ENGR 100 – Introduction to Engineering Class Policies and General Information Instructor: Ms. Vanessa Smullen P.E. office: HS 161 hours: MW 9:00 – 10:00, T 3:00 – 4:30, R 12:00 – 1:00 Class Meetings: TR 1:00-2:40 HS 359 Description: An “Introduction to Engineering” class is commonly found in engineering curriculum for most accredited colleges in the U.S. The course covers engineering design, engineering communication, and the engineering profession. Engineering 100 is a requirement for students pursuing engineering and is recommended for physics majors on the engineering track. Catalog description: Introduction to the art and science of engineering design. Students work in teams to design, program, manufacture, assemble, and test a product. The product will be a hovercraft vehicle capable of completing multiple steps. CAD and modeling software will also be used. Four hours lecture/activity per week. Textbook: The required textbook for this class is Introduction to Engineering Design, Book 9, 4th Ed., by V. M. Brannigan et al., College House Enterprises. All of the reading will be assigned from this book. Supplies: A Personal laptop and calculator are required. Academic Dishonesty: I fully comply with and support the policy of academic dishonesty outlined in the student handbook. I assume any submitted work alleges to be your own unless you have indicated otherwise. Any viloations will lead to a lowered grade, or in extreme cases, failure of the class. Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, call the Gull Line at 410-546-6426 for weather related closing information or check the Salisbury University web page. Writing Across the Curriculum: I completely endorse the campus-wide emphasis on writing and written communication. You will be expected to provide clear, concise written explanations for some in-class group work as well as a well-organized final report. Students with Disabilities: Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me as soon as possible so that we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation in this class and facilitate educational opportunities. Class Format: The class will consist of lecture, group activities, and a team project. You are expected to come to class prepared to ask and answer questions and to participate actively. There will be out-of-class components, such as reading assignments, as well. You should plan to spend at least four hours outside of class each week interacting with the material and working on your project. Engr 100 Syllabus, page 1 General Goals for the Course: 1. To become familiar with the various engineering disciplines and functions. 2. To become acquainted, through designing and building prototype systems, with the engineering design process. 3. To develop skill in working as part of an engineering team. 4. To become familiar with the verbal, written, and graphical forms of engineering communications. 5. To develop the ability to plan and conduct a performance test of an engineering prototype. 6. To learn to use print and electronic media for technical research in the course of designing a prototype. 7. To understand the ethical requirements of engineers. Requirements and Grading Attendance and Participation in Group Work: Course attendance is required. We will be doing group activities in class. These group learning activities will only be effective if you show up and participate. You are expected to participate actively in group and class discussions. Homework: There will be homework assignments. Quizzes: There will be weekly reading quizzes. See the Tentative Schedule for the dates. ABSOLUTELY NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE PERMITTED. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. IF YOU ARE MORE THAN 5 MINUTES LATE TO CLASS ON THE DAY OF A QUIZ YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO ON THE QUIZ. In-Class Assignments: In-class assignments will be collected at the announced due date. No make ups will be allowed except in extreme circumstances. Disruptive Behavior: Chatter during lectures is not allowed. If such disruptive behavior occurs, you will be asked to move. If that does not alleviate the problem, you will be asked to leave. Grade Determination: Your grade will be determined based on the following percentages: Attendance and Attitude 50 Reading Quizzes & Homework 250 Contribution to Mission Completion 300 Design Briefing 100 AutoCAD Drawings 100 Excel Submittal 100 Final Report 100 Total = 1000 Grade Scale: The letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale applied to the total percentage earned in the course: 90 – 100% = A Superior work. Student demonstrates a thorough and complete understanding of the subject. No more than 2 absences. 80 – 89% = B Excellent work. Student demonstrates an above average understanding of the subject. No more than 3 absences. 70 – 79% = C Good work. Student demonstrates an average understanding of the material. No more than 4 absences. 60 – 69% = D Fair work. Student demonstrates below average understanding of the material and has completed most of the assignments. No more than 5 absences. 0 - 59% = F Unsatisfactory work; Student does not demonstrate adequate understanding of the subject and has not turned in all assignments. Engr 100 Syllabus, page 2