Fall Conversation Group Presentation Guide

Fall Conversation Group Presentation Guide
In this course each group will guide one hour of class time, leading the class through
one lesson of your choosing. Your group should choose one topic or item that will be the
center or focus for that period. This might be a movie or television clip (not longer than
10 minutes), a short article of some kind, a song, a dialogue, an activity, or just a “theme”
which is of interest to you. This is could be something cultural like “rap music”, or
“Changing clothing fashion”; or almost anything else that you think might interest and
engage the class.
Don’t worry, you are NOT expected to talk the whole time, but to prepare clips,
activities, games, questions, group work, pair work, etc. and lead the class through them.
Do you often think classes are boring, and you could think of something better or
more fun than what teachers usually teach? This is your golden opportunity to do so!
Everything must be in English and be fairly new to the students. Also, the topic should be
“verbally based”. What will your duties be?
You will need to give me your topic two weeks in advance.
You MAY give the rest of the class a study guide the week before your group
presentation. This MIGHT include vocabulary words (defined!!) about your
topic, any special directions you want the class to take (prepare anything, read
something else, watch some program, think about some question, etc.)
3. When you present, your group might lead the class through a discussion of what
you think is important from the article, you might have us play a game or some
activity related to the theme. You might want to read something in class, show
us relevant pictures, information, or movie clips using the rooms computers.
You might also prepare relevant music or food…or anything!!.
4. Your group SHOULD NOT be speaking through your whole presentation!!! A
typical “guidance” would be to A. Introduce your topic b. Present some
vocabulary c. show a video clip/introduce a reading d. Have students discuss
some questions (2 or 3) in small groups e. Larger group discussion of d.’s
questions e. perhaps some activity students do in pairs or groups.
AVOID: A.“Dead Time”
B. Class listening to someone read aloud
C. Non-Educational (Non-English based) games or activities
D. BORING TOPICS: (“Taiwanese Holidays”, “Christmas Customs”, etc.)
Group Topic/Idea & Format
Everything Due
Groups MUST clear final versions of ALL materials with me 3 days before “Guiding”
My email: awalzem@gmail.com