Essay Assignment #1: A Favorite Place Assigned: 27 viii08. Due back: by Friday afternoon 29 viii08 Write the equivalent of one page single-spaced handwriting describing a wild, natural place that you remember visiting, one that made a strong impression on you. It could be a mountain meadow, a forest, ocean beach. It should be far enough from civilization that it was 'natural' if not untouched by humans. Write of your qualitative feelings, emotions that arose during this time. Then, on the other side of the paper, write a page about the functions of the plants, insects, animals, sky, sea in that landscape; that is, how did they inter-relate? What was the life of this place, and how was it shaped and structured to be as it was? What was the role of humans in shaping this place? What was your relationship with it (on both sides of the paper: artistic, emotional and then functional, objective, rational, scientific)? You can draft this in your journals (paper or electronic) and put it in the GoogleDoc. When you do so, mark it as either 'Draft' or 'Final'. Thanks