Breakdown of Tristan and Isolde

Breakdown of
Tristan and Isolde
Ireland and the British Isles are in
colonies dividing England.
A treaty to unite the country would
keep Ireland from attacking the
Ireland attacks and kills as many
people involved in the treatyIncluding Tristan’s parents.
Tristan is adopted by a surviving
Tristan grows to be a warrior, and
when Ireland attacks he goes to
He is hurt by a poisoned knife.
His comrades thinking him dead
send him into the sea on a burning
The boat washes up in Ireland.
And falls into the path of the Irish
Princess Isolde, who is planning to
runaway after she is betrothed to
an Irish thug- who Tristan has just
She helps Tristan and they fall in
The fall of Ireland’s invaders
reaches Ireland and Tristan’s boat
is found- Isolde gets to Tristan and
makes him leave.
Ireland believes the only way to
remain on top is to have a
tournament and the winner marries
Isolde. The King would then disown
her and start a war!
Tristan arrives back in England.
Hearing about the tournament he
believes that the union could stop
all war. He signs up!
Tristan wins the battle and Isolde,
but in the name of Lord Mark- as
he doesn’t know Princess Isolde’s
is the women who he fell in love
with in Ireland.
Tristan tells Isolde she must marry
Lord Mark.
It doesn’t last long- they begin an
One of Mark’s rival Lords finds out
about the affair and sides with the
Irish- they plan to uncover the
lovers- and make Lord Mark look
like the bad guy so the Irish can
start a war.
Mark names the heir to the throneTristan, NOT his nephew.
His nephew sides with the Irish out
of anguish, and shows them a
secret entrance into the castle.
The Plan begins! The lovers are
caught and arrested. The Irish tell
Mark to prepare for war.
Out of compassion Mark lets the
lovers free.
But Tristan does not want their love
to be the downfall of England.
He returns to fight!
He goes through the secret tunnel
and finds Lord Mark’s nephew
dying. He tells him a group has
gone through the tunnel to attack
from the inside and lower the moat
to allow the Irish in.
Tristan attacks them, and is fatally
wounded. Lord Mark hears the
fighting and runs back to his side.
They cut off the heads of the Irish
Tristan is helped to the castle front.
The moat is lowered. Lord Mark
and Tristan confront the Irish, and
turn the Irish men on their King.
Tristan is taken to the river, where
Isolde is brought to him.
He dies in her arms.
Myth tells the lovers are buried
together. Two willow trees marked
the spot. The trees grew entwined
so nothing could split them apart.