EVALUATION OF LODGEPOLE PINE TREE REMOVAL ON THE STORAGE POTENTIAL OF A SHALLOW AQUIFER IN A SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAIN MEADOW Matthew William Lesh B.S., Oregon State University, 2001 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in GEOLOGY at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SUMMER 2010 EVALUATION OF LODGEPOLE PINE TREE REMOVAL ON THE STORAGE POTENTIAL OF A SHALLOW AQUIFER IN A SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAIN MEADOW A Thesis by Matthew William Lesh Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Kevin C. Cornwell, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader David G. Evans, Ph.D. __________________________________, Third Reader Thomas E. Koler, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Matthew William Lesh I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. ______________________, Department Chair David G. Evans, Ph.D. Department of Geology iii ___________________ Date Abstract of EVALUATION OF LODGEPOLE PINE TREE REMOVAL ON THE STORAGE POTENTIAL OF A SHALLOW AQUIFER IN A SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAIN MEADOW by Matthew William Lesh This study evaluates the physical characteristics and predicted hydrologic function in response to the removal of Pinus contorta – var. latfolia (commonly referred to as lodgepole pine trees) in Timothy Meadow located in the northern Sierra Nevada, Eldorado County, California. Forest Service managers in the Eldorado National Forest are presently considering the removal of lodgepole pine trees that have encroached on the meadow in an effort to increase the amount of groundwater storage in meadow sediments. Previous work in vegetation management as it relates to groundwater storage has been conducted in other parts of the country with differing results following tree harvesting. The results of these studies appear to indicate that the effectiveness of vegetation removal correlates to the hydrologic functionality of the meadow or wetlands prior to removal. Timothy Meadow offered a unique opportunity to study the predicted response of a hydrologically functional meadow to simulated removal of lodgepole pine trees. The physical characteristics of Timothy Meadow that were measured include: surface area, sediment thickness, specific yield and permeability of subsurface materials, and potential water storage volume. A groundwater flow model was constructed to predict the change in water table elevations to the removal of lodgepole pine transpiration from the groundwater budget. Results suggest that subsurface storage increases significantly in response to tree removal during the summer months when transpiration, should the trees be left in place, would be the greatest. This study addresses questions that have broad implications for vegetation management as it relates to water resources as much of California receives water from Sierra high elevation watersheds. The results of this study will be used to inform Forest Service management throughout Northern California as to the effectiveness of vegetation removal as a remedial alternative. _______________________, Committee Chair Kevin C. Cornwell, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my wife Leslie and my newly born son Isaac. Thank you for all of your support these past few years as I have worked through this project, I could not have done it without you and I am so fortunate to have you both in my life. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the following individuals for their technical expertise, support, and mentorship during my time at California State University, Sacramento: Dr. Kevin Cornwell, CSUS Dr. David Evans, CSUS Dr. Tom Koler, USFS Dr. Diane Carlson, CSUS Dr. Tim Horner, CSUS Kent Parrish, URS Corporation Kevin Ellett, USGS Steve Poletski, CSUS Rich Redd, CSUS Geocon Consultants, Rancho Cordova, CA Leighton Consulting, San Diego, CA vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Dedication ........................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... vi List of Tables .................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ................................................................................................................... xi Chapter 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background ....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Development of Project .................................................................................... 6 1.4 Summary of Approach ...................................................................................... 6 1.5 Tables and Figures ............................................................................................ 8 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION AND GEOLOGIC/HYDROLOGIC SETTING ... 11 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Study Area Description ................................................................................... 11 2.3 Geologic Setting.............................................................................................. 13 2.4 Geologic History ............................................................................................. 15 2.5 Hydrologic Setting .......................................................................................... 19 2.6 Tables and Figures .......................................................................................... 24 PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION ...................................................................... 38 3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 38 3.2 Methods........................................................................................................... 38 3.3 Results ............................................................................................................. 44 3.4 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 48 3.5 Tables and Figures .......................................................................................... 51 vii 4. 5. 6. 7. HYDROLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION ............................................................... 66 4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 66 4.2 Methods........................................................................................................... 66 4.3 Results ............................................................................................................. 77 4.4 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 83 4.5 Tables and Figures .......................................................................................... 88 TRANSPIRATION ESTIMATES OF LODGEPOLE PINE .................................. 117 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 117 5.2 Methods......................................................................................................... 118 5.3 Results ........................................................................................................... 126 5.4 Discussion ..................................................................................................... 129 5.5 Tables and Figures ........................................................................................ 132 SIMULATIONS OF TREE REMOVAL ................................................................ 142 6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 142 6.2 Methods......................................................................................................... 142 6.3 Results ........................................................................................................... 148 6.4 Discussion ..................................................................................................... 151 6.5 Tables and Figures ........................................................................................ 153 ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................... 162 7.1 Summary of Results ...................................................................................... 162 7.2 Analysis......................................................................................................... 164 7.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 166 Appendix A: Seismic Survey Reduction Worksheets .................................................. 169 Appendix B: Boring Logs ............................................................................................. 178 Appendix C: Grain Size Distribution Plots................................................................... 187 Appendix D: Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature and Relative Humidity Data ......................................................................................................... 191 References ....................................................................................................................... 198 viii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2-1: Summary of weather stations used to approximate climatic variations in the meadow for the duration of the study ................................................. 24 Table 3-1: Summary of seismic surveys performed in Timothy Meadow ................. 51 Table 3-2: Summary of depths to bedrock obtained from seismic surveys ............... 52 Table 3-3: Summary of depths to bedrock obtained from hand auger borings and piezometer installations ............................................................................ 53 Table 4-1: Summary of piezometer construction details and elevations .................... 88 Table 4-2: Summary of depth to water measurements based on manual electronic and recorded transducer readings .................................................................... 89 Table 4-3: Summary of grain size analysis data and error analysis ........................... 90 Table 4-4: Percent finer by weight results based on grain size analysis .................... 92 Table 4-5: Grain size classification as defined by ASTM D 2488-06 ....................... 93 Table 4-6: D50 values obtained from grain size analysis results and ASTM classification of soil type .......................................................................... 94 Table 4-7: Classification of soil samples based on the UDSA Textural Triangle...... 95 Table 4-8: Summary of hydraulic conductivity (K) values of the meadow sediments................................................................................................... 96 Table 4-9: Results of specific yield laboratory analysis ............................................. 97 Table 4-10: Soil moisture retention curve parameters obtained from the USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 Database .................................................................................. 99 Table 4-11: Calculated specific yield values based on soil moisture retention characteristics of the meadow sediments ................................................ 100 Table 4-12: Summary of specific yield values of the meadow sediments ................. 101 ix Table 5-1: Summary of Leaf Area Index (LAI) values obtained from the Aqua satellite operated by NASA for the meadow vicinity ............................. 132 Table 5-2: Summary of average daily minimum and maximum temperature and relative humidity for June to September 2009 ........................................ 133 Table 5-3: Summary of calculated daily transpiration rates for June to September 2009......................................................................................................... 134 Table 5-4: Summary of the estimated error due to utilizing average values of temperature in transpiration calculations ................................................ 135 Table 5-5: Summary of the estimated error due to utilizing average values of relative humidity in transpiration calculations ..................................................... 136 Table 6-1: Summary of initial calibration data for the steady-state groundwater flow model....................................................................................................... 153 Table 6-2: Summary of the sensitivity of recharge due to variations in hydraulic conductivity (K) ...................................................................................... 154 Table 6-3: Summary of sensitivity analysis of specific yield (Sy) ........................... 155 Table 6-4: Summary of model results of tree removal simulations for the steady-state groundwater flow model ......................................................................... 156 Table D-1: Summary of daily maximum, minimum, and range of temperatures recorded at the Van Vleck weather station ............................................. 192 Table D-2: Summary of daily maximum, minimum, and range of relative humidity recorded at the Tahoe Vista weather station ........................................... 195 x LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1-1: Conceptual diagram of the typical characteristics of degraded mountain meadows ..................................................................................................... 8 Figure 1-2: Example of the pond and plug method of meadow restoration .................. 9 Figure 1-3: Photo of tree encroachment in a mountain meadow located in Yosemite National Park, California .......................................................................... 10 Figure 2-1: Location map of the Timothy Meadow study area ................................... 25 Figure 2-2: Aerial photo of the meadow perimeter ..................................................... 26 Figure 2-3: Photo of the meadow showing clusters or islands of encroaching lodgepole pine trees .................................................................................. 27 Figure 2-4: Aerial photo of the meadow showing the extent of lodgepole pine tree encroachment ............................................................................................ 28 Figure 2-5: Regional Geologic Map of the meadow study area .................................. 29 Figure 2-6: Local Geologic Map of the meadow study area ....................................... 30 Figure 2-7: Geologic cross-section A-A’..................................................................... 31 Figure 2-8: Incremental rainfall recorded at the Van Vleck weather station during the 2008-2009 water year.......................................................................... 32 Figure 2-9: Daily snow water content recorded at the Van Vleck weather station during the 2008-2009 water year .............................................................. 33 Figure 2-10: Photo of meadow conditions in late spring, 2009 ..................................... 34 Figure 2-11: Photo of Tells Creek in late spring, 2009 ................................................. 35 Figure 2-12: Photo of meadow conditions in late summer/early fall, 2009 .................. 36 Figure 2-13: Photo of Tells Creek in late summer/early fall, 2009 ............................... 37 xi Figure 3-1: Photo of the typical transition between the meadow and the surrounding hill slopes .................................................................................................. 54 Figure 3-2: Photo of the setup of a seismic survey conducted in the meadow ............ 55 Figure 3-3: Photo of the geophysical sledgehammer and strike plate method ............ 56 Figure 3-4: Locations of seismic surveys conducted in the meadow .......................... 57 Figure 3-5: Example of a seismic reduction worksheet used in calculating meadow sediment depths ......................................................................................... 58 Figure 3-6: Locations of soil boring advancements and piezometer installations conducted in the meadow and adjacent hillslopes .................................... 59 Figure 3-7: Photo of a typical hand auger boring advanced in the meadow ............... 60 Figure 3-8: Depiction of the meadow extent in relation to the surrounding topography ................................................................................................ 61 Figure 3-9: Surface topography within the meadow perimeter ................................... 62 Figure 3-10: Control points of meadow sediment thicknesses used for subsurface interpolation .............................................................................................. 63 Figure 3-11: Topographic map of top of bedrock elevations in the meadow subsurface ................................................................................................. 64 Figure 3-12: Isopach map of sediment thicknesses throughout the meadow ................ 65 Figure 4-1: Photo of a typical piezometer installation in the meadow ...................... 102 Figure 4-2: Location of piezometers and soil borings in the meadow....................... 103 Figure 4-3: Comparison of calculated groundwater elevations using transducer readings uncorrected and corrected for fluctuations in barometric pressure ................................................................................................... 104 Figure 4-4: Corrected groundwater elevations recorded from the piezometers installed in the meadow for the entire duration of monitoring (September 29, 2008 to October 17, 2009) ............................................................................... 105 xii Figure 4-5: Depth to water from the meadow surface in piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3......................................................................................................... 106 Figure 4-6: Soil sample classification based on USDA soil textural triangle ........... 107 Figure 4-7: Initial displacement of the water column in piezometer PZ-2 due to slug testing ...................................................................................................... 108 Figure 4-8: Initial displacement of the water column in piezometer PZ-3 due to slug testing ...................................................................................................... 109 Figure 4-9: Normalized plot of the recovery of the hydraulic head in PZ-2 during slug testing ...................................................................................................... 110 Figure 4-10: Normalized plot of the recovery of the hydraulic head in PZ-3 during slug testing ...................................................................................................... 111 Figure 4-11: Plot of the change in volumetric water content over time for two soil samples collected from the meadow ....................................................... 112 Figure 4-12: Soil moisture retention curve for soils classified as sandy loams ........... 113 Figure 4-13: Soil moisture retention curve for soils classified as loamy sands ........... 114 Figure 4-14: Plot of water table levels below land surface and incremental precipitation ............................................................................................ 115 Figure 4-15: Average depth to water below the meadow surface during the 2008-2009 water year ................................................................................................ 116 Figure 5-1: Graphical plot of the relationship between the stomatal conductance of various species and vapor pressure deficit as described by Waring and Schlesinger (1985) .................................................................................. 137 Figure 5-2: Graphical recreation of the relationship between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit for Douglas fir species......................................... 138 Figure 5-3: Graphical recreation of the relationship between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit for hemlock species ............................................. 139 Figure 5-4: Landcover classification generated from the Aqua satellite associated with obtaining leaf area index data ................................................................. 140 xiii Figure 5-5: Plot of leaf area index (LAI) values obtained from the Aqua satellite for January to October 2009 ......................................................................... 141 Figure 6-1: Boundary conditions assigned in the model to simulate groundwater flow in the meadow subsurface ....................................................................... 157 Figure 6-2: Extent of model areas assigned as recharge zones to simulate tree removal ................................................................................................... 158 Figure 6-3: Location of recharge zones assigned to the model during calibration .... 159 Figure 6-4: Results of sensitivity analysis of hydraulic conductivity (K) compared to recharge ................................................................................................... 160 Figure 6-5: Results of sensitivity analysis of specific yield (Sy) .............................. 161 Figure A-1: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 1 ......................... 170 Figure A-2: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 2 ......................... 171 Figure A-3: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 3 ......................... 172 Figure A-4: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 4 ......................... 173 Figure A-5: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 5 ......................... 174 Figure A-6: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 6 ......................... 175 Figure A-7: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 7 ......................... 176 Figure A-8: Seismic survey reduction worksheet for survey TMS 8 ......................... 177 Figure B-1: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-1 ................................................. 179 Figure B-2: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-2/PZ-2 ........................................ 180 Figure B-3: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-3/PZ-3 ........................................ 181 Figure B-4: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-5 ................................................. 182 Figure B-5: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-6 ................................................. 183 Figure B-6: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-7 ................................................. 184 xiv Figure B-7: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-8 ................................................. 185 Figure B-8: Boring log for hand auger boring HA-9 ................................................. 186 Figure C-1: Grain size distribution plots for soil samples collected from boring HA-1 ....................................................................................................... 188 Figure C-2: Grain size distribution plots for soil samples collected from boring HA-2 ....................................................................................................... 188 Figure C-3: Grain size distribution plots for soil samples collected from boring HA-3 ....................................................................................................... 189 Figure C-4: Grain size distribution plots for soil samples collected from borings HA-5, HA-7, and HA-8 .......................................................................... 189 Figure C-5: Grain size distribution plots for soil samples collected from borings HA-6 ....................................................................................................... 190 Figure C-6: Grain size distribution plots for the soil sample collected from boring HA-9 ....................................................................................................... 190 xv 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION During a time of ever-increasing awareness of the importance of well functioning stream and associated riparian areas, forest managers face a wide range of restoration alternatives (Hammersmark et al., 2008). Restoration efforts are typically considered when it has been determined that a riparian system may be functioning below its potential. Healthy systems are generally characterized by their hydrologic functionality and their ability to support diverse botanical and zoological communities (Allen-Diaz, 1991). However, each stream system is unique which can lead to a complex decision making process for managers in determining the most beneficial and cost effective restoration alternative. A common theme of these restoration efforts in western North America over the past 20 years has been to re-establish degraded systems to enhance sources of groundwater storage in an effort to preserve and replenish water resources and support the ever growing population (Smerdon et al., 2009). 1.1 Objectives The primary objective of this study is to address the relationship of vegetation management and potential groundwater storage in a mountain meadow in the Eldorado National Forest in the California Sierra Nevada. More specifically, the study addresses the quantitative impacts that encroaching lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta – var. latfolia) have on shallow groundwater in mountain meadow settings. The hypothesis of this study is that the removal of encroaching lodgepole pine trees is an effective method of increasing the available groundwater storage in a mountain meadow over a time period 2 when the majority of meadows in similar environments exhibit declines in storage. Any increase in available groundwater will be reflected in the rise of the water table from its current level and allow for a greater amount of subsurface groundwater storage and surface area of overall wetlands within the meadow system. The primary product of this research is quantified values of net changes in the potential groundwater storage in a meadow system due to the removal of lodgepole pines. This research is also intended to provide a compilation of methods and techniques to serve as a reference in making informed decisions as to the effectiveness of this restoration alternative when considered by meadow and national forest managers. 1.2 Background Historically, restoration efforts in meadow systems have often focused on quantifying the water supply impacts of stream and river degradation due to unchecked erosion (Micheli and Kirchner, 2002). This erosion is often linked to the land use of the system (i.e. grazed or non-grazed) and can lead to significant shortfalls of subsurface storage available in a given system (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). Figure 1-1 depicts a conceptual example of a typical meadow that has undergone this type of degradation. Remediation of this condition is often achieved by utilizing methods such as “pond and plug” where an invasive procedure is completed by excavating the alluvial floodplain material, which forms the ponds, followed be relocation of excavated material to the incised channel (the plug) (Figure 1-2). Pre-restoration and post-restoration monitoring has shown that restoring a watercourse to its natural state can result in significant increases in available groundwater storage as well as an increase in the amount of time 3 the system is fully inundated or “wet” (Hammersmark et al., 2008; Cornwell and Brown, 2008). Mountain Meadow Characteristics Many of the aforementioned meadow systems are located in upper elevations and are classified as mountain meadows (meadows) based upon the ecosystems they support and their hydraulic role in surface-water groundwater interactions (Hayashi and Rosenberry, 2001). The meadows typically form valley bottom aquifers in mountainous terrain and have been shown to be a considerable source of groundwater recharge in the western United States and Canada when hydrologically functional (Smerdon et al., 2009). In addition to a source of groundwater, meadows that are hydrologically functional often support root systems that can stabilize stream or river banks that can decelerate erosion (Ponce and Lindquist, 1990). Meadows have also been shown to play an important role in flood attenuation as surface water retention times are often long in duration in the meadow environment. This function is largely due to the greater development in vegetation compared to the steep, typically sparsely vegetated, mountainous terrain that surrounds them (Stohlgren et al., 1989). Although meadows only account for less than 10 % of the California Sierra Nevada (Ratliff, 1985), they provide unique ecosystems in what are characterized as challenging environments and support many forms of wildlife (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). Conifer encroachment in meadows Many researchers have observed the dynamics of the encroachment of conifers 4 into meadow environments over the past 50 years in western United States. Figure 1-3 depicts a meadow in Yosemite National Park where conifer encroachment has occurred. Tree encroachment in this area of the Sierras appears to be widespread as the National Park Service reports on their website that some 75 to 90 percent of Yosemite meadows have been lost to tree encroachment since the late 1800s. Tree encroachment is not limited to only the Sierras, as a study conducted in mountain meadows in the Cascade Mountains of western Oregon reports that conifer encroachment has become more extensive in recent history, with a decrease of open meadow areas from 5.5 % in 1946 to 2.5 % in 2000 over a study area of 350 km2 (Griffiths et al., 2005). The results of this study note that there does not appear to be a single event that triggers the encroachment but rather may be variations between meadows. They cite factors such as disturbances caused by road construction through meadows that may lead to an increased likelihood of encroachment. Research by Miller and Halpern (1998), indicates agreement with this factor and adds that the practice of fire suppression in national forests may also be a contributor as fires are thought to keep meadows open. Other researchers note that the potential for tree encroachment may be tied directly to particular species and to the relatively high amount of soil moisture found in meadows. A study conducted by Tarrent (1953) concluded that some species of conifers (specifically lodgepole pine) have an affinity for low gradient sites with relatively shallow water tables and poorly drained soils that are commonly found in meadows. Conversely, species such as ponderosa pine are more suited to steeper terrain, deeper water tables, and well drained soils. The conclusions of this study are generally consistent 5 with observations by Berlow et al. (2002) and Dwire et al. (2006) that note many types of meadow vegetation including various shrubs and forbs are controlled by soil moisture conditions and water table depths. Observed effects of vegetation removal in mountain meadows The primary focus of meadow research as described in Cornwell and Brown (2008), Hayashi and Rosenberry (2001), and Hammersmark et al. (2008), was to document the response of meadow hydrologic function due to degradation and eventual restoration of the streams or rivers found within the meadow environment. However, another area of research has focused on the hydrologic changes in the meadow as a result of vegetation removal. Research has been conducted on the relationship between meadow hydrology and the distribution of different vegetation types and communities however, for the purposes of this study, the main area of interest is focused on documented responses of meadow hydrology to tree removal or harvesting. Studies by Bliss and Comerford (2002) and Sun et al. (2000) have shown that following tree harvesting in a cypress dominated wetland in Florida, the hydrologic response was a significant elevation gain in the groundwater table, or a groundwater table nearer to the ground surface. This rise in the water table equates to a greater volume of water that is stored in the subsurface. The water table rise was noted to be the greatest during the fivemonth dry periods of the observed years following harvesting as well as in areas where trees were not only harvested from the low lying wetland, but from the surrounding uplands as well. Conversely, in a study consisting of a juniper dominated riparian habitat (Dugas 6 and Hicks, 1998) a significant hydrologic response was not noted to have occurred following tree harvesting. During review of the literature, documentation was not found addressing the hydrologic response of vegetation removal in area with lodgepole pine – the species of interest for this study. 1.3 Development of Project This study was developed in conjunction with the United States Forest Service – Pacific Ranger District located in the Eldorado National Forest. The results of this study are of significant interest to the Pacific Ranger District, as the results of the study will assist management in determining whether removal of lodgepole pine trees encroaching on the meadow ecosystem is a viable form of restoration. The conventional wisdom by Pacific Ranger District staff is that strategic removal of encroaching confers in mountain meadows will assist in restoring a wetter wetland within the meadow (Koler and Cornwell, 2008). 1.4 Summary of Approach To evaluate the validity of the hypothesis effectively, the study area was carefully chosen based on a number of criteria: 1) the study area is an undisturbed meadow in a relatively natural state (i.e. lack of grazing or other anthropogenic activities); 2) the study area is easily accessible as non-invasive field equipment will be used to characterize the meadow; and 3) the meadow appears to have been degraded due to the encroachment of lodgepole pine trees, the species of interest for this study. Through communications with the Pacific Ranger District, the selected study area successfully met these criteria. Determining the impact to potential meadow groundwater storage required the 7 determination of a number of meadow specific properties and conditions. The initial scope of this study included the physical and hydrological characterization of the meadow to determine total potential subsurface storage as well as any hydrologic changes in the meadow over the course of the 2008-2009 water year (October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009). Methods were then employed to quantify estimated transpiration rates of the encroaching lodgepole pines. The response of the water table to tree removal was simulated by constructing a groundwater flow model. The results of the physical and hydrologic characterization were used to define the limits and parameters of the model. The estimated transpiration rates were then input into the model as recharge to simulate the change in hydraulic head due to the elimination of groundwater withdrawal by the encroaching lodgepoles. Changes in storage were determined based on overall water table fluctuations calculated by the model. The results were tabulated and reviewed to determine if this method of meadow restoration is effective in increasing the amount of available groundwater in the meadow throughout the water year. 8 1.5 Tables and Figures Figure 1-1: Conceptual diagram of the typical characteristics of degraded mountain meadows. Diagram courtesy American Rivers (www.americanrivers.org). 9 Figure 1-2: Example of the pond and plug method of meadow restoration. Note the ponds on the right side of the figure that have been excavated to plug the incised channel near the bottom of the figure. Photo courtesy Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, Big Flat Restoration Project (http://wildfish.montana.edu). 10 Figure 1-3: Photo of tree encroachment in a mountain meadow located in Yosemite National Park, California. Photo courtesy National Park Service (http://www.nps.gov). 11 Chapter 2 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION AND GEOLOGIC/ HYDROLOGIC SETTING 2.1 Introduction This chapter describes the location and characteristics of the study area selected for this research including: the meadow extent, regional topography, and vegetation distribution. Many geological processes over time have led to the formation of the meadow landscape found in the study area. This chapter also describes the current geological configuration of the study area as documented by previous researchers and the general relationship of the geologic units encountered during the course of this study. Additionally, the sequence of historical geological events that have led to the development of the study area is discussed. Finally, the regional and local hydrological setting of the study area is described including: the physical characteristics of hydrological features, climatic events recorded during the duration of the study, and observed changes in the study area hydrology over the duration of the study. 2.2 Study Area Description Location The study area is a meadow known as Timothy Meadow (herein referred to as the meadow) and is located approximately 60 miles east of Sacramento, California in the Van Vleck Ranch area of the El Dorado National forest (Figure 2-1). The meadow is located within the southwest quarter of Section 28 and southeast quarter of Section 29 of Township 13 N and Range 15 E (USGS, 1993). Tells Creek flows perennially to the southwest through the northern central portion of the meadow. The northern portion of 12 the meadow is bounded by a gravel service road that provides access to the meadow from Ice House Road, one of the main arteries through the Eldorado National Forest. Meadow Extent and Regional Topography The surficial extent of the meadow was estimated from the topography where the surrounding steep hill slopes act to define the perimeter of the meadow. Specific details on the methods utilized to initially define the meadow extent are discussed in Chapter 3. The meadow extent was corroborated based on the distribution and depth of unconsolidated meadow sediments that is discussed in Chapter 3. The meadow boundary is shown on Figure 2-2. The meadow covers approximately 64,000 m2 (or 15 acres) and lies at an elevation of approximately 2018 m in the north-central Sierra Nevada Mountains. Topographically, the meadow slopes gently to the southwest at an approximate gradient of 2%. The meadow is bounded to the north, south, and east by relatively steep slopes that provide a relatively unique setting for the overall gentle meadow topography. This configuration is consistent with topographical relationships found in meadows elsewhere in the Eldorado National forest where mountain meadows cover approximately 9,000 acres of the forest landscape (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). Vegetation distribution Review of aerial photographs combined with meadow reconnaissance indicates that the vegetation in the study area ranges from a grass and forb dominated riparian zone adjacent to Tells Creek to a willow shrub with lodgepole pine stands near the boundaries of the meadow. Lodgepole pine encroachment is most apparent along the eastern portion 13 of the meadow but has not reached the central portion of the meadow, which is primarily a riparian corridor along Tells Creek. As depicted on Figure 2-3, lodgepole pines are commonly found in groups or islands within the meadow which is consistent with descriptions of meadows researched in the Pacific Northwest that exhibit evidence of active conifer encroachment (Griffiths et al., 2005). As shown on Figure 2-4, approximately 44% of the meadow (28,000 m2) has been inundated by lodgepole pine. Although a detailed tree inventory was not conducted as part of this study, it appears that younger trees are found on the fringes of the areas of encroachment. The exact age distribution of the trees within the meadow is unknown, but a number of the trees within the meadow perimeter appear well established and reach heights up to approximately 10 m. 2.3 Geologic Setting Summary of previous geologic interpretations The geologic units encountered in this study are consistent with the general descriptions of upper elevation Sierra Nevada meadows by previous researchers. Wood (1975) describes that glaciation is a common geomorphic process that often result in the formation of low-gradient basins where meadows may form over time. The primary meadow-forming mechanism is to create an enlarged depression the basement rock of pre-existing valleys that may be subsequently infilled. Glacial processes also often leave a portion of the early infill in the form of till and moraine deposits that comprise the unconsolidated meadow sediments (Coyle, 1993). As shown on Figure 2-5, the units that underlie Timothy Meadow consist of basement rock comprised of Mesozoic granite, 14 granodiorite, and diorite overlain by glacial deposits of Quaternary age. Irwin and Wooden (2001) further constrain the age of the granitics found in this portion and much of the Sierra Nevada as approximately 125 to 82 Ma (mid-early to mid-late Cretaceous) and notes that these rock are a part of the larger Sierra Nevada batholith. Subsequent to CDMG mapping (Figure 2-5), Coyle (1993) conducted a more detailed mapping study of the Eldorado National Forest. The interpretations from Coyle are similar to the CDMG report, however alluvium is mapped by Coyle as overlying the glacial deposits in the low-lying meadow basin (Figure 2-6). This interpretation is consistent with alluvial soil units that were mapped in the meadow as part of the Eldorado National Forest Soil Inventory (Mitchell et al., 1993). The alluvium is described as non-cohesive sands and gravels that are comprised of silty sands and silty gravels. Geologic units encountered during this study During the course of the subsurface investigations for this study, comparisons were made with the interpretations of previous researchers. Following review of the subsurface data collected (discussed in greater detail in Chapter 4) the units described above were encountered with one notable addition. Both of the above researchers describe glacial deposits as existing not only in the meadow but regionally on the surrounding steep hill slopes as well. Evidence was found for glacial deposits in the meadow, however hillslopes adjacent to the meadow were observed to have little, if any, glacial deposits. The overlying sediments were subsequently mapped as Quaternary-aged slopewash deposits (Figure 2-7). Glacial deposits may have previously existed on these slopes, but given the overall steepness it is likely they were subsequently removed over 15 the course of numerous episodes of post-glacial precipitation events. Numerous large boulders (up to 3 m in diameter) are noted to be surficially exposed in the meadow which may provide evidence of glacial activity within the meadow as the fluvial flow velocities needed to relocate rocks of this size are unlikely to occur in this environment. Additional evidence of glacial deposition encountered in the meadow subsurface is discussed below. Silty sands with occasional gravels and clays were observed in the upper meter of the meadow sediments which is consistent with the descriptions of alluvium observed and mapped by Coyle (1993) and Mitchell et al. (1993). The alluvium is generally observed to be moderately-sorted and are underlain by what is interpreted to be poorly sorted and heterogeneous glacial till deposits. Grain sizes in these deposits range from silt to gravel, although the sediment distribution was generally very similar to the alluvial deposits. Clays were generally not observed in the glacial deposits and the sediments often lack internal cohesion. A key difference in identifying the general contact between the alluvial and glacial deposits is the poorly sorted nature and the maximum size of the coarser sediments in the glacial deposits, which was significantly higher when compared to the alluvial deposits. This interpretation is consistent with the general observations cited by Coyle (1993) and the description of glacial deposits found in the Sierra Nevada discussed by Harden (2004). 2.4 Geologic History The geologic history of the study area includes numerous events dating back to the Mesozoic. Researchers generally agree that the Sierra Nevada was a prominent mountain range in the Late Cretaceous although there many interpretations of the 16 subsequent events that have led to the surficial expression of the range that exists today (Cecil et al., 2006). This section discusses the major geological and geomorphic processes, from the Mesozoic to the present, that have shaped the landscape of the study area. Emplacement of the Sierra Nevada Batholith The Sierra Nevada Batholith comprises the majority of the Sierra Nevada and is the basement rock beneath the meadow. The batholith is comprised of approximately one hundred known overlapping plutons of varying composition that intruded into preJurassic roof rocks between 88-206 Ma but mainly between 125 to 82 Ma. The batholith consists of a number of plutons as large as 500 square miles and many as small as one square mile (Bateman and Wahrhaftig, 1966, Irwin and Wooden, 2001). Numerous models for the formation of the batholith have been submitted with varying levels of acceptance among researchers. However, it is generally accepted that emplacement of the batholith was due to the east-dipping subduction of the Farallon plate beneath the North American plate beginning in the late Triassic ~210 Ma and continuing episodically until the late Cretaceous ~85 Ma (Jones et al., 2004 and Cecil et al., 2006). Additional evidence for subduction is the calc-alkaline nature of the present day rocks that comprise the presently exhumed batholith (Ernst and Snow, 2008). The source magma was initially mantle derived and as it made its way through the crust, it subsequently mixed with crustal sources to generate magmas with compositions between mantle and crustal sources (Bateman, 1988). In addition to the emplacement of the batholith, continental-arc subduction resulted in widespread volcanism (similar to 17 Andean-type) throughout the present day location of the Sierra Nevada, the majority of which may have been subsequently been eroded away (Harden, 2004). Exhumation of the Sierra Nevada Batholith At approximately 80 Ma, when subduction ceased along western North American, the batholith was subterranean. Given that the batholith is currently surficially exposed at elevations reaching greater than 10,000 ft, a significant amount of exhumation has occurred. Since Cretaceous time subduction ended, the total amount of exhumation of the batholith has been estimated to be 3 to 20 km (Cecil et al., 2006). The timing and mechanism of exhumation or uplift has been of great debate among researchers (e.g. Cecil et al., 2006, Jones et al., 2004, Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001, Small and Anderson, 2001). Cecil et al. (2006) built upon the thermochronology work by House et al. (2001) and used the cooling ages of apatite and zircon crystals extracted from plutons at various elevations and locations to constrain the timing of greatest uplift. This uplift occurred from late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic and the maximum elevation of the range existed during this time period. They concluded that the present day relief is the result of erosion occurring since the early Cenozoic. Other researchers have argued that the Sierra Nevada was relatively flat and contained a small amount of overall elevation during this time period when compared to the middle-late Cretaceous (Jones et al., 2004). Many of the proponents of this hypothesis have found that geomorphic and climatic evidence supports their hypothesis. Wakabayashi and Sawyer (2001), cited evidence from stratigraphic markers associated with river incision to support their hypothesis that 18 approximately 2 km of uplift occurred from 5 to 3 Ma. Small and Anderson (1995) used combined erosion rates along the crest of the range with warmer and historically wetter climatic patterns to support late Cenozoic uplift and increases in overall relief due to flexural isostatic rebound due to unloading. The mechanism by which uplift was accommodated also appears to differ among researchers. Zandt et al. (2004) and Jones et al. (2004) hypothesize that uplift resulted from replacement of the crustal root beneath the mountain range with more buoyant asthenosphere. Zandt et al. (2004) additionally hypothesized that the weakening of the root was initially due to low angle subduction associated with the Laramide Orogeny. The root was further weakened by the northwestward migration of the Mendocino Triple Junction. The majority of researchers agree that more work is needed to develop a model that provides a clearer picture of the Sierran uplift. Glacial Processes As previously discussed, evidence of glacially derived sediment appears to be present in the meadow subsurface. Additionally, glacial movement has been shown to have drastically altered the existing landscape of the Sierra Nevada (Harden, 2004) and has likely contributed to the formation of the meadow basin. The extent of the most recent Pleistocene glaciation, the Tioga, has been mapped to include the study area. This glaciation has been documented to have been active approximately 20,000 ka (Norris and Webb, 1990). Alluvial Deposition Following glacial retreat, alluvial deposition is assumed to have commenced in 19 the meadow. Based on the current configuration of the meadow basin, it appears that sediment has been fluvially deposited from catchments upgradient of the meadow. Given the range in grain sizes of the alluvial deposits (clay/silt to coarse grained sand) encountered in the meadow, it appears that fluvial deposition of varying magnitudes has occurred from the late Pleistocene to the present. The magnitude of amount of sediment inundation is likely climatically controlled. The meadow sits at an elevation where a significant winter snowpack (discussed below in climatic setting sub-section) is an annual occurrence, although it is subject to variability depending on precipitation patterns. Seasonal rainfall and snowmelt may account for the deposition of the smaller grain sizes and rain on snow events may generate flow magnitudes capable of depositing larger grained sediments. Stillwater Sciences (2008) noted that one of the key benefits of mountain meadows is that they can provide a record of historical climate regimes through the sediment they retain and assist to piece together the history of these dynamic environments. 2.5 Hydrologic Setting Overview of regional and local hydrology The regional setting of the meadow, the mapped geologic units, and the mapped soils previously discussed suggests that the shallow groundwater in the meadow is controlled by the underlying granodiorite and diorite bedrock, which functions as a shallow groundwater aquitard. The meadow geology also suggests that the alluvial and glacial deposits act as aquifer materials for shallow groundwater in the area. A deeper aquifer is probably present and controlled by the bedrock structure as commonly seen 20 elsewhere on the Eldorado National Forest (Koler, 2007). Surface water to the meadow is provided by Tells Creek, a northeast to southwest flowing perennial stream with its headwaters (spring fed) within approximately 1000 m of the study area (Figure 2-1). Characteristics of hydrologic features The most readily apparent hydrologic feature within the meadow is Tells Creek. The creek provides surface water to the meadow during periods of high recharge from adjacent hill slopes and upgradient catchments. The creek was observed to have a well defined channel in the upper and lower elevations of the meadow and a less defined channel in the central portion. Multiple measurements of the channel depth indicated an average channel depth of 32 cm, when referenced from the ground surface of the adjacent banks. The sediment observed along the creek banks was generally consistent with the meadow subsurface descriptions previously discussed (silty sands and gravels). The creek enters the meadow from considerably steeper topography to the northwest (Figure 2-1) and the channel appears to be bedrock controlled in these upper reaches as significant sediment was not observed in the channel bottoms. The channel is considerably different as it leaves the meadow through a 10 m long and 90 cm diameter culvert that underlies the main access road to the meadow. Significant sediment was observed in the channel bottom in this area of the meadow. Surface outflow may have been restricted historically by the culvert as a circular ponded area was noted to exist immediately to the northeast (meadow side) of the culvert. This ponded area is approximately 6 to 7 m in diameter and is observed to be comprised primarily of fine grained sediments (visually observed as silt). This pond was noted to contain through- 21 flowing water during late spring and stagnant water through the majority of the mid to late summer of 2008 and 2009. Climatic Patterns Precipitation to the meadow is provided in the form of rain and snow, depending on the local daily climatic conditions. The California Data Exchange Center (CDEC), operated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and available online (http://cdec.water.ca.gov), was reviewed for daily precipitation records over the 2008 to 2009 water year (October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009) as well as historic records of average rainfall in the northern Sierra Nevada. CDEC reported that the closest weather station with most consistent daily precipitation records of rain and snow over this time period was the Van Vleck Station (DWR Id: VVL). Table 2-1 summarizes the details of this weather station as well as other regional stations utilized to determine climatic variations during the duration of the study. Due to the proximity of this station to the meadow (0.5 km to the north), it is assumed that precipitation recorded at this station is reflective of conditions within the meadow. Total rainfall for the 2008 to 2009 water year was reported at 164 cm at the Van Vleck Station. As shown on Figure 2-8, daily incremental rainfall events reach a maximum of approximately 8 cm and the majority of rainfall falls from December to March. DWR reports the rainfall for the 2008 to 2009 water year was approximately 80% of the historical average for the northern Sierra Nevada (calculated by DWR based on records of numerous stations throughout the region). The daily snow water content quantified over this same time period was also 22 reported (Figure 2-9). The maximum daily snow water content reported was approximately 90 cm. The depth of the daily snow pack was not reported at this location; however studies have previously been conducted in the Sierras that have investigated the density of fresh snow when compared with water. McGurk et al. (1988) conducted a density study of fresh snowfall at an elevation of 2100 m in the central Sierra Nevada region over a period of three years. The results of this study reported that the mean relative density of fresh snow to water is approximately 12%. The relative density was determined by dividing the density of the snow (in this case an average of 120 kg/m 3) by the density of water (1000 kg/m3 at 4 oC, Fetter, 2001). Using these density results as a proxy for the meadow results in a maximum snow pack depth of 7.6 m. This is a coarse estimate but provides useful insight into the climatic setting of the meadow as well as potential access limitations when conducting field studies at high elevations under climatic regimes such what is observed at the meadow. Observed hydrologic trends Meadow hydrology is a dynamic process and can be particularly affected by multiple processes such as evaporation and transpiration, and local and regional climate (Dwire et al., 2006). During the course of this study, the meadow hydrologic conditions were observed on numerous occasions during late spring and late summer/early fall as access to the meadow was extremely limited from the late fall to mid-spring due to the existing snow pack. Significant differences were noted in the meadow appearance during these visits. 23 Figures 2-10 and 2-11 depict the observed meadow conditions during late spring. The meadow appears to be near or approaching full saturation as water is observed at the surface. Tells Creek appears to have over run its banks and has branched off into multiple side channels that appear to have been previously established during high flows. Wood (1975) notes that this “fanning out” of meadow streams onto their floodplains a common condition in stable meadows with relatively shallow gradients (less than 3%). The condition of the meadow surface appears to indicate recharge to the meadow from the regional spring snowmelt exceeds any loss of storage due to surface evaporation, surface outflow, or transpiration by meadow vegetation. Figures 2-12 and 2-13 depict the conditions as observed during late summer/early fall. Surface conditions were observed to be considerably drier throughout the meadow and the channel of Tells Creek appearing dry with the exception of some minor stagnant ponding in low lying areas. This condition appears to indicate that any recharge to the meadow is exceeded by losses due primarily to transpiration of vegetation, including lodgepole pine. 24 2.6 Tables and Figures Station Name Van Vleck Station Van Vleck Station Van Vleck Station Bear Meadow Tahoe Vista Operator Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Sacramento State University Dept. of Geology MADIS NOAA Database (1) Elevation (m) Distance/Direction from Meadow (km) Parameters Recorded and Frequency 2042 0.5 km to the north Air Temperature Maximum and Minimum (Daily) Accumulated and Incremental Precipitation (Hourly, Daily) Units o F 2042 0.5 km to the north in 2042 0.5 km to the north Snow Water Content (Hourly, Daily) 1560 52 km to the northwest Barometric Pressure (15 min) m of water 1950 40 km to the northeast Maximum and Minimum Relative Humidity (Daily) Percent in (1) The Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Table 2-1: Summary of weather stations used to approximate climatic variations in the meadow for the duration of the study. 25 Figure 2-1: Location map of the Timothy Meadow study area. Base map from Loon Lake topographic 7.5-minute quadrangle (USGS, 1993). 26 Figure 2-2: Aerial photo of the meadow perimeter. The meadow was initially defined using topography and further constrained by the distribution of subsurface sediment thicknesses. Tells Creek, a southwest flowing perennial stream, is shown in the northern portion of the meadow. 27 Figure 2-3: Photo of the meadow showing clusters or islands of encroaching lodgepole pine trees. 28 Figure 2-4: Aerial photo of the meadow showing the extent of lodgepole pine tree encroachment. The hatched outlined areas show the approximately 44% of the meadow that has been inundated by lodgepole pine trees. 29 Figure 2-5: Regional Geologic Map of the meadow study area. Modified from California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG, currently referred to as the California Geological Survey) 1:250,000 Sacramento Sheet, 1966. 30 A A’ Figure 2-6: Local Geologic Map of the meadow study area. Modified from Coyle, 1993. Base map is 1:24,000 Loon Lake Topographic Quadrangle (USGS, 1993). The location of geologic cross-section A-A’ is shown transecting the meadow from NW to SE. 31 Figure 2-7: Geologic cross-section A-A’. The depth and descriptions of the unconsolidated sediments that are shown to overlie bedrock are from subsurface investigation data that are described in further detail in Chapters 3 and 4, respectively. 32 Increm ental Daily Rainfall During the 2008-2009 Water Year 9.0 8.0 Precipitation (cm) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 9/1/2009 8/1/2009 7/1/2009 6/1/2009 5/1/2009 4/1/2009 3/1/2009 2/1/2009 1/1/2009 12/1/2008 11/1/2008 10/1/2008 0.0 Date Figure 2-8: Incremental rainfall recorded at the Van Vleck weather station during the 2008-2009 water year. This station is located approximately 0.5 km north of the meadow at an elevation of 2042 m above mean sea level. Data was obtained online from the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) operated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 33 Daily Snow Water Content During the 2008-2009 Water Year 100 90 Snow Water Content (cm) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 9/1/2009 8/1/2009 7/1/2009 6/1/2009 5/1/2009 4/1/2009 3/1/2009 2/1/2009 1/1/2009 12/1/2008 11/1/2008 10/1/2008 0 Date Figure 2-9: Daily snow water content recorded at the Van Vleck weather station during the 2008-2009 water year. Data was obtained from CDEC. 34 Figure 2-10: Photo of meadow conditions in late spring, 2009. The meadow appears to be fully saturated and standing water is common as is shown above. 35 Figure 2-11: Photo of Tells Creek in late spring, 2009. As shown near the bottom right of the photo, the creek appears to have overrun its banks and is beginning to fan out across the meadow. 36 Figure 2-12: Photo of meadow conditions in late summer/early fall, 2009. The meadow water table appears to have significantly dropped and overall surface condtions are much drier. 37 Figure 2-13: Photo of Tells Creek in late summer/early fall, 2009. Water in the creek is nearly non-existent with the exception of some stagnant ponding. Locating the channel in some portions of the meadow during this time period proved to be difficult due to lack of flow. 38 Chapter 3 PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION 3.1 Introduction To quantify the groundwater storage potential of an aquifer underlying a meadow, the meadow must first be defined spatially and vertically (Cornwell and Brown, 2008). Determining the surficial and subsurface configurations of the meadow allowed for the quantification of the amount of unconsolidated sediment (that comprises the meadow shallow aquifer) potentially available for groundwater storage. The determination of this pattern also greatly assisted in determining the physical constraints of the groundwater flow model beneath the meadow. This chapter describes the techniques utilized to determine the physical and three-dimensional shape of the meadow. These techniques included a combination of field and computer analyses of surficial features as well as the subsurface sediment. This chapter presents the results of these analyses and a discussion of noted limitations. 3.2 Methods Numerous methods of surficial and subsurface investigation techniques were utilized in the field to record geographic data on the meadow extent and to determine the thickness of the underlying sediment. Additionally, available remote imaging coverage was obtained for the study area from the USGS and online services. Data collected and recorded in the field were processed using computer software offsite. These data were combined with remote images to aid in conceptualizing the specific configuration of the meadow surface and subsurface. 39 Survey of meadow boundaries The meadow boundaries were defined based on specific physical criteria. These criteria were necessary because the meadow is surrounded by a range of regional environments, commonly steep granitic slopes with dense conifer coverage and periodic gradual slopes with a thin (less than 20 cm) layer of topsoil and sparse vegetation. These regional environments are common in upper elevation mountain meadows in the Sierra Nevada (Wood, 1975). For the purposes of this study, defining the meadow boundaries was a key component of determining the extent of the underlying aquifer. The surficial meadow boundaries were delineated by an overall low topographic gradient and the presence of vegetation typically encountered in non-degraded meadow environments, such as: grasses, rushes, and small forbs. Meadow boundaries were visually defined at significant topographic transition zones (i.e. low to high gradient) and at significant changes in vegetation (i.e. grass and forb to dense, well-established conifers). An example of the typical transition between the meadow and the surrounding hill slopes is shown in Figure 3-1. The boundaries of the meadow were specifically defined in the field using a handheld global positioning system (GPS) unit. Individual GPS points were collected at a minimum of every 30-40 m along the meadow perimeter. The horizontal precision of the GPS unit ranged from less than 50 cm up to 6 m, depending on the quality of the satellite coverage during each day of data collection. Collected points were imported into Geographic Information System software, specifically ArcMAP version 9.3 (GIS) and manipulated to create a polygon defining the perimeter/boundaries of the meadow. 40 Calculations were then performed in GIS to determine the area of the meadow surface. Surficial Topography Surficial elevation data of the meadow and vicinity were provided by USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEM) obtained online from the “GIS Data Depot” site available at http://data.geocomm.com. DEM data coverage was obtained for the entire 7.5-minute Loon Lake Quadrangle (includes the study area) at 10 m resolution, or one calculated elevation data point (at 1 m resolution) for each horizontal 10 m by 10 m grid cell (square) overlying the coverage area. The DEM data were processed using GIS to create a surficial layer of the topography within the meadow boundary from which analysis could be conducted. Geophysical surveys of subsurface Shallow refraction seismic surveys were conducted at selected locations throughout the meadow to determine the thickness or depth of the sediment in the meadow. This method of subsurface investigation was selected primarily due to its low overall impact to the environmentally sensitive study area. Seismic surveys are typically much less invasive than advancing boreholes with a truck-mounted drill rig, as the latter would involve driving heavy machinery across the meadow, potentially causing damage. The key assumption that is required for conducting seismic surveys is that the density of materials increases with depth (Telford et al., 1990). Reviewing the mapped geologic units in the vicinity of the study area appeared to indicate that unconsolidated meadow sediments overlie bedrock and therefore, this assumption appeared valid. Figure 3-2 depicts a typical survey setup as conducted in the study area. Seismic 41 surveys were obtained by recording the refraction of sound waves induced into the subsurface. Sound waves were generated in the field by striking an iron plate seated in the ground with a sledgehammer (Figure 3-3). A line of 12 geophones spaced approximately 3 m apart was temporarily installed at the ground surface to record the travel times of the resultant waves. The surveys were recorded utilizing a multi-channel signal enhanced engineering seismograph (EG&G Model 1225). Each survey was approximately 34 m in length and locations were selected based on the perceived distribution of sediment in the meadow. A total of eight surveys (TMS-1 to TMS-8) were conducted throughout the meadow (Figure 3-4). Each of the surveys provided two points where depth to bedrock was determined, for a total of 16 individual measurements. The travel time to each geophone is a direct function of the relative density of the subsurface materials. The velocity of the sound waves will vary, depending on the differences in the substrate. These differences can be used to calculate the depth to the higher velocity interval utilizing the following equation, which assumes a horizontal contact between intervals of varying velocities, from Telford et al., 1990: D X c V2 V1 2 V2 V1 where: V1 = velocity of sound waves in layer 1 V2 = velocity of sound waves in layer 2 Xc = Critical depth of the intersection of V1 and V2 D = Depth to the top of layer 2 42 The velocities of the two layers (V1 and V2) were determined by calculating the inverse of the slope through a minimum of two points plotted as a function of travel time versus distance. Surveys were performed in both directions (N to S and S to N) along each transect and generated two sets of seismic data. The surveys were considered representative and of adequate quality if the end travel times from each survey were calculated to be within 10% of each other. The critical depth was determined graphically by determining the distance intercept of the intersection of the of the two velocity lines. Figure 3-5 depicts an example of a seismic survey reduction worksheet developed for graphically solving the above equation. This survey and the remainder of the worksheets are included in Appendix A. Advancement of soil and rebar borings and shallow piezometers A total of six hand auger borings (HA-1 to HA-3 and HA-5 to HA-9) and four piezometers (PZ-1 to PZ-4) were advanced within the defined meadow boundary. Hand auger borings HA-2 and HA-3 were advanced directly adjacent to PZ-2 and PZ-3, respectively and were considered individual points of bedrock depth. Additionally, eight rebar borings (RB-1 to RB-8) were advanced along the slopes of the surrounding meadow boundary. The purpose of the hand auger borings was to determine the depth to bedrock in areas where seismic surveys were unable to be conducted due to access limitations (primarily due to vegetation) and to verify depth to bedrock indicated by the seismic surveys. The purpose of the rebar borings was to verify that the meadow boundary as determined by topography was accurate. Specifically, if significant depths of unconsolidated sediment were noted to exist outside the perceived meadow boundaries, 43 then the meadow extent would require adjustment. The installation of the piezometers also served to provide additional depths. Figure 3-6 shows the location of the borings and piezometers. It should be noted that the advancement of the hand auger borings and piezometers served an additional purpose, which was to obtain representative samples of the subsurface sediment for visual classification, laboratory analysis of sediment properties, and to monitor groundwater levels in the meadow. The details of the methods and results associated with these analyses are discussed in Chapter 4. Hand auger borings were advanced using a traditional hand auger equipped with a 9 cm diameter bucket approximately 30 cm in length (Figure 3-7) and rebar borings were advanced by pounding 1.8 m sections of rebar into the ground using a small sledgehammer. Borings were advanced continuously until refusal was encountered at bedrock or the depth of the borehole exceeded the equipment limitations (total depth of 4.5 m). Piezometers were manually advanced using a post-hole driver until bedrock was encountered. Subsurface topography and sediment volume calculations Results of the above investigations were utilized to construct the subsurface profile of the bedrock underlying the meadow sediments and to verify the surficial extent of the meadow. Twenty-five individual points quantifying the depth to bedrock from the ground surface were obtained from these investigations and depth values determined at these locations served to function as control points in interpreting the meadow subsurface. Individual depth measurements were subtracted from corresponding surface elevations obtained from the DEM. Although the distribution of depth measurements 44 provides fair coverage of the meadow, some interpolation was required to generate the meadow-wide subsurface bedrock profile at the same scale as the DEM. Interpolation between individual points was accomplished using GIS, specifically an inverse-distanceweighted method where interpolated values between points are a function of the distance from the control points (i.e. the closer in proximity to a control point weights the interpolated value more towards the value at the control). The interpolated values allowed construction of a subsurface DEM at the same resolution (10 m by 10 m) as the previously constructed surface DEM. Both of the DEMs were confined to limits of the meadow boundaries. To quantify the volume of unconsolidated sediment within the meadow, the elevations from the subsurface DEM were subtracted from the elevations of the surface DEM. This process was accomplished utilizing GIS, which contains a built-in function for determining the volume between layers of the same resolution. 3.3 Results Survey of meadow boundaries and surface topography The surficial extent of the meadow as constrained by the surrounding topography is shown on Figure 3-8. The meadow boundary as surveyed in the field is generally widest in the central portion of the meadow (up to 210 m in width) and is considerably narrower in the upper and lower portions (down to 25 m in width). The surface area of the meadow was calculated in GIS to be approximately 64,000 m2 (or 15 acres). The meadow surface topography generated from the USGS DEM is shown on Figure 3-9. Surficial elevations in the meadow range from approximately 2021 m in the 45 northeast portion to 2010 m in the southwest portion. The horizontal distance between these two areas is approximately 500 m, resulting in a calculated gradient of 2%. Seismic surveys The results of the seismic surveys are summarized on Table 3-1. Velocity calculations (V1) for the shallow unconsolidated sediment ranged from 313 to 472 m/s with a mean of 383 m/s and for the bedrock (V2) ranged from 1,583 to 2,438 m/s with a mean of 1,872 m/s for the deeper bedrock. The shallow velocities are consistent with reported velocities found in loosely consolidated sediments (Sharma, 1976). Calculated depths to bedrock from the seismic surveys using the horizontal contact equation (Telford et al., 1990) ranged from 1.30 m (TMS-8S located near the southwestern boundary of the meadow) to 2.96 m (TMS-3S located in the east-central portion of the meadow). Based upon review of the seismic profiles and the differences in calculated depths from surveys performed in two directions (N to S and S to N) at each location, it was evident that the contact between the V1 interval and V2 interval was not horizontal but rather slightly dipping. The differences in depths indicated an approximate dip of 1o to 2o towards the central portion of the meadow (to the south for surveys conducted in the northern portion of the meadow and to the north for the southern surveys). Due to an angled contact between two intervals, the V2 velocities and calculated depths above were considered apparent as they were determined using an equation that did not account for a dipping subsurface. Therefore, a series of equations outlined in Sharma (1976) were utilized to reinterpret the seismic surveys. These equations accounted for a dipping subsurface and are summarized below: 46 1 sin 1 V1 / Vd sin 1 V1 / Vu 2 where: = the dip between the V1 and V2 intervals V1 = velocity of sound waves in layer 1 Vd = the apparent velocity of sound waves in layer 2 in the down-dip direction Vu = the apparent velocity of sound waves in layer 2 in the up-dip direction; and ic 1 sin 1 V1 / Vd sin 1 V1 / Vu 2 where: ic= the critical angle of refracted sound waves from layer 2; and hu V1Tiu 2 cos ic and hd V1Tid 2 cos ic where: hu= the true perpendicular depth to layer 2 in the up-dip direction hd= the true perpendicular depth to layer 2 in the down-dip direction Tiu = the intercept of the line for the layer 2 apparent velocity in the up-dip direction Tid = the intercept of the line for the layer 2 apparent velocity in the down-dip direction; and V2 V1 / sin ic where: V2 = the true velocity of sound waves in layer 2 The calculated dip ranged from 0.2o south in survey TMS-1 to 2.8o north in survey TMS-7. The range of V2 velocities utilizing the above equations was 1,642 m/s to 2,148 47 m/s with a mean of 1,854 m/s. Reinterpreted depths to bedrock ranged from 1.46 m (TMS-8S) to 2.91 m (TMS-3S). The overall mean depth to the top of bedrock using this method was 2.35 m, which is slightly higher than the mean depth using the horizontal method. The depths and velocities resulting from reinterpretation of the seismic surveys is summarized on Table 3-1. The surface elevations and calculated top of bedrock elevations from the individual survey depths are summarized on Table 3-2. As shown in Appendix A, the error estimates calculated from comparing the end travel times for surveys in both directions were found to be below 10 % for all surveys in which the travel time was obtained from all geophones. In two surveys (TMS-1 and TMS-5), travel times were unable to be recorded at distances approximately 24 m to 30 m from the strike plate. This was primarily due to the presence of background noise (likely from wind and rustling brush) being recorded in the geophones furthest from the strike plate. This noise made determining the first arrival time of the seismic waves problematic and did not allow for error estimates to be calculated for these two surveys. Although this is a recognized data gap, a comparison of the calculated velocities in the upper and lower layers in both directions for these surveys indicated good repeatability and therefore, the calculated depths from these two surveys were used as part of the inventory of meadow sediment depths. Borings and Piezometers The surface elevations and calculated depth to bedrock encountered from hand auger borings and piezometer installations are summarized on Table 3-3. Depths to bedrock determined form these two methods ranged from 0.61 m (HA-8 located along the 48 southern extent of the meadow) to 3.84 m (PZ-1 located near the northeastern most extent of the meadow). The depth to bedrock from rebar borings ranged from 0.21 m to 0.55, significantly less than the typical depths encountered in the meadow. Subsurface topography and sediment volume calculations Figure 3-10 depicts the individual depths recorded from the rebar borings as well as the depths to bedrock obtained from the seismic surveys and hand auger borings. These individual depths were used as control points for subsurface interpolation in GIS. The resulting bedrock elevation map is shown on Figure 3-11 and an isopach map depicting the depth to bedrock throughout the entire meadow extent is included as Figure 3-12. The volume between the surface topography and the interpolated bedrock surface was calculated to be 130,000 m3. Dividing this volume by the surface area of the meadow (64,000 m2) results in an average meadow sediment depth of approximately 2 m. 3.4 Discussion The use of topography to define the limits of the meadow (Figure 3-8) appears to result in a representative estimate of the extent of the subsurface meadow sediment. Results of the sediment depths determined by various methods of subsurface investigation indicate that sediment thicknesses surrounding the meadow are significantly less than thicknesses observed in the meadow (typically less than 0.5 m as opposed to greater than 2 m, respectively). This relationship reflects a key difference in the setting of the meadow when compared to the surrounding steep hill slopes. Significant sediment profiles are noted to have the ability to accumulate in meadows due to their overall gentle gradient (Wood, 1975). Conversely, the steep topography surrounding meadows appears 49 to inhibit significant accumulations of sediment. Therefore, the surrounding hill slopes appear to provide good delineation of the meadow sediments that comprise the shallow aquifer. The use of selected soil borings to confirm the sediment depths from the seismic surveys indicates agreement between the two methods, with noted limitations. As shown on Figure 3-10, sediment depths from soil borings advanced in the central portion of the meadow indicate total thicknesses ranging from 1.68 to 2.15 m while nearby seismic surveys indicate depths ranging from 2.07 to 2.69 m. Based on the distribution of seismic depths obtained in the remainder of the meadow, it appears that the depths from the soil borings may be slightly underestimated. This is likely due to the limitations of using the hand auger to determine depths to bedrock at a cm scale in borings with occasionally coarse grained sediments and water table depths shallower than 1 m (Appendix B – Boring Logs). During the advancement of soil borings, particularly in the central portion of the meadow, soils with significant gravels were encountered near the terminal depth of each boring. Continuing hand auguring through these gravels proved to be difficult and the depth of bedrock was estimated at hand auger refusal at these locations. As shown on Table 3-1 the calculated velocities of bedrock layers were generally consistent with a few extremes. Overall, there appears to be greater confidence in the depths calculated using this method due to this consistency as well as the lack of the physical limitations commonly associated with manual methods such as hand auguring. As shown on Figure 3-12, sediment depths throughout the meadow are inconsistent, ranging from slightly less than 1 m along the southern meadow perimeter to 50 greater than 3.5 m in the northeastern extent of the meadow. Comparing the distribution of these depths with data collected outside the meadow perimeter indicates that the transition from the surrounding hill slopes to the meadow is relatively abrupt (from less than 0.5 m to greater than 2 m often over a distance of less than 20 m). This relationship likely due to the generally steep topography found in this area and as observed in other Sierra Nevada meadows (Wood, 1975). The variability noted in the sediment depths also illustrates the need to obtain multiple measurements when conducting subsurface interpretations as part of volume calculations. The use of too few points may result in significant over or underestimations of the total sediment volume as well changes in the subsurface profile of the area of interest. 51 3.5 Tables and Figures Survey ID# Velocity V1 (m/s) Apparent Velocity V2 (m/s) Apparent Depth (m) TMS-1N 324 1583 2.60 TMS-1S 330 1670 2.62 TMS-2N 375 1742 2.45 TMS-2S 313 2032 2.22 TMS-3S 338 2032 2.96 TMS-3N 332 2217 2.75 TMS-4N 369 1717 2.69 TMS-4S 381 1905 2.24 TMS-5N 445 1876 2.15 TMS-5S 469 1626 1.93 TMS-6N 397 2032 2.13 TMS-6S 472 1876 1.89 TMS-7N 406 1742 1.56 TMS-7S 353 2438 2.90 TMS-8N 381 1717 1.58 TMS-8S 435 1742 1.30 MIN MAX MEAN 313 472 383 1583 2438 1872 1.30 2.96 2.25 Calculated Dip and Direction 0.2o South 1.8o North 0.5o South 0.4o North 1.5o North 1.7o North 2.8o South 0.8o North ---- True Velocity V2(1) (m/s) True Depth(1) (m) 1612 2.57 1640 2.69 2031 2.67 1693 2.07 2138 2.91 2101 2.78 1780 2.55 1835 2.57 1693 2.54 1783 2.19 1774 2.44 2112 2.30 2148 1.55 1864 2.78 1615 1.57 1845 1.46 1612 2148 1854 1.46 2.91 2.35 (1) = True velocity and depth calculated using seismic refraction equations for a dipping contact between V1 and V2 intervals Table 3-1: Summary of seismic surveys performed in Timothy Meadow. V1 velocities represent travel times in the unconsolidated meadow sediment and apparent V2 velocities represent travel times in the underlying bedrock, assuming a horizontal contact between the V1 and V2 intervals. Following the determination that the contact between these intervals was dipping, seismic data were reinterpreted using equations that calculate the magnitude of dip and true V2 velocities and depths in the up-dip and down-dip directions. 52 Survey ID# Ground Surface Elevation (m) Depth to Bedrock (m) Elevation of Top of Bedrock (m) TMS-1N 2015.00 2.57 2012.43 TMS-1S 2015.77 2.69 2013.08 TMS-2N 2015.00 2.67 2012.33 TMS-2S 2015.00 2.07 2012.93 TMS-3S 2017.00 2.91 2014.09 TMS-3N 2017.00 2.78 2014.22 TMS-4N 2017.00 2.55 2014.45 TMS-4S 2018.00 2.57 2015.43 TMS-5N 2016.00 2.54 2013.46 TMS-5S 2017.00 2.19 2014.81 TMS-6N 2016.00 2.44 2013.56 TMS-6S 2017.00 2.30 2014.70 TMS-7N 2016.00 1.55 2014.45 TMS-7S 2016.00 2.78 2013.22 TMS-8N 2014.00 1.57 2012.43 TMS-8S 2016.00 1.46 2014.54 Table 3-2: Summary of depths to bedrock obtained from seismic surveys. The elevation of the top of bedrock at each location was determined by subtracting the depth to bedrock from the local ground surface elevation. 53 Borehole ID# Ground Surface Elevation (m) Depth to Bedrock (m) Elevation of Top of Bedrock (m) PZ-1 2020.19 3.84 2016.35 PZ-2/HA-2 2015.77 2.15 2013.62 PZ-3/HA-3 2015.42 1.68 2013.74 PZ-4 2012.56 1.28 2011.28 HA-1 2019.00 2.29 2016.71 HA-5 2020.00 1.58 2018.42 HA-6 2018.00 2.44 2015.56 HA-7 2018.00 0.76 2017.24 HA-8 2017.00 0.61 2016.39 HA-9 2014.00 1.07 2012.93 Table 3-3: Summary of depths to bedrock obtained from hand auger borings and piezometer installations. The elevation of the top of bedrock at each location was determined by subtracting the depth to bedrock from the local ground surface elevation. 54 Figure 3-1: Photo of the typical transition between the meadow and the surrounding hill slopes. 55 Figure 3-2: Photo of the setup of a seismic survey conducted in the meadow. 56 Figure 3-3: Photo of the geophysical sledgehammer and strike plate method. This method was used to generate sound waves in the subsurface during seismic surveys. 57 TMS-1S TMS-5N Figure 3-4: Locations of seismic surveys conducted in the meadow. Note the concentration of surveys in the central portion of the meadow where sediment was perceived to be the greatest in depth. 58 Distance (feet) 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 105 110 Time (mS) TMS2N 0 5.25 9.5 16.5 19 19.5 21.75 24 25.25 26 27.75 28 Time (mS) TMS2S 30.5 29.5 28 27 25 22.75 21.25 19.75 18 15.75 9.75 4.75 0 29.5 Error Between Final Travel Times of N and S Surveys Determined to be a Valid Survey 3.28% TMS 2 35 V2=1693 m/s 30 V2=2031 m/s Time (mS) 25 20 V1=375 m/s V1=313 m/s Survey N Survey S 15 10 Xc= 17 ft Xc= 20 ft 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Distance (ft) Figure 3-5: Example of a seismic reduction worksheet used in calculating meadow sediment depths. 59 Figure 3-6: Locations of soil boring advancements and piezometer installations conducted in the meadow and adjacent hillslopes. 60 Figure 3-7: Photo of a typical hand auger boring advanced in the meadow. 61 Figure 3-8: Depiction of the meadow extent in relation to the surrounding topography. Surficial topography was obtained from the USGS digital elevation model (DEM) for the Loon Lake 7.5-minute quadrangle. 62 Figure 3-9: Surface topography within the meadow perimeter. Surficial topography was obtained from the USGS digital elevation model (DEM) for the Loon Lake 7.5-minute quadrangle. 63 2.62 Figure 3-10: Control points of meadow sediment thicknesses used for subsurface interpolation. Depths from seismic surveys were calculated using equations for a dipping interface between the unconsolidated meadow sediments and the underlying bedrock. 64 Figure 3-11: Topographic map of top of bedrock elevations in the meadow subsurface. Elevations were determined based on interpolation of the control points shown in Figure 3-10. Interpolation was performed utilizing ArcGIS software. 65 Figure 3-12: Isopach map of sediment thicknesses throughout the meadow. 66 Chapter 4 HYDROLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION 4.1 Introduction Mountain meadows exhibit dynamic hydrologic environments that are often reflected in changes in the depth of the water table (Hill, 1990). The depth to the water table can be correlated directly to the amount of available subsurface groundwater storage in the meadow (De Vries and Simmers, 2002). Water table monitoring was conducted over the course of the 2008-2009 water year to determine seasonal hydrologic changes in the meadow and to provide calibration data for the groundwater flow model. Monitoring the water table for this time period provided a baseline for existing meadow conditions to be used as a comparison for model simulations. Meadow specific lithologic and hydrologic properties of the subsurface sediment were also determined for use in groundwater storage calculations and to provide constraints of key inputs into the groundwater flow model. This chapter summarizes the methods and results associated with the determining the hydrologic conditions of the meadow during the course of this study. 4.2 Methods Shallow piezometer installation Four shallow piezometers (PZ-1 through PZ-4) were installed in the meadow to monitor the shallow water table in late September, 2008, prior to the beginning of the 2008-2009 water year on October 1, 2008. The piezometers were constructed using 2.5 cm diameter galvanized steel pipe. The pipe was drilled with a series of 0.65 cm 67 diameter holes, spaced approximately every 30 cm, along the portion of each pipe that was advanced into the subsurface. The holes were drilled to allow groundwater to freely flow through the pipe following installation. Piezometers were advanced manually using a posthole driver until bedrock was encountered. The typical installation of a piezometer (example is PZ-1) is included as Figure 4-1. Each piezometer was developed following installation using a peristaltic pump equipped with a flow regulator. The purpose of development was to remove any fine grained material that may have collected inside the pipe during installation. The pump was regulated to a relatively low flow rate (approximately 500 mL/min) to limit the potential for additional formational sediment to be drawn into the pipe. Each piezometer was purged until the extracted groundwater appeared to be free of fines and of low overall turbidity. The top of each piezometer was surveyed using a Leica TOTAL Surveying Station. The purpose of this exercise was to obtain piezometer elevations that were significantly more accurate (cm scale) than using elevations obtained from the DEM (m scale) at the location of each piezometer. Utilizing accurate elevations at these points becomes increasingly important when determining the direction and magnitude of the groundwater gradient in the meadow subsurface. Surveying was conducted using a fixed reference benchmark (base of a large boulder) within the meadow. The elevation of the benchmark was obtained from the DEM, which was determined to be the most accurate method of establishing a reference elevation for comparison of the surveyed piezometers. Piezometer locations PZ-1 and PZ-4 were selected to provide water table 68 monitoring points near the inflow and outflow areas of the meadow, respectively. Piezometer locations PZ-2 and PZ-3 were selected to provide points within the central portion of the meadow to provide representative monitoring of the depth to water throughout the meadow. Piezometer locations are shown on Figure 4-2. The total depth of the piezometers below ground surface ranged from approximately 1.2 m (PZ-4) to 4.2 m (PZ-1). Construction details and elevations of each piezometer are included in Table 4-1. Monitoring of hydraulic head Following installation of each piezometer, unvented Solinst LevelLogger pressure transducers were suspended within each pipe to log the pressure head at discrete intervals over the course of the 2008-2009 water year (approximately one year). Prior to installation, the transducers were programmed to record the pressure in the water column at 15-minute intervals. At the time of installation, each transducer was lowered into the pipe to the point that they were completely submerged in the water column. As the pressure transducers were unvented to the atmosphere, a barometric pressure transducer was installed within the meadow boundaries to record ambient air pressure for barometric correction. The barometric transducer was clipped to a tree branch in the vicinity of PZ-3 to ensure that it was not tampered with or damaged during monitoring. The barometric transducer was also pre-programmed to record air pressure at 15-minute intervals. Monitoring was completed in October 2009 and data were downloaded and processed using manufacturer provided software. Daily 15-minute data were grouped and the mean was calculated for each of the piezometers as well as the barometric pressure. 69 During numerous field visits to the meadow, the depth to water was measured manually in each piezometer using a Solinst electric water level meter. The depth to water was measured from a reference point marked on the top of each pipe, and the date, time, and depth to water were recorded. Depths to water obtained from these visits were subsequently compared to the calculated depth to water from the daily mean transducer readings, corrected for barometric pressure. Advancement of soil borings and collection of soil samples As previously discussed in Chapter 3, soil borings were advanced in the meadow for two purposes, the first being to determine the depth to bedrock for sediment volume calculations. The second purpose was to visually determine the stratigraphy of the meadow subsurface and to collect soil samples for offsite analysis. A total of eight borings (HA-1 through HA-3 and HA-5 through HA-9) were manually advanced using a hand auger equipped with a 9 cm diameter bucket approximately 30 cm in length. The locations of the borings are shown on Figure 4-2. Borings HA-2 and HA-3 were advanced directly adjacent to PZ-2 and PZ-3 to determine the lithology in this locality of the meadow as these two monitoring points were designed to establish representative conditions of groundwater fluctuations in the meadow. The remaining six borings were distributed through out the meadow to determine any variability in the nature and distribution of the subsurface sediment. During boring advancement, continuous samples were collected directly from the hand auger bit. Soil samples collected by this method were disturbed and primarily used to log the stratigraphy of the subsurface visually and to collect bulk samples for offsite 70 grain size analysis (discussed in a later section of this Chapter). Soil samples were visually logged in the field in general accordance with the methods outlined in ASTM D 2488-06 (ASTM, 2006). Soil properties logged included color variations, approximate moisture content, estimated relative density, estimated grain size distribution, and any additional observations such as the presence of organics. A total of 23 bulk samples were collected from select intervals from each boring. The selection of these samples was based on field observations of significant changes in grain size distribution and physical properties. These bulk samples were commonly collected over intervals of similar characteristics that were less than 30 cm (the length of the hand auger bucket), however similar characteristics were occasionally encountered over intervals up to 100 cm. In these cases, samples were homogenized in the field in an effort to provide a sample representative of the entire interval. Disturbed samples such as bulk samples are useful for visual logging and for offsite analysis of grain size distribution but are significantly limited for analyses requiring that the samples be undisturbed and the configuration of the pores between grains be maintained during sampling, such as specific yield analysis (Johnson, 1967). In an effort to collect samples suitable for this analysis (discussed in a later section of this Chapter), a split-spoon sampler was attached to the end of the hand auger rod and advanced ahead of the actual auger bucket. Utilization of this attachment allowed for collection of relatively undisturbed soil samples in stainless steel tubes measuring 15 cm in length and 3.8 cm in diameter. This method proved to be severely limited in the meadow as in many of the boreholes, undisturbed soil samples could not be collected 71 from below the water table because the soil lacked the necessary cohesion and would not remain suspended in the tube. A total of two split-spoon samples were collected and capped on both ends and was kept upright for transport to an offsite soils lab for analysis. Soil samples were visually logged using similar procedure outlined for the hand auger borings. Laboratory Grain Size Analysis and Classification Bulk soil samples collected from the hand auger borings were analyzed in an offsite soils lab for grain size distribution. Determination of this soil property allowed for greater refinement in the distribution and classification of the subsurface sediment. Grain size analysis was conducted using sieving techniques in general accordance with the methods detailed in ASTM D 422-07 (ASTM, 2007) with the notable exception that the amounts of clay and silt were not individually separated out from the sample using a hydrometer but rather grouped a whole under the size range of “fines”. Prior to sieving, each sample was dried in an oven at a constant temperature of 38 oC for a minimum of 24 hours. Samples were then weighed utilizing a scale accurate to 0.01 g to determine the initial weight of the entire sample. The sample was then placed onto a stack of sieves arranged from largest to smallest beginning with a #4 mesh followed by, #10 mesh, #40 mesh, and finally a #200 mesh. This series of sieves was selected as each individual sieve defines the division of gravel, coarse to fine sand, and fines as noted in the ASTM method. After the stack was assembled, the sieves were placed on a mechanical Rototap (sieve shaker) for 10 minutes. The samples from each sieve were then weighed and totaled. To ensure any sample loss during sieving was minimized, the final weight of 72 selected sieved samples were totaled and compared with the initial weight. An error of less than 2% was considered acceptable. The mass of the sample portion retained on each sieve was subsequently plotted by which the mean diameter of the sample (D50) could be determined. The results of the D50 analysis were used to classify the soil samples according to the ASTM method, i.e. a sample with a D50 value of 0.40 mm was classified as a fine grained sand. Samples were also classified based on the USDA Soil Textural Triangle available online at http://soils.usda.gov and the United Soil Classification System (USCS) in accordance with ASTM D 2488-06 (ASTM, 2006). The purpose of using this additional classification method was for comparison of meadow specific hydrologic parameters with those determined by other researchers that elected to use the USDA method as their preferred or only method of classification. The USDA method does not account for any gravel sized grains as part of the classification but is solely based on the percentages of sands, silts, and clays. To account for this difference, the portion of each sample that was determined to be of the gravel size range by the ASTM method was separated out and the total and relative percentages of the reminder of the sample was recalculated. Using the USDA classification method as part of this study was limited in that the percentages of clays and slits were not individually determined as part of grain size analysis, which is typically needed to use this method. Therefore, the classification was conducted using only the percent sand. This allowed for determination of a range of classifications based on only this grain size component. Results of these classifications 73 are discussed in the following section. Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity Slug tests were conducted in piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 to quantify the hydraulic conductivity of the surrounding meadow sediments. The method for this test follows the guidelines described by Hvorslev (1951) for an unconfined aquifer and a fully penetrating piezometer. This method compares the instantaneous change from static water level and the subsequent recovery of the water column to time using the following equation: K r 2 ln Le / R 2 Le t 37 where: K r R Le t37 = hydraulic conductivity (cm/s); = radius of the piezometer or well (cm); = radius of the screened interval, including sand pack (cm); = length of screened interval (cm); and = duration of time for water level to rise or fall to 37% of the initial change (s) Since the piezometers did not have a sand pack installed, r and R were input as the same value. Due to the assumed permeable nature of the subsurface sediment in the meadow, groundwater levels were monitored during testing using a pressure transducer that was pre-programmed to record at 0.5-second intervals. The instantaneous change in static water level was induced by rapidly lowering a 1.2 cm diameter metal slug into the water column. The data were plotted graphically to determine the relationship of drawdown over time and ultimately determine the hydraulic conductivity of the sediments in the vicinity of the piezometer. Although slug testing can be an effective method for determining the hydraulic 74 conductivity of sediment, there were only two locations to perform this testing within the meadow. Given this limitation, a USDA operated software program known as Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 was researched for values of conductivity for comparison. This software uses hierarchical pedotransfer functions to report values of the saturated conductivity of various soil types with varying properties (Schaap, et al., 2001). The program allows the user to query a database of peer reviewed values using information as general as the USDA classification of the soil. The hierarchal design of the program allows for additional known inputs to added to the query (bulk density, soil moisture retention characteristics, etc…) to increase the degree of confidence in the reported value (Schaap and Bouten, 1996 and Schaap et al., 1998). The conductivity values are calculated and input into the database based on modeled relationships between the soil water content at various pressure heads and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of a medium as described by van Genuchten (1980). The results of USDA soil classification ranges for the meadow sediment were input in the software and results were compared with values obtained from slug testing. Additionally, the reported values from both methods were compared with expected ranges of hydraulic conductivity based on soil type as cited by Fetter, 2001. Determination of Specific Yield Specific yield is defined as the ratio of the volume of water that a saturated soil will yield by gravity to the total volume of soil (Johnson, 1967). Determination of this variable is a key component of this study as it describes the amount of water that is capable of being stored in the meadow sediment that is not retained under capillary forces 75 between individual grains but rather is available for release from storage as described by Fetter (2001). Gravity drainage methods described by Johnson (1967) were used as a basis for determining the specific yield of the meadow sediment. As previously discussed, the accurate and representative determinations of this variable require soil samples that are undisturbed. Two such samples were collected in sleeves using a split-spoon attachment from hand auger boring HA-9 at intervals of 46 to 61 cm and 76 to 91 cm. These samples were transported to an offsite soils laboratory operated by the USGS at the Sacramento State University campus. Each sample was initially placed vertically in shallow water pan and sealed in a vacuum chamber for a period of approximately 24 hours. The purpose of utilizing the vacuum chamber was to ensure complete saturation of the sample. Prior to saturation, the total sample volume was calculated for each sample in units of cm3 using laboratory grade calipers to determine the length and radius of the cylindrical sample sleeve. Immediately following saturation, the sample was removed from the vacuum chamber and placed on a scale to determine the initial saturated weight of the soil. Samples were then inverted and suspended using a metal calipers attached to vertical steel pole with a weighted base to allow unrestricted gravity drainage. The suspended samples were placed in a sealed cooler along with several saturated toilettes as well as pans of water in an effort to maintain elevated levels of relative humidity and minimize evaporation. A moistened piece of gauze was placed over the top exposed end of each sample to minimize potential surface evaporation. Each sample was weighed (in g) 76 periodically with a greater frequency of measurements obtained during the first 24 hours of drainage. The incremental and cumulative drainage was determined following each measurement by subtracting the current weight of the sample from the initial saturated weight. The change in volumetric water content from initial saturation was determined by dividing the cumulative drainage (in g) by the total volume of the sample (in cm3). The total change in volumetric water content is the specific yield of the sample. As was found with slug testing to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the meadow sediments, the number of meadow specific points to calculate specific yield was limited. Therefore, additional sources of specific yield values were researched based on the classification of the meadow sediments. In addition to providing values of saturated hydraulic conductivity, the Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 software operated by the USDA also provides parameters to determine the soil moisture retention curve based on the following equation developed by van Genuchten (1980): r s r 1 hn m where: soil water content (cm3/cm3); r residual water content (cm3/cm3); s saturated water content (cm3/cm3); h = pressure head (cm); and n are curve fitting parameters provided from the software; and m = 1 - 1/n The values of the saturated and residual water content and the curve fitting parameters were obtained from the software by inputting the USDA soil classification of the meadow soils. The soil water content was plotted as a function of h and the specific yield 77 equivalent was determined by subtracting the soil water content at pressure h from the saturated water content. It should be noted that the saturated water content (s) is the equivalent of total porosity, a common variable in hydrological studies, and the residual water content (r) is often referenced as the point at which vegetation is no longer able to extract water from the soil pores and begins to deteriorate. This value is commonly referred to in soil studies as the wilting point and the equivalent pressure head (h) at this point is referenced as -15,000 cm (van Genuchten, 1980). These values were compared with the results of the laboratory analysis of specific yield as well as compiled values by Johnson (1967) based on common soil types analyzed for specific yield worldwide. 4.3 Results Monitoring of hydraulic head The pressure transducers functioned as intended, recording pressure readings in each of the four piezometers at 15 minute intervals from the time period of September 19, 2008 to October 17, 2009. The barometric pressure transducer that was installed in the meadow was programmed to record barometric pressure at the same frequency to correct the groundwater levels for atmospheric fluctuations. However, following the download of the recorded data, it was determined that elevation of the placement of the transducer was set prior to installation at mean sea level (msl), when in actuality it should have been set at the elevation of the meadow (2016 m above msl). This oversight resulted in the entire data set of barometric readings being found to be not representative of meadow conditions (all values were actually negative) and being discarded. Fortunately, this problem was rectified by utilizing barometric pressure readings 78 obtained as part of a concurrent study conducted by the Sacramento State Department of Geology at Bear Meadow. As shown on Table 2-1, this meadow is located approximately 52 km to the northwest of the meadow at an elevation of 1560 m above msl. As shown on Table 4-2, the error between transducer readings uncorrected for barometric pressure and manual electric readings was up to 1 m in some instances. Using the barometric correction from Bear Meadow resulted in a significant decrease in the error (typically less than 5 cm). As shown on Figure 4-3, using uncorrected transducer readings over the time scale of this study results in a significant overestimation of groundwater elevations. Hydraulic head fluctuations The results of the groundwater elevations (corrected for barometric pressure) in the four piezometers from the period of September 29, 2008 to October 17, 2009 are plotted on Figure 4-4. As shown on the figure, groundwater elevations recorded for in PZ-1 (near the inflow area of the meadow) are typically 6 to 7 m higher than those for PZ-4 (near the outflow area of the meadow). The distance between these two piezometers is approximately 420 m which results in an approximate groundwater hydraulic gradient of 0.015 which is slightly lower than the topographical gradient of the meadow of 2%. Piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 generally show the same overall trend of elevations with slightly higher elevations noted in PZ-2. This results in an overall groundwater flow direction to the southwest with a minor component of flow to the southeast. Figure 4-5 depicts the depth to water as measured from the meadow surface in piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3. The overall trend is consistent for both monitoring points 79 with groundwater levels near ground surface for much of the late fall through late spring. Water levels begin to drop in both piezometers beginning in early June 2009 and reach depths of approximately 1 m below land surface by the end of September 2009. It is noted that many of the depth to water measurements during monitoring were reported to be negative or above the ground surface, which indicates surface ponding may occasionally occur in the meadow. This was particularly noted for water levels recorded for piezometer PZ-3. Additionally, considerable daily fluctuations were noted to periodically occur during monitoring, primarily during the winter and early spring. Visual classification of soils Soil samples collected from the meadow were visually classified in the field based on observed grain size contents. As shown on the boring logs for the eight hand auger borings (included in Appendix B) the most common classification of meadow soil was of sand with silt and of silt with sand. Also included in these classifications was the occasional presence of gravel and clay. This is consistent with observations by previous researchers as discussed in Chapter 2. From review of the boring logs, the meadow sediment generally coarsens downward with some exceptions. Boring HA-5 is one example of this exception where a predominately sandy interval near the surface was underlain by intervals of silt and some clay. This occurrence was also noted in HA-1 where gravels were noted to overlie sands with silt. Overall, the sediment in the meadow was observed to consist of poorly sorted and discontinuous intervals of sand with varying proportions of gravels and fines. This is somewhat expected due to the assumed glacial origin of much of the meadow sediment as described by Harden, 2004. 80 Grain Size Analysis The data generated from sieve analysis of selected meadow soil samples are presented on Table 4-3. This table summarizes the portion (by weight) of the sample that was retained on each of the four sieves utilized during analysis. The analyses were all considered of good quality based on the amount of loss from initial to final weights being less than 2%. Table 4-4 presents the percent finer by weight for each sieve. This data shows a wide range of values for the samples analyzed. The amount of soil passing the no. 200 or 0.075 mm sieve (division between fine sand and fines, Table 4-5) ranged from less than 2% in up to 62%. The amount of soil retained on the # 4 or 4.75 mm mesh (division between gravel and coarse sand, Table 4-5) ranged from null to 77 %. The majority of the sample grain size distribution was in the medium to fine grained sand range as shown on the grain size distribution plots included in Appendix C. The D50 values obtained from the plots in Appendix C and the resultant soil classification (as defined in Table 4-5) are summarized in Table 4-6. The majority of the 23 samples analyzed were classified as fine or medium sands (USCS Group Symbol SM) (16 samples) with the remaining samples classified as gravel (USCS Group Symbol GP) (1 sample), silts (USCS Group Symbol ML or MH) (4 samples), and coarse sands (USCS Group Symbol SP) (2 samples). As discussed previously in this Chapter, samples were also classified using the USDA Textural Triangle using only the % sand and ignoring any portion of the sample in the gravel range. The results of this classification are summarized on Table 4-7. The mean sand content of all samples analyzed was determined to be approximately 78 %. 81 As shown on Figure 4-6, plotting this sand percentage indicates that the soils in the meadow subsurface range from loamy sands to sandy loams. Hydraulic Conductivity Slug testing in piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 proved to be an effective method of estimating the conductivity of the meadow sediments. Figures 4-7 and 4-8 show the instantaneous change in static water levels in PZ-2 and PZ-3, respectively. It was determined that the slug-in method, or falling head test, for both locations was the most effective in providing instantaneous changes from static conditions. Maximum initial displacements were approximately 35 cm for PZ-2 and 25 cm for PZ-3. Normalized plots of the change in head over time and the duration of time required for the head to fall to 37% of the initial change are shown on Figures 4-9 (PZ-2) and 4-10 (PZ-3). Water level recovery to 37% of initial displacement in PZ-2 was significantly shorter in duration than PZ-3, 9.75 s for PZ-2 and 130 s for PZ-3. Results of the hydraulic conductivity (K) values calculated from the slug tests are summarized on Table 4-8. K values from this method ranged from 1.92E-04 to 2.03E-03 cm/s. Also included on this table are values of K from the USDA Rosetta Lite database for a Sandy Loam and a Loamy Sand (based on classifications of the meadow sediment using the textural triangle). Values ranged from 4.42E-04 to 1.22E-03 cm/s from this method. The results for this method and slug testing are within approximately one order of magnitude of each other and the mean for all K values is 0.837 m/d or 9.69E-04 cm/s. This value is within the range for silty sands and fine sands (1E-05 to 1E-03 cm/s) as described by Fetter (2001). 82 Specific Yield Results of the laboratory analysis of two samples collected from the meadow are summarized on Table 4-9. Samples were allowed to drain over a period of 68 days upon which the testing was stopped due to it being evident that equilibrium conditions were not going be reached in a reasonable period of time. As shown on Figure 4-11, the changes in volumetric water content (vwc) during the early portion of the test were fairly rapid. The assumption that the samples would exhibit this early behavior and then “level off” in the later portion of the test proved to be incorrect as the slope of the change in vwc appears to be continuing downward. Johnson (1967), notes that in many cases where samples have a significant fine grained component, the duration of the test may be highly variable (periods of up to two years have been required in some instances for extremely fine grained samples). At the time of termination of the test, the specific yield was approximately 8.8% for soil sample HA-9-46 to 61 cm and 12.5% for soil sample HA-9-76 to 91 cm. These values are well below the average values established by Johnson, 1967 for fine and medium sands (21% and 26%, respectively), which are the dominant soil types in the meadow based on grain size analyses. The results of the parameters required for the determination of soil moisture retention curves (obtained from the Rosetta Lite database) for loamy sands and sandy loams are summarized on Table 4-10. The saturated water content (s) is nearly the same for both soil types and the residual water content (r) is also similar. Graphical plots of the soil moisture retention curves for both soil types are shown on Figures 4-12 (sandy loam) and 4-13 (loamy sand). The plots show that the soil water content decreases at a 83 variable rate depending on pressure conditions in the subsurface. The maximum potential change in water content from total saturation to the residual saturation for both soil types was 0.34 cm3/cm3 (Table 4-11). The maximum value was reached at an approximate pressure head value of -15,000 cm or the wilting point. This variable is equivocal to specific yield as it quantifies the amount of water that is extractable from the pore spaces in soils. The values estimated from this method are significantly higher than the values estimated by Johnson (1967) for similar soil types. 4.4 Discussion The use of pressure transducers to monitor groundwater fluctuations near the inflow and outflow points of the meadow and within the meadow appears to be a useful method to conduct monitoring when access is limited. This was certainly the case with this meadow due to the accumulated snow pack in and around the meadow that restricts access for approximately 7 months of the year. An error in the programming of the barometric transducer caused some initial problems in correcting groundwater elevations. However, the pressure readings obtained from another study area proved to be effective in providing proxy data for corrections. It should be noted that it was later determined from the transducer manufacturer that the elevation input is critical as the barometric transducers are highly sensitive to the elevation at which they are programmed to record. It is also noted for future work, this input should be accurate to within a few meters, if possible, to obtain the most accurate data. To investigate the occasional extreme fluctuations in reported water table levels, incremental precipitation data was plotted in conjunction with water table readings 84 (Figure 4-14). It is apparent from this graphical relationship that the extreme fluctuations are correlated with precipitation events that often exceed 3 or 4 cm daily. These precipitation events also occur when the meadow is inundated by significant snow. This probably indicates that pressure transducers may be sensitive to high runoff events, such as rain on snow, and may temporarily record water levels that are not representative of subsurface conditions. It is noted that the water levels during these events are not only overestimated compared to the previous readings, but also underestimated. This probably indicates that the transducers may temporarily record readings out of their manufacturer calibrated range when influenced by a melting overburden snow pack. Over the course of the monitoring, these fluctuations are a relatively minor subset of the total observations and should not impact the conclusions of this study but may provide useful information for consideration for future researchers. Comparing the results of direct measurements (slug tests) of hydraulic conductivity (K) in the meadow subsurface with empirical data appears to indicate that the values are representative and show good repeatability. Based upon the results of grain size analyses and visual observations, finer grained sediments are interfingered with coarser grained sediments throughout the meadow. There does not appear to be clearly defined contacts between soil types that would warrant using discrete values of conductivity in modeling the flow beneath different areas of the meadow. Although the values of K were found to range up to an order of magnitude of each other, using an average value of K in modeling applications may mitigate the variability of the subsurface sediment. At minimum, the average value can be considered a conservative 85 estimate as empirical values in some cases did not consider the upper and lower ends of the grain sizes found in the meadow (gravel and clay). These extremes were examined more thoroughly during sensitivity analysis of the model (Chapter 6). Laboratory analysis of specific yield was determined to be ineffective for the meadow sediments, due the length of time apparently needed to reach equilibrium. This is due in part to the limitations of soil sampling in the meadow. As shown on Figure 4-5, groundwater levels in the meadow are commonly within less than 1 meter of the ground surface throughout the summer months when the meadow is accessible and free from snow. Soil sampling beneath the water table was not effective in collecting undisturbed samples in most cases. It is assumed that if some of the coarser grained material (medium and coarse sands) could have been collected properly, the duration of specific yield analysis may have been significantly shorter. Another limiting factor is the poorly sorted nature of the meadow sediments as Johnson (1967) cites that well sorted sediments commonly drain up to 50% of the total drainage in the first hour of testing. Based upon the limitations of laboratory analysis discussed above, empirical data from gravity drainage analyses as well as soil moisture retention characteristics were used in conjunction with grain size analyses to determine an appropriate range of values for the meadow sediment. Utilizing gravity drainage to determine specific yield is a well established method of determining the amount of water that is available to be released from storage (Fetter, 2001). However, this method assumes that soils will drain to the extent that capillary forces will not inhibit additional drainage regardless of other factors such as soil moisture use by plants (van Genuchten, 1980). 86 Results of the soil moisture retention curve analysis appears to indicate that specific yield estimates have the potential to be significantly underestimated and soils found in the meadow may have a much greater potential to release water from storage beyond the limits of capillary forces. This however assumes that the pressure potential near the wilting point are reached in the meadow. Based upon subsurface observations during field visits, the soils throughout the meadow appear to be moist even in the middle of summer (see boring logs in Appendix B). This would indicate that the wilting point is not reached in the meadow and that pressure potentials in the subsurface are significantly less than this extreme. As shown on Figures 4-12 and 4-13, the water content decreases as negative pressure potentials increase. Since the water table levels in the meadow reach a maximum depth of approximately 1 m below surface, it is assumed that the maximum negative pressure in the subsurface soils is -100 cm. The results of the specific yield estimates using these constraints are summarized on Table 4-12. The reported saturated water content (total porosity) is also shown on this table. The average value for specific yield from the above analyses and reported values from Johnson (1967) was 21%. This value was used in all subsurface storage calculations and as in initial input into the model. Comparing this value with the total porosity (39%) indicates that approximately half of the total pores in the meadow sediments will drain under the influence of gravity, while the reminder of the pores appear to retain water. This is based on hydrologic conditions observed for a single water year and this value may have the potential to be lower or higher in future years depending on meadow conditions. As with hydraulic conductivity, the extremes of possible specific yield values were investigated as part of model 87 sensitivity analysis. Combining the results of specific yield analysis the three-dimensional configuration of the meadow discussed in Chapter 3 results in a groundwater storage capacity of 27,000 m3 or 22 acre-ft when the meadow sediments are fully saturated. Figure 4-15 depicts the average depth to water in the meadow based on monitoring data from piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3. The purpose of averaging the water table levels from these two monitoring points was to define the baseline conditions for water table levels throughout the meadow for change in storage calculations. This assumption appears to be justified based on the meadow hydrologic conditions observed during numerous field visits as well as the water table levels encountered during various subsurface investigation activities. Based on the average of these measurements, the meadow is fully saturated for much of the year, likely from significant runoff/recharge from precipitation and snowmelt. This indicates that any potential water loss from lodgepole pine tree transpiration is exceeded by recharge for much of the year. From review of the monitoring data, the beginning of the decline in meadow water table levels during the 2008-2009 water year was found to be on June 5, 2009 (Figure 4-15). The meadow water table reached a maximum depth of 1.13 m below land surface on September 28, 2009. This time period was used as the basis for determining transpiration estimates of lodgepole pine trees (discussed in Chapter 5). 88 4.5 Tables and Figures Piezometer ID Elevation of Top of Pipe (m) Top of Pipe to Ground Surface (m) Total Depth* (m) Screened Interval (m) PZ-1 2020.61 0.42 4.27 0.42 to 4.27 PZ-2 2016.70 0.93 3.05 0.93 to 3.05 PZ-3 2015.64 0.22 1.83 0.22 to 1.83 PZ-4 2012.85 0.29 1.52 0.29 to 1.52 Table 4-1: Summary of piezometer construction details and elevations. * - The total depth of each piezometer was measured from the top of the pipe to the bottom of the piezometer. 89 Piezometer ID PZ-1 PZ-2 PZ-3 PZ-4 Date Electronic Sounding DTW (from top of Pipe) Uncorrected Transducer DTW (from top of Pipe) Difference Corrected Transducer DTW (from top of Pipe) Difference 10/26/08 2.04 1.02 1.02 1.92 0.12 06/13/09 1.69 0.86 0.83 1.67 0.01 07/10/09 1.85 1.05 0.80 1.90 -0.05 07/24/09 1.91 1.16 0.75 2.02 -0.10 08/21/09 2.04 1.14 0.90 2.01 0.03 10/17/09 1.90 1.08 0.82 1.94 -0.05 10/26/08 1.55 0.59 0.96 1.49 0.06 06/13/09 0.95 0.21 0.74 1.02 -0.07 07/10/09 1.30 0.42 0.88 1.28 0.03 07/24/09 1.50 0.55 0.95 1.41 0.10 08/21/09 1.85 0.89 0.96 1.76 0.09 10/17/09 1.16 0.21 0.95 1.08 0.08 10/26/08 0.58 -0.46 1.04 0.44 0.14 06/13/09 0.22 -0.54 0.76 0.27 -0.05 07/10/09 0.48 -0.28 0.75 0.58 -0.10 07/24/09 0.73 -0.12 0.85 0.74 -0.01 08/21/09 0.95 0.15 0.80 1.02 -0.07 10/17/09 0.24 -0.50 0.73 0.37 -0.13 10/26/08 1.17 0.09 1.07 0.99 0.18 06/13/09 0.73 0.09 0.65 0.90 -0.17 07/10/09 0.95 0.21 0.74 1.07 -0.12 07/24/09 1.14 0.29 0.85 1.15 -0.01 08/21/09 1.41 0.48 0.93 1.35 0.06 10/17/09 1.08 0.16 0.92 1.02 0.05 (All Measurements in Meters) Table 4-2: Summary of depth to water measurements based on manual electronic and recorded transducer readings. Transducer readings corrected for barometric pressure were determined to significantly reduce the differences in manual and recorded readings. 90 Sample ID Borehole Initial Weight (g) Weight Retained by Sieve Size (g) Final Weight (g) Final Weight of Sands and Fines Only (g) % Error (Loss of Initial Sample) (Initial Weight Final Weight)/Initial Weight Depth (cm) Prior to Sieving 4 Mesh no. 10 no. 40 no. 200 Base Pan Following Sieving Following Sieving 0-46 65.43 1.04 5.04 20.71 27.68 10.89 65.36 64.32 0.11 46-76 52.52 4.72 20.91 18.22 8.52 52.37 52.37 0.29 76-137 196.30 7.48 17.34 68.52 74.09 28.47 195.90 188.42 0.20 137-168 202.12 20.19 15.53 65.68 71.26 27.07 199.73 179.54 1.18 168-198 -- 1.78 7.96 41.56 48.60 15.06 114.96 113.18 -- 198-229 -- 10.32 37.28 91.42 57.85 15.92 212.79 202.47 -- 0-46 42.36 0.68 17.01 24.28 41.97 41.97 0.92 46-91 71.09 0.03 2.88 29.31 37.90 70.12 70.12 1.36 91-107 -- 16.15 15.11 39.49 35.74 8.76 115.25 99.10 -- 107-122 -- 152.84 41.77 89.63 45.70 8.64 338.58 185.74 -- 0-55 -- 24.90 2.45 14.90 18.94 14.40 75.59 50.69 -- 55-76 202.88 55.34 19.32 54.79 54.24 19.09 202.78 147.44 0.05 107-122 -- 115.18 32.45 75.61 72.07 22.86 318.17 202.99 -- 55-152 -- 0.34 4.08 29.90 38.75 73.07 73.07 -- HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-5 Table 4-3: Summary of grain size analysis data and error analysis. 91 Sample ID Initial Weight (g) Weight Retained by Sieve Size (g) Final Weight (g) Final Weight of Sands and Fines Only (g) % Error (Loss of Initial Sample) (Initial Weight Final Weight)/Initial Weight Depth (cm) Prior to Sieving 4 Mesh no. 10 no. 40 no. 200 Base Pan Following Sieving Following Sieving 76-98 -- 0.32 0.48 2.23 19.42 36.66 59.11 58.79 -- 98-122 321.14 83.91 40.22 95.44 79.97 21.21 320.75 236.84 0.12 122-152 -- 348.59 30.90 41.83 23.33 8.04 452.69 104.10 -- 152-168 -- 45.26 38.73 95.10 92.26 30.82 302.17 256.91 -- 168-198 -- 39.76 88.37 165.45 73.91 14.99 382.48 342.72 -- 198-244 -- 1.85 3.88 11.42 35.97 34.52 87.64 85.79 -- HA-7 61-76 -- 0.52 6.34 15.90 31.51 6.50 60.77 60.25 -- HA-8 46-61 -- 160.92 40.47 69.17 49.96 25.49 346.01 185.09 -- HA-9 91-107 -- 3.27 9.39 85.25 99.57 39.14 236.62 233.35 -- Borehole HA-6 Table 4-3 (Continued) 92 Sample ID % Finer by Weight Depth (cm) 4 Mesh (4.75 mm) no. 10 (2.00 mm) no. 40 (0.425 mm) no. 200 (0.075 mm) 0-46 98.41 90.70 59.01 16.66 46-76 100.00 90.99 51.06 16.27 76-137 96.18 87.33 52.35 14.53 137-168 89.89 82.12 49.23 13.55 168-198 98.45 91.53 55.38 13.10 198-229 95.15 77.63 34.67 7.48 0-46 100.00 100.00 98.38 57.85 46-91 100.00 99.96 95.85 54.05 91-107 85.99 72.88 38.61 7.60 107-122 54.86 42.52 16.05 2.55 0-55 67.06 63.82 44.11 19.05 55-76 72.71 63.18 36.16 9.41 107-122 63.80 53.60 29.84 7.18 55-152 100.00 99.53 93.95 53.03 76-98 99.46 98.65 94.87 62.02 98-122 73.84 61.30 31.54 6.61 122-152 23.00 16.17 6.93 1.78 152-168 85.02 72.20 40.73 10.20 168-198 89.60 66.50 23.24 3.92 198-244 97.89 93.46 80.43 39.39 HA-7 61-76 99.14 88.71 62.55 10.70 HA-8 46-61 53.49 41.80 21.81 7.37 HA-9 91-107 98.62 94.65 58.62 16.54 Borehole HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-5 HA-6 Table 4-4: Percent finer by weight results based on grain size analysis. 93 Size Class Grain Size Range (mm) Gravel > 4.75 Coarse Sand 4.75 to 2.00 Medium Sand 2.00 to 0.425 Fine Sand 0.425 to 0.075 Fines (Silts and Clays) < 0.075 Table 4-5: Grain size classification as defined by ASTM D 2488-06. These grain size ranges were utilized to classify the soil type of each sample based on D50 values summarized in Table 4-6. 94 D50 Value Size Class (2) Depth (cm) Grain Size (mm) ASTM D 2488-06 0-46 0.29 Fine Sand 46-76 0.40 Fine Sand 76-137 0.38 Fine Sand 137-168 0.44 Medium Sand 168-198 0.35 Fine Sand 198-229 0.78 Medium Sand 0-46 0.055 (1) Silt 46-91 0.065 (1) Silt 91-107 0.71 Medium Sand 107-122 3.3 Coarse Sand 0-55 0.65 Medium Sand 55-76 0.95 Medium Sand 107-122 1.6 Medium Sand 55-152 0.068 (1) Silt 76-98 0.040 (1) Silt 98-122 1.2 Medium Sand 122-152 50 (1) Gravel 152-168 0.69 Medium Sand 168-198 1.3 Medium Sand 198-244 0.12 Fine Sand HA-7 61-76 0.27 Fine Sand HA-8 46-61 3.7 Coarse Sand HA-9 91-107 0.30 Fine Sand Sample ID Borehole HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-5 HA-6 (1) = Extrapolated D50 Value (2) = Based on D50 Value Table 4-6: D50 values obtained from grain size analysis results and ASTM classification of soil type. Graphical plots used to determine the D50 values are included in Appendix C. 95 Sample ID Borehole HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-5 % Sands and Fines (excluding Gravel from Total Sample Weight) USDA Soil Classification Range Depth (cm) % Sand (4.75 to 0.075 mm) % Fines (<0.075 mm) Based on % Sand Only 0-46 83.07 16.93 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam 46-76 83.73 16.27 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam 76-137 84.89 15.11 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam 137-168 84.92 15.08 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam 168-198 86.69 13.31 Loamy Sand to Sand 198-229 92.14 7.86 Sand 0-46 42.15 57.85 Silt Loam to Clay 46-91 45.95 54.05 Sandy Loam to Sandy Clay 91-107 91.16 8.84 Loamy Sand to Sand 107-122 95.35 4.65 0-55 71.59 28.41 55-76 87.05 12.95 Sand Loamy Sand to Sandy Clay Loam Loamy Sand to Sand 107-122 88.74 11.26 Loamy Sand to Sand 55-152 46.97 53.03 Silt Loam to Sandy Clay 76-98 37.64 62.36 Silt Loam to Clay 98-122 91.04 8.96 Loamy Sand to Sand 122-152 92.28 7.72 Loamy Sand to Sand 152-168 88.00 12.00 Loamy Sand to Sand 168-198 95.63 4.37 Sand 198-244 59.76 40.24 Sandy Loam to Sandy Clay HA-7 61-76 89.21 10.79 Loamy Sand to Sand HA-8 46-61 86.23 13.77 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam HA-9 91-107 83.23 16.77 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam MIN 37.64 4.37 Silt Loam to Clay MAX 95.63 62.36 Sand MEAN 78.58 21.42 Loamy Sand to Sandy Loam HA-6 Table 4-7: Classification of soil samples based on the UDSA Textural Triangle. As the percent of silts and clays were not separated out from each sample, the use of only the percent sand resulted in a range of soil types. 96 Data Source K (m/d) K (cm/s) Pedo-Transfer Function from USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 (Sandy Loam) 3.82E-01 4.42E-04 Pedo-Transfer Function from USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 (Loamy Sand) 1.05E+00 1.22E-03 Slug Testing PZ-2 1.75E+00 2.03E-03 Slug Testing PZ-3 1.66E-01 1.92E-04 Mean 8.37E-01 9.69E-04 Table 4-8: Summary of hydraulic conductivity (K) values of the meadow sediments. Multiple methods were used to determine this variable including slug testing and a pedo-transfer function developed by the USDA. 97 Sample ID Borehole Depth (cm) HA-9 46-61 Brass Sleeve Receptacle #1 Total Sample Volume (cm3) 155.72 Initial Saturated Weight (g) Weight of Sample with Retained Water (g) Incremental Amount of Drained Water (g) Cumulative Drainage (g) Calculated Specific Yield (cm3/cm3) Elapsed Time (days) Includes soil sample and sleeve Includes soil sample and sleeve Previous wt. - Current wt. of retained water sample From initial saturated weight Cumulative Drainage/Total Sample Volume 0.00 341.86 -- 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.03 -- 340.78 1.08 1.08 0.7% 1.04 -- 340.11 0.67 1.75 1.1% 2.03 -- 339.42 0.69 2.44 1.6% 5.95 -- 338.36 1.06 3.50 2.2% 8.06 -- 337.37 0.99 4.49 2.9% 15.99 335.12 2.25 6.74 4.3% 23.06 333.60 1.52 8.26 5.3% 43.06 331.14 2.46 10.72 6.9% 68.06 328.17 2.97 13.69 8.8% Date, Time, and Elapsed Time of Measurement Date and Time 1/13/10 12:10 1/13/10 12:50 1/14/10 13:10 1/15/10 13:00 1/19/10 11:00 1/21/10 13:30 1/29/10 12:00 2/5/10 13:30 2/25/10 13:30 3/22/10 13:30 Table 4-9: Results of specific yield laboratory analysis. 98 Sample ID Borehole Depth (cm) HA-9 76-91 Date and Time 1/13/10 12:20 1/13/10 12:45 1/14/10 13:20 1/15/10 13:10 1/19/10 11:00 1/21/10 13:30 1/29/10 13:30 Plastic Sleeve Receptacle #2 Total Sample Volume (cm3) Initial Saturated Weight (g) Weight of Sample with Retained Water (g) Incremental Amount of Drained Water (g) Cumulative Drainage (g) Calculated Specific Yield (cm3/cm3) Elapsed Time (days) Includes soil sample and sleeve Includes soil sample and sleeve Previous wt. - Current wt. of retained water sample From initial saturated weight Cumulative Drainage/Total Sample Volume 0.00 266.15 -- 0.00 0.00 0.0% 264.55 1.60 1.60 1.2% Date, Time, and Elapsed Time of Measurement 129.29 2/5/10 13:30 2/25/10 13:30 3/22/10 13:30 Table 4-9 (Continued) 0.02 1.04 -- 262.36 2.19 3.79 2.9% 2.03 -- 261.34 1.02 4.81 3.7% 5.94 -- 259.27 2.07 6.88 5.3% 8.05 -- 258.67 0.60 7.48 5.8% 16.05 256.68 1.99 9.47 7.3% 23.05 255.42 1.26 10.73 8.3% 43.05 253.06 2.36 13.09 10.1% 68.05 250.05 3.01 16.10 12.5% 99 van-Genuchten parameters Soil Type theta r 3 3 theta s 3 3 alpha n (m /m ) (m /m ) 1/cm (-) Loamy Sand 0.0485 0.3904 0.0347 1.7466 Sandy Loam 0.0387 0.3870 0.0267 1.4484 theta s = Saturated water content theta r = Residual water content at wilting point (h ~ -15,000 cm) alpha and n = Curve fitting parameters after van-Genuchten (1980) Table 4-10: Soil moisture retention curve parameters obtained from the USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 Database. The two most common soil types (loamy sand and sandy loam) identified during grain size analysis were input to determine the overall moisture retention characteristics of the meadow sediments. 100 Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Pressure Head, h (cm) Water Content Specific Yield (1) Water Content Specific Yield (1) -1.00E+00 0.390 0.00 0.386 0.00 -1.00E+01 0.370 0.02 0.372 0.01 -1.00E+02 0.177 0.21 0.248 0.14 -1.00E+03 0.073 0.32 0.118 0.27 -1.00E+04 0.053 0.34 0.067 0.32 -1.00E+05 0.049 0.34 0.049 0.34 -1.00E+06 0.049 0.34 0.042 0.34 (1) Specific Yield determined by subtracting the calculated water content at the given pressure head from the saturated water content Table 4-11: Calculated specific yield values based on soil moisture retention characteristics of the meadow sediments. As the negative pressure potentials in the soil increased, the amount of water retained by the soil decreased. 101 Data Source Porosity (n) (%) Specific Yield (Sy) (%) Pedo-Transfer Function from USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 (Sandy Loam) 38.7 14 Pedo-Transfer Function from USDA Rosetta Lite v. 1.1 (Loamy Sand) 39 21 Johnson, 1967 (Fine Sand) -- 21 Johnson, 1967 (Medium Sand) -- 26 Mean 39 21 Table 4-12: Summary of specific yield values of the meadow sediments. Based on the limitations of laboratory analysis, empirical values were referenced based on grain size classifications and then were averaged to provide a singular and representative value. Comparing the mean values of porosity (39%) and specific yield (21%) appears to indicate that, during the course of this study, approximately half of the total pores in the meadow sediments have the potential to store water that will drain under the influence of gravity. 102 Figure 4-1: Photo of a typical piezometer installation in the meadow. Note that a steel cap was affixed to the top of the piezometer as to limit any infiltration of debris or tampering. 103 Figure 4-2: Location of piezometers and soil borings in the meadow. Note that piezometers PZ-1 and PZ-4 are located near the inflow and outflow areas of the meadow, respectively while PZ-2 and PZ-3 are within the central portion of the meadow. The majority of the soil borings were advanced near the perceived limits of the meadow sediments to assist in defining the extent of the meadow shallow aquifer. 104 PZ-1 Uncorrected and Corrected Groundwater Elevations 2021.00 2020.50 Groundwater Elevation (m) 2020.00 2019.50 PZ-1 Uncorrected 2019.00 PZ-1 Corrected 2018.50 2018.00 2017.50 2017.00 2016.50 9/28/2009 10/12/2009 9/14/2009 8/31/2009 8/3/2009 8/17/2009 7/6/2009 7/20/2009 6/8/2009 6/22/2009 5/25/2009 5/11/2009 4/27/2009 4/13/2009 3/30/2009 3/2/2009 3/16/2009 2/2/2009 2/16/2009 1/5/2009 1/19/2009 12/8/2008 12/22/2008 11/24/2008 11/10/2008 10/27/2008 9/29/2008 10/13/2008 2016.00 Date Figure 4-3: Comparison of calculated groundwater elevations using transducer readings uncorrected and corrected for fluctuations in barometric pressure. When compared with manual measurements of groundwater elevations, the corrected transducer readings were determined to better reflect water table conditions in the meadow as opposed to uncorrected readings, which were found to significantly overestimate water table levels. 105 PZ-1 to PZ-4 Corrected Groundwater Elevations 2020.00 2019.00 Groundwater Elevation (m) 2018.00 2017.00 PZ-1 2016.00 PZ-2 2015.00 PZ-3 2014.00 PZ-4 2013.00 2012.00 2011.00 9/28/2009 10/12/2009 9/14/2009 8/31/2009 8/3/2009 8/17/2009 7/6/2009 7/20/2009 6/8/2009 6/22/2009 5/25/2009 5/11/2009 4/27/2009 4/13/2009 3/30/2009 3/2/2009 3/16/2009 2/2/2009 2/16/2009 1/5/2009 1/19/2009 12/8/2008 12/22/2008 11/24/2008 11/10/2008 10/27/2008 9/29/2008 10/13/2008 2010.00 Date Figure 4-4: Corrected groundwater elevations recorded from the piezometers installed in the meadow for the entire duration of monitoring (September 29, 2008 to October 17, 2009). Data were collected from pressure transducers programmed to record at 15minute intervals. Daily 15-minute data were averaged to result in a singular daily value for groundwater elevations for each piezometer. 106 PZ-2 to PZ-3 Depth to Water Below Ground Surface -1.00 Depth to Water Below Land Surface (m) -0.50 0.00 0.50 PZ-2 1.00 PZ-3 1.50 2.00 2.50 9/28/2009 10/12/2009 9/14/2009 8/31/2009 8/3/2009 8/17/2009 7/6/2009 7/20/2009 6/8/2009 6/22/2009 5/25/2009 5/11/2009 4/27/2009 4/13/2009 3/30/2009 3/2/2009 3/16/2009 2/2/2009 2/16/2009 1/5/2009 1/19/2009 12/8/2008 12/22/2008 11/24/2008 11/10/2008 10/27/2008 9/29/2008 10/13/2008 3.00 Date Figure 4-5: Depth to water from the meadow surface in piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3. The trend is similar for both monitoring points with water levels at or near the surface for much of the year with declining levels noted during the time period of late spring to late summer. 107 Soil classification range based on 78% sand content Content Figure 4-6: Soil sample classification based on USDA soil textural triangle. As the amount of silts and clays were not separated out from each sample, the mean sand content of 78% for all samples was used to determine the range of potential classifications. The individual percent sand content for each soil sample as well as the overall mean is summarized on Table 4-7. 108 PZ-2 Slug In - Hydrauic Head vs. Time 190.00 185.00 180.00 Level (cm) 175.00 170.00 165.00 160.00 155.00 150.00 145.00 140.00 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Elapsed Time (s) Figure 4-7: Initial displacement of the water column in piezometer PZ-2 due to slug testing. The slug was lowered at time zero and resulted in a nearly instantaneous displacement of approximately 35 cm. 109 PZ-3 Slug In - Hydrauic Head vs. Time 175.00 170.00 Level (cm) 165.00 160.00 155.00 150.00 145.00 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Elapsed Tim e (s) Figure 4-8: Initial displacement of the water column in piezometer PZ-3 due to slug testing. The slug was lowered at time zero and resulted in a nearly instantaneous displacement of approximately 25 cm. 110 PZ-2 Slug In - Normalized Recovery Plot 1.00 h/ho t37 PZ-2 Slug In 0.10 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Elapsed Tim e (s) Figure 4-9: Normalized plot of the recovery of the hydraulic head in PZ-2 during slug testing. h/ho represents the initial displacement of the water column from static condtions divided by the level of the water column above static condtions over time. t37 is the time at which the water column has recovered to 37% of the initial displacement as required by the Hvorslev (1951) method of analysis. 111 PZ-3 Slug Out - Normalized Recovery Plot 1.00 h/ho t37 PZ-3 Slug In 0.10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Elapsed Tim e (s) Figure 4-10: Normalized plot of the recovery of the hydraulic head in PZ-3 during slug testing. See Figure 4-9 for an explanation of variables described on this plot. 112 Change in Volumetric Water Content over Time 0.00 3 3 Change in Volumetric Water Content (cm/cm ) -0.02 -0.04 HA-9 (46-61 cm) HA-9 (76-91 cm) -0.06 -0.08 -0.10 -0.12 -0.14 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 Elapsed Time (days) Figure 4-11: Plot of the change in volumetric water content over time for two soil samples collected from the meadow. The total change in volumetric water content represents the total drainage from the samples due to gravity or the specific yield. This analysis was discontinued after approximately 70 days as the change in water content did not appear to reach equilibrium which indicates that a representative value for specific yield was not reached. 113 Sandy Loam Soil Retention Curve - 1.00E+06 r - 1.00E+05 Pressure Head (cm) - 1.00E+04 - 1.00E+03 Sandy Loam - 1.00E+02 - 1.00E+01 s - 1.00E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Water Content (cm 3/cm 3) Figure 4-12: Soil moisture retention curve for soils classified as sandy loams. The parameters used to determine the relationship between pressure head and water content were obtained from the USDA Rosetta Lite database and are summarized in Table 4-10. Individual values of the water content over a range of pressure heads are summarized in Table 4-11. s is the saturated water content or total porosity, r is the residual water content or the wilting point of the soil. This chart was used to determine the specific yield of the meadow sediments by subtracting the water content at a pressure head of -100 cm from the saturated water content. The pressure head value of -100 cm is equivalent to the maximum depth of the water table below the meadow land surface (approximately 1 m). Specific yield values are summarized in Table 4-12. 114 Loam y Sand Soil Retention Curve - 1.00E+06 r - 1.00E+05 Pressure Head (cm) - 1.00E+04 - 1.00E+03 Loamy Sand - 1.00E+02 - 1.00E+01 s - 1.00E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Water Content (cm 3/cm 3) Figure 4-13: Soil moisture retention curve for soils classified as loamy sands. An explanation of the parameters and values used to construct this plot are described in Figure 4-12. 115 PZ-2 and PZ-3 Depth to Water Below Ground Surface and Incremental Precipitation 20.00 -1.00 16.00 14.00 0.00 12.00 10.00 0.50 8.00 1.00 6.00 Daily Incremental Precipitaiton (cm) Depth to Water Below Land Surface (m) 18.00 -0.50 Precipitation PZ-2 PZ-3 4.00 1.50 2.00 0.00 9/28/2009 10/12/2009 9/14/2009 8/31/2009 8/3/2009 8/17/2009 7/6/2009 7/20/2009 6/8/2009 6/22/2009 5/25/2009 5/11/2009 4/27/2009 4/13/2009 3/30/2009 3/2/2009 3/16/2009 2/2/2009 2/16/2009 1/5/2009 1/19/2009 12/8/2008 12/22/2008 11/24/2008 11/10/2008 10/27/2008 9/29/2008 10/13/2008 2.00 Date Figure 4-14: Plot of water table levels below land surface and incremental precipitation. Water levels appear to be above the ground surface and periodically fluctuate widely during the winter months. These occurrences appear to be correlated with significant rainfall events when the meadow is inundated by snow. Potential causes may be the sensitivity of the pressure transducers to storm events or temporary ponding of water in the meadow. 116 Average Depth to Water in Meadow During 2008-2009 Water Year -1.00 Period of Water Table Decline (6-5-09 to 9-28-09) Depth to Water Below Land Surface (m) -0.50 PZ-2 PZ-3 0.00 PZ-2 and PZ-3 Average `` 0.50 1.00 9/28/2009 10/12/2009 9/14/2009 8/31/2009 8/3/2009 8/17/2009 7/6/2009 7/20/2009 6/8/2009 6/22/2009 5/25/2009 5/11/2009 4/27/2009 4/13/2009 3/30/2009 3/2/2009 3/16/2009 2/2/2009 2/16/2009 1/5/2009 1/19/2009 12/8/2008 12/22/2008 11/24/2008 11/10/2008 10/27/2008 9/29/2008 10/13/2008 1.50 Date Figure 4-15: Average depth to water below the meadow surface during the 2008-2009 water year. Water levels are near or above the ground surface for much of the fall through late spring and then begin to decline to a maximum depth of approximately 1.1 m below ground surface in late summer. 117 Chapter 5 TRANSPIRATION ESTIMATES OF LODGEPOLE PINE 5.1 Introduction Quantifying the amount of water utilized by vegetation is often one of the most complex portions of any hydrologic study. This variable is often estimated based on performing water balancing of inputs and outputs to a hydrologic system and any deficits are considered to be from surface evaporation and transpiration by vegetation (Fetter, 2001). This method is limited and potentially inaccurate based on the controls of the other inputs and outputs. For the purposes of this study, the determination of the rate at which lodgepole pine trees transpirate water is critical as it provides a basis for the amount of water that will be placed back into storage should the trees be removed. Methods were researched in an effort to determine the most accurate means to determine this rate while considering the scope and constraints of this study. Many methods have been cited for use in determining the transpiration of various types of vegetation, both direct and indirect. Allen et al. (1998), discusses that one of the most common direct methods is the use of a lysimeter where a sample of the vegetation is grown in a specially designed pan filled with the same soil as is found in the area of study. The loss of water from the pan is recorded and replenished at varying frequencies to give a potential rate of transpiration. This method is commonly used in conjunction with a land pan to separate any evaporation from the surface of the soil in the lysimeter. This is extremely time consuming but is a useful method for small agricultural crops such as grass and alfalfa (Howell and Evett, 2002), but has limitations with larger vegetation 118 such as conifers. Waring and Schlesinger (1985), cite that a direct method applicable to conifers is the use of tracers to monitor sapwood conductance from the root system to the stomata in the leaves (where transpirated water exits the tree). This method is highly complex and expensive to monitor and was not considered appropriate for this study. The most common method to quantify the rate of transpiration in hydrologic studies is to use indirect methods as outlined in a meadow restoration study by Hammersmark et al. (2008). Indirect methods use established relationships of climatic variables and physical characteristics to estimate, through a series of equations, the rate of transpiration by the vegetation of interest. This chapter discusses the methods selected to quantify the rate of transpiration exhibited by lodgepole pines within the meadow, the data obtained to conduct the calculations, and the results and limitations of the selected methods. 5.2 Methods Selection of method As discussed above, many methods have been used historically to quantify the transpiration rate of specific vegetation types. A study conducted in 1977 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO Drainage Paper No. 24, Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1977) evaluated a number of various methods to determine the most appropriate for evaluating transpiration needs of agricultural crops. The results of this study indicated that a method initially developed by Penman (1948) and later modified by Montieth (1973) was the most accurate indirect method when compared with site-specific field data. The equation associated with this method is commonly referred 119 to in recent literature as the Penman-Montieth equation. Based on conversations with representatives from the Eldorado National Forest, this method has been previously used in a variety of forest hydrological applications (Koler, 2009). Modifications of the initial equation have been derived by many researchers and the most current and widely accepted version in the scientific realm of agriculture is outlined in FAO Drainage Paper No. 56 (FAO No. 56, Allen et al., 1998). The basic premise of the Penman-Montieth (P-M) equation is that variations in climatic variables such wind speed, solar radiation, relative humidity, latent heat, and vapor pressure deficits control the rate at which water vapor is conducted through the stomata of plants from the soil surrounding the plant root system (Howell and Evett, 2002). A key limitation of the P-M method as described in FAO No. 56. is that the equation associated with this method was specifically derived to develop a widely applicable method for estimating crop water requirements, which does not appear to include conifer tress. However, researchers have developed specific equations for estimating the water use of conifers trees for forestry applications (Waring and Schlesinger, 1985). For the purposes of this study, the modified P-M equation developed by Waring and Schlesinger (1985) was selected as the basis for quantifying the transpiration rate of lodgepole pines within the meadow. Relationships of climatic variables described in FAO No. 56 were used to provide constraints on the various required inputs to the equation. 120 Conifer specific method for determining the transpiration rate The conifer specific modified P-M equation derived by Waring and Schlesinger (1985) is shown below: Et k 2 k3 D g s LAI k1k 4 where: Et = transpiration rate (cm/s); k1 = latent heat of vaporization (cal/g); k2 = specific heat of air (cal/g * oC); k3 = density of air (g/cm3); k4 = psychromatic constant (mb/ oC); D = vapor pressure deficit (mb); gs = stomatal conductance (cm/s); and LAI = Leaf Area Index (unitless) It should be noted that the original form of the P-M equation (as formulated to determine crop water use) required known inputs for the variables of wind speed and solar radiation. The necessity of these two variables was based on the morphology of crops that typically have relatively significant leaf widths that have the ability absorb significant amounts of radiation and be affected by wind (FAO No. 56). The modified P-M shown above does not include these variables as leaf widths are commonly less than a few millimeters in width and therefore these variables are often ignored (Waring and Schlesinger, 1985). The following sub-sections summarize the methods used to quantify or estimate the required variables of the equation above. 121 k variables k1 (the latent heat of vaporization) can be quantified using the expression as described in Lee (1978): k1 = 597 – 5/9 * T, where T is the ambient air temperature in oC. In accordance with FAO No. 56, the ambient daily air temperature observed at the meadow was given by the expression: where: Tmax = the maximum daily temperature reading over a period of 24 hours; and Tmax = the minimum daily temperature reading over a period of 24 hours; k2 (specific heat of air) is a constant that is equal to 0.24 cal/g * oC (Lee, 1978). k3 (the density of air) is considered a constant for this equation at a reference temperature of 20 oC and 1000 mb of pressure (FAO No. 56). At this temperature and pressure, this variable is equal to 1.19E-03 g/cm3 (Lee, 1978). k4 (the psychromatic constant) is a constant that relates the partial pressure of water vapor to temperature. Lee (1978) provides a constant value of 0.66 mb/ oC to effectively estimate this relationship. Vapor Pressure Deficit (D) The vapor pressure deficit is defined by Waring and Schlesinger (1985) as the net difference between the saturated vapor pressure (es) at a given temperature and the actual observed vapor pressure (ea) at the same temperature. This term is quantified based on 122 relationships of temperature and relative humidity discussed in FAO No. 56 and described below. The vapor pressure deficit = es – ea , where es is given by the expression: and where: eo (Tmax) = the saturated vapor pressure at the maximum daily temperature reading over a period of 24 hours; eo (Tmin) = the saturated vapor pressure at the minimum daily temperature reading over a period of 24 hours; RHmax = the maximum daily relative humidity reading over a period of 24 hours; and RHmin = the minimum daily relative humidity reading over a period of 24 hours. This method is also noted to be effective using the averages of daily maximum and minimum temperatures and relative humidity values over a period of months and potentially years. The saturated vapor pressure (in kPa) at a given temperature T (in oC) is given by the expression: Results of calculations using the above expression were multiplied by 10 to convert kPa to mb. Stomatal Conductance (gs) Stomatal conductance is often a variable that can be difficult to determine 123 utilizing indirect methods as values vary based on the species as well as atmospheric conditions. However, Waring and Schlesinger (1985) determined that relationships exist between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit for a number of different plant types (Figure 5-1). Included in the plant types are two types of conifers, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziessi) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). During review of the literature for this study, an established relationship utilizing vapor pressure deficit (or any other climatic variable for that matter) to determine stomatal conductance was not found for lodgepole pine trees. Based on discussions by Waring and Schlesinger (1985) regarding the conductance of conifers in general, it appears that there is not considerable variation in conductance rates between species. This low variability is shown on Figure 5-1 as Douglas fir and hemlock values generally follow the same trend with hemlock conductance values slightly higher than Douglas fir. Therefore, it was assumed that the average of the calculated conductance values for these two species would be representative of conifers in general and could be used as a proxy for lodgepole pine trees. In order to quantify discrete values of stomatal conductance based on varying vapor pressure deficits, the relationship between these two variables was recreated graphically for both Douglas fir and hemlock using a series of discrete points from Figure 5-1. Subsequently, a number of different regression line types (linear, exponential, and polynomial) were then fit to the points to determine which type resulted in the best fit (highest correlation coefficient). Following review of the results of this analysis, it was determined that a 4th order polynomial regression provided the best fit to the discrete 124 points obtained from Figure 5-1. Figures 5-2 and 5-3 depict the re-creation of the plots for Douglas fir and hemlock, respectively. The resultant polynomial equations as well as the correlation coefficients (R2) are also shown on Figures 5-2 and 5-3. Leaf Area Index (LAI) Leaf Area Index (LAI) is defined as the projected area of canopy foliage per unit area of ground surface. This value is highly variable and is dependant on the type and the overall canopy density (Howell and Evett, 2002). LAI values typically deviate from low values during time of dormancy to maximums during the height of the growing season, typically in mid-summer (Lee, 1978). As with many of the variables previously discussed, there are both direct and indirect methods of determining this highly sitespecific variable. Direct methods typically consist of measuring the amount of light that will pass through canopy per unit of surface area. Highly sensitive photography equipment is a relatively common method to perform direct measurements using light. Historical methods have also used manual measurements of the amount of leaf litter distributed over a grid system defining a bounded area around the canopy. This method is highly time consuming and invasive and is becoming less common with the availability of other and more accurate direct methods (Waring and Schlesinger, 1985 and Tian et al., 2002). Many of the recent techniques of determining LAI indirectly have come in the form of remote sensing. This technique allows for the quantification of site- specific values of LAI at varying resolutions (commonly ranging from 250 m to 1 km, Tian et al., 2002). Research was conducted for the existence of such data for the area including and 125 surrounding the meadow and it was determined to be available through the Aqua satellite launched in 2002 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Sensors on this satellite include a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) that uses surface reflectance to quantify many attributes of vegetation cover, including LAI. Data were available at 1 km resolution through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC, 2010). The latitude and longitude of the meadow were input to define the center pixel through an online interface available at http://daac.ornl.gov/MODIS. It was determined after input of the center coordinates that the minimum area for which data sets were available consisted of 3 km by 3 km areas, or a total of nine-1 km pixels. Each pixel was designated with a vegetation class based on observations from the satellite (Figure 5-4). LAI daily readings were automatically composited over 8-day averaging periods for the duration of requested observations. LAI data were post-processed at ORNL DAAC using filters to remove any readings that were questionable based on excessive cloud cover or sensor errors. Data was retained from each pixel that matched the vegetation class of the center pixel (classified as an Evergreen Needleleaf Forest). Additionally, the standard deviation over each 8-day averaging period was included with the data set. The period of requested observations was input from January to October 2009, in order to determine the time of LAI increase in the meadow and surrounding areas as well as to include the period of observed water table decline (June to September, 2009). This was important in 126 determining the growing season LAI and to define the time period of highest canopy density in the meadow. Determination of Temperature and Relative Humidity Based on the method discussed above to determine lodgepole transpiration rates, the only variables required to determine fluctuations are changes in daily maximum and minimum air temperatures (T) and relative humidity (R.H.). As shown on Table 2-1, the closest available weather station that records maximum and minimum T is located approximately 0.5 km to the north of the meadow. The closest available weather station that records maximum and minimum R.H is located approximately 40 km to the northeast. Data sets were obtained from each of these stations from the time period of June 5, 2009 to September 28, 2009 (Appendix D). Daily maximum and minimum values for both T and R.H. were then averaged by month to provide representative monthly average values of climatic conditions in the meadow. Using monthly averaging periods assumes that daily fluctuations in climatic condtions during these specific months will not have a significant overall effect on calculated transpiration rates. To determine the validity of this assumption, the highest and lowest ranges between daily maximum and minimum observations of both T and R.H. were input into the transpiration equation. 5.3 Results Determination of Leaf Area Index The results of the MODIS derived LAI for 3 km by 3 km area surrounding the meadow over the time period of January to October 2009 are shown on Figure 5-5. LAI 127 values are lowest in the winter months and are highest in the summer months. The time of LAI increase appears to occur in May. Relatively high values are observed through September, with a gradual decrease noted to begin in October. Table 5-1 summarizes the LAI data set during the period of May through September, which represents the 8-day average LAI values from the onset of tree growth through the end of the period of water table decline. 8-day averages range from 6.2 in the early part of May to 21.8 in late August. The mean of all observations from May to September is 16.1 and the mean standard deviation is 2.8. Because these data include not only the meadow but also the surrounding environment, the mean value above may be a slight overestimation of LAI based on observed differences in tree density between the meadow and surrounding hill slopes. Lodgepole pine stands were noted to be more densely grouped on the hill slopes surrounding the meadow and were generally less densely grouped in the meadow. Therefore, the lodgepole pine LAI for the meadow was calculated by subtracting the mean standard deviation from the overall mean. The resultant value that was used in all transpiration rate calculations was 13.3 (Table 5-1). Performing this modification should provide a conservative estimate of the LAI for the lodgepoles in the meadow. Transpiration rates The average daily transpiration rates for June to September were calculated using the average LAI value discussed above and average minimum and maximum daily values of T and R.H. (Table 5-2). Average daily minimum temperatures ranged from 3.7 oC in June to 7.0 oC in September and average daily minimum R.H. values ranged from 14 % 128 in July and September to 28 % in June. Average daily maximum temperatures ranged from 16.5 oC in June to 23.5 oC in July and average daily maximum R.H. values ranged from 35 % in August to 70 % in June. Table 5-3 summarizes the calculated daily average transpiration rates for each month. Rates calculated from the modified P-M equation were reported in units of cm/s. These values were converted to units of mm/d and were multiplied by the number of sunlight hours observed in the meadow during the summer months (assumed to be 12 hours). This is consistent with observations by Waring and Schlesinger, 1985 regarding the influence of sunlight on stomatal conductance. Specifically, he notes that the stomata of conifers will be fully open at 5 to 20% of total sunlight. The assumed daily value of 12 hours of transpiration appears to be valid based on this observation. Daily rates ranged from 12.96 mm/d in June to 17.32 mm/d in July. Table 5-4 summarizes the results of comparing the transpiration rates using an average of daily temperatures (Table 5-3) with rates calculated using the highest and lowest daily ranges of temperature observed for each month. It should be noted that values of R.H. were fixed during this analysis. The percent difference between these two methods ranged from 2.1 % to 41.8 %. It should be noted that the 41.8 % difference resulted from utilizing the lowest range of maximum and minimum temperatures for June (minimum 1.7 oC and maximum 4.8 oC). This maximum temperature is noted to be significantly lower than the reminder of maximum temperatures observed from June to September (Appendix D). The remaining percent differences were determined to be below 6 %. 129 Table 5-5 summarizes the results of a similar analysis for R.H. values while temperature values were fixed. The percent difference was calculated to range from 0.3 % to 8.6 %. 5.4 Discussion The use of climatic data appears to be an effective method of quantifying transpiration rates indirectly as these data are typically one the most readily available data sets when conducting any hydrologic study. The location of the nearest temperature recording weather station was determined to be 0.5 km in distance from the meadow. Based upon this close proximity it is appropriate to assume weather station observations of temperature reflect meadow conditions throughout the year. Observations of the maximum and minimum temperatures in the meadow indicate that there are wide daily fluctuations in temperature at this location. This may be expected based on the elevation of the meadow (2016 m) and overall Sierra Nevada climate at this location. The nearest weather station to record consistent observations of relative humidity was located nearly 40 km in distance from the meadow near the northeast shore of Lake Tahoe. This distance is significantly greater than the temperature station and less overall credence is given to the representativeness of these data for the meadow. However, the weather station does sit at an elevation similar to the meadow (1950 m) and it appears reasonable to assume that significant climatic trends observed at the station would also be observed at the meadow. Use of proxy data in this manner is a prime example of using the best available source of remote observations to estimate condtions in the area of interest. Based upon review of the potential error associated with averaging daily values of 130 temperature and relative humidity rather than using discrete daily values, it appears that using the monthly average does not have a significant effect on overall transpiration rate results. An exception was the percent difference calculated for June using the minimum range of daily temperatures. This result is considered to be an outlier as the result was based on temperatures that did not reflect the remainder the period of interest. The use of MODIS data to determine LAI values remotely appeared to be an effective method of determining the canopy density of conifers in proximity to the meadow. Other methods of determining LAI were considered, however many were determined to be cost prohibitive for the scope of this study. Tian et al. (2002) does note that a limitation of using MODIS to determine this variable is that values can often be overestimated is the vegetation cover is high heterogeneous. Based on observations of the meadow, the surrounding hill slopes are predominately conifer (lodgepole) dominated with little understory vegetation and thus any overestimation is unlikely. The use of this method to determine this variable was determined to be a use of the best available technology. As previously discussed, LAI is highly site-specific and correlation between stands is often discouraged (Tian et al., 2002). Specific estimates of LAI values for lodgepole pine were not found in the literature however, the range of typical values for pine tree species in general were reviewed to determine if values from MODIS appear to reflect typical values for conifers. Waring and Schlesinger, 1985 cite values of growing season LAI as low as 7 for some stands of Ponderosa Pine and as high as 17 for stands of White Pine. Although there are differences in the morphology (and therefore potential canopy 131 densities) of various species of pines, the value of 13.3 selected for the meadow lodgepoles appears to be reasonable. The results of the analysis discussed in this chapter provide key constraints on the amount of water the encroaching lodgepole pine tress extract from meadow storage throughout the summer months. The rate at which these trees were determined to transpire water was used in groundwater model simulations of tree removal, which is discussed in detail in Chapter 6. 132 5.5 Tables and Figures Date 05/01/09 05/09/09 05/17/09 05/25/09 06/02/09 06/10/09 06/18/09 06/26/09 07/04/09 07/12/09 07/20/09 07/28/09 08/05/09 08/13/09 08/21/09 08/29/09 09/06/09 09/14/09 09/22/09 09/30/09 8-Day MEAN LAI 6.2 9.1 14.4 14.4 12.4 6.8 18.4 20.6 19.4 19.0 20.6 19.8 19.6 17.9 21.8 18.4 16.5 15.4 17.6 14.3 Calculated Mean 8-Day Standard Deviation 1.0 1.8 2.5 2.1 1.7 3.0 3.2 6.8 1.7 2.4 1.7 1.9 2.3 1.5 4.1 1.9 3.6 2.3 4.7 4.3 16.1 Mean Standard 2.8 Deviation Adjusted Mean (Calculated Mean 13.3 Mean Standard Deviation) Notes: LAI values calculated from all pixels with the same Land Cover Class (Evergreen Needleleaf Forest) as the Center Pixel Nine 1 km x 1km pixels were included in the coverage area and eight were found to be the same vegetation class as the Center Pixel 1 km x 1km Center Pixel includes the entire extent of the meadow study area Table 5-1: Summary of Leaf Area Index (LAI) values obtained from the Aqua satellite operated by NASA for the meadow vicinity. Based on the large 9 km2 overall coverage area of the data when compared with the size of the meadow (~0.1 km2), the adjusted mean was used in all calculations for meadow leaf area index of encroaching lodgepole pine. 133 Month Average of Daily Minimum Temperatures (oC) Average of Daily Maximum Temperatures (oC) Average of Daily Minimum Relative Humidity (%) Average of Daily Maximum Relative Humidity (%) June 2009 3.7 16.5 28 70 July 2009 6.9 23.5 14 52 August 2009 5.9 22.1 17 35 September 2009 7.0 23.2 14 52 Table 5-2: Summary of average daily minimum and maximum temperature and relative humidity for June to September 2009. Daily minimums and maximums for each month were compiled and averaged to provide singular representative values of these two variables for use in transpiration calculations. 134 Month Calculated Transpiration Using Average of Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures and Relative Humidity (mm/d) June 2009 12.96 July 2009 17.32 August 2009 17.02 September 2009 17.12 Table 5-3: Summary of calculated daily transpiration rates for June to September 2009. Transpiration rates were calculated in part by using average daily values of temperature and relative humidity as summarized in Table 5-2. 135 Month Largest Daily Range Between Min and Max Readings (oC) Max Temp (oC) Calculated Transpiration Using Largest Daily Range Values of Temperature (mm/d) Calculated Transpiration Using Average of Daily Max and Min Temps and R.H. (mm/d) Min Temp (oC) % Difference (mm/d) June 2009 18.9 0.0 18.9 13.97 12.96 7.8 July 2009 21.7 1.1 22.8 16.88 17.32 2.5 August 2009 20.6 0.0 20.6 16.21 17.02 4.8 September 2009 21.7 5.0 26.7 17.69 17.12 3.3 Month Lowest Daily Range Between Min and Max Readings (oC) Min Temp (oC) Max Temp (oC) Calculated Transpiration Using Lowest Daily Range Values of Temperature (mm/d) Calculated Transpiration Using Average of Daily Max and Min Temps and R.H. (mm/d) % Difference (mm/d) June 2009 2.8 1.7 4.4 7.54 12.96 41.8 July 2009 13.9 11.7 25.6 17.76 17.32 2.5 August 2009 12.2 6.0 18.2 16.05 17.02 5.7 September 2009 11.6 8.9 20.5 16.76 17.12 2.1 Notes: Fixed values of Relative Humidity at 0.28 (min) and 0.70 (max) for June 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Relative Humidity at 0.14 (min) and 0.52 (max) for July 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Relative Humidity at 0.17 (min) and 0.35 (max) for August 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Relative Humidity at 0.14 (min) and 0.52 (max) for September 2009 Error Estimates Table 5-4: Summary of the estimated error due to utilizing average values of temperature in transpiration calculations. Error estimates were determined by comparing transpiration rates calculated using the highest and lowest daily temperature ranges recorded in the meadow for June to September 2009 with rates calculated using an average of daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the same time period. Values of relative humidity were fixed during these comparisons. 136 Month Largest Daily Range Between Min and Max Readings (%) Min Relative Humidity (%) June 2009 61 July 2009 Max Relative Humidity (%) Calculated Transpiration Using Largest Daily Range Values (mm/d) Calculated Transpiration Using Average of Daily Max and Min R.H and Temps (mm/d) % Difference (mm/d) 26 87 12.41 12.96 4.2 73 12 85 16.92 17.32 2.3 August 2009 61 14 75 16.43 17.02 3.5 September 2009 60 5 65 17.28 17.12 0.9 Month Lowest Range Between Min and Max Readings Min Relative Humidity (%) Max Relative Humidity (%) Calculated Transpiration Using Lowest Range Values (mm/d) Calculated Transpiration Using Average of Daily Max and Min R.H and Temps (mm/d) Difference (mm/d) June 2009 24 25 49 14.08 12.96 8.6 July 2009 17 18 35 17.38 17.32 0.3 August 2009 16 10 26 17.38 17.02 2.1 September 2009 18 5 23 17.64 17.12 3.0 Notes: Fixed values of Temperature at 3.7 (min) and 16.5 (max) oC for June 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Temperature at 6.9 (min) and 23.5 (max) oC for July 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Temperature at 5.9 (min) and 21.8 (max) oC for August 2009 Error Estimates Fixed values of Temperature at 7.0 (min) and 22.5 (max) oC for September 2009 Error Estimates Table 5-5: Summary of the estimated error due to utilizing average values of relative humidity in transpiration calculations. Error estimates were determined by comparing transpiration rates calculated using the highest and lowest daily relative humidity ranges recorded in the meadow for June to September 2009 with rates calculated using an average of daily maximum and minimum relative humidity for the same time period. Values of temperature were fixed during these comparisons. 137 Figure 5-1: Graphical plot of the relationship between the stomatal conductance of various species and vapor pressure deficit as described by Waring and Schlesinger (1985). Line 1 shown in the figure relates these two variables for Douglas fir species and line 2 is for hemlock species. 138 Maximum Stomatal Conductance (cm/s) Douglas Fir 0.5 0.45 y = -3E-07x 4 + 4E-05x 3 - 0.0016x 2 + 0.0105x + 0.4113 R2 = 0.9933 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Vapor Pressure Deficit (mb) Figure 5-2: Graphical recreation of the relationship between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit for Douglas fir species. This plot was generated using discrete points obtained from Figure 5-1 and a 4th order polynomial regression line, which was determined to provide the best fit of the points. The equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient (R2) is also shown. 139 Hemlock Maximum Stomatal Conductance (cm/s) 0.6 y = -1E-06x 4 + 7E-05x 3 - 0.0009x 2 - 0.0216x + 0.5601 R2 = 0.9916 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Vapor Pressure Defict (mb) Figure 5-3: Graphical recreation of the relationship between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit for hemlock species. This plot was generated using discrete points obtained from Figure 5-1 and a 4th order polynomial regression line, which was determined to provide the best fit of the points. The equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient (R2) is also shown. 140 Center l-km by 1- km pixel that includes the meadow Figure 5-4: Landcover classification generated from the Aqua satellite associated with obtaining leaf area index data. The figure depicts the nine 1-km by 1-km pixels (each pixel includes four subpixels) that were used to determine the leaf area index (LAI) remotely. During data post-processing, LAI values that were recorded from subpixels that did not match the center pixel (Evergreen Needleleaf Forest) were discarded. 141 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 Sept 2009 Figure 5-5: Plot of leaf area index (LAI) values obtained from the Aqua satellite for January to October 2009. LAI (unitless) is plotted on the y-axis at a scale factor of 0.1 in the upper portion of the plot. LAI values from May to September 2009 were used in transpiration calculations as this time period corresponded with the observed decrease in meadow groundwater elevations. Points in the center of each box and whisker plot represent the average LAI value of all pixels that were determined to have acceptable quality following data post-processing. Points away from the center of each box and whisker plot represent the LAI value for the center pixel only. The percentage of pixels that were determined to have acceptable quality following data post-processing is plotted on the y-axis in the lower portion of the plot (vertical lines). All post-processing was conducted at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC, 2010) prior to the data being made available for public use. 142 Chapter 6 SIMULATIONS OF TREE REMOVAL 6.1 Introduction To simulate the influence of tree removal on water table depths, a groundwater flow model was constructed. Modeling conducted as part of studies by Hammersmark et al., 2008 and Smerdon et al., 2009 has been shown to be an effective tool in describing current hydrologic conditions in settings similar to the study area as well as providing a predictive tool of modified conditions. The results of the physical and hydrologic characterizations were used to define the physical constraints of the model as well as provide the constraints of inputs to the model. To maximize the “model fit”, the model was refined to the point that it best represented the geological and hydrological conditions observed during field visits and more importantly, the groundwater elevations recorded in the meadow through monitoring. This chapter discusses the specific methods used to define the three dimensional extent of the model, the boundary conditions, the sensitivity of key parameters, and the results of tree removal simulations. 6.2 Methods Selection of modeling method The model was constructed utilizing Visual MODFLOW 4.0 (VMod), a three-dimensional numerical finite difference modeling program based on code developed by the USGS (Harbaugh et al., 2000). VMod is a graphical user interface (GUI) developed by Waterloo Hydrologic that allows for manipulation of model 143 properties graphical and allows users that are not familiar with code manipulation to effectively model subsurface conditions. This software and MODFLOW in general is widely used in the hydrogeologic modeling community (Fetter, 2001) and was assumed to be appropriate for the simulation of groundwater flow beneath the meadow. Grid design and boundary condtions The horizontal model grid domain was defined based on the surficial extent of the meadow. Based on the results of grain size analysis discussed in Chapter 4, the model was constructed as a single layer with homogeneous properties. The key assumption associated with this method of modeling is that the model is isotropic in the x and y directions. Although this condition is rarely observed in the field, the overall distribution of mean grain sizes as well as the relatively consistent hydraulic conductivity results indicates that this is an appropriate assumption for the purpose of model simulations for this study. The model was constructed of 35 rows and 48 columns consisting of individual cells of 10 x 10 m. This cell size was selected to agree with the horizontal resolution of the DEM used for surface topography. DEM values were imported into VMod to define the model surface. The interpolated subsurface elevations obtained from seismic surveys and hand auger borings were imported to define the bottom of the model. The bottom of the model was assumed to be a no flow boundary due to the low permeability of the underlying meadow bedrock. The meadow perimeter was also defined as no flow boundary based on a similar rationale. The model as defined by the meadow boundary was considered the active domain of model flow. 144 Boundary conditions are required for any simulation of groundwater flow (Anderson and Woessner, 1992) and the input of multiple boundaries was needed for defining the constraints of the meadow aquifer. Constant head boundaries were assigned at the locations of piezometers PZ-1 near the inflow point to the meadow and PZ-4 near the outflow point to the meadow. Groundwater elevations at these points were continuously monitored over the course of this study and these data were used to represent the hydraulic head (head) as it enters and leaves the meadow aquifer. It should be noted that the constant head boundaries not only included the model cell that contained piezometer PZ-1 or PZ-4, but also the adjacent cells. This assumption appeared to be valid based on the relatively flat meadow topography from northwest to southeast, which is generally perpendicular to the meadow gradient. Tells Creek was defined as a drain boundary. The use of this boundary type requires input of the bottom elevation of the boundary across the entire horizontal extent of the drain. Based on multiple measurements of channel depths, the bottom of the drain was assigned at 0.32 m below the surface elevation of the model. When groundwater elevations are below the bottom elevation of the drain, they are no longer impacted by the drain and remain a part of subsurface flow in the model. The use of this boundary to approximate the influence of Tells Creek on the shallow aquifer appears to be appropriate as the creek was noted to have flowing water in the early part of June and was dry near the middle of July. The locations and extents of the various boundary conditions discussed above are shown on Figure 6-1. 145 Initial recharge estimates As the meadow aquifer is unconfined, it is assumed that some measure of recharge is added to the meadow flow budget throughout the year. During the winter and spring months this recharge comes in the form of precipitation and snowmelt. However, during the summer months, the source is not as clearly defined. Wood (1975) concluded that many mountain meadows commonly have some component of recharge from seepage from adjacent hill slopes and/or underlying fractured bedrock. He based his conclusion in part on observed increases in meadow water table levels prior to any notable precipitation events. This condition was also observed in Timothy Meadow as water table elevations begin to rise following September 28, 2009 in the absence of any recorded precipitation events. This appears to support the conclusion by Wood (1975) that some measurable amount of recharge is added to the meadow throughout the year, regardless of the timing of precipitation events. Based on this rationale, an arbitrary initial recharge value of 0.001 m/d was input over the entire active model extent. The entire model area was selected as to establish a baseline for determining the areas of the meadow where recharge may be more of a factor when compared with others. Steady-State simulations As discussed in Chapter 5, daily average transpiration rates were determined for the time period including the months of June, July, August, and September. This time period was selected to agree with the observed decline in water table levels during the 2008-2009 water year as previously discussed. As such, a steady-state model was constructed to simulate the groundwater flow in the meadow under existing conditions 146 and then incorporate these rates into the model to simulate the effect of tree removal on heads in the meadow. Existing conditions were simulated using constant head boundary conditions on June 15th with input values obtained from monitoring data collected at PZ-1 and PZ-4. It should be noted that the 15th of June was arbitrarily selected and not as a result of any particular observed condition on that day. A steady-state model was selected over a transient simulation due to the overall poor controls in recharge areas and magnitudes throughout the meadow and more importantly, due to the limited number of calibration points within the meadow (discussed below). Model calibration Due to monitoring points PZ-1 and PZ-4 being utilized to define the constant head boundaries of the model, the two remaining piezometers (PZ-2 and PZ-3) were used to calibrate the model. Oberserved heads at these points on the 15th of June were input as calibration data to determine the “goodness of fit” of the steady-state model. The model was determined to be of a good fit when the root mean squares (RMS) value was minimized relative to RMS values from previous model runs (as described in Anderson and Woessner, 1992). Model parameters and sensitivity analysis To effectively simulate the flow in the meadow subsurface, representative values of hydraulic conductivity are needed as inputs to the model (Fetter, 2001). Based on the results of hydraulic conductivity analysis discussed in Chapter 4, a singular value was input for both the x and y directions. Specifically, Kx = Ky = 0.837 m/d. Kz was input at 10% of Kx or 0.0837. Also discussed in Chapter 4 were the results of the determination 147 specific yield. The average result of this analysis was determined to be 21%, which was input into the model as an initial value. As part of the specific yield analysis, the saturated water content was also determined for the most frequent grain sizes observed in the meadow. This parameter is equivalent to total porosity and the result from this analysis was input to the model at a value of 39%. To determine the model sensitivity to variations of hydraulic conductivity (K) when compared to recharge, input values of K were varied in the model over the range of minimum and maximum values identified during the determination of average values discussed above. As K values were varied, values of recharge were varied concurrently to determine the increase or decrease of this parameter required to maintain model calibration. The range of values of K used in this analysis was an order of magnitude below and above the previously determined average value of 0.837 m/d. The average value was representative of the silty sands and sandy silts that were most commonly found in the meadow. The occasional discrete zones of clay/silt and gravel observed during subsurface investigations were represented by values of 0.0837 m/d (minimum) and 8.37 m/d (maximum), respectively. To determine the model sensitivity to variations in specific yield, inputs were varied in the model over the range of minimum and maximum values identified during the determination of average value of 21%. The observed and calculated heads for the calibrated model were used as a basis for comparison to determine the sensitivity of this parameter. The range of specific yield values used in this analysis were 14% and 34%, respectively. 148 Simulation of lodgepole pine tree removal Following model calibration of the steady-state model under the range of values of K and recharge, the daily average transpiration rate calculated for each month was input into the model as recharge. The recharge boundary was used in this manner in order simulate groundwater being placed back into the system due to the absence of tree transpiration. Recharge rates due to tree removal were the same as transpiration rates summarized on Table 5-3 and as follows: June (0.013 m/d), July (0.0173 m/d), August (0.017 m/d), and September (0.0171 m/d). The areas of the model for these recharge rates were defined by the extent of tree encroachment into the meadow (Figure 6-2). Steady-state simulations using this range of values represent the response of the water table to tree removal. The calculated heads from the model calibrations (existing conditions with trees in place) provided baseline data for quantifying the amount of the change in head during these simulations. 6.3 Results Determination of initial recharge and model calibration As discussed above, the constraints of recharge to the meadow were initially unknown during model construction and an arbitrary value of 0.001 m/d was input over the entire active extent of the meadow to provide insight into the model response to this variable. Model runs using this recharge value were found to significantly overestimate heads by up to 2 m with RMS values of a similar magnitude at the locations of piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 (calibration points). Also notable during these initial simulations was the presence of “dry cells” along the northeastern and southwestern 149 boundaries of the model. Dry cells in VMod represent calculated heads that are below the bottom of the model. Based on field observations during June, these dry cells were not representative of water table depths in these areas of the meadow. Therefore, in addition to adjusting the recharge rate to the entire model, recharge zones (subsequently referred to as the NE zone and SW zone) were defined along these areas of dry cells (Figure 6-3). Multiple model simulations were conducted to achieve initial model calibration by varying values of recharge in the NE and SW zones as well as the entire active model domain while other parameters remained constant (K = 0.837 m/d and Sy = 21%). The model domain recharge value that was determined to provide the lowest RMS value for the initial calibration was 0.0002 m/d when combined with variations in recharge values input in NE and SW zones (0.008 m/d and 0.004 m/d, respectively). Table 6-1 summarizes the initial calibration results (observed and predicted heads) for the model. The RMS value for this initial calibration was calculated to be 0.102 m. Heads were slightly underestimated at calibration point PZ-2 and overestimated at PZ-3 during simulations for the steady-state model. Sensitivity analysis The results of the sensitivity analysis performed for hydraulic conductivity (K) when compared to recharge is summarized on Table 6-2 and depicted on Figure 6-4. Varying K by an order of magnitude above or below the value used for initial calibration (0.837 m/d) required an increase or decrease of the model domain recharge value of over an order of magnitude, respectively, to maintain model calibration. Variations in K also 150 required a slight (less than an order of magnitude) increase or decrease in recharge values for the NE and SW recharge zones to achieve a model fit similar to the initial calibration. RMS values for model simulations using values of K an order of magnitude above and below the initial value and utilizing the revised recharge values were similar to the value for the initial calibration. Results of this analysis are summarized on Table 6-2. The results of the sensitivity analysis performed for specific yield are summarized on Table 6-3. The graphical relationship between the observed heads and the calculated heads from variations in specific yield are shown on Figure 6-5. Variations in specific yield did not result in any change in predicted heads when compared with those predicted from utilizing the initial value of 21 %. Simulation of lodgepole pine tree removal The results of the simulations of lodgepole pine tree removal using the steady-state model calibrated over a range of K values are summarized on Table 6-4. Individual simulations were conducted using the various K values, calibrated by varying recharge, and inputting the range of transpiration rates calculated for the meadow lodgepole pines. The mean simulated change in head at the calibration points (PZ-2 and PZ-3) ranged from 0.012 m for a K value of 8.37 m/d and a transpiration rate of 12.96 mm/d to 0.834 m for a K value of 0.0837 m/d and a transpiration rate of 17.32 mm/d. Multiplying the range of changes in head by the surface area of the meadow (64,000 m2) resulted in range of the change in meadow groundwater storage of approximately 160 m3 to 11,000 m3. 151 6.4 Discussion The results of the initial calibration as well as subsequent calibrations of the steady-state model indicate that reasonable approximations of actual condtions were obtained. The significant lowering of the RMS values when compared to initial runs appears to represent a good model fit on steady-state scale. Because this model was simulated as steady-state, solutions are non-unique, but represent a first-order approximation of observed condtions. Based on results of the sensitivity analysis, the model was significantly sensitive to hydraulic conductivity as it directly affected the amount of recharge needed to balance the inputs and outputs to the model. Decreasing the conductivity by an order of magnitude resulted in a significantly higher predicted increase in heads due to lodgepole pine removal when compared with higher values. This is likely a function of a decrease in the ability of groundwater to leave the meadow aquifer due to a lower overall permeability. The variability in changes in head and subsequently, changes in storage, reflects the potential uncertainty associated with simulations of removal using the methods described. Since the rates used to simulate the removal of lodgepole pines were constant during simulations using various scenarios of K and recharge, it is apparent that the amount of increased storage is highly dependent on the permeability of the subsurface sediments for a given meadow. In summary, additional constraints on the variations of K, which directly relates to potential heterogeneity of the meadow sediments, would add greatly to future modeling efforts. Most importantly, the need for additional points of calibration was apparent 152 throughout the modeling process. As is the often case with model simulations in general, increases in field observations can greatly enhance model refinement for future applications. 153 6.5 Tables and Figures Observation Point Observed Heads (m) Calculated Heads (m) Difference (m) PZ-2 2015.630 2015.541 -0.089 PZ-3 2015.360 2015.474 0.114 RMS Value (m) 0.102 Table 6-1: Summary of initial calibration data for the steady-state groundwater flow model. Piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 were used as points in the model to determine the differences between observed and calculated heads. The modeling software used (Visual Modflow) calculated the root mean square (RMS) values for each model based on these differences. The “goodness of model fit” was based on minimizing RMS values compared to previous model runs. 154 K (m/d) 0.837 (1) 0.0837 8.37 Model Domain NE Zone SW Zone Observed Observation Calculated Difference Recharge Recharge Recharge Heads Point Heads (m) (m) (m/d) (m/d) (m/d) (m) 2.0E-04 5.0E-06 3.0E-03 8.0E-03 1.3E-03 1.8E-02 PZ-2 2015.630 2015.541 -0.089 PZ-3 2015.360 2015.474 0.114 PZ-2 2015.630 2015.548 -0.082 PZ-3 2015.360 2015.462 0.102 PZ-2 2015.630 2015.550 -0.080 PZ-3 2015.360 2015.467 0.107 4.0E-03 RMS Value (m) 0.102 1.6E-03 0.093 8.0E-03 0.094 (1): K value as summarized on Table 4-8 and used in initial model calibration (average of slug testing and soil moisture retention profiles) Sy was fixed at 21% during all simulations for recharge sensitivity Observed heads from June 15, 2009 were used for all model calibrations Table 6-2: Summary of the sensitivity of recharge due to variations in hydraulic conductivity (K). Values of K were varied by an order of magnitude above and below the value used for initial model calibration (0.837 m/d) to determine the change in recharge values required to maintain model calibration. 155 Predicted Heads Observation Point Observed Heads Sy = 21% (1) Sy = 14% (2) Sy = 34 % (3) PZ-2 2015.630 2015.541 2015.541 2015.541 PZ-3 2015.360 2015.474 2015.474 2015.474 (1): Sy value as summarized on Table 4-12 (average of empirical data and soil moisture retention profiles) (2): Minimum value noted on Table 4-12 for fine grained soils (Sandy Loam) (3) : Maximum value noted on Table 4-11 based on soils reaching their wilting point K was fixed at 0.837 Table 6-3: Summary of sensitivity analysis of specific yield (Sy). Minimum and maximum Sy values obtained from soil moisture retention analysis of the meadow sediments were input to the model to determine the change in predicted heads values based on variation of this variable. All other model parameters were fixed during this analysis. 156 Change in Head due to Tree Removal (m) (1) K (m/d) Observation Point Calculated Heads With Trees in Place Et = 12.96 mm/d Et = 17.02 mm/d Et = 17.12 mm/d Et = 17.32 mm/d PZ-2 2015.541 0.087 0.121 0.125 0.126 PZ-3 2015.474 0.129 0.180 0.185 0.186 Mean (m) 0.108 0.151 0.155 0.156 Change in Storage(2) (m3) 1,400 2,000 2,100 2,100 PZ-2 2015.548 0.509 0.653 0.656 0.663 PZ-3 2015.462 0.769 0.990 0.994 1.004 Mean (m) 0.639 0.822 0.825 0.834 Change in Storage(2) (m3) 8,600 11,000 11,000 11,000 PZ-2 2015.550 0.010 0.013 0.013 0.014 PZ-3 2015.467 0.014 0.019 0.019 0.020 Mean (m) 0.012 0.016 0.016 0.017 Change in Storage(2) (m3) 160 210 210 230 0.837 0.0837 8.37 (1): Tree removal simulated by using the range of calculated transpiration estimates (Et) as recharge inputs to the model in the area of existing tree encroachment (2): Change in storage calculated by multiplying the mean change in head from tree removal simulations by the surface area of the meadow (64,000 m2) and by a specific yield of 0.21 Table 6-4: Summary of model results of tree removal simulations for the steady-state groundwater flow model. The range of calculated lodgepole pine transpiration rates (Et) were input as recharge to the model over various values of K that the model was calibrated for during recharge sensitivity analysis (Table 6-2). Piezometers PZ-2 and PZ-3 were used as points in the model to determine the change in head by removing all of encroaching lodgepole pine trees. Discrete values from these points were averaged to represent the change in head throughout the meadow and were then multiplied by the surface area of the meadow and the specific yield to determine the net change in storage. 157 Constant Head Drain (Tells Creek) N Constant Head Meadow Perimeter Figure 6-1: Boundary conditions assigned in the model to simulate groundwater flow in the meadow subsurface. The outline in the central portion of the figure represents the meadow perimeter, outside of which model cells are inactive. Constant head boundaries were assigned near the inflow (northeast portion) and outflow (southwest portion) of the meadow. Tells Creek (perennially flowing from the northeast to southwest across the meadow) was assigned as drain boundary. 158 Figure 6-2: Extent of model areas assigned as recharge zones to simulate tree removal. The hatched areas represent the limits of tree encroachment into the meadow, which were used as the basis for defining removal recharge zones in the model. 159 NE Recharge Zone SW Recharge Zone N Meadow Perimeter Figure 6-3: Location of recharge zones assigned to the model during calibration. Two areas (shown as darkened cells along the NE and SW portions of the meadow perimeter) were utilized as areas of groundwater recharge to achieve model calibration. 160 1.0E-01 Model Domain Recharge (m/d) 1.0E-02 1.0E-03 K vs Recharge 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 1.0E-07 0.0837 0.8370 8.3700 K (m/d) Figure 6-4: Results of sensitivity analysis of hydraulic conductivity (K) compared to recharge. Values of K were varied by an order of magnitude above and below the value used for initial model calibration (0.837 m/d) to determine the change in recharge values required to maintain model calibration. 161 2015.70 2015.65 Observed Predicted Groundwater Elevation (m) 2015.60 2015.55 2015.50 PZ-2 2015.45 PZ-3 2015.40 2015.35 2015.30 2015.25 2015.20 Observed 21% 14% 34% Sy (%) Figure 6-5: Results of sensitivity analysis of specific yield (Sy). Groundwater elevations observed in the field and predicted by the model were compared based on variations in Sy. Calibration points PZ-2 and PZ-3 were used as reference points in the comparisons. 162 Chapter 7 ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Summary of Results Numerous methods and techniques were utilized to test the hypothesis of this study. The hypothesis tested was that the meadow water table was lowered as a result of encroaching lodgepole pine tress and their removal can be effective in increasing available groundwater storage. Results of the geological characterization show that the current meadow configuration is the result of numerous geologic events ranging from the tectonic scale emplacement of the Sierra Nevada batholith to meadow scale glacial processes and alluvial deposition. The hydrologic characterization of the meadow vicinity indicates the meadow sits in a dynamic climatic environment with annual occurrences of significant precipitation events of snow and rain. The results of the physical characterization of the meadow indicate the meadow subsurface is comprised of 130,000 m3 of unconsolidated sediment with average depths of approximately 2 m. The surface area of the meadow is approximately 64,000 m2 as determined by the surrounding topography. The meadow sediments are predominantly composed of silty sands with occasional gravels. Average hydraulic conductivity and specific yield values were determined based on combination of field methods and grain size analysis with mean values of 0.837 m/d and 21%, respectively. Results of meadow water table monitoring over the approximate extent of the 2008-2009 water year depicted a meadow that is generally fully saturated from the late fall to the late spring followed by an approximate 4 month period of water table declines to a maximum depth of 1.13 m 163 below the meadow surface. This drop in water level indicates that the meadow has declined to 44% of total storage capacity when the water table reaches its lowest depth. The specific period of water table decline was determined to be from June 5, 2009 to September 28, 2009, which was used as the basis for determining transpiration estimates of the encroaching lodgepole pines. The results of quantifying the rate at which encroaching trees transpirate stored groundwater from the meadow subsurface indicate daily rates of 12.96 mm/d for June, 17.32 mm/d for July, 17.02 mm/d for August, and 17.12 mm/d for September. These rates were calculated utilizing a modified version of the Penman-Montieth equation, which was specifically derived for coniferous plant species (Waring and Schlesinger, 1985). The determination of these rates using average monthly values of temperature and relative humidity indicated a maximum error of 7.8 % when compared with using the daily extremes in ranges of these variables. This estimate excludes a single outlier from June of 41.8 % that was determined to not reflect overall meadow conditions over the summer months. The simulation of tree removal using a steady-state groundwater flow model, that was calibrated by varying recharge while utilizing hydraulic conductivity (K) values an order of magnitude above and below the average value (8.37 m/d and 0.0837), indicates that the removal of encroaching trees results in an increase in water table levels ranging from less than 2 cm to greater than 80 cm. This equates to an increase in groundwater storage in the range of approximately 200 to 11,000 m3 (Table 6-4). 164 7.2 Analysis To determine the overall impact to meadow groundwater storage over the 20082009 water year due to tree removal, the increase in water table levels were used to calculate the change in storage compared to the total storage capacity of the meadow. The total storage capacity was calculated by multiplying the specific yield value of 21% (as determined from multiple methods of analysis) by the total volume of sediment, resulting in a total capacity of 27,000 m3. Increases in storage ranging from 200 to 11,000 m3 are equivalent to an additional 1 to 40 percent of the total meadow storage being utilized. The high variability in the overall range in change in storage estimates reflects the model simulations of tree removal using the range of expected K values in the meadow sediments (Table 6-4). The average K value of 0.837 m/d was intended to be representative of the silty sands and fine grained sands that were most commonly found in the meadow sediments during field investigations and grain size analyses. Model simulations of tree removal using this value resulted in an increase in storage of approximately 2,000 m3. However, interfingered finer and coarser grained sediment intervals (clays/silts and coarse sands with gravel) were also found during field investigations and were verified by grain size analysis. The presence of this variability in the meadow sediments necessitated that K values reflective of these two grain size endmembers be utilized in model simulations to evaluate the sensitivity of this variable to tree removal simulations. 165 Silt/clay intervals were reflected by a K value of 0.0837 m/d or an order of magnitude below the average K value. Fetter (2001) equates this value in the range of K values expected for sandy silts, clayey sands and till, which is consistent with the finer grained intervals encountered in the meadow subsurface. Gravel and coarse sand intervals were reflected by a K value of 8.37 m/d or an order of magnitude above the average K value. Fetter (2001) equates this value in the range of K values expected for well-sorted sands, which is inconsistent with the poorly sorted nature of the meadow sediments as encountered in the field and described by Coyle (1993) and Mitchell et al., (1993). This indicates that the value of 8.37 m/d may not be reflective of the coarser grained intervals and is likely overestimated. Change in storage values using the K values above when compared to the change in storage using the meadow-specific average value are considerably higher (~11,000 m3 using the value for clays/silts) or lower (~200 m3 for gravel and coarse sands). However, due to the steady-state model being constructed as isotropic in the x and y directions, simulations using these K values assume that the entire model subsurface is the same (i.e. entirely consisting of clays/silts or coarse sands/gravels). Based on subsurface investigation and grain size analysis, only a portion of the meadow sediments consists of these intervals when compared to the silty sands and sandy silts that were most commonly encountered. It is evident that variability in K has a significant impact on the results of model simulations of tree removal, but greater credence is given to the change in storage model results using the average value, which was calculated using a combination of field 166 analysis and empirical data based on the mean grain size distribution of the meadow sediments. As discussed above the change in storage result for the silts/clays in the meadow is more reflective of actual field conditions when compared with that for gravels and coarse sands. Therefore the change in storage resulting from tree removal is more likely in the range from 2,000 to 6,500 m3 (or an additional 7 to 24 percent of the total meadow storage being utilized). The upper end of this range assumes that the clay/silt intervals are no more than 50% of the meadow sediments which is considered to be a conservative estimate based on field investigations. 7.3 Conclusions As this study demonstrates, lodgepole pine trees have the ability to remove significant amounts of groundwater from a mountain meadow shallow aquifer through transpiration. The rate and distribution at which transpiration occurs is based on subsurface and climatic conditions. Given the relatively shallow water table depths through out the year (typically less than 1 m) in Timothy Meadow, groundwater is potentially available for tree uptake year round within the meadow boundary. It should be noted that transpiration rates in this meadow during the winter and spring months are likely to be significantly lower due to the existing snow pack and the cold temperatures. Based on the time period of the observed decline of water table levels, any potential transpiration during the winter or spring is offset by seasonal recharge from precipitation and snowmelt. Based on the results of modeling the removal of lodgepole pines over the range of expected hydraulic conductivity values for the meadow sediments, additional constraints 167 on the distribution and magnitude of this variable are needed to further refine estimates of changes in storage due to tree removal. Although the modeling results indicate the range of change in storage estimates span nearly two orders of magnitude, the use of field data collected during this study allows for significant narrowing of this range. The collection of additional hydraulic conductivity data should result in model simulations that are the most reflective of actual meadow groundwater conditions, should tree removal be conducted in the future. The apparent relationship between storage losses and the encroachment of pine tress observed at Timothy Meadow has the potential to be applied to other meadows at similar elevations, including those with deeper seasonal water tables. Root systems associated with the general species of Pinus contorta have been noted to reach depths of up to 3.3 meters in boreal forests (Canadell, 1996) which represents a conservative estimate of the maximum depth that this species can remove water from a system. Additionally, root systems of Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa), which have been cited as an encroaching species in Pacific Northwest meadows, have the ability to reach depths on the order of tens of meters with 20 to 30 m being the upper end (Richards, 1986). Conversely, the observations at Timothy Meadow may not be applicable to all mountain meadows in general due to potential hydrologic limitations of groundwater storage. Timothy Meadow is an example of a meadow that is hydrologically functional and degradation such as incised channels, increased sedimentation, and overall poor vegetation health was not observed. This indicates that groundwater storage in this particular meadow is not limited by constraints such as dewatering due to incised stream 168 channels. However, many meadows have been observed by researchers to be limited by some or all of these factors. In these cases, the restoration alternative of tree removal may not provide the storage benefits observed in Timothy Meadow. Tree removal may have a localized effect on water tables in these meadows, but any meadow dewatering due to degradation will likely continue be a limiting factor in maximizing storage volumes. These factors should be considered when appropriating resources for meadow restoration. Established methods of meadow enhancement such as channel restoration have also been shown to be effective in increasing the overall hydrologic functionality of meadows. In summary, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the removal of encroaching lodgepole pine trees can be an effective method of increasing the available groundwater storage in a mountain meadow over a time period when the majority of meadows in similar environments exhibit storage losses. The additional storage that results from the implementation of this method can provide a significant source of recharge to downstream catchments when other sources of recharge such as precipitation and snowmelt are limited or non-existent. The results of this study are intended to provide forest managers with a restoration alternative to be considered when a meadow appears to be functioning below its potential. It is recommended that the overall costs and potential meadow impact associated with tree removal (such as clear-cutting) be evaluated should this management alternative be considered.