French 2 FINAL PROJECT CHS 2010-11 Il était une fois… GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. For this project, you will be writing a “conte de fée” or fairy tale in French. The fairy tale will be written and illustrated in book form. The written story itself should be from 150-200 words in length. You will read your fairy tale to the class during the week of final assessments. 2. You should create a character that lives in a Francophone country. Make sure that you include cultural aspects that pertain to the country. 3. You must pay attention to the grammatical aspects addressed by this project. Specifically: the passé compose & imparfait verb tenses, accurate use of related vocabulary, and rich use of descriptions. 4. As with any long term project, it is important that you follow the calendar and meet the established deadlines. All work must be handed in by the due date, and the grade for that work will be incorporated into your final grade for the project. 5. The total worth of this project is 100%. The grade for the project will be divided into several parts with the final product being worth 70%. The three checkpoints throughout the year will be worth a total of 30%. PARTS AND GOALS FOR THIS PROJECT PART 1: (10%) For the first part of this project, you are going to: Choose a well-known celebrity, politician, artist, or musician. Write a description of this person using at least 20 adjectives that describe his/her personality and appearance. Make sure that you use the verbs “être” and “avoir.” Due date: mid January PART 2: (10%) For the second part of the project, you must: Choose one of the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Madagascar, Haiti, Martinique, St. Lucia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorra, Canada (Québec). Prepare a power-point presentation of at least ten slides in which you do the following: 1) Describe the country’s location. 2) Provide a brief overview of the country’s history. 3) Describe the economic basis of the country. 4) Find three holidays or traditions that are celebrated in this country. 5) Discuss the people of the country. What religion do they practice? What do they do for a living? What do they do in their free time? Do they have large/small families?... 6) Choose a celebrity, athlete, artist, or musician from this country. Tell us about this person. 7) What kind of food is this country known for? Give us some examples of the food that is eaten there. You can even provide a recipe. 8) If you were planning a trip to this country, where would you visit and why? Due date: early March PART 3: (10%) For the third part of this project, you will write a composition of at least 100 words in which you describe a favorite vacation that you have taken. Make sure that you include the passé composé and the imparfait tenses. Describe aspects of your vacation (imparfait) and tell us what you did on your trip (passé composé). You must include at least five photos or pictures of your trip. Due date: end of April Your final project, the fairy tale, will be due in mid May. You will be sharing and reading your story to the class. Please see the attached rubric for specific points that I am looking for. One Last Note: You are NOT allowed to use a translating program. If you use a translating program, you are not doing the work required for the project yourself. Consequently, anyone caught using a translator will receive a zero for that part of the project. It is ok to use an online dictionary. There is a big difference between online dictionaries and translators. Looking up words on an individual basis is something that you should do to complete your project. However, whether you type full sentences or only selected words into a computer program to be translated, you are cheating. The only computer based resources you are allowed to use is spell check in Word and the online dictionary: