Creating a VoiceThread Scoring Tool Title Content Images/Video Clips Audio Text and Labels Copyright/Citation Outstanding There is a catchy, clever title that engages the viewer. Satisfactory The title previews the theme and content. Uses examples to cover the topic and demonstrates a deep understanding. The images and/or video clips depict the theme of the project. Content adequately covers the topic. The audio is an integral part of the project and without technical problems. Text enhances the message of the project. The audio is without technical problems. All images and text are copyright compliant and are cited correctly. All images text are copyright compliant. The images and/or video clips match the theme of the project. Text is appropriately used in the project. Work in Progress The title does not match or is inappropriate for the project. Content does not demonstrate an understanding of the topic. Not all of the images and/or video clips seem to go with the theme of the project. The audio has technical problems and/or is not relevant to the project. Text is not used, used inappropriately, or contains grammar errors and misspellings. It is unclear from where images and/or text have been obtained.