FLOOD ATTENUATION PROPERTIES OF A SIERRA NEVADA ALPINE MEADOW Lauren Amanda Mancuso B.A., University of California, Davis, 2006 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in GEOLOGY at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SUMMER 2011 FLOOD ATTENUATION PROPERTIES OF A SIERRA NEVADA ALPINE MEADOW A Thesis By Lauren Amanda Mancuso Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Kevin C. Cornwell, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Timothy Horner, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Lauren Amanda Mancuso I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. ______________________, Department Chair David G. Evans, Ph.D. Department of Geology iii ___________________ Date Abstract of FLOOD ATTENUATION PROPERTIES OF A SIERRA NEVADA ALPINE MEADOW by Lauren Amanda Mancuso The purpose of this study is to assess how meadows aid in flood attenuation and groundwater storage of the Van Vleck meadow in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. A water budget for the meadow was developed to understand the quantity and timing of water entering and leaving the meadow throughout the 2009-2010 water year. The water budget was developed by tracking the quantity of water entering and exiting the meadow. The water storage capacity was estimated based on the data collected for the water budget in addition to other field studies. Flood attenuation parameters were assessed by comparing the trend of water quantities increasing and decreasing during the study period based on the amount of water entering and exiting from surface water locations. Results suggest that the meadow does aid in flood attenuation and may lessen iv the severity of the dry season downstream. Based on the water budget values, the results suggest the water in the meadow is potentially recharging aquifers via bedrock fractures. The results of this study will assist in informing the U.S. Forest Service and Department of Water Resources regarding the usefulness of healthy meadows as an alternative to building dams and reservoirs for storing water. _______________________, Committee Chair Kevin C. Cornwell, Ph.D. _______________________ Date v DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my grandmother, whose value of hard work inspires me. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am greatly appreciative to my parents, Sandra and Lawrence Mancuso, for their long hours spent assisting with fieldwork. I thank my brother, Nino Mancuso, for his input with the preparation of this thesis. I would also like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups for their support during my studies at California State University, Sacramento: Dr. Kevin Cornwell, CSUS Dr. Tim Horner, CSUS Dr. David Evans, CSUS Dr. Diane Carlson, CSUS Kent Parrish, URS Corporation Dr. Miles Roberts, CSUS Jacques Clouseau CH2M Hill Inc. EQUIPCO Corp. Instrumentation Northwest Inc. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Dediction ...........................................................................................................................vi Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... vii List of Tables .....................................................................................................................xi List of Figures ................................................................................................................. xii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Meadow Location ......................................................................................... 5 1.3 Reasons for Meadow Selection .................................................................... 6 Size and Boundaries ................................................................................................. ..6 Accessibility ............................................................................................................... 7 Elevation..................................................................................................................... 7 Healthy Status ............................................................................................................ 7 1.4 Figures .......................................................................................................... 9 2. METHODS................................................................................................................... 16 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 16 2.2 Calculating the Volume of the Meadow ................................................................ 16 Topographic Data ..................................................................................................... 17 Seismic Refraction Surveys ..................................................................................... 17 Limitations of Seismic Refraction Surveys .............................................................. 19 2.3 Soil Borings ............................................................................................................ 19 2.4 Piezometer Installation ........................................................................................... 19 2.5 Determining Effective Porosity.............................................................................. 20 Methods Used ........................................................................................................... 20 Limitations of Determining the Effective Porosity .................................................. 22 2.6 Ground Water Level and Temperature Measurements .......................................... 22 viii 2.7 Weir Construction and Surface Water Level Measurements ................................. 23 2.8 Outflow Overflow Area ......................................................................................... 25 2.9 Precipitation Data ................................................................................................... 26 2.10 Slope Run-off ....................................................................................................... 27 2.11 Evapotranspiration ............................................................................................... 28 2.12 Developing a Water Budget ................................................................................. 28 2.13 Estimating Residence Time of Water in the Meadow.......................................... 29 2.14 Figures .................................................................................................................. 30 3. GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................... 44 3.1 Regional Geologic Setting ..................................................................................... 44 3.2 Site Specific Geology ............................................................................................. 45 3.4 Hydrogeology ......................................................................................................... 46 3.5 Figures .................................................................................................................... 48 4. RESULTS..................................................................................................................... 53 4.1 Determining the Specific Yield of Water in the Meadow ...................................... 53 Lab Results ............................................................................................................... 53 Determining the Volume of Meadow Sediments ..................................................... 54 Calculating the Specific Yield of the Meadow ........................................................ 56 Limitations of Determining the Effective Porosity .................................................. 59 4.2 Groundwater Fluctuations ...................................................................................... 59 Limitations ............................................................................................................... 60 4.3 Surface Water Level Data ...................................................................................... 63 4.3.1 Outflow Culvert and Overflow Channel ............................................................. 66 Piezometer Breakage ................................................................................................ 68 Compensating for Unrealistic Pressure Increase ...................................................... 68 4.3.2 Overflow Channel ............................................................................................... 69 Limitations ............................................................................................................... 72 ix 4.3.3 Eastern Inflow ..................................................................................................... 72 4.3.4 Western Inflow .................................................................................................... 74 4.3.5 Northern Inflow ................................................................................................... 75 4.4 Precipitation ........................................................................................................... 77 Meadow Precipitation .............................................................................................. 77 Slope Run-Off .......................................................................................................... 78 4.5 Evapotranspiration ................................................................................................. 79 4.6 Calculating Water Budget ...................................................................................... 80 4.7 Estimating Residence Time Based on Daily Discharge Peaks .............................. 81 4.8 Short-Term Fluctuations in Water Level ............................................................... 85 Limitations ............................................................................................................... 88 4.8 Figures .................................................................................................................... 90 5. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 110 Appendix A. Seismic Survey Data ................................................................................. 112 Appendix B. Soil Boring Logs ....................................................................................... 131 Appendix C. Piezometer Construction Details .............................................................. 153 Appendix D. Lab Reports and Standard Operating Procedures ..................................... 155 Appendix E. Groundwater Level and Temperature Graphs ........................................... 164 Appendix F. Overflow Channel Discharge Calculations ............................................... 176 References ...................................................................................................................... 183 x LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2-1: Calculating the volume of sediments in the meadow ..................................... 16 Table 2-2: Calculating the depth to bedrock in the meadow............................................ 18 Table 2-3: Calculating specific yield ............................................................................... 21 Table 2-4: Calculating the discharge using height measurements ................................... 24 Table 2-5: Calculating the overflow discharge ................................................................ 25 Table 2-6: Calculating change in storage ........................................................................ 28 Table 4-1: Porosity results .............................................................................................. 53 Table 4-2: Grain size results............................................................................................. 54 Table 4-3: Compiled seismic survey velocities and estimated bedrock depths ............... 54 Table 4-4: Calculating the volume of sediments in the meadow ..................................... 56 Table 4-5: Calculating the specific yield of the meadow ................................................. 58 Table 4-6: Average groundwater level data ..................................................................... 60 Table 4-7: Average daily discharge (af/day) .................................................................... 64 Table 4-8: Calculating the surface water inflow and outflow .......................................... 66 Table 4-9: Calculating overflow channel discharge during the high flow ....................... 70 Table 4-10: Estimating overflow discharge from water level .......................................... 71 Table 4-11: Calculating snow and rain direct input ......................................................... 78 Table 4-12: Calculating slope run-off .............................................................................. 79 Table 4-13: Calculating change in storage ....................................................................... 80 Table C-1: Piezometer Construction Details .................................................................. 154 Table F-1: Overflow channel calculations- water level 2.4 ft ........................................ 177 Table F-2: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 2.2 ft ................................... 178 Table F-3: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 2.0 ft ................................... 179 Table F-4: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 1.82 ft ................................. 180 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Conceptual diagram of a healthy meadow ...................................................... 9 Figure 1-2: Conceptual drawing of a degraded meadow. ................................................ 10 Figure 1-3: Aerial photograph of Big Flat Meadow before remediation. ........................ 11 Figure 1-4: Aerial photo of Big Flat Meadow following remediation ............................. 12 Figure 1-5: Location and meadow features ...................................................................... 13 Figure 1-6: The Van Vleck Meadow from the southwest looking northeast ................... 14 Figure 1-7: The Van Vleck Meadow from the southwest looking northeast ................... 15 Figure 2-1: Meadow study features .................................................................................. 30 Figure 2-2: Seismic survey diagram................................................................................. 31 Figure 2-3: Photo of enhanced engineering seismograph ................................................ 32 Figure 2-4: Photo of geophones and attachment cable .................................................... 33 Figure 2-5: Conceptual diagram of weir, piezometer, and transducer ............................. 34 Figure 2-6: Photo of eastern inflow weir and piezometer ................................................ 35 Figure 2-7: Photo of northern inflow weir ....................................................................... 36 Figure 2-8: Photo of the western inflow........................................................................... 37 Figure 2-9: Photo of outflow culvert ................................................................................ 38 Figure 2-10: Conceptual drawing of the outflow area ..................................................... 39 Figure 2-11: Air temperature and precipitation................................................................ 40 Figure 2-12: Accumulated rain from 2003 through 2010 ................................................ 41 Figure 2-13: Snow data from 2000 through 2010 ............................................................ 42 Figure 2-14: Water budget input and output factors ........................................................ 43 Figure 3-1: Regional geology.......................................................................................... 48 Figure 3-2: Map of local geology. .................................................................................... 49 Figure 3-3: Bedrock depth map and cross section locations ............................................ 50 xii Figure 3-4: Cross section view of meadow along transect line A-A’ .............................. 51 Figure 3-5: Cross section view of meadow along transect line B’-B............................... 51 Figure 3-6: Cross section view of meadow along transect line C’-C............................... 52 Figure 3-7: Cross section view of meadow along transect line D’-D .............................. 52 Figure 4-1: Calculating meadow volume ......................................................................... 90 Figure 4-2: Average groundwater levels .......................................................................... 91 Figure 4-3: Outflow water levels ..................................................................................... 92 Figure 4-4: Outflow weir and overflow channel discharge.............................................. 93 Figure 4-5: Outflow discharge and temperature .............................................................. 94 Figure 4-6: Outflow discharge and precipitation ............................................................. 95 Figure 4-7: Eastern inflow water levels ........................................................................... 96 Figure 4-8: Eastern inflow discharge and temperature .................................................... 97 Figure 4-9: Eastern inflow discharge and precipitation ................................................... 98 Figure 4-10: Western inflow water levels ........................................................................ 99 Figure 4-11: Western inflow discharge and temperature ............................................... 100 Figure 4-12: Western inflow discharge and precipitation .............................................. 101 Figure 4-13: Northern inflow water levels ..................................................................... 102 Figure 4-14: Northern Inflow discharge and temperature .............................................. 103 Figure 4-15: Northern Inflow discharge and precipitation ............................................ 104 Figure 4-16: Discharge peak comparison – eastern inflow and outflow discharge ....... 105 Figure 4-17: Discharge peak comparison – surface water ............................................. 106 Figure 4-18: Peak discharge comparison – November, 2009 ........................................ 107 Figure 4-19: Total input and total output ....................................................................... 108 Figure 4-20: Short term water level readings ................................................................. 109 Figure A-1: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-01 ........................................................ 113 Figure A-2: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-02 ........................................................ 115 Figure A-3: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-03 ........................................................ 117 xiii Figure A-4: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-04 ........................................................ 119 Figure A-4: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-04 ........................................................ 119 Figure A-5: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-05 ........................................................ 121 Figure A-6: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-06 ........................................................ 123 Figure A-7: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-07 ........................................................ 125 Figure A-8: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-08 ........................................................ 127 Figure A-9: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-09 ........................................................ 129 Figure B-1: Soil Boring SB-01 ...................................................................................... 132 Figure B-2: Soil Boring SB-02 ...................................................................................... 133 Figure B-3: Soil Boring SB-03 ...................................................................................... 134 Figure B-4: Soil Boring SB-04 ...................................................................................... 135 Figure B-5: Soil Boring SB-05 ...................................................................................... 136 Figure B-6: Soil Boring SB-06 ...................................................................................... 137 Figure B-7: Soil Boring SB-07 ...................................................................................... 138 Figure B-8: Soil Boring SB-08 ...................................................................................... 139 Figure B-9: Soil Boring SB-09 ...................................................................................... 140 Figure B-10: Soil Boring SB-10 .................................................................................... 141 Figure B-11: Soil Boring SB-11 .................................................................................... 142 Figure B-12: Soil Boring SB-12 .................................................................................... 143 Figure B-13: Soil Boring SB-13 .................................................................................... 144 Figure B-14: Soil Boring SB-14 .................................................................................... 145 Figure B-15: Soil Boring SB-15 .................................................................................... 146 Figure B-16: Soil Boring SB-16 .................................................................................... 147 Figure B-17: Soil Boring SB-17 .................................................................................... 148 Figure B-18: Soil Boring SB-18 .................................................................................... 149 Figure B-19: Soil Boring SB-19 .................................................................................... 150 Figure B-20: Soil Boring SB-20 .................................................................................... 151 xiv Figure B-21: Soil Boring SB-21 .................................................................................... 152 Figure D-1: Grain size summary .................................................................................... 156 Figure D-2: Effective porosity results ............................................................................ 159 Figure D-3: Grain size analysis SOP.............................................................................. 160 Figure D-4: Effective porosity SOP ............................................................................... 162 Figure E-1: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-01 ...................... 165 Figure E-2: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-03 ...................... 166 Figure E-3: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-04 ...................... 167 Figure E-4: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-05 ...................... 168 Figure E-5: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-06 ...................... 169 Figure E-6: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-07 ...................... 170 Figure E-7: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-08 ...................... 171 Figure E-8: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-10 ...................... 172 Figure E-9: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-11 ...................... 173 Figure E-10: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-12 .................... 174 Figure E-11: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-13 .................... 175 Figure F-1: Outflow area plan view ............................................................................... 181 Figure F-2: Outflow area profile view ........................................................................... 182 xv 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Alpine meadows play an important role in California’s water resources for several reasons, including their ability to inhibit water from moving quickly downstream (Stohlgren et al., 1989), and their contribution to recharging groundwater (Smerdon et. al, 2009). The most current definition of a healthy meadow provided by American Rivers Technical Advisory Committee (American River, 2010) suggests: "A mountain meadow is an ecosystem type composed of one or more plant communities dominated by herbaceous species and supports plants that use surface water and/or shallow ground water (generally at depths of less than one meter). Woody vegetation (e.g., trees and shrubs such as Alnus and Salix) may occur, and be locally dense, but are not dominant." Alpine meadows usually form in areas underlined by low-permeability bedrock with a gently sloping surface. Water is captured in the meadow from springs, creeks, or precipitation runoff and migrates slowly through the meadow (Wood, 1975). Figure 1-1 is a conceptual diagram depicting a typical healthy meadow (American Rivers, 2010). Wet meadow and riparian vegetation is supported by a high water table. Stream channels are sinuous and the meadow is inundated during floods, which allows for 2 sediment deposition and flood attenuation. A healthy meadow will receive snowmelt via surface and subsurface flow. Beneficial meadow functions include reducing sediment load and improving quality of water flowing downstream, providing habitat for unique flora and fauna, storing groundwater, and aiding in flood attenuation (Ponce and Lindquist, 1990). Water from precipitation, streams, or springs percolates through meadow sediments and is attenuated (Ponce and Linquist, 1990). Conversely, water stored in the meadow acts as a supply to downstream reservoirs, slowly releasing water during the dry seasons (Stillwater Sciences, 2008, Ponce and Lindquist, 1990). Many meadows in the Sierra Nevada Mountains have shown signs of being disturbed or degraded years of overgrazing, fire suppression, recreation, and other human related activities (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). Signs of degradation include the presence of incised stream channels where soil is easily exposed and eroded, which can lead to changes in vegetation (American River, 2010). Figure 1-2 is a conceptual diagram depicting an unhealthy meadow (American River, 2010). Unhealthy meadows experience soil compaction, a reduction in percolation, and reduction in diversity and productivity. Flooding events do not inundate the meadow, but are confined to the stream channel area. Stream incision occurs when water moves through stream channels during flood events and erodes alluvium along the stream banks. As this alluvium is removed, more non-vegetated area is exposed and the incision process continues (Ponce 3 and Lindquist, 1990). With the continuation of alluvium removal and channel incision and increased sediment load, the water table decreases. Water quality decreases with an increase in suspended sediment that was eroded from the exposed stream banks (American Rivers, 2010). Flow from snowmelt reaches the meadow only via surface flow in unhealthy meadows. As the water table decreases, a larger gap is created between the water table and the meadow’s surface. Eventually, the vegetation root systems and the types of vegetation change due to the lowering of the water table (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). If incised channels are present in a meadow, less runoff is absorbed into the meadow sediments. This increased runoff will flow downstream and increase the risk of flooding as well as decrease water quality for the reasons mentioned above. Incised channels lead to a diminished water supply because the water table is lowered and water flows out of the meadow as opposed to percolating slowly through the meadow (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). In general, water in California is becoming a more scarce resource as supply decreases and demand increases (California DWR, 2003). Water supply issues are becoming increasingly important (Hammersmark et. al, 2008) and meadow and stream restoration projects, in particular those involving the “pond and plug” method, aim to improve aesthetics, rehabilitate the habitat, improve water quality by limiting stream bank erosion, elevate the water table, and increase groundwater storage (Rosgen, 1997). The “pond and plug” method involves moving meadow sediment from one part of the 4 meadow (creating ponds), and using it to plug the incised areas of the channel (Hammersmark et. al, 2008). Figure 1-3 is an aerial photograph showing the degraded Big Flat Meadow prior to being restored using the “pond and plug” method (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). The incised channel is shown in the bottom right part of the photo. Figure 1-4 presents the same meadow after restoration (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). The pond areas in the central part of the photo are located where the incised channel was prior to restoration. 1.1 Purpose The quantitative hydrologic effects of meadows are not fully documented (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). Understanding the hydrologic functions of a healthy meadow will assist in determining the role that meadows play in increasing flood attenuation and groundwater storage. The purpose of this study is to assess how meadows aid in flood attenuation and groundwater storage of the Van Vleck meadow in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. A water budget for the meadow was developed to understand the quantity and timing of water entering and leaving the meadow throughout the 2009-2010 water year. The water budget was developed by tracking the quantity of water entering and exiting the meadow. The water storage capacity, the maximum theoretically accessible capacity of the meadow, was estimated based on the data collected for the water budget in addition to other field studies, which will be described below in Section 2. Flood attenuation parameters were assessed by comparing 5 the trend of how water quantities increased during the winter and spring, and how quantities decreased in the summer based on the amount of water entering and exiting from surface water locations. Slope run-off, evapotranspiration and precipitation were also considered factors of the water budget. 1.2 Meadow Location The Van Vleck Meadow is located in the El Dorado National Forest, approximately 70 miles east of Sacramento, California (Figure 1-5). The center of the meadow is located at 38°56’14.08”N and 120°19’05.80”W at approximately 6,550 feet AMSL (above mean sea level). The elevation of the piezometers within the meadow range from approximately 6,159 to 6,193 ft AMSL based on collected surveying data. The center point of the meadow is slightly elevated due to outcropping bedrock. The meadow is approximately 61.4 acres in area and located within the American River drainage basin. Five culverts funnel surface water to the meadow and one culvert drains water out of the meadow via Tells Creek (Figure 1-5). Tells Creek enters the meadow through the eastern culvert and flows along the southeastern edge of the meadow and exits the meadow through the outflow culvert at the south end of the meadow. A berm bisects the north area of the meadow, which has an opening that allows water from the three northern most culverts to flow into the center of the meadow. 6 Located approximately one half mile from the meadow, the Van Vleck Weather Station typically records 55 to 65 inches of rain and 28 to 58 inches of snow (measured in water content) per year (California DWR, 2011). The meadow is surrounded by multiple peaks that are roughly 7,000 feet AMSL. Approximately three miles southeast, the mountains Two Peaks have an elevation of 7,600 feet AMSL and are the highest local surface relief. 1.3 Reasons for Meadow Selection Size and Boundaries The 61.4-acre Van Vleck Meadow is capable of storing larger amounts of water than smaller meadows in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Other watersheds within Northern California contain meadows that are smaller than the Van Vleck Meadow, such as meadows in the Cosumnes, American, Yuba, and Bear watersheds; however, the meadow’s size may be similar to the size of other meadows that would be considered acceptable to restore (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). The meadow has discernable boundaries. The southern portion of the meadow is bordered by a United States Forest Service (USFS) road while the northern portion is bordered by a dirt road and walking path. Tells Creek is the only stream present and borders the southeastern edge of the meadow. 7 Accessibility The meadow location was ideal from a logistical standpoint because it is close enough to visit for a one- day trip to download data and inspect equipment, yet is remote enough that vandalism of equipment is not of great concern. The meadow is accessible from Cheese Camp Road/ USFS road, 6.7 miles from off Highway 193 when snow has not accumulated on the USFS road. The USFS road is not plowed during the winter months. However, a cross-country ski trail is marked from Loon Lake to the Van Vleck meadow. Elevation The elevation of the meadow, ranging from 6,159 to 6,550 feet AMSL at the edges, is also representative of a large portion of alpine meadows in the El Dorado National Forest (Stillwater Sciences, 2008). The meadow exists above the regular snow line and the Van Vleck Weather Station is located approximately one mile from the site, which will yield representative measurements of actual meadow precipitation. Healthy Status The Van Vleck Meadow appears to fit the characterization of a healthy meadow as described above. The observed vegetation appears to be consistent with general meadow vegetation including forbs, graminoids, grasses and deciduous shrubs. Water level is relatively close to the ground surface if not at the surface throughout the entire year. The meadow does not show signs of degradation including concentrated flow paths 8 or incised channels. Figures 1-6 and 1-7 present photographs of the meadow on April 24, 2010 and July 11, 2010 from the same vantage point. The meadow underwent a controlled burn by the USFS on October 10, 2009. Prior to the burn, trees along the roads were cut and the timber was left to be burned. The purpose of the burn was to reduce the timber litter and standing live confers, reduce the height of the grass components, and consume confer seedlings. Other objectives were to increase the native shrub and forb species and to stimulate the native seed banks. The majority of meadow vegetation returned the following year, but many of the trees that were burned along the edge of the meadow were reduced as a result of the burning. The activities did not appear to disturb this study. 9 1.4 Figures Figure 1-1: Conceptual diagram of a healthy meadow (American Rivers, 2010). 10 Figure 1-2: Conceptual drawing of a degraded meadow (American Rivers, 2010). 11 Figure 1-3: Aerial photograph of Big Flat Meadow before remediation (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). 12 Figure 1-4: Aerial photo of Big Flat Meadow following remediation The “pond and plug” method was used to restore Big Flat Meadow (Lindquist and Wilcox, 2000). 13 Figure 1-5: Location and meadow features 14 Figure 1-6: The Van Vleck Meadow from the southwest looking northeast The photo was taken on April 24, 2010. 15 Figure 1-7: The Van Vleck Meadow from the southwest looking northeast The photo was taken on July 11, 2010 from the same vantage point as the photo presented in Figure 1-6. 16 Chapter 2 METHODS 2.1 Introduction The methods described below were used to characterize the meadow, develop a water budget for the one-year study period, and ultimately quantify the meadow’s flood attenuation potential. Figure 2-1 shows the locations of collected data performed in this study. 2.2 Calculating the Volume of the Meadow The volume of the meadow was calculated to estimate its potential water storage capacity. In order to calculate the volume, the topographic boundaries were delineated and the depth to bedrock was calculated by performing seismic surveys across the meadow. After the horizontal and vertical boundaries were identified using these techniques, the volume was calculated using the equation below. Table 2-1: Calculating the volume of sediments in the meadow V= A1D1 + A2 D2 + A3 D3 Where V = Volume of the sediments in the meadow A1 = Area with average bedrock depth D1 D1= Average bedrock depth of 2.5 ft bgs A2 = Area with average bedrock of D2 D2 = Average bedrock depth of 7.5 ft bgs A3 = Area with average bedrock of D3 D3 = Average bedrock depth of 12.5 ft bgs 17 Topographic Data The perimeter of the meadow was traced in Photoshop CS5 from a file originally created in Global Information Systems (GIS) to estimate the acreage. Based on field observations, the perimeter of the meadow was generally consistent with the tree line with exception of the southern border of the meadow, which does not follow the tree line as distinctly as in other areas (Figure 2-1). The southwestern part of the meadow, just north of the western inflow weir, has a relatively steeply sloping edge and contains little vegetation. The soil, lacking organic matter and root mass, was not consistent with the soil and vegetation in the meadow and was excluded from meadow area calculations. Seismic Refraction Surveys Seismic waves travel at different velocities through different materials. Velocity is higher through dense material compared to less dense material. Seismic primary waves generally travel at a velocity of 5,000 to 6,000 meters per second through granitic bedrock rock, 200 to 2,200 meters per second through sand, 400 to 1,500 meters per second through sand and gravel, and 400 to 2,100 meters per second through glacial till (Burger, 1992). The vertical boundary of the meadow (depth to bedrock) was identified by performing seismic refraction surveys. Figure 2-2 shows a schematic of seismic waves traveling through a horizontal layer of alluvium and bedrock. Nine seismic surveys were performed using an EG&G Geometrics 12-channel seismograph because it was portable and had low impact on the meadow. The survey 18 equipment included 12 geophones, a seismograph, battery for power, metal strike plate, and sledgehammer. The strike plate was placed approximately 7.5 feet (ft) from the first geophone that was placed 7.5 ft from the second geophone. The remaining geophones were placed linearly in 15-foot intervals, totaling 165 ft of survey length. Figures 2-3 and 2-4 are photographs of the equipment in use and the geophones. Figure 2-1 presents the locations where the seismic surveys were preformed. The strike plate was struck several times at each location to stack data and raise the signal level above background noise level. Measurements were repeated at opposite ends of the line and arrival times for both directions were compared and repeated if not within 10 percent. Two seismic surveys were not used to estimate bedrock because the first arrival times were not distinct. Bedrock depth was calculated based on the seismic wave patterns and elapsed time using the formula below (Telford et al., 1990). The time vs. distance graphs for each seismic study and the calculated bedrock depths are presented in Appendix A. The results of the seismic surveys, including the calculated velocities and the depth to bedrock at each location, are discussed in Section 4. Table 2-2: Calculating the depth to bedrock in the meadow D = (Xc/2) √ ((V2-V1)/ (V2+V1)) Where D = Depth to bedrock Xc = Critical distance where V1 and V2 intersect V1 = Velocity of sound waves in layer 1 V2 = Velocity of sound waves in layer 2 19 Limitations of Seismic Refraction Surveys The depth estimate is a factor that may cause variation in estimating the volume of water potentially stored in the meadow. Seismic surveys are more easily interpreted in areas with a flat bedrock surface. Based on the survey results, the bedrock in the meadow may be sloping or uneven. Drilling to bedrock to confirm its depth would allow for a more accurate estimate of the volume of sediments in the meadow, however, it was not feasible for this study due to the cost and the sensitive nature of the meadow. 2.3 Soil Borings Twenty-one soil borings were hand augured throughout the meadow to serve different purposes (Figure 2-1). The soil boring logs are presented in Appendix B. Ten soil borings were used to characterize the soil using the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2488-93). Fifteen soil borings were used to install piezometers and two soil borings were used to collect soil samples to determine effective porosity. 2.4 Piezometer Installation Fifteen two-inch piezometers were installed in boreholes throughout the meadow, 11 of which housed pressure transducers. Figure 2-1 presents the locations of the piezometers and those that contained transducers. The transducers recorded water level and temperature every 20 minutes for the entire duration of the study period. The water level measurements are discussed in more detail in Section 2.6. The piezometers were spaced throughout the meadow to measure water levels representative of the entire 20 meadow. The piezometers were constructed using schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser with a Solinst screen attachment or by cutting holes in the PVC and wrapping and clamping it with landscape mesh. The boreholes were drilled using a hand auger to refusal, which was between two and six ft below ground surface. The annulus was filled with clean sand to one half foot within from ground surface. Native soil was used to fill the annulus to ground surface above the sand. Each piezometer was capped with a PVC end cap with a small hole drilled in the top. A wire was attached to the cap that held the transducer. All Piezometers were surveyed to determine exact location and elevation. Construction details are presented in Appendix C. 2.5 Determining Effective Porosity Methods Used Based on the soil logs and field observations, two zones of soil were present in the meadow. A representative sample from each zone was collected from soil boring SB-20 from 1.6 ft below ground surface (bgs) to 2.2 ft bgs and from 2.2 ft bgs to 2.8 ft bgs. The samples were shipped under chain of custody to PTS Labs where they were analyzed for effective porosity using American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) method D425M-88 (ASTM D425M-88, 2008) and grain size distribution using ASTM D422/4464M (ASTM D422/4464M, 2007). The full lab report from PTS and the standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the methods are presented in Appendix D. 21 American Society for Testing and Materials D425M is a method used to determine the effective porosity of a soil sample. This method involves using a centrifuge to spin the soil sample at 1000 times gravity, which is enough to reduce the capillary fringe forces and remove water from the sample to determine how much water it can yield. American Society for Testing and Materials 422/4464M is a method used to determine the grain size distribution in a soil sample. This method involves sieving the soil sample using several different sized sieves and calculating the percent of mass left on each sieve at the end of the test. The soil samples were not sorted past 75 micrometers (No. 200 sieve) because it was unnecessary to determine the effective porosity of the bulk of the sediments. The effective porosity of the material was used to calculate the specific yield of the materials in the meadow using the following equation: Table 2-3: Calculating specific yield Sy = (Vtop* Øtop ) + (Vmiddle * Ømiddle) + (Vbottom * Øbottom) Where, Sy = specific yield of the meadow Vtop = volume from 0 to 5 ft = (A1+A2+A3) * H1 Vmiddle = volume from 5 to 10 ft = (A2+A3) * H2 Vbottom = volume from 10 to 15 ft = A3 * H3 Øtop = effective porosity of top 2.5 ft = 35.8% Ømiddle = effective porosity from 2.5 to 7.5 ft = 26.7% 22 Table 2-3 (Continued) Øbottom = effective porosity from 7.5 to 12.5 ft = 21.0% A1 = area with average depth of 2.5 ft to bedrock = 17.5 acres A2 = area with average depth of 7.5 ft to bedrock = 26.6 acres A3 = area with average depth of 12.5 ft to bedrock = 17.3 acres H1 = average change in depth from 0 to 5 ft = (5ft – 0ft)/2 = 2.5 ft H2 = average change in depth from 5 to 10 ft = (10ft – 5ft)/2 = 2.5 ft H3 = average change in depth from 10 to 15 ft = (15ft – 10ft)/2 = 2.5 ft Note: Area measurements are discussed in Section 4 Limitations of Determining the Effective Porosity The estimate of the specific yield is approximate and depends on the accuracy of input variables. Little is known about the sediments below five or six ft in the meadow. Hand auguring only gave a limited view of what kinds of sediments were present. Depending on the effective porosity of the deeper sediments, the volume of water stored in the meadow could vary. In general, coarse gravel can range from 13% to 25% for effective porosity with a mean of 21% (McWorter and Sunada, 1977). An effective porosity value of 21% was used for the deeper sediments, but if it varied greatly the potential volume of water in the meadow could vary as well. Justification for using an effective porosity value of 21% for the deeper sediments is discussed further in Section 4. 2.6 Ground Water Level and Temperature Measurements The ground water level measurements were used to estimate the volume of water stored in the meadow. The remote location of the meadow and deep snow conditions 23 limited the ability to manually record water levels throughout the study period. In order to accurately capture groundwater fluctuations during the study period, 11 pressure transducers were installed in the piezometers. The Solinst Level Logger 3001 transducer was used due to its high sensitivity. Each transducer was installed in a piezometer one foot (PZ-01, PZ-03 through PZ-06) or one inch from the bottom of the piezometer (PZ07, PZ-08, and PZ-10 through PZ-13). Figure 2-1 presents the locations of piezometers containing transducers. The transducer measured the pressure induced by the water column above the transducer and the temperature. The pressure was converted to height of the water column by multiplying the pressure, measured in pounds per square inch (psi), by 2.31 ft. Pressure and temperature readings were automatically recorded by the data logger every 20 minutes. The data were downloaded onto a laptop computer in July and October 2010. Appendix E contains the graphed water level and temperature data. 2.7 Weir Construction and Surface Water Level Measurements Four 90-degrees “V”-notch weirs were constructed at the inflow and outflow locations in the meadow, which are referred to as the eastern inflow weir, western inflow weir, northern inflow weir, and the outflow weir. The eastern, western, and outflow weirs were attached to preexisting culverts. The northern weir was constructed in the opening in the berm and funneled flow from three up-gradient culverts into the meadow (Figure 1-5). Figure 2-5 presents a conceptual drawing of the water flowing through the weir and the placement of the piezometer and transducer. The weirs were constructed from ossified stranded board and plywood to fit over the face of the culvert 24 (or in the berm) and allow water to flow through the notch. A transducer was installed in a piezometer two to four ft upstream of each weir to measure the height of the water flowing through the notch. Figures 2-6 through 2-9 present photographs of each weir. The height measurement allowed later calculation of how much water passed through the weir. The transducer data were calibrated by manually recording water levels during different flow heights. The following equation was used in conjunction with the manual measurements to estimate the flow through the weirs (United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 2001): Table 2-4: Calculating the discharge using height measurements Q = 2.49h12.48 Where Q = discharge over the weir (ft3/s) h1 = head on the weir (ft) This equation is most accurate when estimating the discharge rate through a 90degree “V”-notch weir at rates from 0.05 ft3/s (22 gallons per minute [gpm]) to 255 ft3/s (1,908 gpm). The flow did not reach the maximum flow rate for the use of this equation. However, the discharge rate dropped below 22 gpm during dry months. Accurate flow measurements were collected manually during site visits by timing how long it took water to fill a five-gallon bucket. The water levels recorded by the transducer during the low flow months were calibrated using the manually recorded or visually observed 25 water levels. If the recorded or observed water level was significantly lower or higher than the manually recorded reading, the difference between the recorded level and the actual measured level was either added or subtracted from the recorded water level. The weirs required little to no maintenance during the study period. 2.8 Outflow Overflow Area During a site visit on June 26, 2010, water was observed flowing around the outflow culvert, over the roadway. At this time, the water flowing over the road was less than two inches deep. However, higher water marks were observed. Figure 2-10 presents a conceptual diagram of the outflow culvert and the overflow area. The roadway where water flooded and the channel immediately upstream of the outflow culvert were surveyed. The survey data were plotted in Excel and the volume of water potentially moving through the overflow channel at the highest possible flow was calculated. Table 2-5 presents a summary of the equation used for solving for overflow discharge using the Manning Equation. Table 2-5: Calculating the overflow discharge Q = (1.0/n) A (R2/3) (S1/2) Where Q = Discharge, m3/s n = Manning roughness coefficient, 0.028 for coarse gravel (Cowan, 1956) A = cross-sectional area of channel, m2 R = hydraulic radius = A/P in m where S = bottom slope of channel, m/m P = wetted perimeter of cross-sectional flow area, m 26 Based on the survey data, water began to overflow into the channel when water level at the outflow weir reached 1.65 ft. Four ranges of overflow discharge were calculated using outflow weir water levels of 2.4 ft, 2.2 ft, 2 ft, and 1.82 ft. The calculations for each discharge range are provided in Appendix F. 2.9 Precipitation Data In order to estimate the total input of precipitation directly contributing to the water budget, the total precipitation (rain and snow) during the study period was multiplied by the meadow area. Precipitation data were recorded at the Van Vleck Meteorological Station (Van Vleck Station) operated by Sacramento Municipal Utilities District (SMUD) located 0.5 miles northeast from the meadow. Snow data recorded at the station from 2009 through 2010 were retrieved from the California Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) website. The Precipitation as rain data were unavailable through the CDEC website and were received directly from SMUD. Figure 2-11 presents the air temperature and precipitation that occurred at the Van Vleck Station during the study period. Longer term precipitation records for rain and snow were graphed and downloaded from the CDEC website and are provided in Figures 2-12 and 2-13. Figure 2-12 presents the precipitation data as rain that was reported from 2003 through 2010. Figure 2-13 presents the snow data reported as water content (the amount of water contained in the snow) recorded from 2000 through 2010. 27 2.10 Slope Run-off Based on field observations, much of the sloping area around the meadow appears to directly run-off toward an inflow weir (which already accounts for the inflow as surface flow). However, some sloping areas likely contribute water directly to the meadow that did not flow through a weir. Slope run-off was calculated by multiplying the area of the slope by 68% of the precipitation received (based on the precipitation estimates discussed above). Sixty-eight percent of the total precipitation was used instead of 100% because not all of the precipitation that falls on the meadow contributed to slope run-off. Some water is retained in the soil. The estimate of 68% was based on a comparison from the area upslope of the northern weir, where the amount of rain and the amount of discharge through the weir was known. During a rain event from December 6 through 10, 2009, 6.1 inches (0.51 ft) of rain were recorded at the Van Vleck Station. The area upslope area of the northern weir was multiplied by the total feet of rainfall (250 acres x 0.51 ft = 127.5 af of water) to calculate the total volume of rain that fell upgradient of the northern weir that potentially passed through the northern weir. The increase in height at the weir was noted and the total increase in volume that occurred after the precipitation even was calculated at 87 af for that storm event. Sixty-eight percent (87 af/127.5 af) of the total rainfall passed through the weir. A topographic map was used to outline the areas that would likely contribute slope run-off towards the meadow and is shown in Figure 2-14. The area was determined using the common area wand tool in Photoshop CS5. The areas in Figure 2- 28 14 were multiplied by 68% of the total rainfall experienced to estimate how much water was contributed to the meadow via slope run-off. 2.11 Evapotranspiration Evapotranspitation was estimated using the Monthly Average Reference Evapotranspiration by ETo Zone (University of California, Davis and California Department of Water Resources, 1999). The area of the meadow within the weirs, 59.1 acres (61.4 acres – 2.3 acres north of northern weir), was multiplied by the annual evapotranspiration rate of 4.5 ft. 2.12 Developing a Water Budget To develop a water budget, the total inflow values and total outflow values were estimated. Figure 2-14 presents a schematic of the input and output factors that were accounted for in the water budget. The change in storage was calculated using the equation in table 2-6. Table 2-6: Calculating change in storage Change in Storage = Input – Output Input Factors Output Factors Surface water entering through three inflow weirs Surface water exiting through the outflow weir Precipitation directly on the meadow Surface water flooding the overflow channel and over road during periods of high flow Slope runoff not captured through an inflow weir Evapotranspiration Groundwater intrusion into the meadow was not considered significant and not factored in the equation because the meadow is surrounded by outcropping bedrock. 29 However, little is known about bedrock fractures beneath the meadow alluvium. The amount of water that possibly enters or leaves the meadow via bedrock fractures is discussed in Section 4. 2.13 Estimating Residence Time of Water in the Meadow In order to calculate the residence time of water in the meadow, the timing of discharge peaks for the input and the output locations were compared. The sensitivity of the transducers combine with turbulence in the weirs presented a significant limitation with drawing comparisons based on one daily reading. However, the few input and output peaks that appeared distinct were compared. The delay between the inflow discharge peak and the outflow discharge peak was identified as the residence time of water in the meadow. Precipitation and slope run-off discharge peaks and troughs were also compared to the outflow discharge peaks. Another limitation with identifying the residence time of water in the meadow using the comparison of quantities of discharge is that the majority of discharge enters through the eastern weir via Tells Creek to the outflow weir. The water has a significantly shorter residence time if starting from the eastern inflow weir compared to the northern or western inflow weir based on distance and flow path. The large quantity of the peak from the eastern inflow weir may mask the other inflow discharge peaks of smaller quantities. 30 2.14 Figures Figure 2-1: Meadow study features 31 hammer strike plate geophones Bedrock alluvium (waves travel at higher velocity) bedrock Figure 2-2: Seismic survey diagram surface wave 32 Figure 2-3: Photo of enhanced engineering seismograph 33 Figure 2-4: Photo of geophones and attachment cable 34 Figure 2-5: Conceptual diagram of weir, piezometer, and transducer 35 Figure 2-6: Photo of eastern inflow weir and piezometer The photo was taken on October 23, 2010. 36 Figure 2-7: Photo of northern inflow weir The photograph was taken on November 15, 2009. 37 Figure 2-8: Photo of the western inflow The photograph was taken before water began flowing on October 9, 2009. 38 Figure 2-9: Photo of outflow culvert The photograph was taken on November 5, 2010. 39 Figure 2-10: Conceptual drawing of the outflow area The dashed line shows the elevation of the high water mark where water flows through the overflow channel over the road. The dash-dotted line shows the elevation where water begins to flow through the overflow channel. 40 Figure 2-11: Air temperature and precipitation 40 41 Figure 2-12: Accumulated rain from 2003 through 2010 42 Figure 2-13: Snow data from 2000 through 2010 43 Figure 2-14: Water budget input and output factors 43 44 Chapter 3 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 Regional Geologic Setting The regional geology is characterized by Mesozoic igneous granodiorite bedrock which is part of the Sierra Nevadan batholith (Norris and Webb, 1990 and Strand and Koenig, 1965) overlain by alluvium consisting of glacial deposits and local weathered rock. The Sierran Batholith is composed of various plutons that were formed prior to the Cenozoic period (Cecil et al, 2006). Uplift and western tilting that occurred during the past five million years are mostly responsible for the erosion rates and subsequent modern topography (Harden, 2004). Sequences of Paleozoic marine dolomite/limestone and Pliocene volcanic pyroclastic rocks are present ten miles west of the meadow and continue toward the Sierra Nevada foothills. Further west in the foothills, a metavolcanic belt is present, and is mostly comprised of Upper Triassic marine rocks and Jurassic-Triassic metavolcanic rocks. Some areas within the metamorphic belt contain Mesozoic basic and ultrabasic intrusive rocks as well as pre-Cretaceous metamorphic limestone. Two miles north- northeast of the meadow, middle to lower Jurassic marine rocks are present (Strand and Koenig, 1965). Figure 3-1 presents a map of the regional geology of the area surrounding the meadow. No faults are documented in the immediate vicinity of the meadow. Approximately ten miles to the northwest, a fault is present and strikes in the northwestsoutheast direction. Faults are present in the Lake Tahoe Basin and the region to the east 45 of the meadow (Kent et. al, 2005). Areas of faulting are also present throughout the metamorphic belt in the Sierra Nevada Foothills to the west of the meadow. 3.2 Site Specific Geology Glacial deposits from the Pleistocene are present throughout the area. The alluvium in the meadow is composed mostly of recent weathered material from the surrounding slopes. A combination of peat and organic zones, silt, sand and gravelly alluvium was observed in boreholes. Figure 3-2 presents a local geologic map of the Van Vleck Meadow and surrounding area. The upper layer of soil encountered in the meadow, typically observed just below the root mass to two ft below ground surface, consists of silt or sandy silt. The second layer of soil, typically encountered below two ft below ground surface, was medium to fine sand with occasional fine gravel. Bedrock is exposed at the surface of the meadow in some areas and extends up to 16 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) as indicated by the seismic surveys but typically do not extend past 12.5 ft bgs. The estimated bedrock depth map is presented in Figure 3-3. Generally, the bedrock is most shallow along the edges of the meadow and in the central area of the meadow where bedrock outcrops. Four cross sections are presented in Figures 3-4 through 3-7. The results for bedrock depth are discussed in more detail in Section 4. 46 3.4 Hydrogeology Regional annual precipitation typically ranges between 45 and 65 inches of rain and between 28 and 58 inches of snow measured in water content (California DWR, 2011). Snow as water content is the measured amount of water that is produced when the snow is melted (United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic Atmospheic Administration, 2011). Precipitation typically occurs between October and April in an average year. See Figures 2-11 and 2-12 for rain and snow trends from 2000 and 2003 through 2010. Thunder and lightning storms with relatively low amounts of precipitation are common during the summer months (California DWR, 2011). The annual lake evaporation rate in the study area (and much of northern California) is 40 to 50 inches (3.3 ft to 4.2 ft) (Data from United States Geological Survey, 1968). Although the meadow is not fully saturated with water available above the ground surface during all of the year, such as a lake, this estimate gives the highest possible evaporation rate for a conservative estimate if the water were available. Evapotranspiration was estimated at 258 af for the study period (4.2 ft x 61.4 acres). During the study period, groundwater levels ranged from above ground surface to approximately two ft below ground surface. Groundwater levels fluctuate throughout a given year and from year to year. The meadow has five sources of surface water. Three of the five inflow points are located in the northernmost 2.3 acres of the meadow, north of the berm that bisects 47 this part of the meadow (Figure 1-5). The northern weir was constructed in a 10-foot opening in the center of the berm. The weir allowed water to flow in from the three inflow culverts that did not contain weirs. Precipitation that fell directly on the 2.3 acres and the run-off from the surrounding slopes also passed through this weir. Tells Creek, which enters the meadow at the eastern inflow culvert (Figure 2-6), flows southwest through the eastern edge of the meadow. Tells Creek originates as a spring approximately a mile northeast of the meadow. After passing through the outflow weir at the south end of the meadow (Figure 2-9), the water continues flowing to the west and empties into Union Valley Reservoir, which drains to the South Fork of the American River. Tells Creek was dry during the fall of 2009 when the outflow weir was installed. Water continued flowing from Tells creek through the summer and fall of 2010. The western culvert enters the meadow on the western side of the meadow (Figure 2-8). The western inflow weir is the smallest of all the locations and did not contribute as much water to the meadow compared to the other locations. 48 3.5 Figures Figure 3-1: Regional geology Qal – Alluvium, Qg – Glacial deposits, Qpvb – Pleistocene volcanic, basalt, gra – Mesozoic granite rocks, granite and adamellite, grt - Mesozoic granite rocks, tonalite and diorite (Strand and Koenig, 1965). 49 Figure 3-2: Map of local geology. The original map is 1:24,000 Loon Lake Topographic Quadrangle (USGS, 1993), and was modified by Lesh, 2010. Qal – Alluvium, Qg – Glacial deposits. 50 Figure 3-3: Bedrock depth map and cross section locations 51 Figure 3-4: Cross section view of meadow along transect line A-A’ Figure 3-5: Cross section view of meadow along transect line B’-B 52 Figure 3-6: Cross section view of meadow along transect line C’-C Figure 3-7: Cross section view of meadow along transect line D’-D 53 Chapter 4 RESULTS 4.1 Determining the Specific Yield of Water in the Meadow In order to determine the specific yield of the groundwater aquifer underlying the meadow, the volume of the sediments within the meadow and the effective porosity of those sediments were measured and calculated. Lab Results The sample results for porosity and effective porosity are presented in Table 4-1 below. The effective porosity values were used to calculate the specific yield of the meadow. The results for effective porosity are within the expected range based on other reported results for the type of sediment present. The results for total porosity were higher than expected and may be indicative of laboratory error. Table 4-1: Porosity results Sample ID Depth (ft bgs) Total Porosity ASTM D425 (%Vb) Effective Porosity ASTM D425 (%Vb) SO-VVM-101510-SB-20-2.2 1.7- 2.2 71.4 35.8 SO-VVM-101510-SB-20-2.8 2.3 - 2.8 53.9 26.7 Notes: ft bgs = ft below ground surface Vb = Bulk volume Sample orientation was vertical Table 4-2 presents a summary of the particle size results, which were also consistent with field observations. The particle size distribution confirmed field 54 observation in that the top two ft consisted of silty sediments and the sample below two ft consisted of a medium sand. Table 4-2: Grain size results Mean Grain Size Median Grain Size Particle Size Distribution, weight percent Silt Sample Depth, ft. Description mm Gravel Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay Clay 1.7-2.2 Silt 0.021 0.00 0.00 3.45 14.58 66.33 15.64 81.97 2.2-2.8 Medium sand 0.390 0.00 5.86 41.54 Notes: (1) Mechanical sieve does not differentiate silt clay fractions 42.36 (1) (1) 10.24 Sand Size & Determining the Volume of Meadow Sediments Seismic surveys were performed to estimate the depth of bedrock throughout the meadow (Figure 3-3). Figure 4-1 presents the areas and average depths derived from Figure 3-3. The seismic refraction data tables and graphs for each survey location are presented in Appendix A. A summary of the calculated velocities and bedrock depth are presented in Table 4-3 below. Table 4-3: Compiled seismic survey velocities and estimated bedrock depths Survey Number Velocity (ft/s) S-01A 3,279 S-01B V1 Velocity (m/s) V1 Velocity V2 (ft/s) Velocity V2 (m/s) Estimated Depth to Bedrock (ft) 1,000 16,111 4,914 8.1 2,900 885 19,600.00 5,978 10.0 S-02A -- -- -- -- -- S-02B -- -- -- -- -- S-03A 2,466 752 16,701 5,094 7.8 55 Table 4-3 (continued) Survey Number Velocity (ft/s) S-03B 4,051 S-04A V1 Velocity (m/s) V1 Velocity V2 (ft/s) Velocity V2 (m/s) Estimated Depth to Bedrock (ft) 1,235 18,974 5,787 12.9 667 203 16,400 5,002 7.7 S-04B 960 293 20,800 6,344 11.5 S-05A 1,600 488 9556 2,914 3.4 S-05B 1,500 458 9500 2,898 3.8 S-06A -- -- -- -- -- S-06B -- -- -- -- -- S-07A 1,909 582 17,667 5,388 9.4 S-07B 1,159 354 17,263 5,265 7.5 S-08A 1,500 458 17,647 5,382 13.8 S-08B 1,682 513 17,875 5,452 16.8 S-09A 1,500 458 20,625 6,291 7.0 S-09B 2,222 678 20,000 6,100 8.9 Average 1,957 597 17,051 5,201 9.2 Minimum 667 203 9,500 2,898 3.4 Maximum 4,051 1,235 20,800 6,344 16.8 Meadian 1,641 500 17,657 5,385 8.5 -- Indicates unreliable data and was not used to estimate bedrock depth The velocities are generally consistent with known bedrock and alluvium velocities (Burger, 1992). The velocity through the first layer (alluvium) at seismic survey S-04 is slower than the other velocities through the first layers. This may be due to the lack of moisture at the location of seismic survey S-04. Groundwater level at all other locations was relatively close to the surface. 56 Based on the estimated depths, approximately 17.5 acres of the meadow have an average depth to bedrock of 2.5 ft, 26.6 acres have an average depth of 7.5 ft, and 17.3 acres have an average depth of 12.5 ft. The total area of the meadow is 61.4 acres. These areas were found by highlighting the areas shown in Figure 4-1 using the common wand tool in Photoshop CS5. The total volume of the meadow in cubic meters was calculated using the equation shown in Table 4-4 below. The calculation gives an estimated volume of 86.98 af or 107,284.06 m3 of total sediment in the meadow. Table 4-4: Calculating the volume of sediments in the meadow V = (A1D1+ A2 D2 + A3 D3)(233.48 m3/af) = ((17.5 acres * 2.5 ft) + (26.6 acres * 7.5 ft) + (17.3 acres * 12.5 ft) (233. 48m3/af) = (43.75 af + 199.50 af + 216.25 af)( 233. 48 m3/af) = 459.5 af * 233.48 m3/af = 107,284.06 m3 Where, A1 = Area with average bedrock depth D1 = 17.5 acres D1 = Average bedrock depth in area A1 = 2.5 ft A2 = Area with average bedrock of D2 = 26.6 acres D2 = Average bedrock depth in area A2 = 7.5 ft A3 = Area with average bedrock of D3 = 17.3 acres D3 = Average bedrock depth in area A3 = 12.5 ft Note: 3 233.48 m = 1 af Calculating the Specific Yield of the Meadow In order to calculate the specific yield of water in the meadow, the volume of sediment was converted to acre-ft (af) of sediment and multiplied by the effective 57 porosity attained from lab analysis. Based on field observations from 21 soil borings, the sample collected within the top two feet in soil boring SB-20 is representative of the top two ft of soil throughout the meadow. The effective porosity from this sample collected in the silty zone had an effective porosity of 35.8% and was used to calculate the specific yield of the sediments within in the top two ft of the meadow. The specific yield of the sediments between two and five ft was calculated using an effective porosity of 26.7%, which was based on the sample collected from soil boring SB-20 in the medium sand zone from 2.2 to 2.8 ft bgs. This sample appeared to be representative of the soil in the meadow from two ft until refusal was met (approximately five to six ft) while hand auguring. The sediments below refusal have not been observed and therefore the effective porosity of the sediments below this point is not definitively known. The sediments at depth in the meadow are likely coarser grained than the surface sediments, including coarse gravel, cobbles, and boulders. The mean effective porosity for coarse gravel is 21% (McWorter and Sunada, 1977). Therefore, the deeper sediments from 5 ft to bedrock were estimated to have an effective porosity of 21%. It is reasonable to assume that the alluvium at depth is coarser than sediments at the top of the meadow just below the root mass. Table 4-5 below summarizes the calculation of the specific yield of the meadow. 58 Table 4-5: Calculating the specific yield of the meadow Sy = (Vtop* Øtop ) + (Vmiddle * Ømiddle) + (Vbottom * Øbottom) = (153.5 af * 0.358) + (109.8 af * 0.267) + (43.3 af * 0.21) = 55af + 29.3af + 9.1af = 93.4 af Where, Sy = specific yield of the meadow Vtop = volume from 0 to 5 ft = (A1+A2+A3) * H1 = (17.5 acres + 26.6acres + 17.3acres ) * 2.5 ft = 61.4 acres * 2.5 ft =153.5 af Vmiddle = volume from 5 to 10 ft = (A2+A3) * H2 = (26.6+17.3) * 2.5 ft = 43.9 acres * 2.5 ft = 109.8 af Vbottom = volume from 10 to 15 ft = A3 * H3 = 17.3 acres * 2.5 ft = 43.3 af Øtop = effective porosity of top 2.5 ft = 35.8% Ømiddle = effective porosity from 2.5 to 7.5 ft = 26.7% Øbottom = effective porosity from 7.5 to 12.5 ft = 21% A1 = area with average depth of 2.5 ft to bedrock = 17.5 acres A2 = area with average depth of 7.5 ft to bedrock = 26.6 acres A3 = area with average depth of 12.5 ft to bedrock = 17.3 acres H1 = average change in depth from 0 to 5 ft = (5ft – 0ft)/2 = 2.5 ft H2 = average change in depth from 5 to 10 ft = (10ft – 5ft)/2 = 2.5 ft H3 = average change in depth from 10 to 15 ft = (15ft – 10ft)/2 = 2.5 ft The area measurements are shown on Figure 4-1. The specific yield of the meadow is estimated to be approximately 93.4 af of water if the meadow is fully 59 saturated. If the water level in the meadow is 2.5 ft bgs, which it is for some of the year, specific yield would be estimated at approximately 38.4 af (93.4 af – 55 af). Limitations of Determining the Effective Porosity Because the majority of sediments in the meadow were not accessible by hand auger, there are limitations to the estimate of specific yield within the deeper zone of the meadow. Hand auguring presented a limited view of the types of sediments that are present. However, general assumptions can be made about the effective porosity given the location and types of material observed. Depending on the effective porosity of the deeper sediments, the volume of water stored in the meadow could vary. An effective porosity value of 21% was used for the deeper sediments, but if it varied greatly the potential volume of water in the meadow would potentially vary as well. Although it is important to acknowledge that a range of effective porosities could exist, the values used in Table 4-5 were the most accurate based on samples collected given that the sediments at depth are slightly coarser than sediments at the surface. 4.2 Groundwater Fluctuations Water pressure and temperature data were automatically collected every 20 minutes by pressure transducers and stored on data loggers during the study period. After downloading the data, the data were averaged for each day for each location. The daily pressure value was converted to ft of water by multiplying the value by 2.31 ft/psi (one pound per square inch is equal to 2.31 ft per one pound per square inch). Graphs 60 that include the daily recorded pressures and temperatures are presented in Appendix E. Table 4-6 below shows the average water levels for all piezometers during four different periods including October 24 through December 31, 2009, January 1 through March 31, 2010, April 1 through June 30, 2010, and July 1 through October 23, 2010. The periods were selected based on natural trends that were apparent when initially analyzing the data. Figure 4-2 presents the data from Table 4-6 in graph format. Table 4-6: Average groundwater level data October 24 - December January 1 - March April 1 - June 30, July 1 - October 31, 2009 31, 2010 2010 23, 2010 PZ-01 0.43 0.4 0.02 2.73 PZ-03 0.83 0.36 0.29 1.89 PZ-04 1.15 0.29 -0.12 1.36 PZ-05 1.3 0.44 0.56 0.95 PZ-06 0.89 0.71 0.31 0.37 PZ-07 2.82 2.79 1.63 0.92 PZ-08 -0.36 -0.53 -0.66 0.03 PZ-10 0.58* 0 -0.29 1.37 PZ-11 ----PZ-12 0.69 0.39 0.7 1.22 PZ-13 1.43* 1.03 0.86 2.9 Notes: Water level measurements are shown in ft below ground surface (the negative values indicate water level above ground surface). * November 15, 2009 through December 31, 2009 -- Inconclusive data Limitations Some of the short-term fluctuations of water levels were due to equipment malfunctions. The averaging of several months limited the effect of shorter-term errors. The averaged data appear to be representative of conditions based on field observations. 61 If a cold snap occurred when water level was close to surface ice may have plugged the top of the piezometer, which may have influenced the pressure readings. The groundwater levels tended to quickly fluctuate several ft when temperatures dropped near freezing. The short-term fluctuation recorded is likely related to the water freezing and ice thawing at the surface rather than actual fluctuations in water level. Because of the above-mentioned limitations, any single minimum or maximum groundwater level reading may not be representative of the actual water level. Therefore, comparing minimum and maximum readings from a single point in time at all locations is not useful in determining hydrologic functions of the meadow. However, some important general trends should be noted. Typically, the water levels increased from the time the piezometers were installed (October or November 2009) to May 2010. Water level was at ground surface or within one foot of ground surface in most piezometers during this period. Groundwater level increased to the highest level in most piezometers during the April 1 to June 30, 2010 period. This increase was likely due to the influx of water from snow melting as air temperatures increased. Groundwater levels begin to decrease by early July 2010. The temperature of groundwater at all locations abruptly increased between June 9 and 13, 2010. Piezometer PZ-08 recorded noticeably higher water levels compared to the other locations because it is located in a low and relatively flat area that drains more slowly than the other areas. Field observations indicate that ground water levels were above 62 ground surface in few piezometers for some of the year. Piezometer PZ-07, which is located 3.4 ft higher and to the east of piezometer PZ-08, recorded the lowest water levels compared to all other piezometers during the first three periods. Piezometer PZ-07 also showed the sharpest climb in water level from the second period to the third period. Piezometer PZ-06 is located at a slightly higher elevation than the other surrounding piezometers in the north part of the meadow (PZ-01 though PZ-05) and the water level was slightly lower here as expected. All data trends agree with field observations with exception of piezometer PZ05. Readings from piezometer PZ-05 were elevated beyond a realistic level. Based on visual observations, the water level was noted as being six inches higher on the outside of the piezometer (in the annulus between the piezometer and the native soil) compared to the inside of the piezometer. The screen may have become blocked when the water level was depressed and the water was subsequently unable to drain into the piezometer when the surrounding water level increased. The data points were corrected to a practical level based on manually recorded water level measurements at Piezometer PZ05. Piezometer PZ-11 was not included in the groundwater level measurements due to equipment malfunction. Piezometers PZ-02, PZ-09, PZ-14, and PZ-15 did not contain transducers. 63 4.3 Surface Water Level Data Surface water level data included the data collected from the eastern inflow, western inflow, northern inflow, and the outflow weirs. Water pressure and temperature data were automatically collected every 20 minutes by pressure transducers and stored on the built-in data loggers during the study period. After downloading the data, the data were averaged for each day for each location. In order to convert the recorded pressure in pounds per square inch to ft of water, the daily pressure value was multiplied by 2.31 ft/psi. Drastic short-term fluctuations of water level (20 minutes to 1 hour timescale) were most likely due to equipment sensitivity and turbulence. The water flowing past the piezometer can be very turbulent during times of high flow and may have contributed to the unrealistic fluctuations in pressure readings. Even though the pressure readings were averaged over an entire day, sporadic results due to turbulence appear to have still skewed the data. Visual observations and manual water level measurements were used to calibrate the water levels converted from the recorded pressure. The following sections discuss the estimated water levels and calculated discharge for the outflow weir and overflow channel as well as the inflow weirs. The height of the water level above the notch in the weir was used to calculate the discharge using the equation Q = 2.49h12.48 where Q is the discharge over the weir (ft3/s) and h1 is the head on the weir (ft). 64 Water level and temperature data as well as discharge and temperature data were graphed for each location and are presented in Figures 4-3 through 4-15 and are discussed in the following sections. Table 4-7 presents the average daily discharge for the same four periods addressed in the Section 4-2. The daily average discharge was used for comparing each period because each period is not equal. The first period is shorter than the other periods and the last period is longer than the other periods. Table 4-7: Average daily discharge (af/day) Period and days Outflow Overflow Daily Outflow Eastern Western Northern Daily Inflow October 25 - December 31, 2009 (67 days) 3.08 0.00 3.08 3.15 0.11 3.07 6.33 January 1 - March 31, 2010 (89 days) 18.61 3.55 22.17 10.43 0.42 4.15 15.00 April 1 - June 30, 2010 (90 days) 42.28 18.81 61.09 45.62 7.09 6.99 59.94 July 1 - October 24, 2010 (115 days) 4.52 0.00 4.52 2.75 0.17 0.45 2.57 The results for each location shown in Table 4-7 are discussed individually in the following sections. It is important to note that the inflow values presented in Table 4-7 are only considering inflow via surface water, while the outflow weir tracks all water exiting the meadow (whether it was surface water inflow or precipitation as rain or snowmelt). Precipitation and slope run-off are discussed in the water budget in a later section. Overall, the outflow daily rate exceeded the total daily rate of surface water inflow during three of the four periods. The highest discharge rate for both surface water 65 inflow and outflow occurred during the third period, from April 1 through June 30, 2010. The lowest outflow discharge rates occurred during the first period from October 25 through December 31, 2009, while the lowest inflow discharge rates occurred during the last period from July 1 through October 24, 2010. Surface water daily inflow exceeded outflow during the first period from October 25 through December 31, 2009. Prior to downloading the data, it was expected that short-term fluctuations in water level would be comparable between each location and conclusions could be made about the residence time of water in the meadow. It was expected that inflow discharge peaks would occur at distinct time before the outflow peak would occur and the difference in time between would indicate residence time. These expectations were not fully met in that the short-term peaks were somewhat indefinable, possibly due to turbulence in the culverts. Because the pressure transducers are very sensitive instruments, small amounts of turbulence in the water passing through the weirs can affect the readings. Based on field observations, turbulence increased as water level increased. However, some distinct peaks were visible and were used to estimate residence time of water in the meadow. Water flowing through each inflow weir has a different residence time based on the distance from the outflow weir. The timing of the peak discharge from each inflow weir was compared to the timing of the peak discharge from the surface water outflow weir and overflow channel to find the residence time of water from the inflow weir. Residence time is discussed in Section 4.7 following individual discussions regarding each weir. 66 In terms of total volume, the total surface water inflow was greater than the total surface outflow for the first period, as shown in Table 4-8 below. The total outflow discharge was greater than the inflow discharge during the other periods. As expected, the period from July 1 through October 24, 2010 experienced the lowest amount of total inflow, when snowmelt run-off was almost non-existent because the majority of snow had already melted. The total inflow via surface water locations during the entire study period is less than the total surface water outflow, which was expected because other input factors such as precipitation and slope run-off were not included in the above comparison. The other factors of the water budget will be discussed in Section 4.6. Table 4-8: Calculating the surface water inflow and outflow Input (af) Surface Water Location October 25 December 31, 2009 January 1 - March 31, 2010 April 1 - June 30, 2010 July 1 - October 23, 2010 Total Output (af) Eastern Western Northern Total Input 214.4 7.5 208.8 430.7 209.7 0 209.7 938.6 37.8 373.9 1,350.3 1,675.1 319.9 1,995.0 4,151.3 645.3 635.6 5,432.3 3,847.4 1711.5 5,558.9 312.5 18.8 51.4 382.7 514.8 0.5 515.3 5,616.8 709.4 1269.7 7,596 6,247.0 2,031.9 8,278.9 7,595.9 Outflow Overflow Total Output 8,278.9 4.3.1 Outflow Culvert and Overflow Channel Pressure readings were based on the level of the transducer to be 0.3ft above the base of the culvert. This elevation is equivalent to the center of the notch on the weir 67 (0.4ft from the base of the culvert with the slope of the culvert adding 0.1ft at the location of the transducer). The data points were adjusted based on manual measurements taken throughout the study period. Based on the discharge calculations and water level observations, approximately 6247 af of water discharged through the outflow culvert over the course of the study period. Figure 4-3 presents the water levels (before and after calibration) used to calculate the discharge of the outflow weir and the overflow channel. The graph presented in Figure 4-3 shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations to find the adjusted water level. The water level was corrected based on field observations of deposition and high water marks to result in the actual water level. The highest water level possible was 2.4 feet in the culvert and the actual water level represents this shown on Figure 4-3. Figure 4-4 presents the calculated discharge from the outflow weir and from the overflow channel. Figures 4-5 and 4-6 show the combined discharge of the outflow weir and overflow channel compared to the water temperature and precipitation measured at the Van Vleck Station. The data indicate that the flow gradually increased during the late fall through the winter of 2009/2010. In late March 2010, the flow increased again as air temperatures and snowmelt run-off increased. The recorded data indicate that the 68 highest flow occurred from late March through June 2010. Flow generally began to decrease in July 2010 during the relatively dry summer months until precipitation increased again in October 2010. The increase in water temperature as shown on Figure 4-5 is also a function of an increase in baseflow, which would contribute water that is warmer than snowmelt. Piezometer Breakage On June 8, 2010, the piezometer in the outflow culvert broke and the measuring point level changed from 0.3ft above the culvert base to 0.7ft above the base of the culvert. This change in level was verified by visual observation on June 26, 2010. The 0.4ft change (0.7 ft – 0.3 ft) was factored into the remaining data points that were affected after June 26, 2010. Figure 4-3 shows the water levels before they were corrected for the change in elevation. Compensating for Unrealistic Pressure Increase The total pressure climbed to unrealistic values after the outflow culvert piezometer broke. Water turbulence could have caused the transducer to tap against the bottom of the culvert or against debris flowing through the culvert. Bernoulli’s Effect created by water flowing past the unprotected transducer may have also been a factor in inconsistent readings. Although the data were corrected for a 0.4 ft change in the measuring point, the pressures recorded after the breaking of the piezometer were unrealistic. When compared to visual observations, the total pressure values recorded 69 after the breaking point appeared to be elevated by approximately four psi, which is equivalent to 9.24 ft of water (4 psi * 2.31 ft/psi). The water levels recorded after the breakage were elevated values, however, the time in which general changes in level occurred may be considered valid. To compensate for the elevated readings, 9.24 ft was subtracted from water level readings from June 8 to July 3, 2010 when another water level measurement was manually recorded to calibrate the water level data. By reducing the water level values by 9.24 ft after the piezometer breakage, the levels are more consistent with actual water levels manually recorded. The actual water level after corrections is also presented in Figure 4-3. 4.3.2 Overflow Channel The overflow channel is located on the upstream side of the culvert where the outflow weir is constructed. The overflow channel allows water to overflow onto the road and return to the creek downstream of the outflow weir. When water flowed through the overflow channel and flooded over the road, it missed the weir and gauging equipment. Based on surveyed elevations of the channel and outflow weir, water began to flow though the overflow channel when the water level above the weir reached 1.65 ft. Figure 2-10 presents a conceptual drawing of the overflow channel and the outflow weir. Plant and soil disturbance as well as recently deposited debris confirm the maximum height of water that flowed through the overflow channel during the study period. 70 It is reasonable to assume that the water level in the channel and the culvert increased in the same increments while overflow occurred (water levels greater than 1.65 ft). Based on the high water marks at 0.75 ft in the channel, the highest water level in the culvert would have been 2.4 ft (1.65 ft + 0.75 ft). A summary of the calculations for estimating how much water potentially flowed through the overflow channel are shown below in Table 4-9. The detailed calculations for finding the total overflow channel discharge are shown in Appendix F. Table 4-9: Calculating overflow channel discharge during the high flow Q = (1.0/n)A(R2/3)(S1/2) = (1.0/0.035)( 0.966)(0.1152/3)(0.0041/2) = (28.6)(0.966)(0.236)(0.063) = 0.4 m3/s = (0.4 m3/s)(70.05af/day) = 30.4 af/day Where, Q = discharge, m3/s A = cross-sectional area of channel = 0.966 m2 S = bottom slope of channel = 0.004 n = Manning roughness coefficient, for coarse gravel with cobbles (Cowan, 1956) = 0.035 R = hydraulic radius = A/P = 0.115 m P = wetted perimeter of cross-sectional flow area = 8.42 m y = height of the overflow area = 0.21 m b = base of the overflow area = 0.8 m T = top of the overflow area = 8.4 m The maximum estimate of daily discharge shown above was calculated at 30.4 af/day (when the water level reached 2.4 ft at the weir). The high water level mark was 71 identified by debris and soil erosion evidence in the channel and across the road. The discharge values for flows less than the maximum were calculated using three other water levels including 2.2 ft, 2.0 ft, and 1.82 ft. These three water levels were chosen because they are relatively evenly spaced heights to estimate the discharge during different periods. These water levels measured at the outflow weir produced 21.5 af/day, 13.6 af/day, and 0.5 af/day of flow through the overflow channel, respectively. Table 410 below presents the discharge values used for specific ranges in water level height. Table 4-10: Estimating overflow discharge from water level Water Level above Weir (ft) Calculating Water Level in Overflow Channel (ft) Water level in Overflow Channel (ft) Water Level in Overflow Channel (m) Discharge (af/day) Estimating discharge for water level readings 2.4 2.4 - 1.65 = 0.75 0.75 0.23 30.40 >2.3 ft 2.2 2.2 - 1.65 = 0.55 0.55 0.17 21.50 2.1 to 2.3 ft 2.0 2.0 - 1.65 = 0.35 0.35 0.11 13.60 1.91 to 2.0 ft 1.82 1.82 - 1.65 = 0.18 0.17 0.05 0.50 1.65 to 1.9 ft Approximately 101 days were recorded as having water levels high enough to produce flow in the overflow channel (a water level greater than 1.65 ft at the outflow weir). Discharge calculations for the overflow channel are shown in detail in Appendix F. Based on four ranges of water levels identified in Table 4-9, 30.4 af/day flowed through the overflow channel for 48 days, 21.5 af/day flowed through the overflow channel for 21 days, 13.6 af/day flowed through the overflow channel for 8 days, and 0.5 af/day flowed through the overflow channel for 24 days. The total quantity of water 72 that passed through the overflow channel during the study was calculated to be 2,031.9 af. Limitations The lack of controls on the overflow channel is a limitation in this study. Debris flowing through the overflow channel may have obstructed water in the overflow channel and raised the water level in the culvert. Conversely, debris at the face of the culvert may have blocked the culvert and increased the water level in the channel. The discharge estimate is only as accurate as the water levels that were recorded at the outflow weir because the water levels in the overflow channel are based on the height measured at the outflow weir. 4.3.3 Eastern Inflow The average discharge for each of the four periods during the study from the eastern inflow weir are presented in Table 4-7. Figures 4-7 through 4-9 present graphs of the water levels, discharge and water temperature, and discharge and precipitation. Based on the water level observations and discharge calculations, approximately 5,616.8 af of water discharged through the eastern inflow weir over the course of the study period. Figure 4-7 shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level in was adjusted based on visual observations to find the adjusted water level. The adjusted water level was corrected 73 based on field observations of deposition and high water marks to result in the actual water level. The maximum height of water possibly passing through the culvert was just below 2.54 feet based on high water marks on the upstream side of the culvert. The adjusted water level contained some readings that were above 2.54 feet. These readings were modified to 2.54 feet to show the actual water level. The actual water level was used to calculate the discharge of the eastern inflow weir. The highest adjusted water level reading at the eastern inflow weir was four feet (Figure 4-7). This reading is unrealistically elevated due to turbulence and was not representative of the actual conditions because the height of the culvert is only 2.54 ft and high water marks indicate water level was just below the top of the culvert. All water levels recorded above 2.54 ft were likely due to equipment sensitivities and turbulence. Visual observations confirm that water did not flow around the culvert at this location. The eastern inflow data indicate that water level and discharge fluctuations throughout the study period were generally consistent with the outflow water level and discharge fluctuations. The eastern inflow data indicate a steady but slow increase in discharge from October 2009 to March 2010 and a steeper increase from March to midMay 2010 (Figure 4-8 and 4-9). The discharge was highest from mid-May through June 2010. The flow decreased more quickly from June to July 2010 and slowly from July to October 2010. In the beginning of October 2010, the discharge increased again, likely due to an increase in precipitation. 74 The fluctuations in discharge correspond to temperature (Figure 4-8). As temperature increases, water level and discharge increase. This is due to snowmelt runoff from the area upstream feeding the eastern inflow weir. The majority of surface water enters the meadow from the eastern inflow weir as expected because Tells Creek flows through this weir. The fluctuations in discharge also correspond as expected to precipitation (Figure 4-9). Precipitation significantly decreased by May 29, 2010. Discharge did not decrease until June 18, 2010, 19 days after the cessation of precipitation. Snow melt contributed to the delay. 4.3.4 Western Inflow The average discharge for each of the four periods from the western inflow weir are presented in Table 4-7. Based on water level measurements and the visual observations, the western inflow weir discharged approximately 709.4 af to the meadow during the study period. The total discharge is significantly less than the other locations, as expected. Figures 4-10 through 4-12 present graphs of the western inflow water level, discharge and temperature, and discharge and precipitation. Figure 4-10 shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations to find the adjusted water level. The adjusted water level was corrected based on field observations of the highest possible water level to show the actual water level. As shown on Figure 4-10, the highest water level occurred on May 20, 2009 at 1.83 ft. This measurement is not 75 possible because it is higher than the culvert height (1.5 ft) and the highest water level mark observed was below the top of the culvert. The few measurements that were recorded higher than 1.5 ft were reduced to the maximum possible height of 1.5 ft, as shown in Figure 4-10. No evidence of overflow around the culvert was observed. The water levels in the western inflow culvert were similar to the other locations in terms of the increases and decreases between the four periods as well as the level of the change. The highest water levels were observed between late May and early June 2010. The temperature at this location is notably higher throughout the study period compared to other locations (Figure 4-11). This is likely due to the southern exposure of the weir and the lack of vegetation surrounding the water flowing into the culvert that would have provided shade. There is a possibility that groundwater contributions could be a factor in causing the higher water temperatures at this location. However, field observations during the spring, summer, and fall indicate that groundwater is not a likely contributor at this location. By mid-summer 2010, the western inflow did not contribute water to the meadow until significant precipitation occurred again in the late fall of 2010. 4.3.5 Northern Inflow The northern inflow data is consistent with the other weir locations. Based on water level measurements and the visual observations, the northern inflow weir discharged approximately 1,269.7 af to the meadow during the study period. The average discharge for each of the four periods during the study from the northern inflow 76 weir are presented in Table 4-6. Figures 4-13 through 4-15 present graphs of the water level, discharge and temperature, and discharge and precipitation. Figure 4-13 shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations to find the actual water level. An increase in discharge was observed in the fall of 2009 as shown on Figures 414 (discharge and temperature) and 4-15 (discharge and precipitation). The data indicate that the discharge increased from 1.53 af/day on December 17, 2009 to its peak of 16.32 af/day on December 23, 2009. The second increase resulted in a discharge increase from 1.25 af/day on January 9, 2010 to 19.07 af/day on January 13, 2010. A four-day precipitation event that resulted in 6.09 inches preceded the increase on December 21, 2009 by six days. The January 11, 2010 increase occurred eight days after a minimal precipitation event. The temperature did not increase significantly enough to melt snow that would have caused an increase in discharge (Figure 4-14). The rain event preceding the January increase at the northern weir occurred from December 27, 2009 through January 2, 2010 and only resulted in 2.64 inches of precipitation. The January 11, 2010 increase is not fully explainable by precipitation and temperature data and may be an anomaly. An average decrease in discharge occurred from 10.12af/day on March 13, 2010 to 0.11 af/day on April 19, 2010 (Figures 4-14 and 4-15). This may be due to a drop in 77 temperatures during the night and water freezing. During this time period, steady precipitation occurred. Lower nightly temperatures may have contributed to freezing and or the majority of precipitation occurs as snow instead of rain. The discharge increased again after mid April to a peak of 25.04 af/day on June 7, 2010. When downloading the data on April 24, 2010, the piezometer was manually pushed one foot further into the ground at the northern weir. This resulted in readings that were approximately elevated by one foot. The increase in water level was accounted for by subtracting one foot from the readings for the remainder of the study period. 4.4 Precipitation Meadow Precipitation Precipitation data attained from the CDEC website were used to estimate the approximate amount of water contributed by rain or snow that fell directly on the meadow. Figure 2-13 presents the precipitation as rain and snow that was recorded at the Van Vleck Station during the study period. The Van Vleck Station received up to 85.2 inches (7.1 ft) of rain and 46 inches (3.8 ft) of snow as water content during the study period. The snow values may be low compared to the actual amount that was contributed to the meadow. Based on visual observations, the Van Vleck Station is located in a sheltered location, along an eastern slope, compared to the open area of the meadow. It is possible that more snow was able to accumulate in the open meadow. On April 24, 2010, field staff manually dug to the ground surface at the northern inflow 78 weir and north of piezometer PZ-06. Both locations resulted in a snow depth greater than eight ft. Visual observations near the weather station indicate snow levels of only six ft. The amount of snow recorded at the Van Vleck Station was used as a conservatively low number for the snow input to the meadow. The 2.3 acre-area of the meadow that is north of the northern inflow was not included in estimating the amount of precipitation the meadow received since the rain and snow that fell in that area was accounted for by the northern inflow weir. The 2.3 acres north of the northern inflow weir was subtracted from the total meadow area. The meadow area between the weirs was then multiplied by the feet of rain and snow as water content. As shown in Table 4-11 below, the meadow received approximately 644.9 af of water from precipitation during the study period. Table 4-11: Calculating snow and rain direct input Area that received direct rain and snow = total area – area north of weir = 61.4 acres – 2.3 acres = 59.1 acres Total direct rain input 59.1 acres * 7.1 ft rain = 420.1 af Total direct snow input 59.1 acres * 3.8 ft snow melt = 224.8 af Total rain and snow input received by meadow 420.1 af rain + 224.8 af snow melt = 644.9 af Slope Run-Off The contribution of water to the meadow via slope run-off was calculated by multiplying the area of the slope by 68% of precipitation received. Based on the estimation of water volume from slope run-off upgradient of the northern weir, 79 approximately 68% of the volume of water that is precipitated on the slope reached the northern weir. This 68% of rainfall was used to estimate how much water entered the meadow directly from the slopes surrounding the meadow (the slopes that did not funnel water through a weir). The total slope area that contributed run-off directly to the meadow (not via a weir) was estimated to be 163.86 acres. Figure 2-14 presents the areas where slope run-off likely contributes to the meadow input. As shown in Table 412 below, slope run-off contributed 791.1 af from rain and 423.4 af from snowmelt to the meadow. The total contribution of slope run-off was estimated to be 1,214.5 af (791.1 af + 423.4 af). Table 4-12: Calculating slope run-off Slope Area (acres) Contribution from Precipitation as Rain (68% * 7.11 ft) Contribution from Precipitation as Snow (68% * 3.8 ft) Northeast 26.28 126.9 67.9 Southeast 57.16 276.0 147.7 Southwest 13.3 64.2 34.4 Northwest 67.12 324.1 173.4 Total 163.86 791.1 423.4 Slope on Map 4.5 Evapotranspiration Evapotranspitation was estimated using the Monthly Average Reference Evapotranspiration by ETo Zone (University of California, Davis and California Department of Water Resources, 1999). The area of the meadow within the weirs, 59.1 acres (61.4 acres – 2.3 acres north of northern weir), was multiplied by the annual 80 evapotranspiration rate of 4.5 ft. Transpiration occurs at its highest levels in this region from June through September (Lesh, 2010). Evapotranspiration was estimated at 266 af for the study period (4.5 ft x 59.1 acres). 4.6 Calculating Water Budget The water budget input and output factors, as well as their contribution amount, are listed in Table 4-13 below. The total input was approximately 9,455.4 af for the oneyear study period while the total output was approximately 8,555.2 af. Table 4-13: Calculating change in storage Change in Storage = Input – Output Input Factor Contribution (af) Output Factor Contribution (af) Inflow Weirs 7,596.0 Outflow Weir 6,247.0 Precipitation 644.9 Overflow Channel 2,031.9 Slope Run-off 1,214.5 Evapotranspiration 276.3 Total Input 9,455.4 Total Output 8,555.2 The change in storage is 900.3 af (9,455.4 af – 8,555.2 af). An explanation for this volume of water must be accounted for in the water budget. In October 2009 before the meadow became saturated, the average depth to groundwater was 2 to 2.5 ft bgs. If completely filled, 147.8 af of soil (59.1 acres * 2.5 ft) would account for approximately 52.9 af of water (147.8 af soil * 0.358 porosity value). If 52.9 af were subtracted from the change in storage, 847.4 af (900.3 af – 52.9 af) would still be unaccounted for. If 847.4 af were spread out over the entire meadow within the weirs (59.1 acres), the water 81 height would be 14.3 ft (847.4 af/ [61.4 acres -2.3 acres]) which is not plausible. It is plausible that this surplus of 847.4 af identified in the water budget is permeating the bedrock beneath the meadow alluvium and recharging deeper aquifers. The equivalent of 847.4 af of water permeating bedrock over an entire year is 2.3 af per day (847.4 af/365 days). The rate of permeability over the entire meadow for 2.3 af is 0.04 ft per day (2.3 af/59.1 acres), which is plausible. 4.7 Estimating Residence Time Based on Daily Discharge Peaks In order to calculate the residence time of water in the meadow, the discharge peaks for the input factors were compared to the discharge peaks of the outflow locations. As noted earlier, the sensitivity of the transducers combine with turbulence at the weirs presents a problem drawing comparisons based on one daily reading. For this reason, most of the discharge peaks are difficult to compare. However, the input and output peaks and troughs that appeared distinct were compared using the daily data. Specific peaks that were distinct are shown in Figures 4-16 through 4-18. A limitation with identifying the residence time of water in the meadow using the comparison of discharge quantities is that the majority of discharge flows through the eastern weir via Tells Creek to the outflow weir. The water has a significantly shorter residence time if starting from the eastern inflow weir compared to the northern or western inflow weir based on distance and flow path. 82 Figure 4-16 presents a graph comparing the eastern inflow and outflow final discharge peaks prior to the decline in discharge during the summer months. This comparison shows that there was a delay of two to three days from the peak or trough of the discharge passing through the eastern inflow weir to the peak of the outflow weir and overflow. The initial decrease in discharge from 64.27 af/day to 45.91 af/day (change of 18.36 af) at the eastern inflow weir occurred on June 17, 2010. The initial drop in discharge from 86.24 af/day to 31.78 af/day (change of 54.46 af) at the outflow weir location occurred on June 19, 2010. The change in outflow was more significant than the change in the eastern inflow and may be accounted for by the decrease in discharge from the northern and western inflow weirs. The discharge quantity from the northern inflow weir and western inflow were significantly less than the discharge quantity from the eastern inflow weir. Figure 4-17 presents the discharge peaks for all surface water inflow and outflow locations prior to the decrease in discharge that occurred during the summer months. The northern inflow discharge peak occurred on June 15, 2010 with a discharge rate of 23.15 af/day, which was four days prior to a decline in discharge at the outflow weir and overflow channel. The change in discharge was 13.15 af/day (23.15 af/day - 10 af/day) and was somewhat gradual. It is important to note that the output quantity used in the comparison above includes the overflow channel discharge in addition to the outflow weir. As discussed in Section 4.3.2, the discharge amount of the overflow channel was based on high water 83 marks. Four ranges of overflow discharge quantities were calculated to estimate the discharge at the outflow locations (0.5 af/day, 13.6 af/day, 21.5 af/day and 30.4 af/day). Although it would be beneficial in analyzing the output peaks using data collected every 20 minutes, it is impossible given that peaks during the overflow period are based on general ranges of quantities calculated for the water budget. The increase and decrease in flow occurs as steps from 0.5 af/day to 13.6 af/day, and from 13.6 af/day to 21.5 af/day and 21.5 af/day to 30.4 af/day. The western inflow discharge peak occurred on June 6, 2010 with a discharge rate of 21.56 af/day, which was 13 days prior to a decline in discharge at the outflow weir and overflow channel. The discharge peak at the western inflow was not well defined, gradually decreasing to approximately four af/day two weeks after the decrease began. The change in discharge was 17.56 af/day (21.56 af/day – 4 af/day). The gradual and minimal decrease in discharge from the western inflow weir is problematic in defining the residence time of water in the meadow. Thirteen days is longer than expected and it is more likely that the large quantities of water coming from the other inflow weirs masked the changes that occurred due to the changes in flow at the western inflow weir. Regarding the specific peak discharge event discussed above, the decrease in outflow discharge was 54.46 af. The eastern, northern, and western inflow weirs resulted in a decrease of 49.07 af (18.36 af, 13.15 af, and 17.56 af). The residence time of water entering the meadow was estimated to be two to three days through the eastern inflow 84 and approximately four days through the northern inflow weir. The residence time of water entering through the western inflow weir was unidentifiable. Based on field observations and the observed flow paths to the outflow weir, the western inflow residence time does not likely exceed the residence time of the northern inflow wier discharge. The two- to three-day residence time estimated for water entering the eastern inflow weir is longer than expected, given the short distance and somewhat direct path to the outflow weir. Figure 4-18 compares the peak inflow from precipitation and slope run-off that occurred on November 23, 2009 with the peak total outflow that followed three days later. The eastern inflow discharge gradually increased as opposed to increasing abruptly. The precipitation and slope run-off increase was steep while the outflow discharge increase occurred over four days. The gradual increase of the outflow weir discharge is likely due to the gradually increasing discharge from the eastern inflow weir. The outflow weir showed a total increase in discharge of 12.7 af during the peak on November 26, 2009. Slope run-off and precipitation contributed 19.06 af, the eastern inflow weir contributed 5.15 af, and the northern and western inflow weirs combined contributed 1.42 af prior to the outflow peak. The quantity of water entering the meadow (25.63 af) is greater than the quantity leaving (12.7 af). This indicates that some of the water that flows into the meadow is contributing to saturating the meadow. The total input to the meadow (surface water, precipitation, and slope-slope run-off) is slightly 85 greater than the total output (excluding evapotranspiration, which was negligible during this time of year if existent at all). Figure 4-19 presents a graph showing the total input and total output (excluding evapotranspiration). Evapotranspiration is minimal and was not included on this graph as a daily rate. However, evapotranspiration was factored into the water budget as a total value for the four months that it would have realistically contributed to the water budget during study period. As shown in Figure 4-19, total output exceeded total input from March mid-May and late June through the end of summer 2010. The total input is greater than total output from October 2009 through part of March 2010 and from late May through June 2010. These values were based on daily averages of 72 readings collected. 4.8 Short-Term Fluctuations in Water Level Even though the daily outflow discharge peaks were unable to be compared to the inflow discharge peaks during periods of relatively high flow (when water flowed through the overflow channel), a four-day period prior to high flow conditions was examined using the water level data recorded in 20-minute intervals. Figure 4-20 presents peak water levels during a four-day period from November 21 through November 24, 2009. During this period, 1.57 inches of rain occurred. The precipitation data were recorded as daily values so the exact timing of the peak of the rain event is unknown, which is a limitation when examining water levels on a short time scale. The 86 analysis of water levels recorded in 20-minute intervals during a rain event show the timing in which water level peaks occurred at each weir due to precipitation. The incremental precipitation recorded at the Van Vleck Weather Station indicated that the meadow received 1.2 inches on November 22, 2009 (12 am to 12 pm) and 0.55 inches on November 23, 2009 as shown in Figure 4-20. Arrows identify the peaks used to examine the short-term fluctuations in water level during the period of interest. As shown on Figure 4-20, the outflow water level peaks occur later than the inflow water level peaks. Generally, the water level at the outflow weir increases due to precipitation in the meadow, slope run-off or other inflow sources (northern, eastern, and western inflow weirs). During this period, the northern outflow peaks occurred four hours and 40 minutes (November 22, 2009 12:40 to 17:20) to six hours and 20 minutes (November 23, 2009 11:00 to 17:20) before the outflow peak occurred. This does not suggest that the water entering the meadow out the northern inflow weir reached the outflow weir in four hours and 40 minutes to six hour and 20 minutes. This suggests that an increase in water level due to precipitation and slope run-off up gradient of each weir occurs at the northern inflow weir four hours and 40 minutes to six hours and 20 minutes prior to the increase in water level at the outflow weir. The increase in water level due to precipitation and slope run-off up gradient of the western inflow weir occurs 87 four hours (November 23, 2009 14:20 to 18:20) to five hours and 20 minutes (November 24, 2009 13:00 to 18:20) before the increase in water level at the outflow weir. The increase in water level at the eastern inflow weir is more gradual and the peaks are less defined compared to the peaks at the other inflow weirs. One distinct peak identified in Figure 4-20 occurred 20 minutes prior to the peak at the outflow location (November 24, 2009 18:00 to 18:20). The outflow peak on November 24, 2009 at 18:20 follows an 18-hour period of no rain (the last rain recorded was on November 23, 2009 which leaves up to 18 hours of no rain). The western inflow shows a water level peak five hours and 20 minutes prior to the outflow location. The outflow peak that occurs on November 24, 2009 at 18:20 may be due to the increase in water level at the eastern inflow (increase in discharge) and not due to the influence of rainfall immediately up gradient of the outflow weir as potentially indicated by the other two peaks. The western inflow water level peaks are steeper than the peaks from the northern or eastern inflow weirs (Figure 4-20). It is expected that the western inflow peaks would decrease more quickly than the other locations because the slope run-off area up gradient of the western inflow is much smaller than the slope run-off area for the northern and eastern locations. The eastern inflow water level peaks are much more muted than the other inflow locations, likely due to the fact that the eastern inflow weir is supplied by Tells Creek and a spring upstream. The slope run-off area up gradient of the eastern inflow is much greater than both the northern and western inflow weirs. The 88 outflow water level peaks in the four-day period appear to have a relatively gradual decrease in water level following a peak compared to the western and northern inflow water level peaks. This gradual decrease in water level at the outflow weir may be due to the continued gradual increase in water level at the eastern inflow weir. In addition, peaks at the northern and western inflow weirs occur in steps where each peak is slightly higher than the last, indicating a general increase in flow during the four-day period presented in Figure 4-20. Essential, this four-day study indicates that the outflow location responds more slowly to precipitation and slope –run compared to the northern and western inflow locations. The peaks of the eastern weir are less noticeable compared to other locations as expected for the reasons listed above. Limitations The limitation in the four-day analysis is the precipitation data, recorded on an daily basis. The peaks can be related to the precipitation within a 24-hour period. For instance, the first water level peak examined at the outflow location occurred on November 22, 2009 at 17:20. According to the precipitation data, 1.2 inches of rain occurred during November 22, 2009. It is unknown whether the precipitation event started at 12:00AM on November 22, 2009 or if it started only an hour before the water level peak occurred at the outflow weir. Short-term comparisons are possible only 89 between the outflow and inflow weirs because the water level data were recorded on 20minute intervals. It is important to note that the pressures recorded in 20 minute intervals (shown in Figure 4-20) underwent several calibrations and adjustments to reach daily averaged data to calculate the water budget and examine peak flow days. The water levels presented in Figure 4-20 were not adjusted based on field measurements, observations, and were not adjusted based on the highest possible flow. This four-day analysis of data recorded at short time interval and was only intended to assess the response time of water levels. Since the data in Figure 4-20 did not undergo calibration at the same level as the other data sets, there is expected to be some differences in the appearance of the graph. The water levels presented in Figure 4-20 should be viewed as a comparison of timing and not as a comparison of height (quantity). 90 4.8 Figures Figure 4-1: Calculating meadow volume 91 Figure 4-2: Average groundwater levels The groundwater levels during each time period are shown in the figure as ft below ground surface. The water levels typically fluctuate up to 2.5 ft during the study period. The water levels were recorded in feet below ground surface and the negative values indicate water level above ground surface. 92 Figure 4-3: Outflow water levels This graph shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations (squares) to find the adjusted water level. The point at which the piezometer likely broke is shown by the arrow. The water level was corrected based on field observations of deposition and high water marks to result in the actual water level. 92 93 Figure 4-4: Outflow weir and overflow channel discharge This figure presents the discharge from the weir and the overflow calculated from the water level presented in Figure 4-3. The combine discharge is the total discharge passing through the weir and the overflow channel. 93 94 June 17, 2010 - Decrease in discharge May 18, 2010 Increase in water temperature Figure 4-5: Outflow discharge and temperature The total outflow discharge is graphed with the temperature of the water passing through the weir. Notice the increase in temperature starting on May 18, 2010 and the decrease in discharge starting June 17, 2010. The one-month delay between increasing temperatures and decreasing discharge occurs as the last of the snow pack melts and excess water leaves the meadow. The temperature increase is a function of baseflow contributing water that is warmer than snowmelt. 94 95 Figure 4-6: Outflow discharge and precipitation This graph presents the total outflow discharge and precipitation. Note the decrease in precipitation starting on May 29, 2010 and the decrease in discharge on June 17, 2010. There is a delay of 19 days where precipitation as rain stops and discharge continues at the same rate. Some of this continuation is due to the snow pack melting. By June 20, 2010 the snow has melted and is no longer a source of water to be discharged from the meadow. Discharge as baseflow continues through the summer as shown. 95 96 Figure 4-7: Eastern inflow water levels This graph shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level in blue was adjusted based on visual observations to find the adjusted water level. The adjusted water level was corrected based on field observations of deposition and high water marks to result in the actual water level. 96 97 Figure 4-8: Eastern inflow discharge and temperature Note the correlation between temperature increasing in late spring 2010 and a high discharge quantity, which is likely due to snow melting and providing an influx of water. 97 98 Figure 4-9: Eastern inflow discharge and precipitation 98 99 Figure 4-10: Western inflow water levels This graph shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations to find the adjusted water level. The adjusted water level in blue was corrected based on field observations of the highest possible water level to show the actual water level. 99 100 Figure 4-11: Western inflow discharge and temperature 100 101 Figure 4-12: Western inflow discharge and precipitation 101 102 Figure 4-13: Northern inflow water levels This graph shows the water level that was originally calculated from the calibrated pressure readings. The calculated water level was adjusted based on visual observations to find the actual water level. All are shown in this figure. 102 103 Figure 4-14: Northern Inflow discharge and temperature 103 104 Figure 4-15: Northern Inflow discharge and precipitation 104 105 Figure 4-16: Discharge peak comparison – eastern inflow and outflow discharge 105 106 Figure 4-17: Discharge peak comparison – surface water The graph above shows compares the timing of the last day of peak flow before decreasing during the summer months. Note the flat level of the eastern inflow weir and output is due to the water level correction based on visual observations and manual measurements during periods of high flow. 106 107 Figure 4-18: Peak discharge comparison – November, 2009 There is a three-day delay between the peak of precipitation and slope run-off to the discharge peak of the total output. 107 108 Output generally exceeded input Figure 4-19: Total input and total output Notice the total input is generally greater than total output from October 2009 through part of March 2010 and from late May through June, 2010. Total output exceeds total input generally from late March through late May 2010 and from late June through October 2010. 108 109 Figure 4-20: Short term water level readings The graph above shows the fluctuations in water level using 20-minute intervals at each weir from November 21, 2009 at 12AM through November 24, 2009 at 12PM. Precipitation was recorded daily (squares). 109 110 Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was to define flood attenuation properties, estimate storage capacity, and develop a water budget for the Van Vleck Meadow. Understanding the quantity and timing of water entering and leaving the meadow assisted in quantifying how the meadows aid in flood attenuation. Even though this study was intended to address flood attenuation and groundwater storage only in relation to the Van Vleck Meadow, the general results may be true for other meadows of similar size and location. The total input and output volumes were calculated to be 9,455.4 af and 8,555.2 af, respectively. Based on these values, the change in storage during the study period of one year was 900.3 af. Approximately 52.9 af were accounted for by saturating the top 2.5 ft of the meadow leaving 847.4 af unaccounted. This quantity of water is accounted for as groundwater recharge at a rate of 0.04 ft per day across the 59.1-acre area. The estimates of inflow and outflow attained in this study confirm that the meadow does aid in flood attenuation and may lessen the severity of the dry season by slowly providing water as baseflow downstream. The water budget determined that the total input exceeded total output from October 2009 through most of March 2010 and from late May through June 2010. Total output exceeded total input generally from late March through late May 2010 and from late June through October 2010. Approximately two af/day discharged through the outflow weir from July through half of September 2010. This quantity of water may seem minute when compared to the largest quantity 111 discharging during the spring. However, two af/day for three months provides a total of 180 af downstream when other water sources such as precipitation were limited or did not exist. Short-term discharge peaks of water flowing into and out of the meadow were difficult to analyze due to equipment sensitivities and other environmental factors, but the general trends of discharge indicate that the meadow does aid in flood attenuation and that the meadow does provide water downstream when inflow sources are limited. The residence time of water in the meadow based on daily averages was estimated to be two to three days for water entering via the eastern inflow weir and approximately four days via the northern inflow weir. The residence time of water entering through the western inflow based on daily averages weir was unidentifiable due to the small quantities measured. Based on field observations and flow paths observed to outflow weir, the western inflow residence time does not likely exceed the residence time of water entering via the northern inflow wier. Based on the residence times identified in the study, the Van Vleck Meadow attenuates flood events by slowing the peak of discharge by approximately four days. This study suggests that the meadow acts as a significant storage space for water and provides a setting for groundwater recharge in addition to attenuating flood events. 112 APPENDIX A Seismic Survey Data 113 Figure A-1: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-01 Geophone number Distance (ft) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 105 112.5 120 127.5 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 S-01A Arrival Time (mS) S-01B Arrival Time (mS) 0 2.87 5.00 15.12 6.50 14.56 8.06 14.18 9.75 13.1 10.25 12.31 10.87 11.43 11.37 10.87 11.75 9.62 12.50 14.25 6.87 14.50 4.62 3 0 Accurate Velocities Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph S-01A V1 S-01A V2 S-01B V1 S-01B V2 Change dist 20 145 23.2 156.8 Change time 6.1 9 8 8 Velocity (feet/mS) 3.28 16.11 2.90 19.60 Velocity (feet/s) 3,279 16,111 2,900 19,600 Critical Distance (Xc) 20.00 Depth (feet) 8.14 23.20 9.99 114 Figure A-1 (continued) 115 Figure A-2: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-02 Geophone number S-02A Arrival S-02B Arrival Distance (ft) Time (mS) Time (mS) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 105 112.5 120 127.5 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph 0 3.00 4.00 18.06 5.12 17.68 6.87 17.62 7.56 17.18 9.31 18.43 12.00 9.12 12.87 12.56 10.93 17.50 10.87 18.56 10.87 19.18 5.31 3.81 0 Change dist Change time Velocity (feet/mS) 2.17 Unreliable Data Velocity (feet/S) Critical Distance Depth (Xc) (feet) 2,171 7.60 S-02A V1 7.6 3.5 S-02A V2 172.4 16.5 S-02B V1 59 13.8 4.28 4,275 S-02BV2 30 3.7 8.11 8,108 10.45 10,448 3.08 38.00 10.57 116 Figure A-2 (continued) 117 Figure A-3: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-03 Geophone number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Distance (ft) 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 105 112.5 120 127.5 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 S-03A Arrival Time (mS) 0 2.93 4.31 S-03B Arrival time Red 14.93 14.12 6.00 13.31 7.43 12.68 8.81 12.06 10.43 11.37 11.62 9.81 12.37 8.25 13.20 14.25 14.93 5.06 3.18 15.62 Accurate Velocities 1.81 0 Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change in distance Change in time Velocity (feet/mS) S-03A V1 18 7.3 2.47 2,466 S-03A V2 162 9.7 16.70 16,701 S-03B V1 32 7.9 4.05 4,051 S-03B V2 148 7.8 18.97 18,974 Velocity (feet/s) Critical Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 18.00 7.76 32.00 12.88 118 Figure A-3 (continued) 119 Figure A-4: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-04 Geophone number S-04A Arrival Time (mS) 0 12.93 19.37 S-04B Arrival Time (mS) 24.18 32.25 26.56 33.81 26.56 32.56 26.50 30.68 27.13 28.93 105 112.5 120 127.5 28.87 28.68 29.81 27.06 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 31.00 Distance (ft) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 30.87 33.18 17.43 33.87 8.5 4.62 0 Accurate Velocities Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change dist Change time Velocity (feet/mS) S-04A V1 16 24 0.67 S-04A V2 164 10 16.40 S-04B V1 24 25 0.96 S-04BV2 156 7.5 20.80 Velocity (feet/S) 667 Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 16.00 7.68 24.00 11.46 16,400 960 20,800 120 Figure A-4 (continued) 121 Figure A-5: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-05 Figure A-5: Seismic survey data and graph for survey S-05 S-05A Geophone Distance Arrival Time S-05B Arrival number (ft) (mS) Time (mS) 0 0 0 1 7.5 2.31 2 15 4.00 20.5 22.5 3 30 6.25 19.87 37.5 4 45 7.93 18.81 52.5 5 60 9.93 17.75 67.5 6 75 11.37 16.43 82.5 7 90 13.12 14.75 97.5 8 105 14.56 12.87 112.5 9 120 16.00 10.68 127.5 10 135 19.93 142.5 11 150 21.00 8.31 157.5 12 165 22.18 6.06 172.5 4.68 180 0 Accurate Velocities Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change in distance Change in time Velocity (feet/mS) Velocity (feet/S) S-05A V1 8 5 1.60 1,600 S-05A V2 172 18 9.56 9,556 S-05B V1 9 6 1.50 1,500 S-05B V2 171 18 9.50 9,500 Critical Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 8.00 3.38 9.00 3.84 122 Figure A-5 (continued) 123 Figure A-6: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-06 Geophone number Distance (ft) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 105 112.5 120 127.5 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 S-06A Arrival (mS) S-06B Arrival (mS) 0 1.68 3.75 21.06 5.75 20.56 9.43 20 10.06 18.31 10.93 15.12 13.81 14.81 14.93 14.43 15.31 12.5 18.56 21.06 9.12 22.37 7.87 5.37 0 Unreliable Data Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change dist Change time Velocity (feet/mS) Velocity (feet/S) S-06A V1 36.5 10 3.65 3,650 S-06A V2 143.5 8.7 16.49 16,494 S-06B V1 14 11.6 1.21 1,207 S-06B V2 166 8.4 19.76 19,762 Critical Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 36.5 14.57 14.0 6.58 124 Figure A-6 (continued) 125 Figure A-7: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-07 Geophone number S-07A Arrival Time (mS) Distance (ft) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90 97.5 105 112.5 120 127.5 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 172.5 180 S-07B Arrival Time (mS) 0 4.68 7.87 19.87 10.56 18.56 12.43 18.87 13.31 19.12 14.00 18.56 14.32 17.43 15.50 15.93 16.93 15.81 17.87 15.25 17.93 13.87 18.81 9.68 5.75 0 Accurate Velocities Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change distance S-07A V1 S-07A V2 S-07B V1 S-07B V2 Change time (mS) Velocity (feet/mS) Velocity (feet/S) 21 11 1.91 1,909 159 9 17.67 17,667 16 13.8 1.16 1,159 164 9.5 17.26 17,263 Critical Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 21.00 9.42 16.00 7.48 126 Figure A-7 (continued) 127 Figure A-8: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-08 Geophone number Distance (ft) S-08A Arrival Time (mS) 0 4.93 8.18 0 1 2 S-08B Arrival Time (mS) 0 6 15 29.18 22.5 3 30 28.81 37.5 4 45 21.56 28 52.5 5 60 21.62 26.37 67.5 6 75 21.81 26.06 82.5 7 90 22.81 25.43 97.5 8 105 25.62 25.62 112.5 9 120 26.87 20.25 127.5 10 135 27.43 142.5 11 150 28.28 17.06 157.5 12 165 29.15 8 Accurate Velocities 172.5 4.68 180 0 Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change in distance Change in time Velocity (feet/mS) Velocity (feet/S) S-08A V1 30 20 1.50 1,500.00 S-08A V2 150 8.5 17.65 17,647.06 S-08B V1 37 22 1.68 1,681.82 S-08B V2 143 8 17.88 17,875.00 Critical Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 30.00 13.77 37.00 16.83 128 Figure A-8 (continued) 129 Figure A-9: Seismic Survey Data for Survey S-09 Geophone number Distance (ft) S-09A Arrival Time (mS) 0 4.12 6.37 0 1 2 S-09B Arrival Time (mS) 0 6 15 15.68 22.5 3 30 15.87 37.5 4 45 9.31 15.68 52.5 5 60 10.62 14.87 67.5 6 75 12.81 14.62 82.5 7 90 13.87 14.62 97.5 8 105 14.31 12.25 112.5 9 120 14.93 10 127.5 10 135 15.37 8.87 142.5 11 150 15.43 7.06 157.5 12 165 15.68 5.25 172.5 2.31 Accurate Velocities 180 0 Note: Survey A is shown from left to right and Survey B is shown from right to left on the graph Change distance Change time Velocity (feet/mS) Velocity (feet/S) S-09A V1 15 10 1.50 1,500 S-09A V2 165 8 20.63 20,625 S-09B V1 20 9 2.22 2,222 S-09B V2 160 8 20.00 20,000 Distance (Xc) Depth (feet) 15.00 6.97 20.00 8.94 130 Figure A-9 (continued) 131 APPENDIX B Soil Boring Logs 132 Figure B-1: Soil Boring SB-01 PROJECT : ELEVATION : METHOD : WATER LEVELS : USCS 2.6 DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) LOCATION Thesis ~6550 Hand Auger BORING NUMBER: SB-01 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD 4.8 ft LOGGER Mancuso DATE: 10/24/2009 SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.9 ft, had slight biodecay/organic odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) _ 0 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ Refusal 133 Figure B-2: Soil Boring SB-02 LOCATION Thesis ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 3.2 ft bgs DATE: 10/24/2009 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : ELEVATION : NA TD: 3.85 ft LOGGER : %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G SBBORING 02 NUMBER Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 1 ft, had slight biodecay/organic odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) _ 0 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ Refusal 134 Figure B-3: Soil Boring SB-03 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : METHOD: USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) LOCATION Thesis ~6500 Hand Auger WATER LEVEL: 2.5 ft bgs SB-03 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 3.98 ft DATE: 10/24/2009 SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 LOGGER: L.Mancuso Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.5 ft, very slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ 3.98 ft bgs 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ Refusal 135 Figure B-4: Soil Boring SB-04 SB04 BORING NUMBER USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) Thesis ~6500 Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 1.1 ft bgs LOCATION PROJECT : ELEVATION : ML Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 3.43 ft bgs DATE: 10/24/2009 %S %F 0 30 70 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G LOGGER : Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet , some root mass top 0.4 ft _ Saturated _ _ SP 0 90 10 Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ Refusal at 3.43 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 136 Figure B-5: Soil Boring SB-05 BORING NUMBER LOCATION PROJECT : ELEVATION : USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) Thesis ~6500 Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 2.3 ft bgs ML SB-05 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 6 ft bgs DATE: 10/24/2009 %S %F 0 30 70 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G LOGGER Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass and sticks top 0.5 ft, _ _ _ _ Encountered some gravel, coarse subround SP 0 90 10 Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, saturated, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 6 ft bgs Refusal - Unable to hand auger past 6 ft because vacuum on auger is too great when pulled up 137 Figure B-6: Soil Boring SB-06 BORING NUMBER Thesis ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 1.1 ft bgs DATE: 10/24/2009 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : ELEVATION : SB-06 LOCATION %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 TD: LOGGER : 3.31 ft L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.4 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ Refusal at 3.31 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 138 Figure B-7: Soil Boring SB-07 BORING NUMBER Thesis ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 2.6 ft bgs DATE: 10/24/2009 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : ELEVATION : SB-07 LOCATION %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 TD: LOGGER : 4.67 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 1 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ Refusal at 4.67 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 139 Figure B-8: Soil Boring SB-08 BORING NUMBER DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : Thesis ELEVATION : ~6500 ft DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : DATE: WATER LEVEL: 0.9 ft bgs 10/24/2009 SB-08 LOCATION : Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA Hand Auger TD: LOGGER : 3.00 L. Mancuso USCS SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 1 ft SP 0 90 10 Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ _ _ _ Refusal at 3.0 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 140 Figure B-9: Soil Boring SB-09 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : LOCATION Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger METHOD: WATER LEVELS : USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) 0.6 SB-09 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: DATE: 10/25/2009 SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 LOGGER : 2.25 Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.4 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ Refusal at 2.25 ft refusal surface felt smooth and flat (large boulder) 141 Figure B-10: Soil Boring SB-10 BORING NUMBER Thesis ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 0.7 ft bgs DATE: 10/25/2009 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : ELEVATION : SB-10 LOCATION Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 2.38 LOGGER SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.4 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ Refusal at 2.38 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ refusal surface felt smooth and flat (large boulder) 142 Figure B-11: Soil Boring SB-11 BORING PROJECT : ELEVATION : Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger 1.3 DATE: 10/25/2009 SIZE DISTRIBUTION USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 1.3 SB11 LOC. Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD 4.56 LOGGER L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.4 ft SP 0 90 10 Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to subround) _ _ _ _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ Refusal at 4.56 ft refusal surface felt smooth and flat (large boulder) 143 Figure B-12: Soil Boring SB-12 BORING NUMBER Thesis ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 0.3 ft bgs DATE: 10/25/2009 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : ELEVATION : SB-12 LOCATION Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 2.75 LOGGER SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.5 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) _ Refusal at 2.75ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 144 Figure B-13: Soil Boring SB-13 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : LOCATION : Thesis USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) ~6500 ft Hand METHOD: Auger WATER LEVEL: 1 DATE: ft 10/25/2009 %G %S %F 0 30 70 SP 0 90 10 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: LOGGER : 4.2 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION ML SB-13 Sandy silt (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, some root mass top 0.5 ft _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) _ Refusal at 4.2 ft 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 145 Figure B-14: Soil Boring SB-14 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : Thesis USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 1.8 ~6500 ft Hand Auger SB-14 LOCATION Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 2.7 DATE: 10/25/2009 %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G LOGGER Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.8 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 2.7 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 146 Figure B-15: Soil Boring SB-15 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : Thesis USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 2.2 ft ~6500 ft Hand Auger SB-15 LOCATION Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 2.9 DATE: 10/25/2009 %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G LOGGER Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.8 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 2.9 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 147 Figure B-16: Soil Boring SB-16 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) LOCATION Thesis METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 0.5 SB-16 ~6500 ft Hand Auger Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: DATE: 10/10/2010 SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 LOGGER : 3.5 L. Mancuso Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.8 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 3.5 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 148 Figure B-17: Soil Boring SB-17 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 0.9 ft USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) LOCATION : Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger SB-17 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: DATE: 10/10/2010 LOGGER : %G %S %F 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION ML 3.75 Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.5 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 3.75 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 149 Figure B-18: Soil Boring SB-18 PROJECT : ELEVATION : Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger METHOD: WATER LEVELS : DATE: 10/10/2010 USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) 0.5 ft bgs BORING NUMBER SB-18 LOCATION : Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 3.25 LOGGER : SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 L. Mancuso Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.8 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 3.5 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 150 Figure B-19: Soil Boring SB-19 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger METHOD: WATER LEVEL: 1.8 ft USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) 1.8 ft bgs DATE: 10/10/2010 SB-19 LOCATION : Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: 3 LOGGER : L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 20 80 Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet, mostly root mass top 0.5 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor SP 0 90 10 2.5 became saturated Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) _ _ _ Refusal at 3.0 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 151 Figure B-20: Soil Boring SB-20 BORING NUMBER SB-20 LOCATION : %G %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 TD: LOGGER : 3 L. Mancuso SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION USCS DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) PROJECT : Thesis ELEVATION : METHOD: Hand Auger WATER LEVELS : 1 ft bgs DATE: 10/15/2010 Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.5 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 3.0 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ 152 Figure B-21: Soil Boring SB-21 SB21 BORING NUMBER PROJECT : ELEVATION : METHOD: WATER LEVELS : USCS 1.8 ft bgs DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) LOCATION Thesis ~6500 ft Hand Auger Van Vleck Meadow, El Dorado County, CA TD: DATE: 10/15/2010 SOIL DESCRIPTION SIZE DISTRIBUTION %G %S %F ML 0 20 80 SP 0 90 10 LOGGER : 2.5 L. Mancuso Silt with sand (ML), dark brown, wet to saturated, mostly root mass top 0.5 ft, slight organic/biodecay odor _ _ _ Sand (SP), dark grayish brown, wet, sand is medium to fine, occasional gravel (coarse and subangular to sub round) Refusal at 2.5 ft _ 5 __ _ _ _ _ 10 __ _ 153 APPENDIX C Piezometer Construction Details 154 Table C-1: Piezometer Construction Details Date Installed Total Depth (ft bgs) Transducer depth (ft bgs) PZ-01 10/24/2009 4.8 2.8 PZ-02 10/24/2009 3.85 2.85 PZ-03 10/24/2009 3.98 2.98 PZ-04 10/24/2009 3.43 2.43 PZ-05 10/24/2009 4.84 3.84 PZ-06 10/24/2009 3.31 2.31 PZ-07 10/24/2009 4.67 3.67 PZ-08 10/24/2009 3 2 PZ-09 11/8/2009 2.33 2.25 PZ-10 11/8/2009 2.46 2.38 PZ-11 11/8/2009 5.36 4.56 PZ-12 11/8/2009 2.83 2.75 PZ-13 11/8/2009 4.27 4.19 PZ-14 11/8/2009 2.79 2.71 PZ-15 11/8/2009 2.96 2.88 Riser Material Screen Material Solinst screen attachment Schedule 40 PVC, 1-inch diameter PVC with slots and wrapped in landscape mesh 155 APPENDIX D Lab Reports and Standard Operating Procedures 156 Figure D-1: Grain size summary 156 157 158 159 Figure D-2: Effective porosity results 160 Figure D-3: Grain size analysis SOP 161 162 Figure D-4: Effective porosity SOP 163 164 APPENDIX E Groundwater Level and Temperature Graphs 165 Figure E-1: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-01 165 166 Figure E-2: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-03 166 167 Figure E-3: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-04 167 168 Figure E-4: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-05 168 169 Figure E-5: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-06 169 170 Figure E-6: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-07 170 171 Figure E-7: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-08 171 172 Figure E-8: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-10 172 173 Figure E-9: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-11 173 174 Figure E-10: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-12 174 175 Figure E-11: Water levels and average temperature at piezometer PZ-13 175 176 APPENDIX F Overflow Channel Discharge Calculations 177 Table F-1: Overflow channel calculations- water level 2.4 ft Variable Q Description Formula 3 Solve 2/3 1/2 Result 0.4 discharge, m /s (1.0/n)A(R )(S ) 0.433 discharge, af/day Q*70.0456199 30.353 A cross-sectional area of channel (y/2)(b +T) 0.966 30.4 0.966 S bottom slope of channel (s1 – x3)/d 0.004 0.004 n Manning roughness coefficient, coarse gravel with cobbles (Cowan, 1956) R hydraulic radius A/P 0.115 P wetted perimeter cross-sectional flow area a+b+c 8.42 y height overflow area Units m3/s af/day m2 0.035 0.115 m 8.4 ((y1+y2)/2) ((y3+y4/2)) - 0.21 m m 0.21 b base overflow area x3-x4 0.8 0.8 m T top overflow area x2-x1 8.4 8.4 m a left bank length sqrt(y2 + (x1-x4)2) 1.61 1.61 6.00 6.00 2 2 m m c right bank length sqrt(y + (x2-x3) ) x1 x value - top left from survey/graph -4.1 m y1 y value - top left from survey/graph 99.79 m x2 x value - top right from survey/graph 4.3 m y2 y value - top right from survey /graph 99.79 m x3 x value - bottom right from survey/graph -1.7 m y3 y value - bottom right from survey/graph 99.6 m x4 x value - bottom left from survey graph -2.5 m y4 y value - bottom left from survey/graph 99.56 m s1 overflow channel elevation from survey/graph 99.68 m d distance - overflow channel to road from points (2.7,9.8) to (-2.5, 7.5) 18.1 m 178 Table F-2: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 2.2 ft Variable Q Description discharge, m3/s Formula Solve 2/3 1/2 (1.0/n)A(R )(S ) 0.307 Result 0.3067 discharge, af/day Q*70.0456199 A cross-sectional area of channel (y/2)(b +T) 0.864 21.5 0.864 S bottom slope of channel (s1 – x3)/d 0.003 0.003 n Manning roughness coefficient, for coarse gravel with cobbles (Cowan, 1956) hydraulic radius R P A/P y b base of the overflow area x3-x4 T top of the overflow area x2-x1 a left bank length c right bank length x1 x value for top left side of trapezoid y1 y value for top left side of trapezoid x2 x value for top right side of trapezoid y2 y value for top right side of trapezoid x3 x value for bottom right trapezoid y value for bottom right trapezoid x value for bottom left trapezoid y value for bottom left trapezoid overflow channel elevation y3 x4 y4 s1 d side of side of side of distance from overflow channel to road m3/s af/day m2 0.035 wetted perimeter of cross-sectional flow area height of the overflow area side of 21.480 Units 0.115 0.115 m 7.5 a+b+c ((y1+y2)/2) ((y3+y4/2)) 7.52 0.135 m m 5.3 5.3 m 7.5 7.5 m sqrt(y2 + (x1-x4)2) 1.51 1.51 sqrt(y2 + (x2-x3)2) from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from survey points/graph from points (2.7,9.8) to (-2.5, 7.5) 0.71 0.71 0.135 m m -4 m 99.73 m 3.5 m 99.73 m 2.8 m 99.63 m -2.5 m 99.56 m 99.68 m 18.1 m 179 Table F-3: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 2.0 ft Variable Q A S n R P Description discharge, m3/s Formula discharge, af/day Q*70.0456199 cross-sectional area of channel bottom slope of channel (y/2)(b +T) 0.554 (s1 – x3)/d 0.004 Manning roughness coefficient, for coarse gravel with cobbles (Cowan, 1956) hydraulic radius A/P y b base of the overflow area x3-x4 T top of the overflow area x2-x1 a left bank length c right bank length x1 x value for top left side of trapezoid y value for top left side of trapezoid x value for top right side of trapezoid y value for top right side of trapezoid x value for bottom right side of trapezoid y value for bottom right side of trapezoid x value for bottom left side of trapezoid y value for bottom left side of trapezoid overflow channel elevation y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 s1 d distance from channel to road overflow 0.193 13.550 Result 0.1934 13.6 0.554 Units m3/s af/day m2 0.004 0.035 a+b+c x2 1/2 (1.0/n)A(R )(S ) wetted perimeter of crosssectional flow area height of the overflow area y1 Solve 2/3 0.079 0.079 m 7.0 0.09 0.09 m m 5.3 5.3 m 7 7 m sqrt(y2 + (x1-x4)2) 1.30 1.30 m sqrt(y2 + (x2-x3)2) 0.41 0.41 ((y1+y2)/2) - ((y3+y4/2)) 7.01 m from survey points/graph -3.8 m from survey points/graph 99.67 m from survey points/graph 3.2 m from survey points/graph 99.67 m from survey points/graph 2.8 m from survey points/graph 99.6 m from survey points/graph -2.5 m from survey points/graph 99.56 m from survey points/graph from points (2.7,9.8) to (2.5, -7.5) 99.68 m 18.1 m 180 Table F-4: Overflow channel calculations- water level of 1.82 ft Variable Q Description discharge, m3/s Formula Solve (1.0/n)A(R )(S ) 0.007 2/3 1/2 Result 0.0069 discharge, af/day Q*70.0456199 0.482 A cross-sectional area of channel (y/2)(b +T) 0.050 0.5 0.050 S bottom slope of channel (s1 – x3)/d 0.004 0.004 n Manning roughness coefficient, for coarse gravel with cobbles (Cowan, 1956) hydraulic radius R P A/P y b base of the overflow area x3-x4 T top of the overflow area x2-x1 a left bank length c right bank length x1 x value for top left side trapezoid y value for top left side trapezoid x value for top right side trapezoid y value for top right side trapezoid x value for bottom right side trapezoid y value for bottom right side trapezoid x value for bottom left side trapezoid y value for bottom left side trapezoid overflow channel elevation x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 s1 d m3/s af/day m2 0.035 wetted perimeter of crosssectional flow area height of the overflow area y1 Units 0.020 0.020 m 2.5 a+b+c ((y1+y2)/2) ((y3+y4/2)) 2.50 0.03 m m 0.8 0.8 m 2.5 2.5 m sqrt(y2 + (x1-x4)2) 1.00 1.00 sqrt(y2 + (x2-x3)2) 0.70 0.70 0.03 m m of from survey points/graph -3.5 m from survey points/graph 99.61 m from survey points/graph -1 m from survey points/graph 99.61 m from survey points/graph -1.7 m from survey points/graph 99.6 m from survey points/graph -2.5 m from survey points/graph 99.56 m from survey points/graph from points (2.7,9.8) to (-2.5, -7.5) 99.68 m 18.1 m of of of of of of of distance from overflow channel to road 181 Figure F-1: Outflow area plan view 182 Figure F-2: Outflow area profile view 183 REFERENCES ASTM D2488-93 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (VisualManual Procedure). 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