8 A Healthy Lifestyle Approach Fitness &

11th Edition
Werner W. K. Hoeger
Sharon A. Hoeger
Fitness &
A Healthy Lifestyle
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Learning 2015
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Healthy Lifestyle
Health Problems
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Importance and characteristics
Relationship to wellness
Physiological vs. chronological
Heart Disease
Chemical abuse
Effects of irresponsible sex
Increase Longevity With These Habits
Incorporate these habits:
• Sleep 7-8 hours
• Maintain healthy relationships
• Be physically active
• Lower stress levels
• Maintain recommended body weight
• Eat a healthy diet
• Increase your education
• Take personal safety measures
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Increase Longevity With These Habits
Avoid these habits:
• High-sugar snacks
• Environmental risk factors
• Tobacco
• Alcohol
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Spiritual Well-Being
Unifying power that integrates the
other dimensions of wellness
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Sense of purpose and
Relationship to higher being
Prayer, Faith, Altruism
Closeness to others
Freedom, Fulfillment
Love, Peace, Joy
Spiritual Well-Being (cont’d.)
Three spiritual beliefs:
1. Relationship with God is meaningful
2. God can help, guide and assist
3. Moral existence has a purpose
Prayer has been linked to positive health outcomes
Altruism: true concern for and action on behalf of
others; enhances health – especially immune system
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Causes of Death
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Disease of the Cardiovascular System
Coronary Heart Disease
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Narrowing of coronary arteries by cholesterol
and triglycerides
Leading cause of death in U.S.
Leads to heart attack
Physical inactivity, excessive body fat, family
history of CVD, inflammation, abnormal ECG,
stress, high LDL cholesterol or triglycerides,
high blood pressure, high homocysteine,
diabetes, tobacco use, age and gender, low
Fitness and Cardiovascular Mortality
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Blood Pressure Guidelines
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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
 Mild Hypertension
Regular exercise
Weight control
Low fat/salt diet
High potassium/calcium diet
Lower alcohol and caffeine intake
Smoking cessation
Stress management
 If medication is ordered, keep taking it
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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) (cont’d.)
Americans typically consume too much
sodium and not enough potassium
 Potassium regulates water retention
Daily requirement: 4,700 mg
Sources: citrus, dairy, fish, beans, nuts
and leafy green vegetables
 Sodium affects blood pressure
Daily recommendation: 1,500 mg
95% of Americans exceed this
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Excessive Body Fat
• Body fat stored around the stomach creates
higher risk for coronary heart disease
• Best approach to avoid this is regular exercise
• Reduction in risk factors occurs beginning with 23 percent weight loss
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Abnormal Cholesterol
Risk of heart attack increases 2 percent for
every 1 percent increase in cholesterol
 High-density Lipoprotein (HDL)
• Cardio-protective when 60 mg/dL or
 Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)
• Tends to release cholesterol during
• Less than 100 mg/dL is optimal
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Abnormal Cholesterol (cont’d.)
Increase High-density Lipoprotein (HDL)
• Habitual aerobic exercise
• Weight loss
• Niacin
• Quit smoking
Decreasing Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)
• Lose body fat
• Regular aerobic exercise
• May require medication
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Diet Tips To Lower LDL Cholesterol
Daily fiber consumption of 25-38 grams
Daily cholesterol intake under 200 mg
Increase vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans
Avoid commercially baked foods, trans fats, hydrogenated and
partially hydrogenated oils
Eat fish 2-3 times per week
Drink low-fat milk
Avoid fried food and fatty sauces
Remove fat from meat before cooking
Eat red meat less than 3 times per week
10. Maintain recommended body weight
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Elevated Triglycerides
Manufactured in liver from alcohol, so alcohol
consumption increases triglycerides
 Desirable level is less than 150 mg/dL
 Very low-density lipoproteins/chylomicrons
• Carry triglycerides in blood
 To lower triglycerides:
• Avoid refined sugars (juice, sugar, honey)
• Avoid alcohol and tobacco
• Reduce fat consumption
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Elevated Homocysteine
• Levels above 13 umol/L increases risk of
• Decrease levels through eating
recommended amounts of vegetables, fruits,
• 400 mcg a day of folate can decrease risk of
heart attack
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C-reactive protein (CRP) indicates
inflammation and may predict heart-attacks
 CRP and Cholesterol
Elevated cholesterol and CRP carries nine-fold
increase in heart attack risk
 Hs-CRP Test
Gives probably of plaque rupturing within arterial wall
 Avoid
Fast-food, high-fat meals
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Responsible for 75% of diabetes
Type 1
Pancreas produces little or no insulin
Type 2
Pancreas doesn’t produce enough
insulin or cells are insulin-resistance
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Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Exercise is the most important preventative
Aerobic exercise of 3,500 calories per week cuts
risk in half
Habitual exercise maintains insulin sensitivity
Lose excess weight
Improve diet
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Metabolic Syndrome
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Cells resist effects of insulin,
pancreas releases more results in
chronic rise in insulin
Low HDL-Cholesterol
High triglycerides
Increase blood-clotting mechanism
Avoid low-fat, high carbohydrate diet
Keep carbohydrates to 45% of daily
Abnormal Electrocardiograms
Electrocardiograms recommended for these
adults before beginning exercise program:
 One or more risk factors for CHD and also
Over 45 (men) or over 55 (women)
Two or more risk factors for CHD and want to
 participate in vigorous exercise
 Cardiac, pulmonary or metabolic disease
 Family history of CHD
Anyone with chest discomfort, syncope,
 dysrhythmias or chronotropic incompetence
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Tobacco Use
Speeds up atherosclerosis
Increases heart rate and blood
Heart pressure
Irritates heart, causes arrhythmias
Decreases HDL-cholesterol
Risks decrease immediately
Quitting 1 year: risk of CVD decreases by half
Effects 15 years: risk of CVD approx that of
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Stress is not avoidable, but the negative
effects can be minimized through exercise
Effects of stress on heart
• Low-level, constant strain on heart
• Coronary arteries constrict
• May create abnormal heart rhythms
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Age, Gender, and Family or Personal History
Age and Gender
Men over 45
Women over 55
Keeping physiological age young slows the
effects of chronological aging
Physical activity promotes a lower physiological
Family Or Personal History
To minimize this risk, keep other cardiovascular
risk factors low
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Cancer Development
• Cells with
defective DNA
reproduce to
create tumor
• Tumor reaches 1
million cells
Carcinoma in
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• Cancer cells produce
chemicals that bring
more oxygen and
nutrients to tumor
• Cells break away
from malignant
• Migrate through
blood and create
tumors elsewhere
Guidelines For Preventing Cancer
Make Dietary Changes
Diet should be primarily vegetarian
Consume fruits and vegetables throughout day
Minimize high temperature cooking
Keep alcohol consumption to minimum
Include these components in your diet:
Cruciferous vegetables, carotenoids, vitamin D,
grains high in fiber, tea with polyphenols
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Guidelines For Preventing Cancer (cont’d.)
Safe Sun Exposure
Get 10-20 minutes of unprotected exposure every day
Avoid Tobacco
Both primary and secondary smoke exposure increase
cancer risk
Life expectancy of chronic smoker 15 years less than nonsmoker
Monitoring Estrogen, Radiation Exposure, & Potential
Occupational Hazards
All three have been linked with different types of
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Physical Activity
Daily, 30 minute, moderate-intensity
exercise decreases cancer risk
Moderate physical activity decreases risk by 20 to
 50 percent:
Colon, breast, uterine cancer
Men may decrease risk of dying from cancer by half
 through regular vigorous activity
Women who exercise regularly lower risk of breast
 cancer by 40 percent
 Strength training decreases cancer mortality
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Early Detection
 Change in bowel or bladder habits
 Sore that does not heal
 Unusual bleeding or discharge
 Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
 Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
 Obvious change in wart or mole
 Nagging cough or hoarseness
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Chronic Lower Respirator Disease
Diseases the obstruct air flow
• Increases with:
• Smoking
• Exposure to industrial pollution
• Genetics (for emphysema)
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• Often associated with:
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Drug or alcohol abuse
Not wearing seatbelts
Poor judgment and confused mental
Substance Abuse
Alcohol is the number one drug problem
among college students
Alcohol is associated with assault, unprotected sex
and death among college students
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Some long-term effects:
• Liver cirrhosis
• Cardiomyopathy
• Higher risk for cancer and stroke
• Sexual impotence
• Brain cell damage
Illegal Drugs
Marijuana is 10 times stronger than during
the 1960s
Methamphetamine use can lead to
symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Heroin reduces cardiac function and
breathing rate after the rush
Withdrawal from heroin starts 4-5 hours
after use and can last for months
MDMA pills are inconsistently prepared and
often prepared with other drugs
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
AIDS has no cure and is preventable
 HIV destroys the immune system
• Progressive infection
• May take 10 years before symptoms
 AIDS is final stage of HIV infection
Opportunistic infections appear
Death occurs when immune system can no
longer protect body
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Guidelines for Preventing STIs
The best strategy is a mutually
monogamous sexual relationship
 But, trust may be elusive
• Consider postponing sex and using protection
until relationship is monogamous
 Avoid multiple sexual partners
 Avoid unprotected sex of any kind
Avoid sharing toothbrushes, razors or other
 personal items
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Assess Yourself
• Is your life free of addictive behavior? If not, will
you commit right now to seek professional help?
• Are you familiar with the following concepts?
– Importance of implementing healthy lifestyle
– Relationship between spirituality and wellness
– Major risk factors for coronary heart disease
– Cancer-prevention guidelines
– Health consequences of substance abuse and
irresponsible sex
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