FRENCH 3 & AP TRISTAN AND ISOLDE ESSAY Tristan and Isolde is based on the medieval “roman courtois,” entitled “Tristan et Yseut”. A “roman courtois” is a love story in prose, written mainly for the women of the court. A common theme of courtly romances is the forbidden love between a man and a woman, from which there is no escape and which ultimately leads to their downfall. In your own words, compare and contrast the storyline of the Hollywood film with that of the original literary version in the Discovering French III textbook. Why do you think the modern day version has been changed from the medieval? Which do you prefer and why? Use different tenses to narrate the past events e.g passé compose and the imparfait. Remember – hotspam tells you when to use the imparfait! (You should also use the plus-que-parfait, the conditional and the subjunctive where appropriate.) All essays must be a minimum of 500 words. Due date vendredi 4 mars.