Student Textbook List KINDERGARTEN 2014- 2015 School Year Subject Title Copyright ISBN Publisher Reading Schoolwide Reading Units of Study: Launching, Fiction, Non-Fiction & Poetry 2012 *teacher resource only Schoolwide Write Source Big Book 2012 9780669542066 Houghton-Mifflin Letters and Numbers for Me 2012 Code:LN Handwriting Without Tears Letras Y Numeros Para Mi 2012 Code:SKLY Handwriting Without Tears Social Studies Alive! Me and My World (Teacher Edition Only) 2010 750-9 TCI 2012 978-07362-73053 Cengage 2012 978-07362-73060 Cengage 2012 978-07362-73077 Cengage Writing Social Studies Science National Geographic Life Science: Animals and Plants National Geographic Earth Science: Day and Night/ Weather and Seasons National Geographic Physical Science: How Things Move/ Observing Objects Math Stepping Stones Student Journals *Each classroom has a classroom library aligned to units of study 2012 Item #: SSJ-202-2 Origo