Pulmonary Function Anatomy In utero lung development Begins-21-28 day gestation Complete at 16 weeks Approx. 15-26 divisions Anatomy True alveoli @ 28 weeks Continue past birth, with 20 mil @ birth 300 mil @ 10 yrs (peak) Lung volume80% air 10% blood 10% solid tissue Anatomy Alveolar-Capillary membrane 5 Layers alveolar epithelium basement membrane ground substance basal membrane capillary epithelium Anatomy Bronchi 23 branches from trachea to alveoli larger airways lined with ciliated columnar epithelium flatten in the alveoli mucociliated esculator Anatomy Alveoli Type I cover 90 % make up 50 % gas exchange Type II cover 10% make up 50 % lipoprotein- surfactant- decrease surface tension Anatomy Bony Thorax 12 ribs 1-5 attach to sternum 6-10 fuse to costal cartilage arch 11-12 free floating Lobe sections R- 3 lobes, major & minor fissure 10 segs L- 2 lobes, major fissure 8 segs Anatomy Lymphatics generally drain to ipsilateral hilum from intralobar nodes mediastinal nodes drain cephadal exception- LLL may > R mediastinal Nerves none in parenchyma rich in parietal pleura (painful chest tube) Anatomy Blood supply 2 fold pulmonary artery bronchial arteries off aorta Pulmonary Function Tests Pre Operative Evaluation Measures lung volumes elasticity recoil complaince Pulmonary Function Tests Blood Gases pO2 pCO2 >43-45 severe functional loss i.e. > 50 % Volume measurements FEV1 normal > .8L ^ risks if less FEV1/FVC ratio obstructive- ratio low restrictive- ratio normal (both reduced) Pulmonary Function Tests Exercise Testing DL CO- measures CO from alveoli to hemoglobin (affinity >200 times) <50% high risk of failure VO2-(max O2 consumption) <15 ml/min/kg high risk Vent/Perfusion scan functional segments Clinical- stair climb 1,wedge 2,lobe 3,lung Surgical Incisions Types Post. Lat Axillary Ant. Lat Median sternotomy Thoracoabdominal Clamshell VATS Up to one quarter functional loss Preoperative Risks Increased age smoking COPD asthma obesity diabetes poor nutritional state Preoperative Treatment Smoking cessation- >2 wks, ideal > 4-6 wks Bronchodialators Antibiotics- Bronchitis Steriods- short term Incentive Spirometry training DVT prophylaxis Sub-q heparin or equal Compression device Consider- epidural, nerve blocks, PCA’s Lung Cancer General 173,000 new yearly 14% all cancer 28% all cancer deaths (most freq) decrease mortality in men 1991-1996 increase in women since 1987 > breast CA lag in smoking cessation Lung Cancer Survival Overall 5 year 14% Regional disease 20 % Distant disease 2 % Only 15% localized at time of dx Stage I & II– generally surgery Stage IIIA and up—generally XRT, chemo Lung Cancer Etiology cigarettes alcohol environmental asbestos, radon,nickel, radiation, arsenic, chromium, air pollution, second-hand smoke Lung Cancer Pathology R>L secondary to 55% lung on R Stages proliferation atypical nuclei stratification squamous metaplasia CA in situ invasive CA Lung Cancer Types Adeno CA 45% peripheral, early mets, mucous cells Bronchoalveolar CA <5% subtype of adeno, best prognosis Squamous Cell CA 30% centrally located, later mets, local invade Lung Cancer Types (cont) Large Cell CA 10% peripheral, early mets Small Cell CA 20% central, aggressive, early mets bone, brain, chemo (!), oat cell Lung Cancer Metastasis typically, lobar>hilar>mediastinal (ipsilat) exception, LLL>contralateral mediastinum hematologous spread liver, adrenals, bone, brain, kidneys, lung Lung Cancer Detection local symptoms cough, pnemonia, hemoptysis, rib pain, nerve involvement distant symptoms weight loss, bone pain, neurologic, paraneoplastic, Lung Cancer Staging TNM adopted 1986 revised 1997 Lung Cancer Special Circumstances Superior Sulcus CA Solitary pulmonary nodule overall 33% CA risk roughly age of patient Molecular Markers poor survival-DNA aneuploidy; oncogenes KRAS, Her 2, p53 mutation Respiratory Failure Clinical Assessment Distress >24 breaths/min accessory mm usage color O2 content difficult to tell Pulse Ox sat 90% approx pO2 of 60 Respiratory Failure Ventilatory Settings Tidal Volume 12-15 ml/kg PEEP +5 (starting) Rate 10-12 Mode IMV O2 % depends Respiratory Failure Ventilator Weaning pO2 > 70 stable BP Cause corrected NIF > 30 RR < 24 pH > 7.35 pCO < 50 Respiratory Failure Ventilators + pressure vents 1950’s Scandinavia polio Excellent support Negatives decrease venous return ^ dead space ^ work of breathing ^ venous admixture Respiratory Failure Ventilators favor flow to nongravity dependent portions of lung, ^ shunt O2 deficits not correctable with PPV alone Fighting the vent hypercarbia, acidemia, CNS problems, low O2, pain, anxiety Respiratory Failure Ventilator Modes PPV deliver TV without ^ MAP large TV- dec deadspace,atelectasis Control Mode Ventilation frequency and depth independent of patient’s response Assist Control Mode initiates breath whenever preset limit is hit by patient Respiratory Failure Ventilator Modes (cont) Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV) PPV independent of patient no impedence to spontanous breath + gas flow SIMV synchronized to patient assist control w/ spontanous ventilation ^ work of breathing, demand flow