Philadelphia University Faculty of information Technology Department of Computer Science Examination Paper Coordinator: Mrs. Eman Alnagi Internal Examiner: Dr. Murad Magableh Computer Skills (9761111) Computer Skills – Humanities (0710103) First Semester of Academic Year 2012/2013 Second Exam Date: 16 December 2012 Time: 50 minutes C Student No.: ...................................... Student Name: ............................................................. Lecturer: .......................................... Section No.: .................................................................. 1. 2. Information for candidates This examination paper contains 20 questions, totaling 20 marks Marks of Each Question is 1. Advice to Candidates 1. You should attempt all questions. 2. You should write your Answers clearly in the specified place in the first page. Question Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [0/C] Q1: The extension ( )امتدادof access files in MS-Access 2007 is: a) mdb b) accdb c) dbx d) docx Q2: Microsoft Office Access is used basically for: a) Data Presentation b) Data Editing and Formatting c) Web Page Design d) Database Management Q3: To enforce ( )يجبرa user to fill a field and doesn’t leave it empty in the Datasheet View, we need to set the ________ property to “yes”: a) Required b) Format c) Validation Rule d) Validation Text Q4: In the picture below, and based on the properties of "First Name" field in the design view of Table Courses_Fees, one of the following texts can be seen in the datasheet view of Table Courses_Fees: a) b) c) d) mi MI ALI ali Q5: The icon which is used to delete a field from a table in the design view is: a) b) c) d) [1/C] Q6: In the picture below, If you want to display the tables in a database in separated windows as the following picture, then you have to choose: a) Office button → Access options → Current Database → Tabbed Documents → Display Document Tabs b) Office button → Access options → Current Database → Overlapping Windows c) Office button → Access options → Current Database → Tabbed Documents d) All of the above Q7: Changes applied on Table fields in the design view: a) Should be saved by the user. b) Are saved automatically by Ms Access 2007 c) Cannot be changed later on d) All of the above. [2/C] Q8: In the picture below, number of created tables in the displayed database is: a) b) c) d) 3 0 6 Unknown [3/C] Q9: In the picture below, the result of the displayed query on "emp" table is: a) b) c) d) Result 4 Result 3 Result 2 Result 1 Q10: In Access, a column in a table is called: a) Record b) Cell c) Field d) Row [4/C] Q11: In the picture below, names that result in First Name field after running the following query are: Like “N*” a) b) c) d) Naiall Naimh Naiall and Naimh Naiall, Naimh and Lina [5/C] Q12: In the picture below and depending on the displayed table; the query which returns the records of hana, rana, sana, and dana is: a) b) c) d) Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 All of the above [6/C] Q13: In the picture below, when applying the displayed query on "Employee" table, the first record in the result is: a) b) c) d) Ahmad, 600, admin Emad , 700 , Finance Ahmad, 500, sales Ali, 500, sales Q14: A primary key field: a) Should not contain null values. b) Should not contain redundant ( )مكررةvalues. c) A and B. d) Its data type should be number [7/C] Q15: In the picture below, depending on the displayed Query wizard, number of fields that will appear in the result of this query is: a) b) c) d) 6 2 4 Unknown Q16: Specify the primary table in the picture below: a) b) c) d) employees deptno empid department Q17: “Text” data type allows the entry of: a) Letters Only. b) Numbers and letters c) Symbols ()رموز d) B+C [8/C] Q18: In the picture below, data type of the gender field in the student table is: a) b) c) d) Text Yes/No Date/Time Number Q19: In the picture below, based on the properties of "stu_id" field, the value which makes you get an error message if you entered it in this field in the datasheet view is: a) b) c) d) 0 600 700 All of the above [9/C] Q20: In the picture below, the number of records in the result after applying the following filter on table Student is: a) b) c) d) 1 2 4 5 Good Luck! [10/C]