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint or compatible programs
 Pencils--All in-class work is to be done in pencil!
 Pens – Black or Blue ink
 Highlighter
Grade Distribution:
Weight of
Type of
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam
Teacher Option
Writing Center
Description of the Assignment
3 major quizzes on learned grammatical skills
6 quizzes on vocabulary learned in class
3 major paragraphs to be completed outside of class, each
worth 5%
Major test: includes reading and a timed writing (in class)
Major test: includes reading and a timed writing (in class)
Includes in-class assignments and minor quizzes, homework,
and participation grades
*Students will attend weekly meetings with their writing
partners to work on assignments given by the teacher
Grading Scale:
Types of Writing and Grammar Assignments:
Important: Always save all of your work on your USB drive or your personal
computer. You may need it later or you may need another copy of your work.
1. Formal Drafted Writing Assignments: In most American University classes,
students are required to write long, cohesive papers about a topic that they have studied
in class. This class will prepare you to begin writing these longer essays and papers for
when you enter academic classes. You will be required to complete 4 essay styles for
this course, progressing through the stages of the writing process.
2. Class Warm-Ups – We will begin most classes with a warm-up assignment, which
will be written on the board when you enter the room. Activities might include small
group or pair discussions, writing assignments, short quizzes, editing tasks, or question
and answer activities. These warm-ups will count as part of your participation grade.
3. Class Discussions: Entire class or small group discussions will happen in this class
often. The topic of the discussion will often be something related to culture or something
you have written. You must participate in the discussions in order to strengthen your
conversation skills.
4. Quizzes: Grammar lessons from lecture and textbooks will be on the quizzes. The
majority of quizzes will consist of grammar information, and there will be a portion of the
quiz that covers writing concepts from the week.
5. Homework Assignments: Each week you will have homework assignments to be
completed outside of class. These assignments might include writing or grammar
exercises, editing tasks, or bringing in items to write about in class.
6. Writing Partner: Each week you will meet with a tutor at the Writing Center on
campus for 1 hour a week. Your attendance counts as 5% of your grade, so do not miss
any meetings! Be on time and respectful of your writing partner.
7. Other Assignments/Change of Assignments: This list of assignments is only a
tentative plan. The instructor may change these assignments or give you different
assignments if that is what I (the instructor) think is best for the class.
8. Class Participation: Students must participate in class. This means students must be
present and attentive during class, and they must take part in all in-class activities and
assignments. If I see you on your cell phone for reasons other than academic assistance
(which I have approved), you will lose participation points. If I see you sleeping, doing
work for other classes, or treating other students with disrespect, you will also lose
points. *THIS IS AN ENGLISH ONLY CLASSROOM. Please don’t speak any other
language except English. You need the practice!
Attendance Policy: Please see the IEP Handbook.
Students are expected to attend all classes and complete all work required for the
If a student arrives after the teacher has begun class, that student will be counted
tardy. For every 4 tardies received, a student will have 1 absence.
If you come to class after the teacher has begun talking, you will be counted
absent for the day. It is very important to be on time!
Students must not accumulate excessive absences. Upon the 10 absence, a
student will automatically fail the session.
Students’ attendance is calculated into their overall class score. Upon the 4
absence, the instructor will deduct 4% per absence from the students’ grade.
If a SACM student misses four or more classes within an 8 week session, the
student’s SACM advisor will be notified.
Excused absences are given only to a student with a doctor’s note or other
acceptable signed documentation. If a child or spouse is sick and a student
cannot come to class, he or she must have a doctor’s excuse for the family
member. A student is responsible for coming to class regardless of transportation
or weather issues. If you are having serious problems regarding these issues,
please contact the IEP or OGE office, and we will assist you in making
If a student is going to miss class, it is his/her responsibility to meet with
his/her teacher and get the assignments and make-up work.***
Students must attend classes until the end of the semester. If a student leaves
before the end of the semester, he/she will be marked absent for the days that
were missed. In addition, all incomplete assignments will be given a grade of 0.
Sometimes Mississippi College cancels classes due to severe weather. If there is
severe weather, a student can find out if classes are canceled by:
 Upon arrival, students can sign up for MC alert to receive notifications via
text and email. Go to:
http://www.e2campus.com/my/mississippicollege/signup.htm to sign up.
 Checking Mississippi College’s website at www.mc.edu/alert
 Listening to the local radio/news
Late Work Policy:
 Late homework assignments will not be accepted for full credit unless you have
an excused absence. Every day it is late will result in a ten point deduction.
 If you miss a test or other in-class assignment, it is your responsibility to ask
the teacher for assignments that you missed during your absence. I will not ask
you if you want to complete your work.
 Excused Absences (doctor’s note provided): If the IEP director excuses your
absence (student gives a Doctor’s note to the director, Ms. Judy Wren), then
you will be allowed the number of days you were absent to complete the
work. (For example: If absent 2 days, then the student has 2 additional days to
turn in the assignment.)
 Unexcused Absences: If you miss a test or an in-class assignment without an
excused absence, the highest grade allowed for any missed assignments is a B,
and you must meet with the teacher on the day you return to class to discuss
the make-up date.
Plagiarism Policy:
No student shall submit as his or her own work any term paper, research paper, thesis,
or other academic assignment of original work that in any part is not in fact his/her
own work. Knowingly using the ideas of another person and offering them as
one’s own original ideas is prohibited by this policy to the same extent as knowingly
using the words of another writer and offering them as one’s own original writing.
Students who are found guilty of plagiarism will receive a grade of 0 if a grade is involved,
and the matter reported to the International Center Executive Director, the Vice President
of Academic Affairs, and the Academic Honors Board. Additional penalties may be
imposed by the Academic Honors Board
Mississippi College Policy 2.19
Students with Disabilities:
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with the
Director of Student Counseling Services immediately upon recognition of their
disability (if their disability is known they must come in before the semester begins or
make an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new semester).
The student must bring with them written documentation from a medical physician and/or
licensed clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has received prior
accommodations, they must bring written documentation of those accommodations
(example Individualized Education Plan from the school system). Documentation must
be current (within 3 years).
The student must meet with SCS face to face and also attend two (2) additional follow
up meetings (one mid semester before or after midterm examinations and the last one at
the end of the semester). Please note that the student may also schedule additional
meeting as needed for support through SCS as they work with their professor throughout
the semester. Note: students must come in each semester to complete their
individualized Accommodation Plan (example: MC student completes fall semester IAP
plan and even if student is a continuing student for the spring semester they must come
in again to complete their spring semester IAP plan).
Student Counseling Services is located on the 4 floor of Alumni Hall) or they may be
contacted via email at mbryant@mc.edu. You may also reach them by phone at 601925-7790. Dr. Morgan Bryant is director of the MC Student Counseling Services.
General Class Schedule
(*This schedule is only tentative and could change if the teacher finds it necessary.)
NO CLASS: Monday or Tuesday
Class Introduction and Ice Breakers
Great Writing Unit 1
*City Tour (8/31) No class!
Major Assignments
*Grammar Quiz 1
Great Writing Unit 1: Exploring the Essay
Focus on Grammar Unit 14
*Labor Day (9/7) No class!
Great Writing Unit 2: Narrative
Focus on Grammar Unit 13
Great Writing Unit 3: Comparison
Focus on Grammar Unit 21-22
*Academic Class Visits (9/21/2015) No class!
Great Writing Unit 4: Cause-Effect
Focus on Grammar Unit 23
Great Writing Unit 4: Cause-Effect AND Unit 5:
Focus on Grammar Unit 1 and 2
Great Writing Unit 5: Argument
Focus on Grammar Unit 3
*Fall Break (10/12-10/13/2015) No class!
Review for Final Exam
*Grammar Quiz 2
*Grammar Quiz 3
*Grammar Quiz 4
*Grammar Quiz 5
Final Exam